Lecture 1 basics - Peter Corvi taught PDF

Title Lecture 1 basics - Peter Corvi taught
Course Fundamentals of Finance
Institution The University of Warwick
Pages 4
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Peter Corvi taught...


Professor Peter Corvi IB266 Fundamentals of Finance

Lecture 1

0. Basics Key Readings

Hillier, Ross et al. 9.1-9.6 Bodie et al. 5.4-5.5, 18.2

Introduction •

IB235 Finance 1 is mainly concerned with techniques for valuing financial assets – the same techniques will be applied in IB236 Finance 2 to value real assets used in capital projects

Examples of financial assets include equities, bonds and derivatives, and we will learn in this module how to value all three

In general, to calculate the fair value today of an asset, we need – to forecast the cash flows (e.g. dividends on shares, coupon payments on bonds) that the asset is expected to pay out in the future – a mechanism for expressing those expected future cash flows in so-called present-value terms 1

Risk •

We also need to recognise that assets in the real world are risky – this means that the size and timing of the future cash flows are uncertain

So we also have to have some means of modelling (and measuring) risk

Statistics provides some of the answers – best forecast of a future cash flow is the expected value (in the sense of the mean of the distribution of possible values) of that future cash flow – risk is measured by the variance (or equivalently its square root, the standard deviation) of the distribution of possible values for that future cash flow

How banks calculate compound interest provides a clue as to how to calculate present values – run compound interest calculation in reverse gear

Certain vs. Uncertain • •

We will start by assuming a world of certainty and learn how to discount future cash flows that are known today with certainty back to the present day We will then introduce risk – risk will be incorporated in our models by assuming that any one of a number of states are possible in the future We will assume that the payoff in each of these possible future states is known today with certainty – what we don’t know today is which of these states will occur at that point in the future – we will also assume that we know the probabilities that each of these states will occur What we will need to be able to calculate, then, are – the expected (in the sense of the probability-weighted average) future cash flow – the variance (and hence standard deviation) of possible values for that future cash flow


Different Outcomes • Uncertainty about future payoff Pt+1 is modelled by assuming there are a number of possible states 1, 2, … N next period with probabilities p1, p2, … pN time t

time t+1 state 1

P(1) t1


P(2)1 t

p2 . .


state 2

. .


P (N1 ) t

state N

• Probabilities sum to 1: π1 π2 ...  π N  1 • Expected future payoff E[Pt+1] is given by: E[ P ]  π  P(1)  π  P(2) ...  π Ν  P( N ) t 1

1 t 1

2 t 1

t 1

• Variance var[Pt+1] of future payoffs: 





(N )


 E[P ] var[Pt 1 ]  π1  P  E[P ]  π2  P  E[P ]  ...  π Ν  P t 1  t  1   t 1  t 1  t 1 t 1    

Rates of Return •

Often, it will be more convenient to work in terms of returns rather than payoffs or cash flows

If we pay Pt today for a share of stock, hold on to it for one period in order to receive the dividend D t+1 that it pays at the end of that period, and then sell the share for P t+1 , our one-period rate of return Rt equals: Rt 

(Pt 1 Pt )  Dt1 Pt

Pt 1 Dt 1  Pt  (1 Rt )

There are two components to this rate of return – capital gain = (P t+1 -Pt)/Pt – dividend yield = Dt+1 /Pt

• •

This method of calculating rates of return is known as discrete compounding Continuously-compounded rates of return are calculated as follows (no dividends): P    Rt  ln  t 1   Pt  

R Pt 1  Pt e t


Example • Three equally-likely scenarios next period Scenarios: – “recession”, “normal”, “growth” • Two investment prospects – shares in car manufacturers, gold

• Sample calculations:

1. “Recession” 2. “Normal”

Rate of Return R Cars Gold -8% 20% 5% 3%

3. “Growth” 18% -20% Expected return 5% 1% Variance of returns 112.7%% 268.7%% Standard deviation 10.6% 16.4% [= variance]

E[ Rcars]  1 ( 8%)  1 (5%)  1 (18%)  5% 3 3 3 var[ Rcars]  1( 8% 5%) 2  1(5% 5%) 2  1 (18%  5%) 2 3 3 3  112.7%%

Summary •

We need to be able to value assets whose future payoffs are not known today with certainty

Two key issues – how do the future cash flows that the asset pays impact the value of the asset today? – how do we account for fact that these future cash flows are not known today with certainty?

The first issue requires us to adjust the future cash flows for the time value of money – this process of discounting future cash flows is the reverse of compounding and requires us to know (or estimate) the rate of return

The second issue requires us to – determine the expected value of the distribution of possible values for each future cash flow – adjust the rate of return that we use to discount these expected future cash flows for the level of risk associated with those cash flows

Risk is measured by variance (or standard deviation) of distribution of possible future cash flows


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