Author Anne Gabrielle Macapagal
Course Junior High School
Institution Araullo University
Pages 8
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#1 : Music of Medival, Reinassanceand Baroque PeriodsMusic of the Medieval Period (700 – 1400) Also known as the Middle Ages or Dark Ages Started with the fall of Roman Empire During this time, the Christian Church influenced Europe’s culture. Characteristics of Gregorian Chants Monophronic Free Met...


#1 : Music of Medival, Reinassance and Baroque Periods Music of the Medieval Period (700 – 1400) • Also known as the Middle Ages or Dark Ages • Started with the fall of Roman Empire • During this time, the Christian Church influenced Europe’s culture.

• Is a period of looking back to the Golden Age of Greece and Rome • Also known as golden age of acapella choral music Characteristics of Renaissance Music : • •

Mostly polyphonic Imitation among the voices is common Use of word painting in texts and music

Characteristics of Gregorian Chants Vocal Music of Renaissance Period • Monophronic • Free Meter • Modal Secular Music is not bound by Catholic Traditions emerged. Most of these songs were performed across Europe by groups of musicians called Troubadours Troubadour Music : • Usually Monophonic • Tells of Chivalry and courtly love • Originated in France

1. Mass – is a form of sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistics liturgy into music Five Main Sections of Mass: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy Gloria (Glory to God in the Highest) Credo(I Believe in One God) Sanctus and Benidictus(Holy, Holy and blessed is He) 5. Agnus Dei(Lamb of God)

Medieval Music Composers and Singers 1. 2. 3. 4.

Heligard Von Bingen Adam de la Halle Guillaume de Machaut Tylman Susato

Music of the Renaissance Period (1400 – 1600) • Renaissance comes from the word “renaitre” which means “rebirth,revival and rediscovery”

2. Madrigal – a secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated from Italy. Characteristics of Madrigal • Polyphonic • Sung a cappella • Frequently in 3 to 6 voices

Famous Composers of the Renaissance Period 1. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina 2. Thomas Morley Music of the Baroque Periods (1685 – 1750) • It is derived from the Portuguese word “barroco” which means pearl of irregular shape Characteristics of Baroque Music • Melodies sound elaborate and ornamental • Orchestra consists of strings and continuo • Melodies are not easy to sing or remember Music Genres of Baroque Music 1. Concerto - A form of orchestral music that employs solo instrument. 2. Concerto Grosso – Music between a small group of solo instruments called concertino and the whole orchestra called tutti 3. Fugue – a contrapuntal piece 4. Oratorio – a large scale musical compositions for orchestra 5. Chorale – harmonized version of hymnal tunes Famous Composers of the Baroque Period

1. 2. 3. 4.

Johann Sebastian Bach Antonio Vivaldi George Friedrich Handel Claudio Monteverdi

#2 Western Classica Classical l A Art rt


Prehistoric Art – Art has existed since man learned to draw. • Cave Paintings – prehistoric image found on the walls of the cave all over the world. Prehistoric Cave Murals 1. Cave of Altamira 2. Cave of Lascaux 3. Cave of Chauvet • Pre Historic Sculpture – Sculpture is one the oldest arts of man. • Venus Figurines - considered by late 19th century archeologists to represent the prehistoric idea of feminine beauty called “venusses” Animal Sculpture – common subject in prehistoric sculpture is the animal. • Prehistoric Architecture - Prehistoric builders moved earth. Example of Prehistoric Architecture 1. Menhir or Monolith – consists of single upright stone. 2. Dolmen – monument of two or more upright stones

3. Cromlech – monument consisting of one large flat stones. Egyptian Art - is the aesthetic expression of the Egyptian people. • The Pyramids – grandest monuments of Egyptian old kingdom. • The Sphinx of Gaza – has a body of lion and the face of a Pharaoh Khefre. • The Lighthouse of Alexandria – it is another wonder of the ancient world. • The palette of King Narmer – early stone relic from the Egyptian Culture. • The Hieroglyrophics – is an ancient Egyptian system of writing. • The Rosetta Stone – stone with text written by a group of priests in Egypt • Egyptian Pottery – mostly made of reddish brown clay. • Tutankhamen’s Golden Death Mask – is made from solid gold and is ornamented with blue glass. • Nefertiti Bust – is a 3,300 year old painted limestone bust of Nefertiti • Frontalism – style used by Ancient Egyptian. Greco-Roman Art – the art of Greeks and Roman is called classical art • Greek Art – the ancient Greek believed in living in perfect life. • Greek Vase Paintings – knowledge of Greek paintings comes from painting on vases

• Greek Sculpture – portrayed figures of gods, goddesses, and human being. Three distinct figures of Greek Sculpture 1. The Archaic Period – sculpture created large. 2. The Classical Period – this was the Golden Age of Greece. 3. Hellenistic Period – aesthetic beauty was less important to the sculpture of this period. Greek Architecture – one of the Greek’s greatest contributions was in architecture. Three different styles of Greek Architecture 1. Doric – it is the first in the Greek orders. 2. Ionic – second of the three styles developed. 3. Corinthian – most ornate of the three. • Roman Art – style of artistic expression that flourished in Rome. Roman Architecture – the roman adopted certain features of Greek Architecture. 1. Pantheon – built as temple of Roman God but eventually became a church. 2. Colosseum – the Romans also devised the round arch.

3. Roman Triumphal Aches – were constructed across the Roman Empire. 4. Aqueduct –is a network of channel used by Romans to bring water down out of the mountains. The Medieval Art – the word medieval comes from the Latin words medium (middle) and aevum (age) 1. Byzantine Art – it reflects the difference between the development of Catholic Religion. Hagia Sophia – which stands in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey) The Church of San Vitale – another representation of Byzantine Architecture. 2. Romanesque – term to describe structure with round, solid and heavy arches. The Cathedral of St. Sernin in Toulose, France – splendid and important example of roamnesque. 3. Illuminated Manuscripts – during the medieval period, it is considered as a high art form. 4. Gothic Period – is essentially defined by Gothic architecture.

#3 Community and Environmental Health

• Community Health – is the status of health of a defined group of people. • Population Health – deals with the health status of different communities. • Healthy Community – is on that continuously creates and improves both its physical and social environments. • Environmental Health –is concerned with the analysis and control of the environmental factors that may affect health. Elements of Environmental Health – for a community to be healthy and for its members to reach their full potential. 1. Outdoor Air Quality 2. Surface and Groundwater 3. Toxic Substance and Hazardous Waste 4. Homes and Communities 5. Infrastructure and Surveillance 6. Global Environmental Health Environmental Health Issues – common to all environmental health issues is the lack of political will. 1. Improper Waste Disposal – people produce a significant amount of trash. 2. Air Pollution – All pollution comes from natural and man-made sources. 3. Deforestation –

4. Illegal Mining – lack of appropriate certificates and permit to excavate and transport minerals. 5. Soil Erosion – is the weaving away of the topmost soil of a land. 6. Cyanide Fishing – is the use of sodium cyanide (NaCN) to capture a fish in the sea. 7. Pesticide Drift – when pesticides used in agriculture are sprayed, they may be spread in the wind. 8. Oil Spill – may come from the waste of factories. 9. Coral Reef Degradation 10. Global Warming and Climate Change – is the increase of temperature of the earth’s atmosphere.

#4 Community and Environmental Health • Presidential Decree 1586: Philippine Environmental Statement System – requires all government and private agencies to submit an Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) • Republic Act 8749: Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 – aims to provide healthy air for the Filipinos. • Republic Act of 9275: Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 – aims to protect the bodies of water. • Republic Act 6969: Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Control

Act of 1990 – aims to restrict the importation, use, distribution, and disposal of chemical substances. • Republic Act 9003: Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 – aims to adopt systematic and comprehensive solid waste management program. • Republic Act 9729: Climate Change Act of 2009 – integration of the concept of climate change in policy formation. • Republic Act 9512: National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008 – this law states that there shall be an integration of environmental education. • The Philippine Agenda – is the country’s plan for a sustainable development. #5 Collective Action for the Environment The Philippine Government takes the lead in protecting our Environment. • Haribon Foundation – aims to conserve habitat sites by creating tree nurseries and empowering communities • Save Philippine Sea – organization that aims to protect marine habitats through information, education, and communication activities.

1. Tresher Shark Protection in Cebu 2. Sea Camp 3. Experential learning environment about Marine Ecosystem for individual as young as 10 years old. • World Wildlife Fund Philippines – focuses on environmental conservations. Notable projects of WWF 1. Conservation efforts of the Philippine Eagle 2. Provision of fiber glass boats for fishermen affected by Typhoon Yolanda 3. Projection of the Whale Sharks or Butanding in Donsol, Sorsogon 4. Protection of Endangered Tamaraws in Mindoro.

#6 Physical Fitness Test Variety – adopting types of physical activitie to widen health and fitness gains. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Dance Exercise Sports and Games Active Recreation and Leisure Lifestyle Physical Activities

Components of Physical Fitness Test 1. Agility







Hexagon Agility Test – test of ability to move quickly while maintaining balance. Balance Storks Balance Standard Test – requires the person to stand on one leg. Flexibility Sit and Reach – is a common measure of flexibility. Strength Standing Long Jump – also known as standing broad jump, is an athletic event. Cardiovascular Endurance 20 Meter Run Test – is commonly used maximal running aerobic fitness test. Speed 40 Meter Sprint – is primarily run to evaluate the speed. Power Push Up – is an exercise which a person lays facing the floor and, keeping their back straight, raises their body by pressing down on their hands.

#7 Sports Officiating One should be knowledgeable with the skills, rules, and the language of the sport in order to be an efficient, effective and reliable official.

Usually officiating duties and responsibilities are: a. Line Judge/Linesman –makes a call if there are faults, committed by the players with regards to boundary lines. b. Scorer – keeping track of the points earned by players/team c. Referee/Umpire – overseas that the game is played according to rules and regulations. d. Table Officials – records the line up (players) and records the results of the game. Some qualities of an Effective Official: 1) Punctuality – Officials must arrive much earlier than the scheduled time. 2) Be in Proper Attire – usually the attire of the Officials are dark pair of pants and white collared shirt and rubber shoes. 3) Be ready with personal equipment – a whistle and a stopwatch that hang around their neck. 4) Has an updated rulebook – this should be easily accessible for quick reference. 5) Know your role – some sports have several officials during the entire period of game. 6) Firm and Decisive – it is always said that the referee’s decision is final.

7) Shows complete control and authority – official must not give in hecklers coming from spectators 8) Should have basic knowledge on first aid – even though there is a clinic within the school premises,it is important for an official to be able to administer basic first aid....

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