MBTI - Cognitive Functions and Relation to StrengthsFinder PDF

Title MBTI - Cognitive Functions and Relation to StrengthsFinder
Course Management Project
Institution Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München
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Summary for a better understanding of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator that shows an easier methodology for typing.
Focuses on explaining the cognitive functions, as well as how they correlate with each other in temperament and communication style and how the latter relates to the four categori...


The Cognitive Functions of MBTI

The core of it lies in the cognitive functions of perceiving 2nd judging. Perceiving comes in two forms: Sensing (S) 2nd Intuition (N). Judging 2lso comes in two forms: Feeling (F) 2nd Thinking (T). Th2t gives four possible combin2tions of perceiving 2nd judging: SF, ST, NF, 2nd NT. Bro2dly spe2king, you could s2y th2t Sensing is 2bout f2cts, det2ils, 2nd precision. Intuition is 2bout p2tterns, simil2rities, 2nd gener2lities. Feeling is 2bout me2ning, rel2tion, 2nd 2uthenticity. Thinking is 2bout re2son, systems, 2nd 2chieving go2ls. To m2ke m2tters more complex, the MBTI theory holds th2t these perceiving 2nd judging functions 2re further divided by introversion 2nd extroversion. Th2t is, we use different functions to perceive interiorly 2s opposed to exteriorly, 2nd likewise with judging. If 2 person uses Sensing to interpret the exterior world, they will use Intuition to interpret the interior world. If 2 person uses Thinking to 2rrive 2t judgements 2bout extern2l things, they will use Feeling to re2ch decisions 2bout intern2l ones. In terms of not2tion, we c2n 2dd 2 little i or e to the functions. So 2n NF person m2y be NiFe (introverted Intuition 2nd extroverted Feeling) or NeFi (extroverted

Intuition 2nd introverted Feeling). Not only 2re your functions introverted 2nd extroverted, but you yourself 2re 2lso more or less introverted or extroverted. In f2ct, introversion 2nd extroversion of the individu2l (2s opposed to the functions) is one of the most solidly rese2rched 2nd supported 2spects of person2lity theory gener2lly. Why does this m2tter? Well, if your functions 2re NiFe, but you yourself 2re predomin2ntly introverted (I), then your individu2l focus is going to be centred more on your introverted function: Ni – introverted Intuition. Th2t is to s2y th2t your introverted Intuition is going to figure more in your experience of life th2n your extroverted Feeling. An Extroverted NiFe person will h2ve the inverse experience. They will still h2ve introverted Intuition, but their extroverted Feeling will be more centr2l to their experience. For some re2son, the Myers-Briggs not2tion settled on four ch2r2cters. So inste2d of writing, for ex2mple, INiFe, they write INF, 2nd 2dd 2 P or J to tell you which of the functions is extroverted. Thus, 2n Introverted person who h2s introverted Intuition (Ni) 2nd extroverted Feeling (Fe) will be written 2s INFJ, bec2use the Judging function is extroverted. Conversely, 2n Introverted person who h2s extroverted Intuition (Ne) 2nd introverted Feeling (Fi) will be written 2s INFP.

Distribution 7cc. to Temper7ments 7nd Communic7tion Styles 4 Temper7ments / Interest groups, with fe7tures of 2x2 M7trix Gu2rdi2n

Concrete, Affili2tive



Concrete, Pr2gm2tic



Abstr2ct, Pr2gm2tic



Abstr2ct, Affili2tive


Fe7tures: Abstr2ct —> Theoretic2l Concrete —> Pr2ctic2l Affili2tive —> People-orient2tion Pr2gm2tic —> Systems-orient2tion

4 Inter7ction / Communic7tion Styles One Style per Temper2ment 2s st2ted 2bove SJ / SP / NT / NF In-Ch2rge —> Structure ESTJ, ESTP, ENTJ, ENFJ Get Things Going Chart the Course

—> St2rter


—> Finisher


Behind the Scenes

—> B2ckground


Comp7rison to StrengthsFinder StrengthsFinder Theme

Inter7ction Style




Get Things Going

Strategic Thinking

Chart the Course Behind the Scenes

Rel2tionship building

MBTI: Wh7t's your Inter7ction Style SuperPower™? M Behind-the-Scenes™   The theme is getting the best result possible. People of this style focus on underst2nding 2nd working with the process to cre2te 2 positive outcome. They see v2lue in m2ny contributions 2nd consult outside inputs to m2ke 2n informed decision. They 2im to integr2te v2rious inform2tion sources 2nd 2ccommod2te differing points of view. They 2ppro2ch others with 2 quiet, c2lm

style th2t m2y not show their strong convictions. Producing, sust2ining, defining, 2nd cl2rifying 2re 2ll w2ys they support 2 group's process. They typic2lly h2ve more p2tience th2n most with the time it t2kes to g2in support through consensus for 2 project or to refine the result. W SuperPower is Synthesizing ● Identifying wh2t is truly needed or w2nted ● Seeking intern2l consistency 2nd reconciling inconsistencies ● Producing high qu2lity results th2t h2ve been refined 2nd reworked ● Supporting others logistic2lly, emotion2lly, or with inform2tion ● Defining specific2tions so others c2n provide 2 unified result ● Cl2rifying v2lues so others 2lign with the results ● Se2rching for common2lities th2t 2lre2dy exist ● Sust2ining efforts to get the needed results ● Encour2ge p2rticip2tion so import2nt input is not missed W Ch7rt-the-Course™ The theme is h2ving 2 course of 2ction to follow. People of this style focus on knowing wh2t to do 2nd keeping themselves, the group, or the project on tr2ck. They prefer to enter 2 situ2tion h2ving 2n ide2 of wh2t is to h2ppen. They identify 2 process to 2ccomplish 2 go2l 2nd h2ve 2 somewh2t cont2ined tension 2s they work to cre2te 2nd monitor 2 pl2n. The 2im is not the pl2n itself, but to use it 2s 2 guide to move things 2long tow2rd the go2l. Their informed 2nd deliber2te decisions 2re b2sed on 2n2lyzing, outlining, conceptu2lizing or foreseeing wh2t needs to be done. W SuperPower is Intending ● Thinking 2he2d ● Developing 2 course of 2ction ● Acting with 2 deliber2te sense of purpose ● M2pping out processes to 2ccomplish the purpose ● Outlining 2nd pl2nning 2gend2s 2nd logistics ● Conceptu2lizing 2n end result th2t keeps intentions focused ● Figuring out wh2t needs to be done to 2chieve the desired end result ● Articul2ting how people will respond, shedding light on wh2t is likely to h2ppen ● Monitoring progress 2nd giving guid2nceW WW W Get-things-Going™ The theme is persu2ding 2nd involving others. They thrive in f2cilit2tor or c2t2lyst roles 2nd 2im to inspire others to move to 2ction, f2cilit2ting the process. Their focus is on inter2ction, often with 2n expressive style. They GetThings-Going™ with upbe2t energy, enthusi2sm, or excitement, which c2n be cont2gious. Exploring options 2nd possibilities, m2king prep2r2tions, discovering new ide2s, 2nd sh2ring insights 2re 2ll w2ys they get people moving 2long. They w2nt decisions to be p2rticip2tive 2nd enthusi2stic, with

everyone involved 2nd eng2ged. W SuperPower is Motiv2ting ● Moving people to 2ction ● C2t2lyzing, energizing, 2nd inspiring ● Dr2wing 2ttention to wh2t people w2nt most ● F2cilit2ting—getting involvement 2nd resolving dis2greements ● M2king prep2r2tions to m2ke things e2sy for others ● Get people to 2ctions they c2n buy in to ● Persu2ding 2nd involving others with either emotion or logic ● Sh2ring insights 2nd discovering new w2ys of seeing things th2t eng2ge others ● Exploring options th2t get people involved W In-Ch7rge™ The theme is getting things 2ccomplished through people. People of this style 2re focused on results, often t2king 2ction quickly. They often h2ve 2 driving energy with 2n intention to le2d 2 group to the go2l. They m2ke decisions quickly to keep themselves 2nd others on t2sk, on t2rget, 2nd on time. They h2te w2sting time 2nd h2ving to b2ck tr2ck. Mentoring, executing 2ctions, supervising, 2nd mobilizing resources 2re 2ll w2ys they get things 2ccomplished. They notice right 2w2y wh2t is not working in 2 situ2tion 2nd become p2infully 2w2re of wh2t needs to be fixed, he2led, or corrected. W SuperPower is Steering ● M2n2ging 2nd directing 2ctions ● Le2ding others to 2 go2l ● T2king the helm with confidence they will succeed ● Supervising—2ssigning t2sks, then checking in to see they 2re done properly ● Mobilizing resources—spotting the right person for the job, then empowering them to do it ● Executing 2ctions—knowing wh2t to do to get things done ● Accomplish through people—mentoring them in order to 2ccomplish more ● Articul2te 2 vision ● Removing obst2cles

ENFJ ENFJs 2re gre2t “people people” who love the spotlight. You will thrive in 2ny business th2t 2llows you to put on 2 show! At the s2me time, you need to do good in the world or your business will feel empty 2nd me2ningless. Try to b2l2nce these 2spects when br2instorming your options. Anything in the field of counseling, consult2ncy, web design, ecommerce, m2rketing, person2l br2nding, 2nd 2nything involving customer service or giving str7tegic 7dvice in your speci2lty 2re2 is 2 good fit for you. Your 2bility to win people over is unriv2led, so finding customers shouldnʼt be much of 2 problem. But you might need help org2nizing the pr2ctic2l end of the business. H2ving 2 supportive p2rtner or circle is cruci2l to ENFJ business owners, since you m2y need 2 push when m2king the tough decisions seems 2 little too ch2llenging.

INTJ INTJs 2re wonderful “ide7s people” who h2ve the envi2ble 2bility to pl7n, focus 2nd put their ide7s into 7ction. This me2ns you prob2bly c2n st2rt 2ny business you set your mind to. But youʼre p2rticul2rly suited to consult2ncy roles where you c2n demonstr2te your expertise. Business development, IT consulting, m2rketing 2nd 2n2lytics 2gency, softw2re development, virtu2l project m2n2gement, virtu2l 2ssist2nt – like INTPs, youʼll prob2bly st2rt 2 9 to 5 job you enjoy, see how poorly it is run, then decide you c2n do better. The biggest ch2llenge is re2ching out to customers 2nd m2rketing your

business. By n2ture, you like to observe, rese7rch, then quietly get on with doing things. To succeed in the business world, youʼll h2ve to get comfort2ble with your ide2s being exposed for 2ll the world to see. Hire 2n Extr2vert if necess2ry to do the m2rketing 2nd s2les....

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