Marketing Management _Unit #3 discussion PDF

Title Marketing Management _Unit #3 discussion
Course Marketing Management
Institution University of the People
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Mandatory individual assignment unit 3-discussion
Mandatory individual assignment unit 3-discussion
Mandatory individual assignment unit 3-discussion...


What is work stress The MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia (n.d.) describes stress as a degree of emotional or physical strain that can be triggered by any event or thought that creates the feeling of annoyance, or anxiety within an individual and may be beneficial as well if it is short-term (acute) to escape danger or make a deadline. On the other hand, it can be harmful to one’s health if it lasts for an extended period (chronic) (Medical Encyclopedia, n.d. para 1). In understanding what is stress, workplace stress is stress that is connected to an individual's employment, for example, stress that people experience at work. According to research, White (n.d.) defines workplace stress as anxiety that is caused by conflicting demands. Environmental stress, uncertainty, people issue, and performance pressure are the most common sources of job-related stress. White also pointed out that while stress is present in all occupations, real work stress is detrimental because it causes emotional and physical reactions to workplace demands that are difficult to control (White n.d. para 1). Thus, stress is stress and it does not matter what caused it, if left uncontrolled and mismanaged it may have a negative impact on an individual mental, emotional, and physical health. Works stress affect employee’s motivation As described by Cherry, (n.d.) motivation is the process through which goal-oriented activities are initiated, guided, and maintained (para 1.). According to Cherry (n.d.), motivation can either come from extrinsic motivation (outside the person) or come from intrinsic motivation (inside the person). Continued stress according to Fluker, (2020) can interfere with productivity, creativity, open teamwork, colleagues, and physical and emotional wellness (Fluker, 2020, para 2). Bala Murali (2017), also indicated that stress can also create a lack of work morale, low motivation, feeling unworthy, and inadequately compensated. In addition, Heathfield, (n.d.)

indicated that work stress may also lead to a lack of motivation, difficulties in focusing, accidents, lower production, and disagreement amongst individuals. Sammy, (n.d. para 24) expresses that stress may be regarded as a good motivator in particular in the short term, and have a horrible influence on employees' drive by pushing individuals too far (Sammy, n.d.). Thus, stress can dampen motivation considerably causing a vicious circle leading to failure in employees. Can stress be good and bad Stress can either be positive, motivating, and contribute to improving performance (eustress) or negative and hinders certain functions (distress). Stress may be a powerful motivator, and according to Baffour (2017) when individuals seek to improve, expand their horizons, and work harder. Positive aspects of stress might assist you in overcoming stress. Eustress is the term for this sort of anxiety and can be triggered by a variety of factors, all of which can make us feel alive and enthusiastic about life (Baffour 2017). In addition, Shafir (2020) uttered that positive stress is more likely to occur when an individual is confident in their capacity to overcome the stressor. Even in the face of obstacles, eustress drives people to work hard, improve their performance, and achieve their goals (Shafir, 2020 para 2). Whereas bad stress creates tension which results in distress and according to Shafir (2020) this type of stress is mostly associated with individuals being overworked. When a person believes the stressor or stressors are beyond their control or capacity to cure or alter, they become distressed. People who are distressed often feel overwhelmed and nervous, as well as bodily and psychological symptoms such as headaches, tension, sleeplessness, inattentiveness, and irritability (Shafir, 2020 para 8). However, most consider stress to be bad and destructive, yet it may also be adaptive and useful in some situations.

Managers can influence stress levels in their employees Managers initially should strive to figure out what helps their workers to avoid stress at work. According to research, Fluker, (2020) managers should promote and encourage open talks amongst their team members, encourage team's attention, create health breaks, and recognize and distinguishing the effort of their team members. The author also indicated that workers rely on their executives for empathy, transparency, and trustworthiness, all of which lead to lower levels of stress for their employees. Thus, managers may minimize stress in the workplace in a variety of ways, as you've seen. It's critical to have adequate staff support and collaboration. There are several advantages to minimizing workplace stress. Conclusion Workplace stress affects everyone, from a top-down approach to interpersonal interactions outside of the workplace. Stress may be detrimental to an individual over time and workplace stress is a major problem that must be handled. Thus, a healthy work environment is necessary for employees to perform effectively and managers must create a strategy to reduce employees’ job stress levels.

Reference Baffour, F. (2017, December 18). Stress: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Retrieved from Cherry, K., & Morin, A. (n.d.). What is Motivation?. Retrieved from

Fluker, D. (2020, June 30). 4 Ways great managers can help reduce stress in the workplace. Blog post Retrieved from Heathfield, S. M. (n.d.). Understanding stress and how it affects your workplace. Retrieved from Murali, S.B., Basit, A., &Hassan, Z. (2017, November). Impact of job stress on employee performance. International Journal of Accounting & Business Management, 5(3),13. Sammy, B. (n.d.). Does stress affect motivation - potentials and risks. Retrieved from Shafir, H., Troy, B. (2020, November 6). Eustress vs distress: positive & negative types of stress. Retrieved from U.S. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Stress and your health. Retrieved from White, M. (n.d.). Definition of work stress. Retrieved from

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