Marketing of the products and services at Woolworths PDF

Title Marketing of the products and services at Woolworths
Author Magic Gifts
Course managing for change
Institution Berkeley College
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Marketing of the products and services at Woolworths Woolworths Supermarkets is one of the leading grocery stores in Australia. It is a grocery store chain, which is owned by Woolworths Limited. Alongside, it has been found that, the Coles Supermarkets and Woolworths formed a near duopoly of Australian supermarkets, both of which was founded in the year 1924; these two account together about 80% of the Australian market. The company predominantly is a specialist in selling groceries, which are namely fruits, vegetables, meat along with packaged food and many more. Apart from grocery items, Woolworths also sells health and beauty products, DVD, household products, pet and baby products along with stationery items. At present, the company operates over more than 1000 stores across Australia. Out of these 1000 stores, 968 supermarkets and over 19 stores are carrying the same logo (, 2017). Thus, in order to understand the marketing principles that are being followed by the organisation are as follows: 1. Customer priority: in order to attain customer priority, there are certain definite objectives, which are supposedly propagated by the organisation, which are as follows:  Generation of momentum of sale sustenance in Food  Evolving Drinks business in order to provide more value and convenience to the customers  Attaining the reputation of lean retailer through end to end process and system excellence 2. Working hard for the customers:the organisation has formulated the aspect of the fact that, they need to work hard for the customers in order to attain customer satisfaction. 3. Innovation: with the implementation of innovative ideas, it has become easier for the people of the organisation to achieve the motives that are being propagated by them (, 2017).

2. Identify the key characteristics of their products and services and their significance to the market. It is to be noted that, while the customers opt for choosing an effective place to shop grocery, it is important for them to consider the following points while buying, which are as follows: 1. Food safety standards 2. Good value for money products 3. Low prices 4. Convenience in trading hours 5. Cleanliness and hygiene 6. Good range of fruits and vegetables Thus, it can be said that, in order to attain these variables, it is essential to look at the key identification of the products and services that are provided by Woolworths, which are as follows: After an initial analysis and assessment on Woolworths, it has been found that, over 95% of the fresh fruits and vegetables are grown in Australia, which are sold at the grocery store. The other fresh supply of fruits, vegetables and meat comes from hundreds of suppliers across the country.

Furthermore, it has been found that, the company abides by the voluntary codes of conduct in relation with the supplier trading relationships. Woolworths is an inaugural member of the Produce and Grocery Industry Code of Conduct. The primary purpose of this code of conduct is to aim at the promotion of fair trading practices in order to build better and healthy business relationships (, 2017). On the other hand, it has also been observed that, since Woolworths is a listed company, it releases fully audited and accounts, which are publicly available. The sales, profit and gross margins of the company are calculated at an interval of six months and can be viewed in their annual reports. Woolworths Limited makes around five cents in the dollar before paying the interests and taxes. The company’s Net Operating Profit is about three cents in the dollars (, 2017).

3. Review pricing policy and analyse pricing variables to determine their effect on demand Psychological conditioning:the company has come up with a new marketing strategy, which has been named “psychological conditioning” by the organisation.It refers to a new ‘round numbers’ pricing strategy, which is, as propagated by the organisation will facilitate the customers. However, the entire concept is more than a psychological ploy to a definite retail expert, when they assess the facets of the organisational pricing policy. The grocery company announced that is intending to move the prices of more than 20,000 products to round dollars and no cents. Steve Donohue, the Director of buying and merchandise has declared the fact that, they will increase the simplicity by making it convenient for the customers to compare prices and perform mental arithmetic (, 2017). Furthermore, Dr. Gary Mortimer, a retail expert stated the fact that the real intention behind introducing this policy is to convince the customers about the fact that they are paying less to the company (, 2017). 4. Analyse the impact and importance of the following elements to market outcomes. A. the promotional methods b. the channels of distribution c. the level of customer service provided.


Methods of promotion:

The methods of promotion, which are predominantly used by Woolworths, are prevalent by the use of social media that is being used by them.With the help of social media interactions, the company has effectively resulted in theemerging popularity of the grocery company. On the other hand, they also provide proper advertisements in the newspapers in order to gather more attraction towards their company (, 2017).

b. Customer base: Since Woolworths is agrocery store, thus, it is quite evident that, the customer base of the retail company is very high. Furthermore, it can also be said that, in order to attain the maximum customer base, the organisation needs to solely focus on the ways by which they can attain the most of customers (McCulloch, 2016).

c. Distribution channel:

The company operates with the help of definite Distribution Centers, Primary Freight and the Packaging and barcode in order to ensure smooth and convenient service between the Trade partners and their Stores.

d. Customer service level provided: The first and foremost priority of the grocery company, is to provide the best level of customer service. This is because; the customers are the backbone of the organisation, the more the organisation is able to attract the customers, the more profits the organisation will attain.

5. Identify Braaap’s potential customer base and key pressure points for success in reaching them The predominant elements of marketing mix tend to influence each other. They intend to make up business plan for the tenets of a definite organisation in order to handle the business activities with accuracy and perfection. Furthermore, it can also be said that, if the marketing mix elements are not implemented properly, it might lead to disastrous results, and the recovery of the organisation will take a lot of time. Thus, it can be propagated that, the marketing mix needs to have an extensive understanding in order to conduct a proper market research and proper consultation with several people, from the definite usage of trade in order to manufacture with others. Therefore, it can be estimated that, marketing mix plays an important role in the promulgation of the business strategies, which needs proper consideration and formulation(Huang& Sarigöllü, 2014). In the context of customer base, it can be said that, the marketing mix will extensively analyse the key factors and facets that are essential for the formulation of the business processes, which will be beneficial for the retail organisation. 6. Establish the components of the marketing mix. Include information on how each element of the marketing mix has been used, their significance to each other and their relevance to the customer base.

Every company that sees technology as a competitive differentiator needs a product strategy. And every person who touches a product inside of an organization directly contributes to its success or failure. A comprehensive product strategy incorporates involvement from all stakeholders in the ecosystem. For those involved in developing or delivering product strategy— from cradle-to-grave— develop a mindset that anchors product strategy as the pathway to growth. Whether you are seeking growth by launching new products and services, or need to manage the lifecycle of existing ones, the Product Strategy program offers approaches that are used by many of the top technology-driven companies in the world today.

7. Identify external environmental factors and assess their potential impact on the marketing mix In order to understand the environmental factors and the potential impact of the marketing mix of Woolworths, it is important to analyse the facets of the organisation with PESTLE analysis, which are as follows: 1. Political:the political environment of a definite country is closely linked with the predominant performance of the organisation along with the retail companies. In thecontext ofWoolworths, it can be stated that, the political condition of Australia highly shapes the business environment of the organisation, which tends to provide the organisation with convenient growth opportunities. Furthermore, business sector of the retail company also grows as an outcome of political stability. This is due to the fact that, the foreign investors and the trading partners of the retail company tends to show interest in carrying the predominant business activities of the grocery store (Bartels, 2016). 2. Economic:the predominant economic factors of the retail organisation include recession and unemployment. With over 1000 stores across the glove, the organisation is likely to achieve a huge amount of profit. However, the problems of unemployment prevail, as due to lack of employees, the retail stores will not be able to flourish (Decker et al. 2014). 3. Social:the customers are the foremost priority for Woolworths. Thus, it is essential for the organisation to identify the predominant needs and desires of their customers and produce products in accordance with it. Furthermore, the organisation has been able to identify the leading trends of the change in the perceptions of the eating habits of the people. Thus, the people nowadays are more inclined into healthy food habits. Therefore, it is the duty of the organisational authority to look into the changing trends of the needs and desires of the people (Jain, 2015). 4. Technological:the technological factors include the development of improved facilities in order to meet up with the demands of the customers. With the implementation of developed technological equipments, the organisation will be able to analyse the key facets that are associated with the business process of the organisation. One of the notable technological innovations that the organisation has invented is the aspect of self-checkout, where the customers are required to look for their requirements on their own. However, the aspect of self-checkout brought a negative response within the minds and perceptions of the customers. Thus, it is important for the organisation to properly link the technology with the preferences and needs of their valuable customers (Aithal, 2016). ECONOMIC POLITICAL

  

Duopolistic nature of the Australian market Political pressure Political stability shapes the business environment


Customer retention

    

Lackluster consumer Impact on retailers Recession Unemployment Paving way for new entrants


SAP based merchandising system Improvement of efficiency Self checkout

   

Customer preference Poor attitude towards customers Change in business culture Changing trends of perception of customers

Business link with customer needs and preferences

Figure: PEST analysis of Woolworth (Source: created by the author)

8 Identify consumer priorities, needs and preferences and the way they impact the marketing mix. 1. Product:As Woolworth is the leading company belonging to Australian Retailers, this company provides all kinds of grocery items as the part of their strategy based on marketing mix. Their product range varies from fruits, meats, vegetables and packaged products. Woolworths has also started selling DVDs, Stationary items, and magazines. With each of the categories, they provide large varieties of choices regarding international cuisine, brand, and local produce (Berthon, Pitt, Plangger & Shapiro, 2012). 2. Price:This company attempts at maintaining a similar or slightly higher prices than the other companies maintain offer their customers working in the same industry. It has been found that the chosen company offers varieties of premium brands in the food chain; the pricing list is kept competitive in the market of food and retail industry. In addition, Woolworths serve their consumer segment that prefers the low prices along with premium prices. 3. Distribution channel:The supply chain of the chosen company can operate centers of distribution, Primary Freight along with packaging and requirements of Barcode for ensuring a smooth service between the stores of the chosen company and Trade partners (Ferrell & Hartline, 2012). According to a finding, it has been found that more than 75% of every grocery dollar in Australia has been spending in the chosen company. In addition, at the same time, Coles have indicated that Coles and Woolworths have controlled almost all the grocery retail-based distribution channels of Australia, making the manufacturers of grocery having no other choice, however, beg Woolworths along with Coles for selling their products. 4. Promotional Activities:Promotions have always been given an importance and preferences by Woolworths Company. This company has constantly been bringing innovation in their promotional activities. The company offers different loyalty schemes for their customers, which include discounts in the petrol pump. 5. Service Variations:Woolworths provides specific features within their service, which is a set out within the terms of services that can apply to their offers and services (Perreault Jr, Cannon & McCarthy, 2013). This company can provide the service using the network of Mobile; they often provide their services to the standards that are required by the law including all required under the guarantees of the consumer in the consumer law of Australia. 9. Evaluate new products or services against marketing objectives, target market characteristics and desired positioning.

According to the consumer feedback, as the chosen company has been bringing changes to their pricing strategy that will definitely be going to hit the market factors along with the responses of their consumer. In addition, when the price of some products, which is similar or more than the price that other food and retail company offers, goes down a bit, then the market of food retail industry is going to get a challenge (Kumar, Bhaskaran, Mirchandani & Shah, 2013). It is because this company with no compromise in their pricing strategy had already been so popular amongst the Australian public, then after decreasing the price of their product, how much popular will be the Woolworths Company in front of the public cum customer. Furthermore, the responses of their customer towards this company will definitely give a threat to the competitors of the same company. The customers will enjoy the products that they will buy from their choice of the market at an inexpensive rate. In addition, this company has decided to make some changes within their promotional activities, which they are going to introduce a new marketing team along with sales team, within which all the members need to be so effective that they can attract the non-users of this company for becoming the customers of the same company (Fifield, 2012). After analysis based on the price range of Woolworths done by their competitors can force them to reduce their price range of the products so that they can retain their customer as well. Moreover, the Woolworths can further retain their employees, as well as the company will give a training session to their existing employees for promoting their products within the competitive markets. 10. Assess the marketing mix in relation to the organisational, strategic and operational marketing objectives. Select the most appropriate mix and explain your decision. After bringing the changes within the marketing strategy of the chosen company, the marketer notices the results of the test along with it they evaluate the market response. In addition, the test has been conducted before implementing the planned changes within their strategy; the marketing team of Woolworths has achieved the results (Leonidou, Leonidou, Fotiadis & Zeriti, 2013). The results of the test are better than the expected results, moreover, the responses that they have obtained after bringing the sample of the test in the market, they achieve a better response as compared to their expected one. The result of the test describes the successful implementation of the strategy and indicates that this changes if maintaining and manage timely can definitely work for the growth of this company. The changes can help the company for maintaining their sustainable competitive advantages, which this company already do have. In addition, the test also states that the company is not going to gain more profit but at the same time, the company does not need to make any kind of loss. Thus, the test needs to get an approval (Kumar & Rajan, 2012). Furthermore, the responses collected from the users and non-users both, of this company have fully like this change, as this change grabs the attention and interest of their customers and the non-customer as well. 11. Write a report covering all the above points.

12. Adjust components of the marketing mix in response to test results, ensuring that the final mix meets:

a. Budget requirements For adopting the framed changes within the marketing mix of the chosen company’s marketing strategy, the company needs to make a budget. For making the budget, they require few things such as the new products for which the chosen company is going to reduce the price, the staffs

involved in the making process of the strategy as well budgeting. In addition, they need to focus on maintaining the brand image while making the budget for the resources in order to develop the new strategy (Kim, Jeon, Jung, Lu & Jones, 2012). For making the budget, the marketers of the company need spend time on market research, planning, and development of the product, the final projection for helping to set the objectives of the pricing and production. In addition to it, the budget-making process includes distribution methods, public relation, and promotion. Budgeting money for the customer's surveys along with focused groups, along with evaluating their competition, purchasing the research based on given industry, developing the profile for the customer, testing and marketing their initial products of low cost. In addition to the list of the budget resources, the list includes the cost of demonstrations along with the free samples; they need to frame the budget while considering the pricing strategy of their competitors (Papadopoulos & Heslop, 2014). Activities

Budget (Dollar)

Conducting market research

200 Dollar

Testing their initial low-cost products

100 Dollar

Developing the profile of the targeted customer

100 Dollar

Distributing the free-cost sample

200 Dollar

Conducting the survey

100 Dollar

Collecting the feedback

200 Dollar

Marketing their newly strategized product

500 Dollar


1500 Dollar

b. organisational strategic objectives Meeting the objectives of this company’s strategy, they can achieve their targeted market by implementing the effective ...

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