Life of Pi Journal - idk sorry bro PDF

Title Life of Pi Journal - idk sorry bro
Author Such AGamer
Course Effective Writing II
Institution Queen's University
Pages 2
File Size 41.2 KB
File Type PDF
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idk sorry bro...


Pi vs. The Elements and Himself The two conflicts that I think are important to the film are character vs. himself and character vs. environment. In the trailer, Pi is shown fearing for his life on a massive boat that is sinking during a disastrous storm. In the next cutscene, Pi is shown helpless on a small lifeboat on his own in the middle of the Ocean. He is then met by a tiger on the boat that tries to attack him. The trailer shows that Pi creates a relationship with the tiger and he gets to land and survives. After watching the trailer we get the understanding that Pi is caught in a bad position where his life is at stake. He is met with a life or death scenario via the elements of the Ocean and nature, and he is the only one that can save himself.

Character vs. the environment is a very large conflict in the story for obvious reasons. Pi is on a small boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean left to fend for himself. What is even worse is what is on the boat with him, a large tiger that tries to attack him. The character vs. environment conflict brings the story to life because it creates a sense of action and adventure, and all good stories have some sort of action/adventure in it that makes it intriguing. Character vs. environment is also a main conflict in this story because it is what makes up the majority of the story time. During most of the Pi’s time, he is wondering how he is going to survive, and what his next best move is to keep himself alive. Without this conflict, there really wouldn’t be a story because there would be nothing that Pi has to overcome and that is why character vs. environment is a main conflict in this story.

The second main conflict in the story is character vs. himself. This is a main conflict in the story because Pi is left on a small boat in the middle of nowhere, all alone. All the thoughts that are going through his mind must be unbearable, such as the thoughts of his family, out surviving a

tiger, not having enough supplies if he never finds land; the list goes on. He admits to himself that his family is probably dead considering the turn of events, this thought on its own makes you ask yourself what the point of living anymore is. Pi is still a young boy and he is going to have to live alone. This is of course if he even makes it out alive, considering he is in a small radius of large tiger his chances of out-surviving it or very low, as he says to himself that he could easily be the tiger next meal, and a tiger’s kidneys are strong enough to drink the ocean water, so the tiger can easily outlive Pi. Even if he does somehow out survive the tiger or kill it, there is still a chance that he may never find land and run out of resources, or even die to the elements of the Ocean. These thoughts really lower your morale which is something you need to help you survive. If you don’t want to live or don’t see the point in living, then you probably aren’t going to survive a life or death situation like this. This is why I think character vs. himself is a main conflict in the story because Pi needs the will to live if he is going to survive.

I think character vs. himself is a larger conflict than that of character vs. environment. I think this because if you have the strength to overcome the mental game that is telling yourself you can survive, you have a chance at survival, even if you don’t have the knowledge on what exactly to do. But if you have all the knowledge about the environment and how to survive it, but you don’t have the drive to actually do it, there is no chance you are going to survive the event. This is the reason Pi survived, because he believed he would, not because he knew exactly what to do. People say that the will to survive is what keeps man alive, and I absolutely agree with this.

In conclusion, for these reasons I think both character vs. environment and character vs. himself are the main two conflicts in the story Life of Pi....

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