Lecture Notes, Lectures 1-12 -Web Development, Lecturer: Phil Joyce PDF

Title Lecture Notes, Lectures 1-12 -Web Development, Lecturer: Phil Joyce
Author Alex Cummaudo
Course Creating Web Applications
Institution Swinburne University of Technology
Pages 133
File Size 2.6 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 32
Total Views 141


Lecture notes for Web Development (now Creating Web Applications).
Lecturer: Phil Joyce...


Lecture #1

Alex Cummaudo: Sims 1744070

Web Concept, History, Web Apps!


Section 1: Web Concepts Internet ‣

Physical structure is very detailed! -

Transmission media includes fibre-optic, satellites, phone-lines etc.!

Internet grown to connect many devices: computers, cells, TVs etc.!

Networks ‣

Group of nodes throughout the world that are linked together by some media!

Most common structure is client/server


Server gives/offers something: service


Client requests services!

Types of networks: LANs and WANs! -

Restricted to geographical area, but too subjective: what defines that area?!


Historically LAN is: Faster, Reliable!


Historically WAN: Slow, Prone to errors!


Today LANs & WANs have same characteristics: High speed, Low error rate!


Internet is world’s largest WAN!

The Internet ‣

A global interconnection of networks and independent computers using a universal language/protocol (TCP/IP) to communicate -

TCP/IP is the underlying difference between the Internet and other global networks (i.e. the telephone network)!

If you want to connect to the net, you must speak/use TCP/IP!

Offers services: WWW, SMTP, FTP, Telnet*, Gopher*, NNTP* (*not greatly used today)!

The World Wide Web (WWW) ‣

A collaboration of computers that allow for the transmission of documents across the Internet!

Uses browser and server software to provide collection of documents in hypertex structure across the internet!

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Lecture #1

Alex Cummaudo: Sims 1744070

Web Concept, History, Web Apps!


How the Internet Works Client: Send me a document Server: Which one? Client: Server\Docs\document.pdf Server: Where do I send it to? Client: Me Server: No I can’t: 1-you don’t have permission and 2-that file doesn’t exist

Client IP:

Server serves files back to client and client decodes MIME

Server IP: Client Connects

Requests www.google.com

Server retrieves specified file and d it ( i MIME)



DNS Looks & matches www.google.com to

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Lecture #1

Alex Cummaudo: Sims 1744070

Web Concept, History, Web Apps!


Browsers and Servers ‣

Web browsers/severs collaborate in client/server relation!

Client/Server Semantics: I send a request for which I get a response!

Server Software: provides responses to client’s requests!

Client Software (Browser): handles user’s requests:!


Client locates and connects to server !


Client requests a document from the server: HTTP!


Server locates the document within itself !


Server serves/responds the document out: HTTP!


Client receives the response!


Browser formats and displays served document!

Browsers and servers work on universal standards:! -

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol! ▪

Key protocol that manages the request/response exchange between browsers and servers!


URL: Uniform resource locator! ▪

Identifies location of document and how to send it (the protocol)!

HTTP have stateless connections! -

Connection active only for single requests; after response, HTTP forgets abou any connection!


Reduces overhead of simultaneous multiple connections to one server!


No memory of past connections:! ▪

Username and password forgotten after connection lost; annoying!

How do clients find servers? ‣

All nodes on the internet have a unique IP address!

IP addresses can have simple, easily-remembered domain names: google.com!

DNS (Domain Name System) servers provide a service to translate/match the

domain name to the correct IP address (i.e. www.google.com matched to! ‣

13 root name DNS servers on Internet that store every domain name on it; very we protected in case of failure, others include authoritative and local name servers!

With DNS server, don’t have to remember IP address/look them up manually any more

Web Documents - What Are They?

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Lecture #1

Alex Cummaudo: Sims 1744070

Web Concept, History, Web Apps! ‣


WWW is designed on central, singular element called Web Page -

They’re written in a HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) Format!


Users view one page at a time: it’s the single “unit of organisation” of the web!


They incorporate many media (image, text, sound, Flash) together to give us content!

Web Sites are a collection of Web pages brought together for a specific purpose! Swinburne’s Web Site brings together Web Pages that are Swinburne-related

Web Documents - How are they structured and interlinked? ‣

Structured as Hypertext! -

Text that can act as link (hyperlink) to take user from one document to another!


It’s user-based:! ▪

View the content in any topical order that suits user and their objectives!

When designing websites, need to consider why user is there and the objectives in being there!

This is the central and most unique feature of the WWW!

Links can point internally in the webpage, website or externally to another site!

Links linked in a uniform manner through URLs (which describe where links go to)!

Web Documents - How do we define that structure? ‣

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) -

Markup language that tells browser how to lay out the structure and content o a web document!


Indicates the logical ‘elements’ within documents!


It isn’t a programming language (JS) nor is it a formatting language (CSS)!

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) -

Style description language that tells browser how to present and format the logical ‘elements’ of a document!


It is a SEPARATE document !

HTML is the structure of building; where the rooms go, location of objects in each room. CSS is the style/presentation of building; what colours to use, the layout and style used.

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

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Lecture #1

Alex Cummaudo: Sims 1744070

Web Concept, History, Web Apps! ‣


Universally defines rules on how to exchange information that is non-textua information is transferred and interpreted with MIMEs!

Information is encoded as text, exchanged, and then decoded to view it!

MIMEs contain standard sets of names (known as MIME Content Types) fo different types of data!

MIMEs tell the browser to what type of content the data is and hence how to decode it as that data so that it can be viewed !

Without MIMEs, a browser would ask the user how to decode it (again we’re lazy)!







Server sends a client a PDF document A browser receives that PDF, and sees the MIME ‘program/pdf’. The MIME tells it that data is encoded as a PDF: thus it decodes/reconstructs it as a PDF When MIMEs don’t work: the hieroglyphics when opening a PDF in MS Word! ‣

Why Mail? Email can only send text, not binary!!

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)—http://www.w3.org/ ‣

Group of developers, programmers and authors formed in 1994 who:! -

Set up standards and protocols of the internet!


Help bring web to full potential!

No enforcement power!

W3C recommendations followed; a uniform approach to building the WWW is in th best interest of everyone!

Their recommended standards cover HTML, CSS, XML, SVG, PNG etc.!

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Lecture #1

Alex Cummaudo: Sims 1744070

Web Concept, History, Web Apps!


Section 2: History ‣

Internet born in 1969 with 2 nodes -


1960s: US DoD create ARPANet that is! ▪


Can survive if network partly destroyed/down!

It shares information across universities (universities processed some information of US DoD nuclear bomb testing etc.)!

Email to communicate between machines, FTP to move files back and forth between machines, Telnet to virtually login/be at a machine all made early 1970!

1977: TCP/IP invented; branches of other complex networks linked to ARPANet and it’s standardised in 1982!

1984: DNS introduced (100 nodes connected in 1977; users had to remember all of their IP manually prior to DNS!!)!

1985: First major hypertext system introduced by Xerox!

1989: ARPANet replaced by NSFNet (National Science Foundation Network)! -

Shift from military-based/operated to education-based/operated!

1990: WWW created by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN -

Links across machines (URLs)!


Common document markup language for writing hypertext documents (HTML)!


Simple common protocol for exchanging hypertext documents (HTTP)!


A way to view and read those hypertext documents (Browsers-First graphical web browser in 1993)!

1994: -

WWW grows at >300,000%


HTML 2.0 Released!


Yahoo Internet Directory begins!


First W3C Meeting!


6.5 Million Hosts!

1995: IE 1.0, Java!

1997: HTML 4!

1998: Google!

2000: Internet’s excessive growth causes too much investment; stock bubble bursts -

A website that sells ePetfood does not = profits

Websites that embrace a new medium and different way that it works survive eBay, Amazon, Google, Yahoo!

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Lecture #1

Alex Cummaudo: Sims 1744070

Web Concept, History, Web Apps! ‣

Web matures in early 2000s: -

XHTML 1.0!


Napster (illegal use of internet/piracy emerges)


No. XML-based apps grows!


DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks!


Security is a concern

Academics using web only = no crimes!

Rest of society join web = crimes!


Mobiles connected!





2005: Web 2.0 -


The Web becomes social

Today: ! -

Web Usage is three times growth rate of human population!


6.85 billion users!


Recovering from the bust and now beginning of another boom…!

Current web generation:! -







Business Apps.!

Future of the Web! -

Web currently based on sharing documents not their content


W3C works on a semantic web:! ▪

Share information and what the content means directly!

Not just share documents that’s difficult/time-consuming to extract data from!

Googling weather in Melbourne gives: - Webpage with that information - Advertisements and other information I requested just the weather, why do I get all this other unrelated content?

Weather app example is semantic web; it’s not a web-page but still delivers related content

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Lecture #1

Alex Cummaudo: Sims 1744070

Web Concept, History, Web Apps! ‣

Resource Description Framework:! -

RDF uses meta-data of ‘data about data’!


How we describe data!

Description of the format of a library catalogue is an example ‣

One Web Concept:! -



Web for everyone ▪



Web on everything ▪



rich web (web 2.0)!

Web of data and services ▪


Semantic Web (web 3.0)!

Web as an OS that will provide all non-web applications ▪

Do everything you would inside a browser!


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Lecture #1

Alex Cummaudo: Sims 1744070

Web Concept, History, Web Apps!


Section 3: Web Applications Web Applications—What are they? ‣

Applications allowing dynamic generation of content; provide services for us!

Not static web-pages!


Require server-side programming!


Databases to store information!


All to provide interactivity

Examples: Web Search Engines, Web Directories, Forums, Blogs, Wikis, CMS!

Web Applications—How do they work? ‣

Client requests server for something!

Server passes request to the web application! -

Application processes request and generates a dynamic response -

Web application sends a SQL query to the database and retrieves some info.! Details on how to format/present that info. sent too!

Response sent back to client

Web Search Engine ‣

Search engines search for files stored on computers!

Web Search Engines search for Web Files (Web Pages) on the WWW!


User enters search criteria (key words/phrases)


Search engine looks for possible matches to this criteria!


Results ordered by a matching/most-relevant rank in a list!

They work by automated-bots (‘Web Crawlers’) crawling the WWW to collect info. on web pages! -

Google has collected more info. over longer time than say Bing or Yahoo! which is

why it’s better!

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Lecture #1

Alex Cummaudo: Sims 1744070

Web Concept, History, Web Apps!


Web Directories ‣

Directories of links to web sires that are categorised -

Categories based on keywords or topics!

Categories organised by people (not bots as per search engines)! -

Allow people to submit their websites; confirmed by Editors!


Some web directories ask for money to be included in commercial categories ! ▪


Attract customers with ‘featured ads’ in relevant categories!

Examples are Yahoo!, LookSmart, Google!

Online Forums ‣

Allows people to post messages on a message (forum) board to contribute to a broad range of topics!

Organised as:! -

‘Threads’ or topics


Chronological order of ‘flat’ posts!


Both (including filtering etc.)!

Forums exist complimentary to another website with a specific purpose! -

Apple forums for troubleshooting Apple’s hardware/software!

Avatars: customised profiles and appearances!

Forums moderated to filter out inappropriate or unrelated posts!

Web Logs (Blogs) ‣

Collects posts into common webpage! -

Range from personal diaries to political campaigns!


Content work of multiple or single users!


Users can comment on posts: dev. community of active and passive participants!

Blogosphere: Collective content of related blog posts/comments!

Blogstorm: Sudden increase of blog activity!

Content archived, so static permalinks (permanent links) to view old content!

Blog sites offer content to be displayed as raw data feeds (as RSS or as Atom XML)! -

Multiple feeds from multiple sites aggregated and read with feed readers

TrackBack: Keeping track of who has seen an original post and then posted anothe entry about it! -

Done via ping messages to provide alerts!

Blogs implemented with CMS!

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Lecture #1

Alex Cummaudo: Sims 1744070

Web Concept, History, Web Apps!


Wiki ‣

Interactive method for multiple authors to contribute to existing content! Why is it when I write a web page, no one else can modify it? Hence, wikis were born! No one has their own webpage—anyone can modify it

Accessed with browsers and have their own markup language to format links headings, lists etc.! -

Some wiki software offers a WYSIWYG interface (don’t learn a new markup lang.)!

Pages quickly created/updated -

No need for review before modifications accepted!


Offers ‘Recent changes’ so can see what’s happened!

Wiki derives from:! -

WikiWikiWeb of Portland Pattern Repository (the first Wiki)!


Quick/Fast in Hawaiian!

User registration not required to contribute and edit!

Content Management System (CMS) ‣

CMS: Software that supports collaborative creation and management of content

WCM: CMS as a web site (hence Web Content Management)!

Very general definition:! -

Project Management!




Online Collaborative Documentation!


Inventory/Stock Management!


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