Linear and non-linear LP PDF

Title Linear and non-linear LP
Author May Glorry Baludo
Course Secondary Education
Institution La Salle University - Ozamiz
Pages 12
File Size 534.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 222
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La Salle UniversityCollege of Teacher EducationLesson PlanA. Content StandardsThe learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature during the Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts; various purposeful listening and viewing strategies; difference between literal and fi...


La Salle University College of Teacher Education

Lesson Plan

A. Content

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine


literature during the Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts; various purposeful listening and viewing strategies; difference between literal and figurative language; ways to extract and condense information based on library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in oral communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and sentences.

B. Performance

The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts


presented in literary selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources; extracting information and noting details from texts to write a précis, summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using literal and figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues; use phrases,





appropriately. C.

Learning Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-

Competency and versa. (EN8RC-IIe-11) Code:

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:


a. transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa b. differentiate linear and non-linear texts; and c. explain why stories and other examples of linear texts should be read from beginning to the end.

II. Subject Matter: Linear and Non-linear Texts Reference/s: Pivot 4A Learner’s Material pp. 33-36

Gementiza, K. (2018, September 27). Linear and Non linear texts (English 9). Slideshare. Hasa. (2018, June 18). Difference between linear and nonlinear text. Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms.

c. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Quizziz , Jamboard, (Digital Tool)

III. Procedure: 4A’s Method Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity

A. Activity

Good Morning, class!

I believe it is my first time teaching here in your class. Thus, allow me to introduce myself. I am Ms. Glorry May J. Baludo, your English teacher this morning, and for your convenience class, you may call me Ms. May

Good Morning, Miss!

Let us start the day with a prayer.

Choose a color from the color wheel that best represents how you are feeling this morning.

Class, whatever you are feeling today is valid. We have to acknowledge what we feel and try our best to make ourselves better especially in this trying times. As with your other teachers, I also imposed my own online classroom rules that you are strictly required to follow. These rules are M-O-R. M stands for MUTE your microphone unless told otherwise. O is for OPEN your camera when you are going to answer questions and raise concerns or as much as possible. If you cannot open your camera inform me ahead. Lastly, R stands for RAISE, press the raise hand button if you want to volunteer in answering questions or in raising concerns. Am I making sense here, class?

1. Review

Alright! Last meeting, we discussed about the three rules of Subject-Verb Agreement. For me to test your understanding of the previous discussion, let us have a short review. Kindly go to Quizziz and enter the code posted in the chat box and on the screen.

Yes, Miss.

Directions: Read and analyze each item. Choose the correct form of the verb that corresponds with the subject in each sentence.

Example: Shiela (dance/dances) to the music. Answer: Shiela dances to the music.

1. My mother (is/are) a great cook. 2. Jackson, including his younger sister (is/are) going


on a vacation.

1. My mother is a great cook.

3. The collection of antique vases was/were stolen yesterday.

2. Jackson, including his younger sister is going on a vacation.

4. Is/Are it okay to borrow your pen?

3.The collection of antique vases was

5. The houses is/are very expensive.

stolen yesterday. 4. Is it okay to borrow your pen? 5. The houses are very expensive.

Very good! It shows that you have mastered the three rules of Subject-Verb Agreement.

2. Motivation

Before we would formally start our discussion, let us have a short activity. Directions: Group the following pictures. Group A is one group and the second is Group B.

Picture 1: Character Map


Group A: Picture 2 and 3 Group B: Picture 1 and 4

Picture 2: Story

Picture 3: Letter

Picture 4: Venn Diagram

Alright! Class, what is your basis in grouping the pictures?

The basis in grouping the pictures to group them according to their

That is right! When we group something, we usually


group together those with commonalities. Based on the groupings, how do you read text in group 1? How about group 2? The text in group 1 can be read freely. It does no need to be read from the beginning to the end. While for group 2 the text is read from beginning to the Slendid! Did you know that if a text is read from the


begnning to the end is called linear text and text wich are not read from the beginning to the end is called non-linear text. Today, we will learn more about it. Are you ready? Yes, Miss

3. Statement of the Subject Matter and the Objectives

Before anything else, I want you to listen attentively and participate actively because at the end of the

lesson you will be able to attain these following objectives: a. a. transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa b. differentiate linear and non-linear texts; and c. explain why stories and other examples of linear texts should be read from beginning to the end.

Are the objectives clear, class? Yes, Miss.

A. Activity

To formally start our new lesson this afternoon, let’s have an activity entitled “List Me”. Directions: List down examples of linear texts and non-linear texts.

B. Analysis At this moment, let us try to determine whether your answers are correct in the activity “List Me”. (Students do as told.) Are all the examples of linear text listed correct class? Yes, Miss. Why do you say so? The examples of linear text listed are correct because the text is read from Very Good! How about the examples of non-linear beginning to the end. text are they correct? Why? The examples of non-linear text listed are also correct because the text is not

Great! Now based on the previous activities, let us

read from the beginning to the end.

define linear and non-linear text.

What is Linear texts class?

Linear texts are texts which are read from beginning to the end.

How about non-linear texts? Non-linear texts on the other hand, are text which is not read from beginning to the end. That is correct! Linear texts, these are traditional texts which can only be read from the beginning to the end. On the other hand, non-linear text is the opposite of linear text. It does not require a sequential manner in when read.

Now class, what do you think is the outcome if linear text is not read from the beginning to the end? Like in reading a story, you will read starting in the middle, then beginning and then the end, what will happen?

If a linear text is not read from the beginning to the end, the reader will not be able to understand it and they will be confused.

Exactly! Linear text must be read from beginning to the end for us to understand the idea of the text.

C. Abstraction

At this point, let us further examine linear text and non-linear text.



It refers to traditional texts that need to be read from beginning to the end. There is only ONE reading path, which is decided by the author.


It may take time to find the information readers are searching for.


Novels, poems, letters, textbooks, news reports, essays

NON-LINEAR TEXT It refers to texts that do not need to be read from beginning to the end. There are multiple reading paths. They are determined by the reader. It does not take time because it allows readers to find more information efficiently. Tables, pie charts, flow charts, pictures, diagrams, character maps, sequence charts


Step 1. Read and understand the source text to get its main or central ideas. Step 2. Extract important details to be included in the visual presentation. Step 3. Remember to words or phrases only. Step 4. To be organized, classify information into

Yes, Miss.

categories. Step 5. Make sure to use the appropriate non-linear text in presenting your information.

Is that clear, class?

(Students do as told).

D. Application To test your understanding of the topic, we will have an activity entitled “Transcode Me”.

Directions: Transcode linear text to non-linear text and vice-versa.

Yes, Miss

The class will be divided into two groups. The class are given 5 minutes to create a summary. This activity is done through Jamboard. Is that clear to you, class?

Shall we start now?

Yes, Miss.

Group 1: The pie graph shows the family budget plan of Mrs. Reyes. Transcode the pie graph into a short paragraph.

Yes, Miss.

Group 2: Make a sequence chart based from this paragraph.

What are you going to do if your clothes caught fire during an emergency situation? Here are the things you should do: First, stop where you are – moving or running feeds air to the flames and worsens the fire. Next, drop to the floor – if you stand up, the fire can

Yes, Miss.

burn your face. Fold your arms high on your chest to protect your face. Then, roll slowly on the floor or ground, in a rug or blanket if you can. Afterwards, cool off as soon as possible with water for first- and second-degree burns. Finally, to escape fire, get down low and go.

Excellent job! Let us give ourselves an amazing clap. Begin!

(Students do as told).

IV. Evaluation To test your understanding of the lesson, let us have our next activity. This activity is by group. Although this is a group activity, you will be graded as a group and individually based on your individual contributions. Directions: Using a Venn Diagram, differentiate linear from non-linear text.

V. Assignment For your assignment, just continue working with your assignments in the module posted by your teacher.

Prepared by: Glorry May J. Baludo, BSEd-English 4...

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