MCQs of Project Management PDF

Title MCQs of Project Management
Course project management
Institution Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University
Pages 13
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Chapter# 1 MCQs The advent of project management has been most profound in Automobile manufacturing A) Construction B) Information technology C) The U.S. Department of Defense D) Film making E) Which of the following is not considered to be a characteristic of a project? An established objective A) A clear beginning and end B) Complex tasks C) Only for internal use D) Never been done before E) From among the following activities, which is the best example of a project? Processing insurance claims A) Producing automobiles B) Writing a term paper C) Completing a college degree D) All of these are good examples of projects E) Which of the following choices is not one of the stages of a project life cycle? Conceptualizing A) Defining B)

Planning C) Executing D) Delivering E) In which of the following stages are project objectives established, teams formed, and major responsibilities assigned? Conceptualizing A) Defining B) Planning C) Executing D) Delivering E) In which of the following stages are you more likely to find status reports, many changes, and the creation of forecasts? Conceptualizing A) Defining B) Planning C) Executing D) Delivering E) Which of the following choices is not one of the driving forces behind the increasing demand for project management? Compression of the product life cycle A) Knowledge explosion B) Development of third world and closed economies C) More emphasis on the product and less on the customer D) Corporate downsizing

E) Project management is ideally suited for a business environment requiring all of the following except Accountability A) Flexibility B) Innovation C) Speed D) Repeatability E) Which of the following is the number one characteristic that is looked for in management candidates? Overall intelligence A) Works well with others B) Experience C) Past successes D) Good references E) A common rule of thumb in the world of high-tech product development is that a six-month project delay can result in a loss of product revenue share of ___ percent. 10 A) 20 B) 33 C) 45 D) 50 E) Integration of project management with the organization takes place with the Master budget A)

Strategy plan B) Process of managing actual projects C) Both b and c are correct D) A, B, and C are all correct E) Which of these is not part of the "technical dimension" of project management? WBS A) Budgets B) Problem solving C) Schedules D) Status reports E) Corporate downsizing has increased the trend toward Reducing the number of projects a company initiates A) Outsourcing significant segments of project work B) Using dedicated project teams C) Shorter project lead times D) Longer project lead times E) A series of coordinated, related, multiple projects that continue over extended time intended to achieve a goal is known as a Strategy A) Program B) Campaign C) Crusade D)

Venture E) From 1994 to 2009 the trend for projects late or over budget was: Significantly better A) Slightly better B) About the same C) Slightly worse D) Significantly worse E)

Ch#2 MCQs 1 Which of the following is not one of the commonly heard comments of project managers? Where did this project come from? A) Why are we doing this project? B) How can all these projects be first priority? C) Why is this project so strongly linked to the strategic plan? D) Where are we going to get the resources to do this project? E)

2 Strategy considered to be under purview of senior management is Old school thinking A) A new school of management thought B) Necessary in a company structure C) Beneficial to the Project Manager D) Dependent on company goals E)

3 The intended outcome of strategy/projects integration is Clear organization focus A)

Best use of scarce organization resources B) Improved communication across projects and departments C) Both A and C are correct D) A, B, and C are all correct E)

4 Project managers who do not understand the role that their project plays in accomplishing the organization's strategy tend to make all the following mistakes except: Focusing on low priority problems A) Overemphasizing technology as an end in and of itself B) Focusing on the immediate customer C) Trying to solve every customer issue D) All the above are likely mistakes E)

5 The textbook indicated that ________ is the major dimension of strategic management. Responding to changes in the external market A) Allocating scarce resources of the organization B) Beating competition to the market C) Both a and b are correct D) Both a and c are correct E)

6 Which of the following questions does the organization's mission statement answer? What are our long-term strategies? A) What are our long-term goals and objectives? B) How do we operate in the existing environment? C) What do we want to become? D) All of these are answered by the mission statement E)


Strategy formulation includes which of the following activities? Determining alternatives A) Creating profitability targets B) Evaluating alternatives C) Both a and c are correct D) A, B, and C are all correct E)

8 The assessment of the external and internal environments is called _______ analysis. SWOT analysis A) Competitive B) Industry C) Market D) Strategic E)

9 Which of the following is not one of the requirements for successful implementation of strategies through projects? Allocation of resources A) Prioritizing of projects B) Motivation of project contributors C) Adequate planning and control systems D) All of these are requirements E)

10 Susie's department is implementing many projects. She finds herself starting and stopping work on one task to go and work on another task, and then return to the work on the original task. Susie is experiencing Poor scheduling A) Excess work burden B) Flexible tasking C)

Multitasking D) Burnout E)

11 Project selection criteria are typically classified as: Financial and non-financial A) Short-term and long-term B) Strategic and tactical C) Required and optional D) Cost and schedule E)

12 Which of the following is not one of the classifications for assessing a project portfolio? Sacred cow A) Bread-and-butter B) Pearls C) Oysters D) White elephants E)

13 Which of the following is the reason(s) why project managers need to understand their organization's mission and strategy? To make appropriate decisions and adjustments A) To be effective project advocates B) To be able to get their job done C) Both A and B are correct D) A, B, and C are all correct E)

14 Which of the following is not true of multi-weighted scoring models? Will include quantitative criteria A) Will include qualitative criteria

B) Each criterion is assigned a weight C) Projects with higher scores are considered more desirable D) All of the above are true E)

15 Which of the following is a common multicriteria selection model? Checklist A) Net Present Value B) Weighted criteria model C) Both A and C are correct D) All of these are common multicriteria selection models E)

CH#07 MCQs 1 An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project objectives is termed. Random chance A) A disaster B) Risk C) Hazard D) Bad luck E)

2 The cost impact of a risk event occurring as a project proceeds through its life cycle tends to Slowly rise A) Drop sharply and then level out B) Rise sharply and then level out C) Remain about the same D)

Slowly drop E)

3 Which of the following is not one of the steps in the risk management process? Risk response development A) Risk assessment B) Risk identification C) Risk tracking D) Risk response control E)

4 One common mistake made early in the risk identification process is Not all possibilities are considered A) Participants are over-optimistic B) Participants are over-pessimistic C) Focus on objectives and not on the events that could produce D) consequences. Too much attention is given to past events E)

5 The 1999 NASA Mars Climate Orbiter is an example of Disaster avoidance through proactive risk management A) Murphy's Law B) Proper use of critical thinking C) Mismanaged risk control D) Using historical records to assess risk E)

6 A list of questions that address traditional areas of uncertainty on a project is termed a risk Profile A) Questionnaire B) Research

C) Query D) Checklist E)

7 All of the following are included in the risk identification process except Customers A) Subcontractors B) Competitors C) Vendors D) None of these are included E)

8 The easiest and most commonly used technique for analyzing risks is _____ analysis. Probability A) Scenario B) Payback C) Risk/reward D) Impact E)

9 A risk profile is a list of questions that address traditional areas of uncertainty on a project that answers developed from: When the event might occur in the project A) Chances of the event occurring B) Interaction with other parts of the project or with other projects C) From previous, similar projects D) Magnitude or severity of the event's impact E)

10 The risk assessment form contains all of the following except Likelihood of the risk event occurring A)

Potential impact of the risk event B) Who will detect the occurrence of the risk event. C) Difficulty of detecting the occurrence of the risk event D) When the risk event may occur E)

11 Which of the following is not one of the probability analysis tools? Ratio/range analysis A) Decision tree B) PERT simulation C) PERT D) All of these are probability analysis tools E)

12 The demolition of the Seattle Kingdome (Snapshot from Practice) is an example of which of the following? Mitigating A) Retaining B) Ignoring C) Transferring D) Sharing E)

13 Technical risks are: Often the kind that can cause the project to be shut down. A) Problematic B) Imposed duration dates C) Both A and B are correct D) A, B, and C are all correct E)


Detailing all identified risks, including descriptions, category, and probability of occurring, impact, responses, contingency plans, owners and current status is called: Management reserves A) Change control B) Contingency reserves C) Risk register D) Risk profiles E)

15 Change management systems are designed to accomplish all of the following except: Track all changes that are to be implemented A) Review, evaluates, and approve/disapprove proposed changes formally B) Identify expected effects of proposed changes on schedule and budget C) Reflect scope changes in baseline and performance measures D) All of the above are correct E)...

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