Lecture Notes (Nov-Dec) PDF

Title Lecture Notes (Nov-Dec)
Author Jake Mechler
Course American History, Civil War Era To The Present
Institution University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pages 6
File Size 101 KB
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Lecture notes from November to December (Final Exam Topics) for History 102 taught by Paige Glotzer...


11/5 - American Indians in World War II (Guest Speaker) - Ira Hayes was an Indian from the Pima Tribe who fought in Iwo Jima - Iwo Jima was a battle in WWII - Navajo Code Talkers transmitted messages in war that could not be easily decoded - Allotment Act divided native land on reservations and sold the remaining acreage - American Indian Women volunteered in the war with more than 10,000 working in the defense industry, Red Cross, etc. - Japanese Internment Camps held Japanese Americans during WWII and Native Americans often worked on these 11/7 - World War II - Germany’s Political State before WWII revolved around facism and nationalism - Hitler was elected to power and turned Germany into a dictatorship - Eugenics was applied by Hitler implying a racial hierarchy - Aryans Race were targeted by Hitler and the Nazis and included Jewish people, gypsies, communists, the disabled and homesexuals - Hollocaust began before WWII even started, but was a major piece to the war in Germany as they exterminated Jews - The Night of the Crystal Glass was the beginning of the Hollocause as the government ondoned people to break glass of Jewish businesses and harm Jews - The St. Louis was a refuge boat for Jewish Germans that arrived in NY in 1939, but was sent away due to Immigration Quotas of the 1920s - Pearl Harbor was a Navy Base for the US and was bombed by Japan in 1941. - Segregation in WWII was applied as the Red Cross kept white and colored blood separate - Smith-Connally Act restricted organized labor in times of war - A. Phillip Randolph was a leader in the Civil Rights Movement, the American labor movement, and socialist political parties. - Exec Order 8802 was issued by FDR which outlawed labor segregation for any business that held a contract with the government 11/12 - Soy Post-WWII (Guest Speaker) - EuroAmerican was an immigrant from a European Country in America - Soy was first founded in Asia and was used in tofu, soy sauce, tempeh and more. It was rarely consumed by EuroAmericans - Food-rationing limited the amount of food people could at on the homefront to evenly distribute resources -- meat & protein largely rationed - Victory Garden meant that people would grow their own food in yards and/or public parks - Soybeans were used as a protein in WWII with difficult meat rations - Milfred Lager wrote cookbooks on using soybeans for protein in good-tasting ways - K-rations were soldier food rations sometimes made with soy powder mixed with water to make soup

- 7 Year’s Itch was a popular film that mocked soy 11/12 Post-War Prosperity - Structural relationships shaped post-war America between the federal government, business & individual Americans - Geography of Prosperity meant that certain areas were more successful than others in America - Federal Housing Policy allowed the US to be prosperous as redlining continued - FHA took HOLC’s criteria and extended to every private lender and made redlining even stronger - GI Bill (Servicemen's Readjustment Act) was passed to ensure veterans they would be treated well, it ensured veterans a social safety net as it had giant sums of money set aside to help veterans in all aspects of their lives - Prefabrication meant that houses could come in separate pieces and just had to be put together making housing very cheap - Interstate Highway Act allowed the federal government to pay for 90% of highways as long as they hit certain criteria connecting to suburbs and going through major US cities - Ideal Family was 1 dad, 1 mom and a bunch of kids all living in 1 home - Capitalism (buying things) flourished and advertised towards women often for decorating and using items in homes like appliances - Consumer’s Republic maintained a high rate for production by stimulating a high rate of consumption, the key to post-war prosperity - Baby boomers were those born after WWII 11/14 Post-War Prosperity (continued) - USSR/Russia/Soviet Union was an ally to the US during WWII, but a set communist force. After the war they had troops stationed throughout Europe and tried to exert more influence in Eastern Europe - George Kennan’s Telegram was issued by Kennan, he was a US diplomat in Moscow and sent a note to US saying Russian political influence may grow, meaning communism will spread - Containment was developed to try and stop Russian Growth - Iron Curtain is what Winston Churchill referred to as the political divide in Europe as Britain and France controlled East Berlin and the Soviets controlled West Berlin - Cold War was a political and social war, the military never got involved but was threatened - Alliances during the Cold War grew based off of communist or not status - Warsaw Pact was the Eastern, Communist Europe - NATO was Western Europe, US and Canada and they vowed to protect each other and avoid communist growth - Nuclear weapons were used as threats during the Cold War, both US & USSR had them - Mutually Assured Destruction meant that neither the US or USSR wanted to use nuclear weapons as the casualties of both would have been massive

Paranoia grew as anyone could be a secret communist Red Scare was a major piece to the paranoia as the US needed to support capitalism and American success - Lavender Scare was the fear of who was gay; you could have a secret meaning you could be a secret communist - Blacklisting occurred to those exposed in both the Red and Lavender Scare - Joseph McCarthy said he had a list of names belonging to the communist party in the US, it became bhis duty to find out who supported it. A series of hearings where people had to give names of potential communists were held - McCarthyism was an anti-communist hysteria by McCarthy - Boycotting was large in the fight for the Civil Rights movement and respectability politics in the Civil Rights movement became prominent - Rosa Parks was chosen and planted on a bus to be the face of movements as she and the cause she had were respectable - Brown v Board of Education desegregated public schools and barred separate but equal, determining it was actually unequal - Doll Experiment provided evidence for Brown v Board of Ed as children of all races chose the white doll - Sunbelt were in the South and West and universities here received major funding - Military Industrial Complex is when businesses and more relocated to the Sunbelt, such as NASA to Texas - Right to Work States were often in the sunbelt and these states had anti-Union laws so businesses fled there 11/19 - 1960s, 1970s & 1980s, Civil & Sovereign Rights (Guest Speaker) - Civil Rights are the rights granted to individuals from the State and enforced by the State on the basis of equalship - Sovereign Rights are sovereign power over given territory, assets & citizens - The Double V Campaign was to fight against WWII and Jim Crow at home - JFK was elected in 1960, he campaigned as “The New Frontier”, he was also younger and Catholic - Birmingham Campaign a stand by the Civil Rights movement, it was a reputable, nasty city and the mission was to desegregate economic life - Children’s Crusade was on May 2nd, 1963 and women and children marched and were met with police - Alcatraz (1969) was symbolic as it was a target for treaty rights. It shut down and became a surplus land and Indians were promised surplus lands, so it became the center of CA Indian Life which lasted for 2 years - MLK & Chicago Freedom Movement prompted the question of a national or regional movement, which ultimately chose national. It also addressed housing and education, there was a march on Marquette Park where white protesters fought and the Mayor & MLK renegotiated a racial deal which was not enforced strongly (overall failure) -

Trail of Broken Treaties was an American Indian Movement leading to the BIA Occupation - National Congress of Indian Americans (NCIA) was founded in response to the Trail of Broken Treaties - BIA Occupation was when Native Americans occupied a government building after Nixon was re-elected - 1968 Turning Point was due to escalation in Vietnam, MLK Jr was assassinated and LBJ denied re-election, allowing Nixon to win. - Black Panthers was a political party founded in 1966 by Newton & Seale to protest police violence and economic justice - Wounded Knee, South Dakota - ICWA (Indigenous Children Welfare Act) was when Native Children up for adoption must first be offered to their Native Tribe 11/21 - 1960s & Early 1970s - Decolonization lead to newly independent nations -- former territories of imperialist countries became independent - Covert diplomatic - Soft Power meant setting up deals with nations involving money in exchange for military or manufacturing - Election of 1948 - Democrats were split and Strom Thermond formed the Dixiecrats, allowed Republican Eisenhower to win - George Wallace was a governor of Alabama and an arch-segregationist Dixiecrat - Little Rock Nine, Arkansas prevented 9 people from going to school due to segregation - Civil Rights Act (1964) was signed by LBJ and banned segregation in public accommodations, employment and unions. Federal funds could not be used to fund discriminatory laws. - Voting Rights Act (1965) - Great Society came as federal money was put into job creation, housing and remedying injustice - Fair Housing made it illegal to discriminate in housing based on race - Segregationists moved to the sunbelt to try and support thriving business - Barry Goldwather was an anti-communist, pro-business Repoublican candidate in 1964, he lost as Republican party shifted mainstream to stop the goverment from interrupting in business - Colorblindness became a political strategy, making loopholes to avoid talking about it but used private schools to keep segregation - Internal colonization came as African Camericans gained independence in all countries, including the US; all black cities were considered 3rd World - Self-Determination came in different forms, Black Panthers at the center fo Blakc Power, Red Power & Chicano organizations - Richard Nixon ascended as a right-wing Republican and claimed that whites had to fear -

black power 12/2 - Civil Rights Movement in Historical Memory (Guest Speaker) - Historical Memory is the context in which history is argued by historians - Affirmative Action were policies that helped disadvantaged minority groups to get jobs and more to correct previous wrongdoings - 1978 Regents of the University of CA v Bakke came as a white applicant not allowed into college sued and won - Oil Embargo an alliance of Middle Eastern countries controlled oil, OPEC disagreed with US’s aid to Israel and Middle Eastern countries stopped giving oil - OPEC - Stagnating Wages, unemployment & inflation were all keys to the 70s, post-War, quality of life decreased and impacted the whole US - 1974 Watergate Scandal - Nixon resigned as shady deals were exposed including Watergate Hotel wiretapping, caused lost of respect for Presidents - Gerald Ford was shit on in 1975 and received hate from American people - Yuppies were young, urban professionals in the financial world, lifestyle tied to work (Wallstreet type) - Power Suits were outfits for women yuppies - Arson became popular as landlords purposely burned their buildings to renovate for high-end condos - Farm-Crisis was when rural America and farmers produced too much grain, the US bought it and stored it making the price of grain to rise 12/5 - End of the 20th Century - Gentrification was renovating or redeveloping a neighborhood resulting in a shift in demographics from negative affluent to positive affluent - Ronald Reagan dawned a new America, won by landslide - Religious Right came as Evangelical Chirstians were a part of of the large conservative movement as morals became a large piece to the republican platform - Anita Bryant was an anti-gay activist in FL that spoke out for anti-LGBT legislation and spoke against Miami pro-gay policy - Emergence of Aids rose in the 80s and not much was known about it, politicians often ignored - Pat Buchanan blamed gays for aids - 1980 Grassroot Efforts tried to rally against AIDS epidemic - Berlin Wall fell and marked the end to Cold War - Goerge HW Bush won election based on tough on crime platform - Willie Horton was a violent black criminal who participated in Furleau (living outside of prison) and killed and raped many white woman - Lee Attwater was Bush’s political strategist who sent colorblind and racist messages - Bill Clinton was a very TV savvy politician beating Bush, tried to shift Democrats more central

Crime Bill (1994) was a bipartisan bill that favored federal money going to areas that increased fighting crime - Terrorism became a problematic fear in the 1990s - Oklahoma City Bombing was a terrorist attack aimed at the federal government with the intent to kill - Timothy McBay was a terrorist in the Oklahoma City Bombing (whtite supremacist) - War on Terror (Forever War) began after 9/11 and allowed prominent federal policy - George W Bush was the President during 9/11 who passed laws against the Middle East & Muslims as they were terrorists 12/10 - The Past & The Present - Hurricane Katrina (2005) impacted the gulf coast (especially New Orleans) as it was below sea level and caused devastation - Great Recession (2008) was one of the worst economic turns mainly due to housing flop - Subprime Housing Crisis lead to many Americans losing homes because of the terms of loans - Subprime Mortgage had skyhigh interest rates - Deregulation was an attempt to allow businesses to make their own rules, making government smaller and leaving businesses alone - Reverse Redlining helped create the economic and subprime mortgage crisis. Banks began to provide loans to redlined areas and provided very bad, subprime mortgages - Students Loans were not always a debt, the National Defense Education Act provided small pool of loans to scientists, engineers and other fields to help the US against Soviet Union -...

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