MEDI258 lecture notes PDF

Title MEDI258 lecture notes
Author Ciara MacKenzie
Course Clinical Biomechanics
Institution University of Wollongong
Pages 13
File Size 153.6 KB
File Type PDF
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MEDI258 lecture notes...


MEDI258 (Human Neuromechani) Spring Semester 2021 Subject Coordinator: Jon Shemmell [email protected]


LECTURE NOT WEEK 1 Recap: Generating Force w/ Muscle Neuromechanics: explain human motion via body dynamics, muscles, sensory organs & CNS Applications: exercise prescription, prosthetic design, humanoid robot design Encompasses: reflex control, spinal cord control (locomotion), voluntary movement, neural adaptations driving movement change * recap muscle function & structure * → sarcomere = smallest unit of contraction EMG = electromyography Excitation/contraction coupling: 1-3. Muscle fibre AP → fibre → activates sarcoplasmic reticulum 4. Calcium released 5. Calcium reuptake (sarcoplasm) 6. Calcium attach to Troponin → change actin filament structure 7. ATP binds to myosin head → detaches from actin Cross-bridge Cycle 1. Myosin head attached to actin filament 2. ATP bind → myosin → detaches from filament 3. Calcium bind → troponin (m→a) & ATP hydrolysed → power stroke (2pN force) 4. ADP released → myosin returns to base state EMG → measuring muscle force


Differential amplifier captures signals (v2)

Wave of negativity (depolarisation)

Related to muscle force

Determine amount of activity relative to time

Smallest unit of independent control = motor unit ●

Large muscle = ↑ innervation number

Small muscle = ↓ innervation number

High dexterity = ↓ innervation number ○

Fewer fibres associated w/ every motor neuron

Low dexterity = ↑ innervation number ○

Highest control = 1:1

Type I: slow oxidative (ATP) Type IIA: fast oxidative (ATP) Type IIX: fast glycolic

Type S: slow, fatigue resistant (type I) Type FR: fast fatigue resistant (type IIA) Type FF: fast, fatigable (type IIX)

WEEK 2 Recap: Muscle Mechanics ●

Muscle length effects strength: ○


Needs to have filament interaction to produce force ■

No actin overlap

Actin & myosin overlap

High shortening → ↓ time for myosin to interact w/ actin → ↓ force

0 (isometric) → ↑ % force production

Contractile element = sarcomere

Parallel elastic element (CT) ○

In line...force = sum of fibre forces

Low contraction speed

Series elastic element (CT) ○

Passive = tendon

Active = w/in sarcomeres

Head to tail...force = average of each fibre

High speed contraction

Muscles have diff combos of series & parallel

High penetration levels → slows velocity → allows for ↑ force

>10% tendon stretch = damage ○

Tendon not very elastic

Stiffness relationship → tendon = ↑ stiff ∴ can store lots of elastic energy

Joint Mechanics ●

Most muscles contribute to >1 axis of rotation

Compensate for off axis torques

Stretch-Shortening Cycle ●

High force, dynamic movement

Work = force x displacement (positive work)

4 ways of contribution ○

Storage and release of elastic energy (mechanical model)

Increased time for muscle force development

Reflex action (neurophysiological model)

Force potentiation

Reflexes (sensing muscle actions) ●

5 common elements ○

Sensory receptor

Afferent neuron

CNS processing (through 1 or more synapses)

Efferent neuron


Muscle receptors located in spindles ○


Encapsulated nerve endings

WEEK 3 Recap: Reflex Neuromechanics Role of Reflexes in Complex Movements 3 levels of complexity 1. Spinal 2. Automatic behaviours → complex circuits 3. Voluntary actions Withdrawal Reflex → Protective ●

Nociceptor (pain)


Afferent impulses transmitted → excitatory interneuron

Motor neurons of flexor muscles activated

Motor neuron of extensor muscles inhibited

Distal segment drawn away from pain source

Crossed Extensor Reflex (Extension of ^) ●

Extension of withdrawal reflex (WR)

More complex than WR

Initiated by same stimulus as WR ○

Occur simultaneously

WR + excitatory interneurons activate motor neurons of opposite limb extensor muscle

Flexor muscle of opposite limb inhibited

Limb opposite to painful stimulus extends

Reflective Stability → response to enviro stimulant ●

Transcortical Stretch Reflex

SR transmitted to sensorimotor cortex

Motor response transmitted → via corticospinal tract to same muscle as spinal stretch reflex


Latent as longer pathway

Reflex observed in both arms (bilaterally-projecting corticospinal neurons)

Know likelihood of instability is high? 1. Change reflex sensitivity (bigger response) → feedback 2. Change ‘preparatory set’ (higher gain) → feed-forward/feedback 3. Co-contraction early (↑ limb stiffness) → feed-forward 4. Change posture (widen BOS, ↓ COM) → feed-forward 5. Respond to postural ‘errors’ early ∴ maintain balance Research Q’s To what extent are reflexes flexible? ●

Sensitivity dependant on stretch

Reflexes modulated according to amount of stability provided by environment

How smart are reflexes in 3D situations? ●

Can reflexes change amplitude depending on the direction of instability? ○

Eg. surfing: more stability on longitudinal axis of board

Eg. screwdriver: ↑ stability in direction screwdriver is being pushed, ↓ in all other directions

Amplitude change dependant on: ○

Amount of ongoing muscle activity

Direction of perturbation (↑ stretch = ↑ response)

Direction of instability from robot

∴ reflexes are very smart

How might preparatory set assist postural stability?


P set can influence both cortical reflexes & subcortical StartReact responses

Co-contraction ↑ as enviro stability ↓

Ankle → ↑ in intrinsic stability = dependent on feed-forward

Upper limbs → reflexes = appear to play ↑ role

Stretch reflexes can reach cortex

Transcortical = slower, flexibility tunes

Stability produced by co-contraction (lower limb)

Automatic Postural Reactions X3 coordinative strategies (posture correction) 1. Ankle strategy → (small disturbance) 2. Knee strategy → long/fast perturbations 3. Stepping → knee/hip bend (greater forces) ●

Related to functional needs

Involve more muscle

Too latent to be a reflex

Brainstem generation


Anticipatory Postural Adjustments (APAs) ●


Anticipating off center COM

Early activation of postural muscles

Voluntary Control → interactions w/ reflexes ●

Cortex = regulate all lower motor circuits

Reciprocal inhibition

Regulate reflex sensitivity ○

Muscle synergies → group of muscles activated in synchrony w/ fixed relative gain ○

Conditioning stimulus = ↓ muscle activity (response)

Reduce control (flexibility)

Spinal reflexes regulated by descending motor commands

Reflex Abnormalities ●


Spasticity ○

Common w/ stroke, cerebral palsy, MS

↑ in muscle tone → produces resistance to movement

Reflex role in ^ ○

Reduced output from motor sensors

Normal communication ↓

Stretch reflex = hyperactive

Produces force resisting movement (velocity dependant)

Adulthood → spinal reflexes regulate ○

injury/disease can ↓ output from motor cortex → spinal cord = ↓ inhibition & reflex modulation

WEEK 4 Recap: Gait Evolution of Upright Gait (locomotion) ●

Locomote bipedally (evolved from quadrupedalism)

Advantages of bipedalism


Energy efficient

↑ ability to see predators


Allows non-locomotor forelimb use

Improved thermoregulation

Disadvantages (trade off) ○

Less stable

> obvious to predators

Exposes vulnerable body parts

Slower over short distances

Single limb injuries = > disabling

Energetically expensive

> loading on: spine, pelvis, hip, knees, ankles

Climbing > difficult

Implications of bipedalism ○

Force production & absorption changes

Large upper body mass = undesirable

Strong pelvis/hip muscles required

↑ reliance on vestibular system

Upright Gait Adaptations ●

Foramen magnum position ○

In humans = under skull vertex

In hominids = back of skull

Spinal curvature ○

Additional lumbar curve (maintain posture)

Pelvic shape change

Leg structure change ○

Femur angle > in humans

Feet below pelvis

↑ shearing forces @ HOF

Change in mass distribution

Change in foot structure

Kinematics of Walking (quantify gait) ●

Stance 60%

Swing 40% ○

20% = double support phase

Stride length: initial contact to initial contact of same leg (distance between)

Step length: distance between heel contact of right leg → heel contact of left leg

Temporal variables ○

Stride duration

Step duration

Cadence (steps/min)

Speed ■

Cadence x step length

Stride length x stride duration

Width of BoS (midpoint of each heel)

Degree of toe out (stability seeking): normal = 7 degrees

Joint Angles ●


Measure displacement of joint from neutral anatomical position

Ankle during walking ○

Phase 1: Slight plantarflexion (during contact)

Phase 2: Passive dorsiflexion

Phase 3: Active plantarflexion (propulsion)

Phase 4: Active dorsiflexion (during leg swing)

Knee during walking ○

Phase 1: Flexion (after contact)

Phase 2: Extension (support)

Phase 3: Flexion (propulsion)

Phase 4: Further flexion (ground clearance)

Phase 5: Extension (pre- contact)

Hip during walking ○

Phase 1: Extension (loading and trunk translation)

Phase 2: Flexion (propulsion)

Phase 3: Slight extension (pre- contact)

Frontal plane = rotation (pelvic drop/tilt)

Transverse plane = rotation of pelvis about spinal axis

Gait Economy ●

Minimise vertical CoG displacement ○

Lateral pelvic tilt

Knee flexion (timing)

Interactions of joint action → H, K & A

Minimise drop in CoG ○

Lateral pelvic tilt

Minimise lateral movement of CoG ○

Valgus @ knees ↓ width of BoS

Trunk motion

Upper extremity motion

Gait Analysis Ten elements of assessment


1. Step length asymmetry 2. Ankle at contact 3. Knee at contact 4. Stance phase knee flexion 5. Duration of single-limb support 6. Ankle and foot angles during push-off 7. Swing phase knee flexion 8. Trunk angle 9. Frontal plane: excess hip drop (Trendelenburg sign) 10. Transverse plane: posture

Factors for normal walking ○

each leg in turn must be able to support the body weight without collapsing

balance must be maintained (statically or dynamically) during single limb stance

the swinging leg must be able to advance to a position where it can take over the supporting role

sufficient power must be provided to make the necessary limb movements and to advance the trunk

Factors for abnormal walking → does not meet one of these criteria = unable to walk ○

can result from a disorder in any part of the body’s system

can also result from the presence of pain

because the end result is a complicated process, several different original problems may manifest themselves in the same gait abnormality

person has no choice, the movement being “forced” on them by weakness, spasticity or deformity


movement is a compensation, which the subject is using to correct for some other problem, which therefore needs to be identified


Affecting factors

Age, injury, clothing, footwear, environment, disease & fitness

Stroke → hemiplegic gait analysis ●

R hemisphere stroke

L hemiplegia

Asymmetry in pressure distribution (L&R) ○

In stance phases between legs

Slow gait, short stride

Short LT step

LT ankle limited DF

LT knee limited F

LT hip hiking

LT arm in fixed F

WEEK 5 Recap: Kinetics of Gait ●

Kinetics = forces & torques → forces exerted against ground

Gait = balance of ext v int forces ○

CoM moves over pivot point ○


All about energy (potential & kinetic)

Inverted pendulum (stance)

Stance phase: ○

mid stance → high P.E & low K.E

Toe off → low P.E & high K.E

Swing phase (conventional pendulum) ○

Mid → high P.E & low K.E

Low → low P.E & high K.E

Gait natural frequency dictated by leg

Torque = force x moment arm

Ant directed, post directed

Centre of pressure = important (pathology)

P = m x Ω (watts) ○

P(j) = power @ a joint

M(j) = moment @ a joint

Ω(j) = angular velocity @ a joint

● ↓ dependance on muscle activation (bipedal benefit) Neural Control of Gait (neuromuscular) ●

Retained & discharged parts through evolution

Produce essential locomotion w/out brain (cortex)

Spinal cord → produce rhythmic contractions

Sucrose blocks / removes communication between levels ○

Phase shifting (need to communicate to maintain funcion)

CPG = central pattern generator

Replicating Human Gait ●

Humanoid robots → not as effective as human gait

Exoskeleton development



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