Management Report PDF

Title Management Report
Course Finance and IT
Institution University of Technology Sydney
Pages 11
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Management SummaryTable of ContentsIntroductionThis report is intended to provide a strategy for Under Milkwood, that will provide a permanent solution that relates to the application and the hardware monitoring of the legacy system that has resulted in a gradual degradation in performance of SLA me...


Management Summary Table of Contents Introduction This report is intended to provide a strategy for Under Milkwood, that will provide a permanent solution that relates to the application and the hardware monitoring of the legacy system that has resulted in a gradual degradation in performance of SLA metrics in the last 2 months. The legacy system that has been affected will be carefully assessed by conducting an evaluation of what has been achieved when introducing a legacy system, producing a legacy assessment followed by the recommendations towards the business.

The assessment that will be conducted will finish with the implied that there will be a certain change towards the business. The impact of the change within the business and their dependencies will be explained within this report by explaining the management approach and to bestow the vital information to the IRB for the decision-making process.

Under Milkwood is constantly changing their dynamic of work, and to be able to stay on top of their competition, they would need to meet the business objectives successfully. It is important that the business will need to modernise their legacy system and be able to change with the times and adapt to the changes releasing an appropriate response towards the legacy systems.

Scope Under Milkwood provides the first and only BattleNet Service, that hosts online, where their customers will be able to manage, download and be able to play their games . The system is said to be outdated and inefficient, as customers are providing negative feedback, where they state that they have to utilise the businesses website in order to find patches for the games and upgrades independently before they are able to access the service and go online to play their games. The degradation of the legacy system may also impact the business, it can affect the reliability of the system and may cause security concerns, which might lead to more problems within the business.

The main proposal is to be able to improve the Legacy System, by upgrading the current BattleNet Service so the customers are able to gain a positive experience


Legacy Assessment A Legacy system are systems that are older hardware and software-based technology, that will impact the way in which an organisation will grow and be able to change with ever changing markets. When a system is lacking any IT support, and might become redundant, the system will then become a legacy system as the system will have issues when being operated.

The Legacy System is included within the SLA because:

The inclusion of the Legacy System within the SLA metrics allows it to provide coherence in the function of the system, which will allow the staff such as the manager will be well informed about the certain issues within the system and the status of the system. This would assist in

functioning as a means of communication amid the stakeholders. The metrics would enable the stakeholders to conserve communication on stipulations that has already been corresponded upon. Another reason the Legacy System is included within the SLA metrics, this would allow the business to be able to determine the position of the legacy system, whether it is as important to the business as it used to be.

Chosen Legacy System The chosen Legacy System that was chosen for this report is is a service introduced back in December of 1996, developed by Blizzard. Since 2017, has been renamed to Blizzard This service allows gamers to use the system to be able to play games on their PC. allows gamers to be able to use services such as being able to talk to other gamers within the community, they can join multiplayer games. The service was quick and easy to use as this was allowed as the data was not directly stored on the servers, but the player would just join another player’s game.

Why is it a Legacy System is considered to be a Legacy System is a system that was introduced back in 1996 and is still operating to this day. As recalled a legacy system is old technology that would be outdated, technology. have been utilising this system ever since they started operating back in 1996 and have been updating the system, introducing 2.0 and the Blizzard in 2017.

SLA Metrics The SLA is what controls the commitment between a service provide and their clients, whereas the metrics is what governs the SLA. SLA contains all the important documentation of the accountability of the task and displays who is responsible for the tasks being conducted, and where the task will be taking place, how this task will be achieved and what the costing would be to conduct this task.

The SLA will display: -

The satisfaction of the clients, of not just the system but all services.


The SLA will manage the expectations of the client.


Will display who is working on what part of the task, when the task gets completed and how the task will be completed.


The cost of the system will be conducted by reporting it within the metrics determining how the price would be achieved.


What will happen if something happens to the system, there will be a backup plan within the SLA.

How and Why BTOPP is assessed The manager is the person who has the responsibility to be in charge of the BTOPP analysis in regard to ameliorating the legacy system.

BTOPP management is evaluated to make sure the legacy system is able to make useful again. The BTOPP model can be utilised to identify the benefits, technical standards, resources, responsibilities and risks, that are available for the update of the legacy system. These will assist the IRB to assist them in making decisions on how the Legacy System will be updated to contain standards that customers require.

The BTOPP analysis for system will be able to display how each task will be allocated, and who will be conducting that task. The following displays how the BTOPP analysis will assist in managing the update of the system.

Business Component Technological Property Organisation Processes People

IRB (Investment Review Board)

Impact of Change If the system does get approved by the Investment Review Board, (IRB), this must be documented within the report and must be managed. The impact of change will allow in providing details of how this will be attained.

Acceptance Criteria The acceptance criteria will work together with the initiation of the new solution for the deterioration of the system. This will be able to lay out an insight, whether the change should be introduced or kept the same and if it should be founded on the functional and nonfunctional needs of the system.

When there is proper documentation of the acceptance criteria, this will assist in bypassing the results that are unforeseen when the development of the system has reached the final stage. It has to be taken into consideration that the stakeholders of the business will be satisfied with the new introduction of the system.

Management of the Configuration Management The ITOM team is liable for the IT section of the acceptance criteria, they would need to: -

Accept the production of the new system. Select the process owner for the system. Manage the requirements of the system. Manage the policies and methods of which the system will be developed.

Relationship between the management areas Acceptance criteria comes in as soon as the system is approved by the IRB and recording and updating what is to be followed is the baseline once the approval of the acceptance criteria has come through.

Baseline Management of the Configuration Management Relationship between the management areas

Configuration Management This section of the Impact of Change documentation displays the documentation of the impact of change that has been made to the baseline and will have to be managed with the introduction and update of the system. The configuration management will allow Under Milkwood to acknowledge what has been altered within the baseline.

Configuration management makes sure that the different modes of hardware and software utilised within the organisation has been well documented, which will benefit Under Milkwood for the long run. This will allow management to be able to understand how they will be able to maintain the implemented system. This would also look at recovery policies, making sure that the correct steps are taken to improve the issue of their legacy system. Management of the Configuration Management -

Making sure for testing of the new implemented system and recording the impact of change for Under Milkwood.


A technical writer is required in the assistance of the implementation of the system.


The technical writers would need to be able to understand the complications of technical architectures and be able to rephrase these architectures to be able to be easily understood by the Under Milkwood manager.


The Technical writers must be able to convey their information to all sections of the company.

Relationship between the management areas Configuration management record the impact of change made within the baseline sections, leading to the next steps of how the system would be managed. Configurations management is then is followed by change management which would allow for the implementation of the upgrade to the system.

Change Management Management of the Configuration Management Relationship between the management areas

SLA & Metrics Management of the Configuration Management Relationship between the management areas

Risks and Benefits Risks There are many risks that may be acknowledged when utilising the system, these risks are included in the following Risk Register: Risk ID

Task ID

Priority Rank

Risk Description





Specification documents are unclear.




Specifications of the system is unclear, allows in a difficulty when initiating the system. Budget may go over.




Functional Issues




Scope might change




Security of the system.




Lack of quality and organisation




Confusion with the project.

Poor management of the budget. Requirement s of the functionality of the project are not met. Scope management incorrectly done by the team The risk of security being breached Employees follow incorrect specifications of the project. Incompetent communicati on.

Probabili Impact ty L/M/H L/M/H M H

Mitigation Response



Budget control



The team must focus on the functional requirements of the system.



Scope must be done with everything in mind, the team must be on high alert.



Conduct security risk assessments so the breaches cannot occur.



Train the employees, making sure they acknowledge what has to be done and conduct quality control.



Try to improve communication within the members, done by the management team.

The specifications must be clear and very well organised so it is not difficult understanding the project.

Benefits The benefits of the system by blizzard, will allow Under Milkwood to be able to keep up with their competition, by utilising the latest technology, and specs, which will allow for high efficiency within the system. There will be an increase with customer satisfaction, as the customers will receive what they would like for a efficient system. The system will also provide their stakeholders, assurance of an improvement of reliability with the system.

Costs The costs are substantial and relating to the Legacy system of the system by Blizzard. There are costs such as initiating the project into action would cost around $500,000, there will be an implementation of a 24/7 help desk that will be used to assist Under Milkwood customers, and this would cost approximately $10,000. The project risk management would cost around $50,000. The cost of asset management for the project will cost around $55,000, the training for the staff, so they are well trained to utilise the system would cost Under Milkwood around $15,000. The servers that this system would run off would cost approximately $240 a month, by utilising the servers by ‘HostHavoc’ which allows for highspeed connectivity with 2 x 2TB SSD and 1Gbps Bandwidth, and servers are managed 24 x 7....

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