Marketing strategy of OMO washing powder PDF

Title Marketing strategy of OMO washing powder
Course Marketing Essential
Institution Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân
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Marketing strategy of OMO washing powder...


In general, Omo's new positioning route is not long enough, but Omo's marketing strategy is already worth considering as a success. Succeeding in opening a separate path in the Vietnamese market, succeeding in enhancing the brand value of a product of essential consumer goods. Omo's strategy "to win" customers Remembering the first days of entering the Vietnamese market, Omo started with ads highlighting his outstanding washing features. The most typical TVC is to interview consumers about their experiences when using Omo detergent. It seems that this unilever model of Unilever should "torture" the audience for a long time, causing them to reach their necks, but it is quite "effective". Most consumers remember Omo. When the Tide brand of P&G rival officially entered the market, the race to win the position in the minds of consumers began to come back. Combined with broadcast on television, newspapers ... two washing powder men entered the competition screen. In 2002, the market witnessed the fierce battle of price between Omo and Tide in order to quickly dominate the market. When the price dropped to the floor level, they could not hold their gong anymore. At this time, consumers are familiar with Omo brand, so even if there is a slight increase in price, they are still willing to pay off, Omo protects market share. Omo now positioning himself as clean white with the slogan: Omo - expert in cleaning stains. This positioning strategy succeeds because when you think of Omo, people think of "clean white". In addition to the "bombing" advertising strategy on television and newspapers, Omo also incorporates a series of other marketing activities to promote the brand. In 2002 marked the birth of a successful PR program of Omo, highly appreciated by the people in the profession as the program "Omo white shirt bright future". This program is still maintained now because it continues to bring great marketing effectiveness. Since the end of 2005 we have witnessed a new transformation of Omo with a community-oriented marketing strategy. Omo really locates on a new level. Ms. Nguyen Thi Mai, brand manager of Omo said: "Omo is located based on exploiting the experience and development of children. All activities of Omo are aimed at this positioning". Indeed, Omo has been promoting the brand with the product's features, they have created "brand awareness" that is brand awareness to customers. And this is when they

enter a more "advanced" period: reinforcing the brand and building customers' feelings for the brand. A series of programs are aimed at this consistent goal: organizing community-oriented programs such as "festival of talented bags", "OMO white shirt in the future, festival" Million hearts Gold "," Happy New Year for the whole year ", promotion" Van tim golden for million gold hearts ", school paint program in 6 remote provinces, support 3000 students to come home to celebrate Tet The programs have really brought practical benefits to society and Omo quickly "scored" in the eyes with customers. PR strategy on the way We can see PR's shadow in all of Omo's recent activities. It can be seen that PR often starts by creating "public opinion". Typically, the program "Learn good things, be afraid of stains". Such successful programs cannot be ignored regardless of the important role of PR activities. With the idea that people today are afraid of germs and bacteria, they will not let their children play naughty games to learn and develop, Omo sends the message: "Learn something good and afraid stains ", arousing awareness among parents about letting their children free to play around. They find ways to make people interested in this issue and to discuss it together in the newspaper (actually the issue raised in the readers' comments section is the writings of PR people under different sender names. ). When public opinion heated up with the topic: "What will I do for my children this summer have fun or learn", Omo launched the "Talent Bags" event at Le Van Tam Park. So the program was a great success because they knew how to tend to people's comments to convey the message "you are no longer afraid of children playing dirty because Omo has erased all stains." Next is the online interview program with experts, articles about to nurture compassion, sympathy in children .... The goal of creating this opinion is to support the program "OMO white shirt - bright future" is being launched aggressively at the same time. After every event organized by Omo, the media were eager to report. Omo is quickly ranked as the most famous brand in the cosmetics industry. It can be said that Omo succeeded when he positioned himself on a new level It can be said that Omo has succeeded in locating itself on a new level, or it is fun to say that since the rudimentary period has entered the modern era. Meanwhile, their rival, Tide, is still at the positioning of bleaching capacity, introducing product features.

We can clearly see the strategy of attacking with Omo and Viso. When Omo also located white, Viso "is understood as" a cheap detergent for ordinary consumers. When Omo has reached a higher position now, it is easy to see that Viso has also been upgraded with the "Bright white Viso" product line, which is characterized as "bright white" to "bite". enter Tide's market share. Besides, continue to maintain low-grade Viso lemon product line. Meanwhile, their rival Tide is quite conservative and conservative (which seems to be the characteristic of P&G) before the flexible marketing strategy of the other two brands. Evidence that they still fondly shake their thighs to enjoy TVC in the old motifs "surprised yet?". However, Viso 's strategy to upgrade images may not be very threatening to Tide according to Unilever' s calculations, if not used carefully, there is a risk that deviating from this goal will be as effective as them. desire. Instead of forcing Tide yard, Viso encroached on OMO's market share. Moreover, the quality of Viso can compete with Tide or not, it is also something to review. Song said what is said, what has its advantages and limitations, "open the door to welcome the wind, the flies and mosquitoes follow" is inevitable. Let's wait to see if their grip strategy is as effective as they want it to be. Successful speaking cannot help but mention restrictions. Besides the successes, Omo seems to have a few steps to be ... short of foot. Typical is the most recent event of the "Omo safe" line with the cleaning of the giant short-sleeved shirt on the Military Zone 7 stadium. This is a very good and bad show but it "gets" public opinion. The rating is not very high. Europe is also a lesson for Unilever and for us, it is to consider carefully the cultural factor when organizing a marketing activity, think according to Vietnamese thinking. Most Vietnamese in the tradition of East Asians do not like the unrealistic sensations, so sewing the shirt is an unnecessary luxury. Thankfully, Unilever had "cured" it in time by cutting the shirt into pieces to make clothes for poor children, so he saved himself a lost goal. Perhaps this program is organized in a Western country, it will be very successful but in Vietnam when there is still a way of looking at it, evaluating it closely and conservatively in public opinion, it is clear that the organization This event is a completely inappropriate thing. In general, Omo's new route is still not long enough, but what they do is worthy of success. Succeeding in opening a separate path in the Vietnamese market, succeeding in enhancing the brand value of a product of essential consumer goods. Later on, it is likely that competitors will follow their positioning, but Omo has the advantage of being a

pioneer in the market, but the first thing often leaves a lasting impression in the minds of customers....

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