Literature Review Table PDF

Title Literature Review Table
Course Quality in Health Care
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
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Benchmark - Quality Improvement Through Effective Teamwork Grand Canyon University: HCA-450-O500 Quality in Health Care February 20

Benchmark - Quality Improvement Through Effective Teamwork


Teamwork is needed in any kind of organization. It is essential for teamwork to be among the staff in health care. In the health care industry, it is essential to provide the highest quality of care to the patients in the facility. It gives a positive impact on the quality of care when the health care organization is able to work as a team. The quality improvement though effective teamwork in the organization significantly benefits the organization, and keeps the facility running. Teams valuable point of focus With teamwork in a facility, it will always play a significant role and be a value point of focus in the health care environment. Being able to provide services to the patient in a timely manner also takes working together with the other staff and care takers to make sure that the patients in the facility have a quality care the entire time in the organization. Each day there always changes in the health care field and everyone has to be able to adapt to the changes that are being tossed into the medical organization and work together through it. This last year gave us many changes in the medical field, the pandemic brought many new protocols and safety factors that took a team effort to be able to adapt too and work together through. Through communication with one another and the ability to share information about the new factors a team can work together efficiently. High preforming teams In the health care facility, a high performing team is one with different individuals that are skilled in their performance. They are workers that are goal oriented. They strive to do better, and they are the people that make sure they are able to get their work done as timely as possible. The quality of their work is going to meet their goals and the care for the patients is going to

Benchmark - Quality Improvement Through Effective Teamwork


strive for the highest level of quality. A team of high performing members are able to collaborate together and be able to achieve team goals set as well. Quality assessment Every team has different types of personalities in that individual. In the health care field, there will be multiple different roles that people play. It is important for the quality to be assessed and made sure that each role is fulfilled. As a role in leadership, an individual has authority and need to keep the team together and make sure goals are achieved. If the team has no one leading what needs to be done some other roles of staff may have no direction of what they are supposed to be completing. All team members in the facility are going to have their own goals and tasks that need to be completed. When a team member is not completing tasks and duties in the facility it has a negative impact of the team in the facility and others have to make time to be able to either complete those tasks when they can. Conflict and change When conflict happens in a facility, it can have a big impact on the team. As a team everyone needs to be in the right mind set to work together and make sure that a unified goal can be met. Leadership needs to step in and fix the conflict to get all team members back to working together to complete the goals. The health care field is changing every day, there are always new protocols and safety procedures coming out to protect our health care workers. This year has given us many changes and all health care worker had to be able to step up and adapt to the new regulations.

Benchmark - Quality Improvement Through Effective Teamwork


Works Cited Beneria, A., Arnedo, M., Contreras, S., Perez-Carrasco, M., Garcia-Ruiz, I., RodriguezCarballeira, M., Radua, J., & Rius, J. B. (2020). Impact of simulation-based teamwork training on COVID-19 distress in healthcare professionals. BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION, 20(1). Johnson, J. K., & Sollecito, W. A. (2020). Understanding and Improving the Performance of Quality Improvement Teams. In McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care (5th ed., pp. 1-28). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Jovanović, S., Stanković, M., Kilibarda, T., Trgovčević, S., & Ivanović, S. (2020). The Terminology Used to Describe Teamwork in the Health Care System: A Literature Review. Acta Medica Medianae, 59(4), 13–19. Kong, G., Jiang, L., Yin, X., Wang, T., Xu, D.-L., Yang, J.-B., & Hu, Y. (2018). Combining principal component analysis and the evidential reasoning approach for healthcare quality assessment. Annals of Operations Research, 271(2), 679–699. Naoum, S. (2019). Professional Healthcare Development: Teamwork as a means of improving patient care. Scientific Chronicles / Epistimonika Chronika, 24(4), 566–579....

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