Lecture plan atomic and molecular physics PDF

Title Lecture plan atomic and molecular physics
Author Kamal Hussain Khan
Course Physics
Institution University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Pages 3
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PHY-5605 Atomic & Molecular Physics Credit Hours: Three (03) Aims and Objectives: Atomic Physics is the branch of Physics which is concerned with the study of structure and properties of atom. It has wide applications in many areas of science and technology such as its use in medical research and in semiconductor industry. The aim of the course is to study the developed and developing theories about the structure of atom, and its behavior governed by the quantum mechanical principles. An effort has been made for students to understand the following aspects;  the spectrum of Hydrogen atom  assumptions and conclusions of Bohr model to vector atom model  single step & two step transitions between energy levels  Nature and production of X-rays.  quantum theory of radiation  wave particle nature  fundamental of lasers Outlines: Atomic Structure and Atomic Spectra: Bohr theory of Atomic structure and atomic spectra, Correction for nuclear motion, Sommerfeld elliptic orbits, relativity correction and hydrogen fine structure, Vector model of the atom, Orbital angular momentum, spin angular momentum, total angular momentum, Orbital and spin magnetic moments, magnetic quantum numbers, space quantization, coupling scheme (LS and JJ coupling), Pauli's exclusion principle, distribution of electrons in an atom, spectral notations, Zeeman effect (normal and Ananolous), Spectra of two electrons atom, Inner core electron spectra (X-rays), Stark effect. Quantum Theory of Radiation: The failure of classical Physics to describe atomic phenomena, the emission and absorption of thermal radiation, classical theory of thermal radiation and its failure, Planks’ quantum theory of thermal radiation. The Waves and the Particles: De-Brogli’s hypothesis, diffraction of electron and neutron, velocity of the de-Brogli wave, group velocity, and particle velocity Molecular Structure and Spectra: Structure of Molecules, Covalent and Ionic Bonds, Electronic Structure of Diatomic Molecules, Rotation and Vibration of Diatomic Molecules, Born-Oppenheimer Approximation. Electronic Spectra, Transition Probabilities and Selection Rules, Frank- Condon Principle, H2+ and H2. Effects of Symmetry and Exchange. Bonding and Anti-bonding Orbitals. Electronic Spin and Hund’s Cases, Nuclear Motion: Rotation and Vibrational Spectra (Rigid Rotation, Harmonic Vibrations). Selection Rules. Spectra of Triatomic and Polyatomic Molecules, Raman Spectroscopy, Mossbauer Spectroscopy. Laser: Interaction of radiation with matter, Black body radiation, Principles of Laser operation, Pumping process, Passive optical resonators, CW and transient Laser behaviour, Q-Switching, Types of Lasers, Laser detectors, Application of lasers Recommended Book: 1. C. N. Banwell and E. M. McCash, “Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy”, McGraw-Hill, 4th ed. 1994.

3. J. M. Hollas, “Basic Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy”, John Wiley, 2002. 4. Concepts of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 6th Edition, 2011. 44

reference Books: 1. Modern Physics, Serway, Moses and Moyer, Thomson Books, 3rd Edition, 2007. 2. Modern Physics, S. L. Kakani, Viva, 1st Edition, 2011 3. Atomic Physics, S. N. Ghoshal, S Chand & Company, 1st Edition, 2011. 4. Physics of the Atom, Wher, Richard, Norasa, 4th Edition, 2002. 5. Atomic spectra and Atomic structure, Herzberg, Dover New York. 6. Principles of Lasers, Orazvo Svelto, 3rd edition. 7. B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachain, “Physics of Atoms and Molecules”, Pearson Education, 2nd ed. 2008. 8. W. Demtroder, “Atoms, Molecules and Photons”, y, Springer, 2nd ed. 2010.

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Contents Bohr theory of Atomic structure and atomic spectra, Correction for nuclear motion, Sommerfeld elliptic orbits, relativity correction and hydrogen fine structure, Vector model of the atom, Orbital angular momentum, spin angular momentum, total angular momentum Orbital and spin magnetic moments, magnetic quantum numbers, space quantization, coupling scheme (LS and JJ coupling) Pauli's exclusion principle, distribution of electrons in an atom, spectral notations, Zeeman effect (normal and Ananolous), Spectra of two electrons atom Inner core electron spectra (X-rays), Stark effect. Quiz 1 /Discussion/ Assignments The failure of classical Physics to describe atomic phenomena The emission and absorption of thermal radiation Classical theory of thermal radiation and its failure Planks’ quantum theory of thermal radiation De-Brogli’s hypothesis, diffraction of electron and neutron, velocity of the de-Brogli wave group velocity, and particle velocity MIDTERM EXAM Structure of Molecules, Covalent and Ionic Bonds, Electronic Structure of Diatomic Molecules, Rotation and Vibration of Diatomic Molecules Born-Oppenheimer Approximation. Electronic Spectra,

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Transition Probabilities and Selection Rules, Frank- Condon Principle, H2+ and H2. Effects of Symmetry and Exchange. Bonding and Anti-bonding Orbitals. Electronic Spin and Hund’s Cases Nuclear Motion: Rotation and Vibrational Spectra (Rigid Rotation, Harmonic Vibrations), Selection Rules Spectra of Triatomic and Polyatomic Molecules Raman Spectroscopy, Mossbauer Spectroscopy QUIZ 2 / Discussion Assignments2 Interaction of radiation with matter, Black body radiation, Principles of Laser operation, Pumping process, Passive optical resonators, CW and transient Laser behavior Q-Switching, Types of Lasers, Laser detectors Application of lasers Discussion Terminal...

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