MCQ Family LAW 1 FOR Practice PDF

Title MCQ Family LAW 1 FOR Practice
Author harsh gautam
Course Family Law I
Institution Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Pages 27
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Practice Multiple Choice Questions on Family Law Q.1) The Hindu marriage act 1955 applies to A) Hindus B) Buddhist C) Jains D) a. b and c Q.2) Sapinda relations extends to how much generation in the line of ascent through mother. A) 5 B) 7 C) 3 D) no limit Q.3) Sapinda relations extends to how much generation in the line of ascent through Father A) 5 B) 7 C) 3 D) no limit Q.4 Which section of the HMA 1955 talks about registration of marriage A) 2 B) 5 C) 8 D) 15 Q.5) Q.6) On what grounds the marriage is voidable under the HMA,1955 A) Non Consummation owing to impotency of respondent B) Consent obtained by fraud C) pre marriage pregnancy

D) All Above. Q.7) What are the grounds of divorce which are exclusively available to wife only under HMA 1955. A) Polygamous marriage before 1955 Act. B) Rape, Sodomy, Bestility C) maintenance order passed in favour of wife and non resumption of cohabitation. D) All above 8) In which case SC said that registration of marriages should be made compulsory. A) Dastane v. Dastane B) Seema v. Ashwani Kumar C) Anil Jain v. Maya Jain D) None of the above 9) In which case SC remarked that its high time that irretrievable breakdown of marriage should be recognised as a ground of divorce. A) Dastane v. Dastane B) Neelu Kohli v. Naveen Kohli C) Sarla Mudgal v. UOI D) Dr. DN Mukherjee v. State 10) In which case SC held that Sec 9 of HMA is constitutionally valid A) T. Sareetha v. T Venkatasubbaiah B) Harvinder Kaur v. Harmander S Chaudhry C) Saroj Rani v. Sudarshan Kumar D) None of the above 11) Which of the following is not a ground of divorce under HMA A) Desertion B) Cruelty C) Not being heard of as alive for period of 3 years

D) Conversion to other religion 12) Which section of HMA provides punishment for bigamous marriage A) 15 B) 17 C)16 D) Bigamy is not punishable 13) What is the prescribed age for a valid marriage under HMA A) Bride must have completed 18 years of age and bridegroom 21 years B) 21 years for both parties C) 18 years for both parties D) No Age limit 14) HMA does not apply to A) Muslims,Christians , Parsi B) member of schedule tribe community C) both a and b D) Sikh, Buddhist, Jain !5) What are the grounds on which a decree of judicial separation can be obtained. A) Cruelty B) Desertion C) Non resumption of cohabitation after passing of decree of Restitution of conjugal rights D) Any ground on which decree of divorce can be obtained 16) What are the primary source of Muslim law A) Quran B) Sunnat C) both a and B D) None

17) Which one is not a secondary source of Muslim law A) Qiyas B) Custom C) Judicial Decision D) Legislation 18) What are the essentials of a Muslim marriage A) Offer B) Acceptance C) Free consent D) All of the above 19) A person under muslim law is deemed to be major if he is of A) 18 years B) 21 years C) 15 years D) none of the above 20) Under Muslim law when the Husband charges his wife of adultery and the charge is not true, the woman can move to the court for dissolution of marriage claiming. A) Khula B) Mubarrat C) Lian D) Illa 21) Tripple Talaq is declared unconstitutional by SC in which case A) Lilly Thomas v. UOI B) Mohd Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum C) Danial Latifi v. UOI D) Shayara Bano v. UOI 22) Pronuncing triple talaq is made an offence by which act

A) The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage Act ,2019 B) The Muslim Women Protection of Rights on Divorce Act, 1986 C) Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939 D) None of the above 23) Punishment prescribed under The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage Act ,2019 for pronouncing talaq is A) imprisonment upto 3years and Fine B) ony fine C) Imprisonment upto 3 years. D) None of the Above 24) Which judgement of the SC led to the passing of The Muslim Women Protection of Rights on Divorce Act, 1986 A) Lilly Thomas v. UOI B) Mohd Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum C) Danial Latifi v. UOI D) Shayara Bano v. UOI 25) In which case the constitutionality of The Muslim Women Protection of Rights on Divorce Act, 1986 was challenged. A) Lilly Thomas v. UOI B) Mohd Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum C) Danial Latifi v. UOI D) Shayara Bano v. UOI 26) Maintenance Pendente Lite can be claimed under which section of HMA. A) Sec 24 B) Sec 25 C) Both a and b D) none of the above 27) Under section 25 of the HMA, 1955 maintenance can be claimed by whom

A) Wife B) Husband C) both a and b D) none of the above 28) In which case SC held that a Muslim wife who is unable to maintain herself can claim maintenance from her husband under Sec 125 CrPC. A) Lilly Thomas v. UOI B) Mohd Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum C) Danial Latifi v. UOI D) Shayara Bano v. UOI 29) In which case the SC held that word” after him” under sec 6 of The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 to be read “as in absence” A) Gita Hariharan v. RBI B) Jijabai v. Pathankhan C) Hanumanprasad Pandey v. Babooee Munraj Koonware D) none of the above 30) A female Hindu can take a child in adoption under The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956 if she is of A) Sound mind B) Major C) unmarried D) All the Above 31) A child is capable of being taken in adoption under The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956 if A) he/she is Hindu B) not already been adopted C) not completed the age of 15 years unless custom permits D) All the above

32) Under section 3 of The Protection of Women’s from Domestic Violence Act 2005 protection is available from A) Physical and Mental Abuse B) Sexual Abuse C) Economic Abuse D All the above 33) Natural Guardian of an illegitimate child under sec 6 of The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act 1956 is A) Mother and after him Father B) Father and after him mother C) State D) both a and b 34) SC has held Sec 377 IPC to be unconstitutional so far as it criminalizes consensual sexual acts of adults in private in which case A) Naz Foundation (India) Trust v. Govt. of NCT of Delhi B) Suresh K.Koushal & Ors. V. Naz Foundation (India) Trust & Ors. C) Navtej Singh Johar v. UOI D) None of the above 35) A minor legitimate or illegitimate child can claim maintenance under section 20 of The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956 from A) Mother B) Father C) both a and b D) none of the above Q. 36 “Tuhr means: (a) Period of Iddat (b) Period of Menstruation (c) Date of Marriage (d) The period between two menstrual cycles

Q.37 Which one of the following is the most approved form of divorce under Muslim Law? (a) Talaq-e-Tafweez (b) Talaq-e-Ahsan (c) Talaq-e-Hasan (d) Talaq-ul-Biddat Q.38 Hizanat means (a) custody of mother upon child only (b) custody of father upon child only (c) custody of brother upon child (d) a and b both Q.39 G, a Hindu girl aged 14 yrs marries B, a Hindu by exchange of garlands in a temple. Later on G, finds that B is impotent. G leaves the matrimonial home and marries A. In the following situation (a) G can be punished for bigamy (b) G cannot be punished for bigamy (c) G cannot be punished for bigamy because her first marriage was not valid on account of impotency of B. (d) G cannot be punished for bigamy because her first marriage was not valid on account of improper solemnization of marriage. Q.40 Non-registration of marriage under section 8 of HMA, 1955 (a) invalidates the marriages and calls for imposition of penalty (b) does not invalidates the marriage but calls for imposition of penalty (c) neither invalidates the marriage nor calls for imposition of penalty. (d) makes the marriage voidable.

Q.41 Shyam was granted divorce against his wife jyoti on the ground of her adultery. Jyoti filed a petition for maintenance under section 25 of HMA. Mark the correct answer: (a) Jyoti is guilty of adultery so she is not entitled to any maintenance (b) granting of maintenance to jyoti would amount to giving her advantage of her own wrong. (c) jyoti is entitled to maintenance under sec 25 (d) Both a and b Q.42 Guardian by affinity is (a) guardian of a minor widow (b) guardian of a major widow (c) guardian of an orphan (d) both a and b Q.43 A testamentary guardian is (a) a guardian appointed under the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 (b) a guardian appointed under a will (c) a guardian by affinity (d) both a and c Q. 44 Which is the most important consideration in the appointment of a guardian by the court (a) character and capacity of the guardian (b) wishes of the deceased parents (c) welfare of the child (d) all of the above Q.45 An alienation of the minor’s property by a natural guardian without the permission of the court, as provided by Sec 8(3) of Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 is (a) void (b) voidable

(c) illegal (d) both a and c Q.46 A says in the presence of X and Y “I have married myself to B” who is not present, On the information reaching B she says “I have accepted” (a) This constitutes a valid marriage (b) This does not constitute a valid marriage as offer and acceptance must be made at the same time and place. (c) This does not constitute a valid marriage as X and Y were absent when B accepts the offer (d) None of above Q.47 Where a Muslim male and Muslim female contract their marriage under Special Marriage Act, 1954 Muslim personal law: (a) applies to such marriage (b) does not apply (c) applies with some modifications (d) applies with Indian Contract Act. Q.48 If a husband compares his wife to any female within a prohibited degree the wife has a right to refuse herself to him until he has performed penance, it is (a) Ila (b) Lian (c) Zihar (d) Fask Q.49 A muslim divorced woman (a) cannot claim maintenance under sec 125-128 CrPC (b) can proceed under the sec 125-128 CrPC or under Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act (c) can proceed only under the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 only (d) None of the above

Q.50 Mahmood married Sabira and had two daughters through her. Later he married jeba. Sabira left the matrimonial home. Mahmood filed a suit for restitution of conjugal rights. Will he succeed? (a) Mahmood will succeed in getting a restitution decree (b) Mahmood will not succeed in getting a restitution decree (unless he offers a cogent explanation) (c) Sabira is well within her rights to refuse to cohabit with Mahmood. (d) Both a and b Q.51 The period of Iddat in case of divorce is (a) 50 days (b) 3 months and 10 days (c) 4 months and 10 days (d) Three menstrual cycles Q.52 No person shall be entitled to act as the natural guardian of a minor under the provisions of this section: (a) if he has ceased to be Hindu (b) if he has completely and finally renounced the world by becoming a hermit or an ascetic (c) both a and b (d) none of the above Q.53 The natural guardian shall not without the previous permission of the court (a) Mortgage or charge any part of the immovable property of minor (b) Sale, exchange any part of the immovable property of minor (c) Gift any part of immovable property (d) All of the above Q.54 Two persons are said to be related to each other by uterine blood when they are descend from a (a) Common ancestress but by different husbands (b) Common ancestress but by common husbands

(c) Common Ancestor but by different wives (d) None of these Q.55 Vijay and Saroj was a childless couple. In 1990 vijay took in adoption his brother’s son Ajay. In 1992 a son was born to the couple. Vijay wants to give ajay back to his brother. Can he do so? (a) Yes (b) No (c) Yes, if Ajay himself wants to return to his family of birth. (d) Yes, with the permission of the court. Q.56 Ramesh and Rani filed a joint petition praying for a decree of divorce by mutual consent under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. Six months later second motion was filed by Ramesh alone as Rani refused to join him. (a) Divorce will be granted to Ramesh as Rani cannot withdraw her consent once given. (b) Divorce will not be granted to Ramesh. (c) Divorce will not be granted to Rani (d) Divorce will be granted to Ramesh declaring him single but Rani can continue to pose as married. Q.57 C a minor husband be a guardian of his wife and children under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890? (a) No as the guardian must be major (b) No as a minor he cannot properly safeguards the interest of his wife and children. (c) Yes is he is above the age of fifteen years. (d) Yes in all cases. Q. 58 A Muslim wife may sue for divorce under the provision of Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, if the husband has been insane for the period of (a) 1Year (b) 2 year (c) 3 year

(d) 4 year Q. 59 In which court aggrieved party may apply for Restitution of Conjugal Rights? (a) District Court (b) Supreme Court (c) High Court (d) All of the above Q. 60 Under Shia law if the husband has capacity to speak pronounce talaq in writing, the talaq is (a) Valid (b) Voidable (c) Void (d) Valid barring certain circumstances Q.61 Guardianship in marriage is known as (a) Jabar (b) Hiznat (c) Both (d) None Q. 62 Who can appoint a testamentary guardian? (a) Father (b)Mother (c)Father and Mother (d) Sister Q. 63 A born Muslim girl brought up by Hindu family married a Hindu boy as per shastric ceremony. The marriage is (a) Valid (b) Invalid (c) Voidable

(d) Voidable at the option of boy. Q. 64 A, Hindu boy aged 15 years marriage B, a Hindu girl aged 12 years under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. The marriage was consummated when the girl attained puberty (which she did at the age of 13). The girl at the age of 17 (a) Can re-marry without getting the marriage dissolved (b) Cannot claim divorce (c) Can seek repudiation of marriage (d) Cannot seek repudiation of marriage. Q. 65 A person who takes continuous interest in the welfare of the minors person or in the management and administration of his property without any authority of law is called (a) de jure guardian (b) de facto guardian (c) Guardian by affinity (d)Testamentary guardian Q. 66 Children of annulled voidable marriage and void marriage are (a) Heirs to their parents (b) Heirs to their parents as well as to others in the family of their parents (c) Heirs to their mother only (d) None of the Above Q. 67 Khyar-ul-bulugh is (a) A form of dower (b) A form of valid marriage (c) In fidelity (d) Option of puberty

Q. 68 Divorce by lian is a right available to the (a)Husband (b)wife

(c) Both A and B (d) Qazi Q. 69 A Sunni Muslim man can marry any number of wife’s not exceeding four. If he marriage the fifth wife such a marriage shall be (a) Valid (b) Irregular (c) Void (d) None of the above Q.70 Section 4 of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939 does not apply to (a) A Muslim woman (b) A woman converted to Islam from other faith (c) A woman converted to Islam from other faith and re-embraces her former faith (d) All the above Q.71 With respect to the new Surrogacy Regulation bill 2019, which of the following statements are true? 1) The Bill is aimed at ending the exploitation of women who are lending their womb for surrogacy, and protecting the rights of children born through this. 2) The bill provides for constituting a National Surrogacy Board, State Surrogacy Boards, and the appointment of appropriate authorities for the regulation of the practice and process of surrogacy. 3) Along with commercial surrogacy the bill also prohibits altruistic surrogacy, which involves a surrogacy arrangement where the monetary reward only involves medical expenses and insurance coverage for the surrogate mother. a) 1 & 2 only b) 2 & 3 only c) 1 & 3 only d) all of the above

Q.72 Procedures used to treat infertility are (a) ICSI – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (b) IVF – In Vitro Fertilization (c) IUI – Intrauterine insemination (d) All of these Q.73 Aggrieved Person means under Domestic Violence Act? (a) woman having domestic relationship (b) a woman in live in relationship (c) a mother whom the son not allow to live with him (d) All of the above Q.74 A guardian of a child can give the child in adoption to anyone (a) including himself (b) excluding himself (c) excluding himself and his immediate family (d) none of the above Q.75 A decree of divorce was passed between A and B. A celebrates second marriage with C within six months of this decree. This marriage is: (a) valid (b) voidable (c) void (d) invalid Q.76 Where in a marriage agreement, it is stipulated that in event of the husband failing to pay her maintenance or taking a second wife the wife will have the right of pronouncing divorce on herself, it is (a) Talaq-ul-biddat (b) Talaq-e-Tafweez (c) Khula (d) Ila

Q.77 On consummation of a Muta Marriage, the wife is entitled to (a) no dower (b) half dower (c) full dower (d) double dower Q.78 Under Shia law, how many witnesses are required at the time of divorce? (a) Three (b) Two (c) One (d) None Q.79 Hindu marriage may be solemnized in accordance with the customary rites and ceremonies of either party there to. Where such rites and ceremonies include the saptapadi, the marriage becomes complete when……. Step is taken? (a) Seventh (b) Third (c) Second (d) Fifth Q.80 A Hindu wife shall be entitled to live separately from her husband without forfeiting her claim to maintenance: (a) if he is suffering from a virulent form of leprosy (b) if he has any other wife living (c) if he has ceased to be a Hindu by conversion to another religion (d) All of these Q.81 In determining the amount of maintenance, if any to be awarded to a dependent under this Act, regard shall be had to: (a) The position and status of the parties (b) The reasonable want of the claimant (c) The claimant is living separately whether the claimant is justified in doing so. (d) All of the above

Q.82 Where any direction for registration has been issued any person contravening any rule made in this behalf shall be punishable with fine which may extend to: (a) Sixty rupees (b) Twenty-five rupees (c) Fifty rupees (d) Five rupees Q.83 Under Sunni Law, if husband given talaq under coercion, intoxication and joke. This talaq is: (a) valid (b) invalid (c) void (d) None of the above Q.84 When any child under the age of two years has been suckled by woman other than its own mother. Then in capacity is: (a) Mushaarat (b) Riza (c) Qurabat (d) Sariri Q.85 Zihar is (a) A form of inchoate or incomplete divorce (b) Unlawful comparison of wife by husband with his mother or sister or any other woman within the degree of prohibited relationship. (c) Divorce at wife’s instance (d) None of the above Q.86 In India, if one of the parents is a Muslim, the child is to be treated as (a) Belonging to the religion of the mother (b) Belonging to the religion of father (c) Belonging to the religion mutually agreed by the parents. (d) None of the above

Q.87 Mohammedan Law applies to (a) All persons who are Muslims by birth (b) All persons who are Muslims by conversion (c) All persons who are Muslims either by birth or by conversion (d) All persons who are Muslims by birth only and not to Muslims by conversion. Q.88 A Hindu couple adopts a Muslim child (a) The adoption is void (b) They can adopt only after conversion to Islam (c) The adoption is valid (d) None of the above Q.89 Section 14 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 enacts a “fair trial rule” according to which (a) A couple can get divorce within six months of marriage (b) A couple can get divorce within six months of marriage only in exceptional cases. (c) A couple can get a divorce within one year of marriage (d) A couple can get a divorce only after one year of marriage except in exceptional cases. Q.90 The grounds of judicial separation are: (a) Grounds specified in Section 13(1) of HMA. (b) Grounds specified in Section 13(2) (c) A and B both (d) none of these Q.91 Under Shia law the Ijab and quabool must be made in the presence of……….witnesses (a) Two males (b) Two females

(c) One male and one female (d) None of the Above Q.92 Under Muslim law, a divorce by Khula is a divorce with the consent and at the instance of: (a) Husband (b) Wife (c) Qazi (d) Husband and Wife Q.93 Triple Talaq will be recognized as crime only: (a) Women files a complaint (b) Near relatives files a complaint (c) A woman or her blood relation files a complaint (d) Father of the aggrieved woman files a complaint. Q.94 What is Nafaqah, According to Fatwa-i-Alam-giri? (a) Food (b) Lodging (c) Clothes (d) All of these Q.95 Section 11 of...

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