Lesson 1-4 Quiz Answer PDF

Title Lesson 1-4 Quiz Answer
Course Exploring Our Food
Institution The University of British Columbia
Pages 11
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1. Match the sub-fields of food science with their brief description. (i) Food Chemistry (ii) Food Analysis (iii) Food Processing (a) Manufacturing, packaging, and handling of foods (b) Structure, composition and properties of foods (c) Methods involved in the understanding of food structure (i)-(a); (ii)-(b); (iii)-(c) (i)-(b); (ii)-(a); (iii)-(c) (i)-(b); (ii)-(c); (iii)-(a) (i)-(c); (ii)-(a); (iii)-(b) (i)-(c); (ii)-(b); (iii)-(a)

2. The statue of a French confectioner, ___(i)___, is placed outside of the headquarter of the Institute of Food Technologists (ift.org) to recognize his invention of ___(ii)___. (i) an ancient Egyptian, (ii) canning (i) an ancient Egyptian, (ii) winemaking (i) an ancient Egyptian, (ii) fermentation (i) Francois Nicolas Appert, (ii) canning (i) Francois Nicolas Appert, (ii) winemaking

3. Physical locations where a consumer may purchase and enjoy carrots: Farmer's Market Grocery Stores Food Services Establishments All of the above None of the above

4. Which Canadian provinces are the major producers of cereal grains? (i) BC (ii) Alberta (iii) Saskatchewan (iv) Manitoba (v) Ontario (ii) only (iii) only (iv) only (iii) and (iv) (ii), (iii), and (iv)

5. When are apples in BC being harvested? January April July October December

6. What percentage of atmosphere is oxygen? 0.3% 3% 21% 78% 94%

7. What are being controlled in controlled atmosphere storage? Temperature Humudity Oxygen Nitrogen All of the above

8. In the production of apple cider, __(i)__ is added to apple juice and yields the production of ___(ii)___. (i) bacterial culture; (ii) acetic acid (i) bacterial culture; (ii) ethanol (i) yeast; (ii) acetic acid (i) yeast; (ii) ethanol


Which option below is the most valuable value-added product made from apple juice waste?

Fruit Leather Pie Filling Apple Sauce Pectin Animal Feed

10. In 2017, the availability of these foods in Canada increased compared with previous years. (i) Celery and Broccoli (ii) Fresh Fruits (iii) Red Meat (iv) Poultry (v) Milk (i) and (ii) (ii) and (iv) (i), (ii), (iii) (i), (ii), (iv) (i), (ii), and (v)

11. Which is the following is the most accurate description of milk? Milk is a liquid. Milk is an aqueous. Milk is an emulsion. Milk is an oil-in-water emulsion. Milk in a water-in-oil emulsion.

12. Which of the following is the sweetest? Fructose Glucose Lactose Maltose Sucrose

13. In addition to acting as a sweetening agent, what is the primary role of sugar in jam? Browning agent Fermentation Preservative Produce hot supersaturated liquid

14. Which one of the following is NOT a product of Maillard reaction? Baked bread Toasted bread Roasted coffee Sugar cane

15. When cooked rice, or cooked pasta, turned hard again, the phenomenon is known as... Gelatinization Retrogradation Syneresis Dextrins

16. French fries are quickly prepared in deep fat frying due to oil's ability to: aerate carry aroma lubricate withstand high temperature

17. Which one of the following ingredients in a cup of latte is responsible for the foam? Carbohydrates Lactose Milk fat Milk protein

18. Arrange the following foods according to their water activity (highest to lowest). Apple (moisture content, 95%) Fresh Egg (moisture content, 75%) Fresh Meat (moisture content, 65%) Apple Jelly (moisture content, 35%) Apple > Apple Jelly > Fresh Egg > Fresh Meat Apple Jelly > Apple > Fresh Egg > Fresh Meat Apple > Fresh Egg > Fresh Meat > Apple Jelly None of the above Can't be determined; more information is needed.

19. Name the major acid in apple. Citric acid Lactic acid Malic acid Tartaric acid

20. In term of food safety, which one of the following pH is most critical? pH = 0 to 4.59 pH = 4.6 pH = between 4.6 and 13.0 pH = above 13.

21. Which of the following statement is true for Simplesse. The fat used to make deep-fried products, such as French fries, can be replaced by Simplesse. Microparticulation is a process used to make tiny spherical Simplesse particles. Products made with Simplesse must be labelled with Simplesse in the ingredient list. Simplesse is a carbohydrate-based fat substitute. Simplesse is a fat substitute because it is indigestible.

22. Match the following terms: 1. Simplesse 2. Maltrin 3. Olean i. Indigestible ii. Partially digestible iii. Fully digestible (1) and (i); (2) and (ii); (3) and (iii) (1) and (i); (2) and (iii); (3) and (ii) (1) and (ii); (2) and (i); (3) and (iii) (1) and (ii); (2) and (iii); (3) and (i) (1) and (iii); (2) and (i); (3) and (ii)

23. Why is this statement needed on products made with Olestra? "Vitamins A, D, E and K have been added." Enzymes that digest Olestra may also digest these vitamins. Olestra inhibits the absorption of these vitamins. Products made with Olestra are usually deep fried; deep frying destroys the availability of these vitamins. There is a need to enhance vitamin contents in potato chips.

24. Which of the following Olestra containing is commercially available in Canada? Low fat yogurt Processing meats Potato chips All of the above None of the above

25. Which sugar substitute provides a cool-refreshing sensation in chewing gum? Aspartame Cyclamate Sorbitol Sucralose

26. How do we describe the force used to squeeze a loaf of bread? Compression Cutting Tearing Tensile strength

27. How do we perceive aroma? Fat soluble volatiles interacting with receptors in our nasal passages. Fat soluble volatiles interacting with receptors on our tongue. Water soluble volatiles interacting with receptors in our nasal passages. Water soluble volatiles interacting with receptors on our tongue.

28. Match the oral sensations with the responsible molecules. i. Astringency ii. Pungency iii. Coolness i. Xylitol ii. Capsaicin iii. Tannis (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(c) (i)-(a), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b) (i)-(b), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c) (i)-(b), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a) (i)-(c), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(a)

29. Which analysis offers the most details during product development? Discriminative Analysis Difference Test Descriptive Analysis Hedonic Test

30. This test is best used to measure consumer acceptance level of a new product. Discriminative Analysis Difference Test Descriptive Analysis Hedonic Test

31. (i)__ is responsible for the administration of our Food and Drug Acts, while __(ii)__ is responsible for its reinforcement? (i) Health Canada: HPFB; (ii) CFIA (i) Health Canada: HPFB; (ii) Industry Canada (i) CFIA; (ii) Health Canada: HPFB (i) CFIA; (ii) Industry Canada (i) Industry Canada; (ii) CFIA

32. Which agency below is responsible for accurate labeling of foods? Health Canada: HPFB CFIA Industry Canada BC Ministry of Health City of Vancouver

33. Which of the following is NOT mandatory on the label of yogurt? Net quantitiy. % milk fat % alcohol Nutrition facts table List of ingredients

34. How many disease risk reduction claims are currently approved in Canada, according to CFIA website? 2 3 4 5 6

35. Which food below is NOT a standardized food? (A question like this will not be on the midterm/final) Enriched white bread Raisin bread Pizza dough Whole wheat bread Bread

36. Name the grades of eggs. Canada Fancy, Canada Choice Canada Fancy, Canada Processing Grade Canada Grade A, Canada Grade B Canada Grade A, B, C, and Next Run Golden, Amber, Dark, and Very Dark

37. Due to differences in definitions, there are roughly __(i)__ approved additives in Canada, while over __(ii)__ in the States. (i) 15; (ii) 300 (i) 15; (ii) 2600 (i) 300; (ii) 2600 (i) 15; (ii) 30

38. When the probable daily intake of an additive in question is > more the acceptable daily intake, the additive will: Be aprroved Not be approved Be approved with restricted use both B and C

39. Why do we use nitrites in cured meats? To enhance the pink colour in finished products To enhance flavours To act as an antimicrobial agent All of the above None of the above as nitrites are not approved to be added to cured meats in Canada.

40. Which agency is responsible for the approval of additives such as aspartame and nitrites? CFIA Health Canada Justice Canada Industry Canada...

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