Lenses Of Theory Analysis: Systems Theory Assignment PDF

Title Lenses Of Theory Analysis: Systems Theory Assignment
Course Social Work Theories
Institution Flinders University
Pages 6
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Assessment 3 Lenses of Theory Analysis: Systems Theory The main focus of systems theory is on the relationship between a person and their environment (Payne 2014). Systems theory argues that a person and their environment should be in a state of equilibrium and aims at keeping this balance (Payne 2014). The fundamental aim of systems theory in social work is to evaluate and determine the target system or subsystem for intervention and create positive change (Teater 2014). Systems theory is important in social work as it allows us to develop a holistic view of individuals within an environment, which can help social workers further understand and assess the situation individuals are facing and to find appropriate intervention (Teater 2014). It also allows social workers to help strengthen connections between the individual and their family or community (Payne 2014). Systems theory stems from the desire to understand and explain the versatile interactions of different parts of a system and how these parts interconnect to create a whole (Teater 2014). The use of systems theory in social work practice became more well-known in the 1970s as theorists believed that social systems could be used to provide a framework for social workers in their assessment of individuals, communities and families, and provide a range of targets of intervention when attempting to modify a system (Teater 2014). Due to the lack of direction for social workers after assessment of systems and the non-human language of systems theory, the ecological perspective was developed (Teater 2014). The ecological perspective stems from ecology, and it was found that the language and approach used was more appropriate for assessing and explaining individuals in their environments and provided a foundation for social work practice (Teater 2014). The two principles that will be applied to the Cruize family case study include; -

Interdependence of networks (Teater 2014) Systems theory supports individual’s participation to change and self-determination (Ambrosino 2007).

In relation to the first principle, interdependence of networks, the social worker can look at the level of person:environment fit of the Cruize family and then tailor intervention accordingly to increase the level of person:environment fit (Teater 2014). By looking at the case study it can be seen that Anthony has a negative person:environment fit as he is disengaged with school and community service, is struggles to communicate effectively with his parents and is clearly distressed about his Uncle John. This in turn is affecting Anthony’s family as his younger brother

Andrew sees Anthony as a role model and is following in his footsteps. Anthony’s parents are also concerned about his well being. By helping Anthony’s person:environment fit, it with consequently help the Cruize family environment. As a social worker I would use interventions that reduce stress for Anthony and promote positive growth and development, therefore increasing the level of his person:environment fit (Teater 2014). In order to reduce stress the social worker must identify what Anthony’s life stressors are that may be leading him to feel distressed (Teater 2014). I would talk to Anthony about how he feels and what he is struggling to cope with, I would use tools such as a genogram and ecomap to help understand and discuss the environment around Anthony and how they affect him. Once the stressors are identified the social worker can utilize the available and adequate resources to help Anthony to overcome them (Teater 2014). By looking at the eco map it can be seen that Anthony has a stressful relationship with his parents and a weak relationship with his sister. Resources such as family activities or counseling that could improve the communication between Anthony and his parents can be incorporated into the Cruize family’s weekly schedule. This could teach the family different and more positive ways to talk and understand each other. Also activities that involve strengthen the relationship between Lisa and Anthony could be incorporated and benefit both children. Throughout helping Anthony, the social worker should promote Anthony to take initiative and action to change and actively participate in improving his level of person:environment fit (Teater 2014). I would not determine the stressors in Anthony’s life, but instead work collaboratively with Anthony to help him identify them. By working together with Anthony I would help him prioritize his stressors and talk with him to create an intervention that we are both happy with. By collaboratively working with Anthony, the social worker can help increase Anthony’s attendance at school. This can be done by positive reinforcement such as incentives. The reasons why Anthony does not attend school should be discussed and an intervention should be put in place. For example, if the reason why Anthony does not go to school is to do with the classes he is enrolled in, then an agreement can happen between Anthony, the social worker and his school to get him put into classes he would prefer and would be more likely to attend. The school could also agree to shorten the school days for Anthony to get him back into the habit of attending school or place Anthony with a group of peers that could potential be his friends, if he is struggling to find friends. Anthony does not attend his community service. The social worker should discuss this with Anthony and find out the reasons why. If it is because he does not like the type of community service he is required to do the social worker could discuss options such as Anthony writing a letter to the community service officer to ask permission to do his community services in a

different setting. He could also suggest that he will catch up on the hours he missed if he is moved to a more enjoyable setting. Suggesting that Anthony writes the letter himself allows his to take responsibility for his actions and also promotes Anthony to actively participate.

Reference List

Ambrosino, R 2007, Social work and social welfare: an introduction, 6th edn, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Melbourne, pp. 49-82. Payne, M 2014, Modern social work theory, 4th edn, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, pp. 184-211. Teater, B 2014, An introduction to applying social theories and methods, 1st edn, McGraw-Hill Education, pp. 15-37....

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