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MANAGEMENT CAPABILITY AND EMOTIONAL COMPETENCE OF PUNONG BARANGAYS ____________________ A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the Graduate School Urdaneta City University Urdaneta City ____________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master in Public Administration Major...




A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the Graduate School Urdaneta City University Urdaneta City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master in Public Administration Major in Local Governance



Noime S. Siborboro April 2011

ABSTRACT Name of Researcher

Noime S. Siborboro

Degree Program

Master in Public Administration


Major in Local Governance


Urdaneta City University

Date Finished

April 2011


Rogelio D. Mercado, MPA

Title of the Study

Management Capability and Emotional Competence of Punong Barangays


Management Capability, Emotional Competence

This study determined the level of management capability and emotional competence of Punong Barangays in the municipality of Burgos, Pangasinan namely: Poblacion, Pogoruac, Papallasen, Don Matias, Sapa Pequeña, and Anapao. The descriptive-correlational method was used. Specifically, it determined the following: 1) Profile of Punong Barangays in terms of sex, age, civil status, and highest educational attainment. 2) Level of management capability as perceived by themselves, Barangay Council Members and the residents. 3) Level of Emotional competence of Punong Barangays as perceived by themselves, Barangay Council Members and the residents. 4) Significant difference of emotional competence as rated by the respondents along with their profile variables, and 5) Significant relationship between management capability of Punong Barangays as perceived by the respondents across their profile variables.

The following research hypotheses were tested in their null forms at the .05 level of significance: 1) There are no significant differences in the level of emotional competence of Punong Barangays as perceived by the respondents across their profile variables, and 2) There are no significant relationships between the management capability of Punong Barangays as rated by the respondents along with the profile variables. The data gathering instrument used was a questionnaire. Frequency counts and percentages were used to describe the profile of the Punong Barangays, while the average weighted mean with its descriptive equivalent was used to determine the level of management capability and emotional competence of Punong Barangays. To test the difference between the level of emotional competence across their sex and highest educational attainment, t-test was used and one-way ANOVA was used as for the Punong Barangays level of emotional competence across age, civil status, and highest educational attainment. Lastly, on the relationship between the level of management capability of Punong Barangays and sex, age, civil status, and highest educational attainment, the Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient was used. The respondents were a representative of all sectors of the selected barangays and were able and mature to conduct an assessment of the management capability and emotional competence of Punong Barangays based on their day-to-day encounter with these officials. The subjects of this study were capable in managing the affairs of the barangay which implies that most of the Punong Barangays have acquired skills and knowledge in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the various resources of their jurisdiction. The Punong Barangays were emotionally competent in the

performance of their official functions which connotes that they are fully in command of their emotions and that of their constituents. The profile variables sex, age, and highest educational attainment used in this study were sources of variation in the emotional competence of Punong Barangays. The variables sex, age, and civil status were associated with the level of management capability of the Punong Barangays but not associated with the highest educational attainment. In view of the above conclusions, the following recommendations are deemed important: 1) Punong Barangays should have regularly scheduled fora with the barangay constituents so that they can orient their management capability based on the consensus of the barangay. 2) There is a need to enhance the management capability of Punong Barangays specifically along organizing. Hence, enhanced in-service trainings or seminars should be formulated and implemented. 3) Punong Barangays should attend symposia and other in-service conferences to augment their emotional competence particularly in terms of selfawareness, self-motivation and managing relationship. 4) A continuous evaluation of the management capability and emotional competence of the Punong Barangays should be conducted as part of regular evaluation of the Local Government Unit. 5) Further study on management capability and emotional competence of Punong Barangays specifically along organizing using more variables is highly recommended. INTRODUCTION The barangay is the basic political unit of the Philippine political system. Originally known as barrio, its name was changed to barangay under Presidential Decree No. 557, dated September 21, 1974, for purely historical and patriotic reasons (Orendain, 1996).

In accordance with the Local Government Code of 1991 specifically Sec. 386, a barangay may be created out of contiguous territory which has a population of at least two thousand (2,000) inhabitants as certified by the National Statistics Office except in cities and municipalities within Metro Manila and other metropolitan political subdivisions or in highly urbanized cities where such territory shall have a certified population of at least five thousand (5,000) inhabitants. Provided, that the creation therefore shall not reduce the population of the original barangay or barangays to less than the minimum requirements prescribed herein. It also provides that the territorial jurisdiction of the new barangay shall be properly identified by metes and bounds or by more or less permanent natural boundaries. The barangay serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of government policies, plans, programs, projects and activities in the community, and as a forum wherein the collective views of the people may be expressed, crystallized and considered. Also, it is where disputes may be amicably settled as stated in Sec. 384 of the Code. Its powers, duties and functions are carried out through three main branches, namely: the Barangay assembly, the Sangguniang Barangay, and the Punong Barangay who acts as the head otherwise known as chief executive or Barangay Captain. The Punong Barangay shall exercise such powers and perform such duties and functions as provided by the Local Government Code and other laws, ordinances, and

resolutions promulgated by the Sangguniang Barangay. The general welfare of the townsfolk is the main concern of the Chief Executive of the Barangay government. However, in order to fulfill the barangays’ mandates and functions as contained in the Local Government Code, the Punong Barangays must be equipped with the necessary capabilities and should not only observe but also practice morally upright actions. Since the enactment of the Local Government Code of the Philippines, various capacity building efforts from the national government, academic institutions, and other consulting and training organizations have resulted to a number of tangible improvements in the manner the barangays manage their local affairs. However, despite the clamor for improved governance, there has been no clear measure of the level of the capacities of the Punong Barangays and on how they apply these capacities. Therefore, there is a need to examine whether the developed and introduced capacities are indeed being applied. There is also a need to prove if these developed and introduced capacities are effective (Cadorna, 2009). The standard and quality of life of the people living in the Barangay is dependent on the wide range of services offered by its local government. These services should be provided in an efficient and appropriate level of quality. But as to how well these services are provided is a source of concern among those running the local government. Thus, there is a need to have feedbacks on the effectiveness of the delivery of such services in order to have a basis for improvement (Cadorna, 2009).

Moreover, there is a need for LGUs to be assisted in generating accurate local data and information to be able to respond to the needs of their constituents (Austere, 2004). Located in the Western part of Pangasinan, the municipality of Burgos used to be a part of the Province of Zambales but was thereafter ceded to Pangasinan pursuant to Commonwealth Act 3290. Burgos town was founded as an independent town in 1830 by the migrating Ilocanos from Paoay, Ilocos Norte, with Don Matias Guiang as its first gobernadorcillo. The new town formerly named “San Isidro” was changed to Burgos in 1913 during the administration of Don Anacleto Ruiz. The name given is in reference to father







(http:/,_Pangasinan) At present, marine products and rice are the main source of livelihood of the Burgonians. Burgos is also known for its clean, white beach located at Cabungaoan, Ilio-ilio, a magnificent seaside residential area and its furniture products made from bamboos. Furthermore, Burgos has received many awards for being one of the cleanest, peaceful and jueteng-free towns in Pangasinan for nine years under the administration of former Mayor Domingo A. Doctor Jr. Thus, it can be said that the performance of the town is a reflection of the performance of its barangays. Burgos town is a 4th class municipality and is subdivided into 14 Barangays namely Anapao, Cacayasen, Concordia, Ilio-ilio, Papallasen, Poblacion, Pogoruac, Don Matias, San Miguel, San Pascual, San Vicente, Sapa Grande, Sapa Pequeña, and Tambacan.

The researcher believes that a Punong Barangay plays a very important role in the development of the country. If the government seeks to build a strong nation, then it should have a strong barangay government. This interests the researcher to explore and measure the levels of management capability and emotional competence of Punong Barangays in the municipality of Burgos, Pangasinan that affect their effectiveness in running the affairs of Barangay government. LITERATURE One area of this study involving management capability is substantially similar to the investigations made by Fianza (1996), Dao-dawon (1995), and Nganag (1996) who also found out that the barangay officials were capable in the major management functions of planning organizing, controlling, and leading their constituents. The difference lies in the fact that this study included the area of emotional competence. While the three studies involved all the barangay officials as subjects, this study concentrated on the Punong Barangays. This study also differed with the three inquiries in terms of locale and number of respondents. Although Esguera (1995) utilized the term leadership competence, it may be equated to management capability since he referred to communication and supervising skills. In this regard this study is similar specially because Esguera chose the profile variables sex, age, civil status and highest educational attainment of the Punong Barangays of Cabanatuan City which were also utilized by this researcher. This inquiry is quite similar to the study conducted by Telen, et al (2009) which investigated the influence of intellective and non-intellective factors on the performance

of barangay Captains on governance, fiscal administration development planning, barangay legislation, delivery of basic services and facilities and compliance to directives for fiscal year 2007 in Dapitan City. It is similar in the sense that intellective factors may be regarded as management capability and non-intellective factors may be labeled as emotional competence. This study is quite different since it tried to investigate the influence of selected profile variables on the management capability and emotional competence of Punong Barangays while that of Telen, et al studied the effect of the intellective and nonintellective factors on the performance of the Barangay Captains. As could be gleaned from the various studies reviewed and this inquiry, it appears that the present crop of barangay officials specifically the Punong Barangays of Barangay Captains are capable in terms of management capability and emotional competence. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK In this inquiry, the researcher posits that management capability and emotional competence of Punong Barangays are the key toward the effective prosecution of community projects and activities. Management capability involves the ability to plan, organize direct or lead, and control the different resources of the barangay while emotional competence is the ability or skill to identify assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others and of groups. This means that when a Punong Barangay knows how to plan, organize direct or lead, and control the activities of the community, and is able to control his own emotions and that of others, he is bound to succeed in his position.

This study, however, proceeded further by looking into the effect of some selected profile variables of Punong Barangays on their management capability and emotional competence. The profile variables considered were: sex, age, civil status, and highest educational attainment. These are the considered underlying factors that might affect the dependent variables of the study. This study then attempted to look into the significance of the difference in the level of emotional competence of Punong Barangays across their profile variables and the significance of the relationship between the management capabilities of Punong Barangays across their profile variables. The relationship of the variables utilized in this study is shown in Figure 1 on the next page.



Profile of Respondents Management Capability a. Sex and b. Age Emotional Competence c. Civil Status of d. Highest Educational Attainment

Punong Barangays

Fig.1. Paradigm of the study showing the relationship between the Independent and Dependent Variables. RESPONDENTS OF THE STUDY AND SAMPLING SCHEME The respondents of the study included Punong Barangays, Barangay Council Members and the residents of the six selected barangays of Burgos municipality.

The six barangays were chosen from the highest, middle and lowest populated barangays of the town. Two barangays each were selected from the highest, middle and lowest populated barangays. Barangay Poblacion and Pogoruac were picked from the highest populated barangays, barangays Papallasen and Don Matias were chosen from the middle while the lowest populated barangays, included Sapa Pequeña and Anapao. Two barangay Council Members each from the six barangays who garnered the highest number of votes composed the second group of respondents. In addition, the residents from the six barangays were randomly selected using Slovin’s formula resulting to a total of three hundred fifty-three (353) respondents from the heads of the households, Punong Barangay and Barangay Council Members. Where: n = sample size N = number of households e = allowable error

Table 1 Distribution of the Sample respondents to the Six chosen Barangays Barangay

No. of Households


Head of Sample Households

Punong Barangays

Barangay Council Members



















Don Matias






Sapa Pequeña


















DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE Before floating the questionnaires to the respondents, the researcher first sought permission from the office of the Mayor of the Burgos municipality to administer the questionnaires to the respondents of the six chosen barangays. The questionnaires were administered and retrieved personally by the researcher. STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA Generally, the study used the five-point rating scale system. This system was used to measure the level of management capability and emotional competence of Punong Barangays. The abovementioned scale system used is further described using the scale below.

Literal Rating

Numerical Value

Wm Score Range

Descriptive Rating



4.50 – 5.00




Transmuted Ratings Management Capability

Emotional Competence


Very Capable

Very High

3.50 – 4.49





2.50 – 3.49


Moderately Capable

Moderately High



1.50 – 2.49


Slightly Capable

Fairly High



1.00 – 1.49


Not Capable


In order to have a valid and reliable interpretation of data, appropriate tools were used. The data gathered were processed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19 software in order to analyze the data gathered from the respondents.

To answer problem number 1 on the profile variable of the respondents, the frequency counts and percentages were used. Where: p = percentage equivalent to each category f = number of respondents falling under each category n = total number of respondents For problem number 2 and 3 which is the level of management capability and emotional competence as perceived by the respondents, a five-point scale system shown on the preceding page was applied. The difference between the level of emotional competence of Punong Barangay across their profile variables (Problem Number 4) was determined by using t-test and one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance). Finally, the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to answer problem number 5 regarding the relationship between the selected profile variables with that of management capability of the Punong Barangays. FINDINGS 1. Most of the respondents are male, 38-42 years of age, married, and high school graduate. 2. The Punong Barangays have a management capability equivalent to capable. 3. The Punong Barangays are emotionally competent with regard to their level of emotional competence. 4. The level of emotional competence of Punong Barangays has significant difference with respect to the variables: sex, age, and highest educational attainment.

5. The level of Management capability of Punong Barangays are not correlated with sex, age, and civil status. CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings, the researcher arrived at the following conclusions: 1. The respondents are a representative of all sectors of the selected Barangays and are able and mature to conduct an assessment of the management capability and emotional competence of Punong Barangays based on ...

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