Los Mandatos Formales con Verbos Reflexivos PDF

Title Los Mandatos Formales con Verbos Reflexivos
Course Growth And Development Across The Life Span
Institution Stony Brook University
Pages 3
File Size 48.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Practice for formal commands with reflexive verbs...


LosMandat osFor mal esconVer bosReflexi vos Wi t hr eflexi vev er bs,t her eflexi v epr onouni sat t achedt ot heaffir mat i ve commandandt her ei sanaccentmar kont henextt ol as tsyl l abl eoft he v er b.I nnegat i v ecommands,t her eflexi v epr onounpr ecedest hev er b. Ej empl os Si ént enseUds.–Si tdown. Nosesi ent enUds.–Don’ tsi tdown. Levánt enseUds.–Ge tup. /St andup. Nosel evant en.–Don’ tgetup. /Don’ ts t andup. Des pi ér t eseUd.–Wakeup. Nosedespi er t eUd.t ar de.–Don’ twakeupl at e . Acuést eseUd.–Got obed. Noseac uest eUd.–Don’ tgot obed.

LosMandat osconPr onombr esdeObj et osDi r ect osy Obj et osI ndi r ect os I .

Obj ectpr onouns( i ncl udi ngr eflexi vepr onouns)ar eat t achedt o affir mat i v ecommands. Anac centmar ki sr equi r edi ft heor i gi nal s t r esswasont henextt ol as tsyl l abl e .I nnegat i vecommands, obj ectpr onounspr ecedet hev er b.

1.Ayúdel eUd.–Hel phi m. 2.Nol eayudeUd.–Don’ the l phi m. 3.Dí g ameUd.–Te l lme. 4.Nomedi ga.–Don’ tt e l lme. 5.Ábr anl a.–Openi t .( i t =l acaj a) 6.Nol aabr an.–Don’ topeni t .( i t =l apuer t a) I I .

Whent her ear et woobj ectpr onouns,t hei ndi r ectobj ectpr ecedes t hedi r e ctobj ect .Thenegat i veNopr ecedesal lpr onouns.

1.Enséñenmel oUds.–Show i tt ome.( l o=ell i br o) 2.Nomel oenseñenUds.–Don’ tshow i tt ome. 3.Cómpr enosl osUd.–Buyt hem f orus.( l os=l oschoc ol at es) 4.Nonosl oscompr e .–Don’ tbuyi tf orus. 5.Escr í bame l aUd.–Wr i t ei tf orme .( l a=l acar t a) 6.Nomel aescr i baUd.–Don’ twr i t ei tf orme.

I I I . Whenbot hi ndi r ectanddi r ectobj ectpr onounsar ei nt he3rd per son,t hei ndi r ectobj ec t“ l e”becomes“ se” ,whet heri ti ssi ngul ar orpl ur al .The“ se”comesbe f or et he“ l o/l a/l os/l as ” . 1.Désel oUd.–Gi vei tt ot hem.( i t =l o,se=t hem) 2.Nosel odéUd.–Don’ tgi v ei tt ot hem. 3.Expl í quense l oUds.–Expl ai ni tt ohi m/her /t hem. 4.Nosel oexpl i quenUds.–Don’ texpl ai ni tt ohi m/her /t hem. 5.Hágase l oUd.–Doi tf orher .( l o=elt r abaj o) 6.Nosel ohaga.–Don’ tdoi tf orher ....

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