MEDS2005 Anatomy and Histology Covid Consolation Companion IDs List 2020 PDF

Title MEDS2005 Anatomy and Histology Covid Consolation Companion IDs List 2020
Course Human Anatomy and Histology
Institution University of Sydney
Pages 30
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Summary of all ID's needed for the semester. ...


MEDS2005 COVID-19 CONSOLATION COMPANION 2020 ANATOMY IDENTIFICATION OBJECTIVES IN RED Listed by week and topic. Distilled from Anatomy Practical Workbooks and Anatomy ZOOM Practical Classes: Tuesday 15:00 - 17:00 Dr MICHELLE GERKE-DUNCAN [email protected] Dr RICHARD WARD [email protected] Dr SEAN LAL [email protected] Reference websites for anatomical images online: nBody7thEd.J.RohenEtAl.Lippincott2011/page/n3/mode/2up Reference Textbooks: Gray’s Anatomy for Students. Drake R. et al. 3rd Edition The Anatomy Colouring Book. Kapit W, Elson LM. 4th Edition Colour Atlas of Anatomy: A photographic study of the human body. Rohen J. et al. 7th Edition

HISTOLOGY IDENTIFICATION OBJECTIVES IN BLUE Listed by week and topic. Distilled from Histology Practical Workbooks and Histology ZOOM Practical Classes: Wednesday 12:00 14:00 A/Prof SUZANNE OLLERENSHAW [email protected] Reference websites for histological images and quizzes online: Blue Histology, Jaydoc Histology Web, Histology World Online Virtual Microscopy site (Histology Guide): 1

Reference Textbooks: Histology: A text and atlas, Ross et al Functional Histology, Kerr Histology: an identification manual, Tallitsch et al Be wary of studying only from ‘google images’ as there are often labelling mistakes.

ANATOMY MEDS2005 Week 1 ANATOMY Anatomy of the Upper Limb (Dr Ward) IDENTIFY: Clavicle Shoulder Acromion Acromion angle Scapula Blade Spine Coracoid process Glenoid fossa Supraspinous fossa Infraspinous fossa Subscapular fossa Superior / medial / lateral border Inferior angle

Ulna Olecranon Trochlea notch Coronoid process Styloid process Radial notch Shaft Head

Humerus Head Greater and lesser tubercules Intertubercular sulcus Shaft Medial and lateral epicondyles Capitulum (lateral) Trochlea (medial)

Wrist / Hand Scaphoid (Some) Lunate (Lovers) Triquetrum (Try) Pisiform (Positions) Trapezium (That) Trapezoid (They) Capitate (Can’t) Hamate (Handle) Metacarpals 1-5 Phalanges (Proximal, middle, distal)

Radius Head Neck Tuberosity Shaft Ulna notch Styloid process

Joints Shoulder joint + capsule + articular cartilage. Elbow joint + capsule + articular cartilage Ulnar and Radial collateral ligaments 2

Proximal and distal radio-ulnar joint Wrist joint First carpo-metacarpal joint First metacarpo-phalangeal joint Medial four metacarpo-phalangeal joints Interphalangeal joint of the thumb Proximal and distal interphalangeal joints of the four digits. Muscles Deltoid muscle Serratus anterior muscle Nerves Brachial plexus Musculocutaneous nerve Median nerve Ulnar nerve

Pectoralis major muscle Latissimus dorsi muscle Trapezius muscle Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexor carpi radialis Superficial Flexor Digitalis muscle Thenar muscle Hypothenar muscle Interosseus group Supinator teres muscle Pronator teres muscle Biceps brachii muscle Triceps muscle

Arteries Axillary artery Brachial artery Radial artery Ulnar artery Superficial palmar arch Digital arteries


MEDS2005 Week 2 ANATOMY Anatomy of the Lower limb (Dr Ward) Cuneiforms (x3) IDENTIFY: Metatarsal 1-5 Phalanges (proximal, middle, Hip Bone distal) Inner and Outer surfaces Margin Pubic Tubercle Iliac crest Superior and Inferior iliac spine Sacrum Auricular surface (ear shaped surface that articulates with Joints + ligaments sacrum) Sacroiliac joint Iliac tuberosity Sacrotuberous and sacrospinous Acetabulum ligaments Hip joint its capsule + ligaments Ischial tuberosity Ischial spine Knee joint Ischial ramus Capsule Articular surface of the Medial and lateral menisci acetabulum Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments Femur Tibial and fibula collateral Head ligaments Neck Superior and inferior tibio-fibular Shaft joints Medial and lateral condyles Ankle joint, capsule, collateral Greater and lesser trochanter ligaments Linea aspera Patella (base (superior), apex Muscles (inferior)) Psoas major muscle Iliacus muscle Tibia Piriformis muscle Medial and lateral condyles Gluteal muscles (as a group) Tuberosity Gluteus maximus muscle Shaft Quadriceps femoris (including Inferior articular surface rectus femoris) Medial malleolus Biceps femoris muscle Semitendinosus muscle Fibula Semimembranosus muscle Head Gastrocnemius muscle Shaft Dorsal and ventral intrinsic foot Lateral malleolus muscles Foot Nerves and plexes Talus (including trochlea) Lumbar plexus Calcaneus (including tuberosity) Navicular Sacral plexus Cuboid Femoral nerve (anterior) 4

Sciatic nerve Tibial nerve Medial and lateral plantar nerves Vessels Femoral (Anterior thigh) Popliteal (knee)

Anterior and posterior tibial arteries Medial and lateral plantar arteries. Long and short saphenous veins (medial and lateral respectively)


MEDS2005 Week 3 ANATOMY Anatomy of the Upper respiratory system and Upper digestive system (Dr Gerke-Duncan) IDENTIFY:

Incisor teeth (x4 in each jaw, x2 each side)

Nose/nasal cavity / Skull Nares (‘anterior nostrils’) Piriform aperture Frontal bone Nasal bone Maxilla bone ChOanae (‘posterior nostrils in skull’) Hard palate Nasolacrimal canal Cartilaginous and bony nasal septum

Canine teeth (x2 in each jaw, x1

Sagittal skull Nasal cavity Bony nasal septum Ethmoid bone Sphenoid bone Maxilla bone (M before P) Palatine bone (P after M)

Tongue/Lingual tonsil/Palatine arches Anterior 2/3 tongue Apex of tongue Lingual frenulum Papillae (taste buds) Vallate papillae (v-shaped line of 6-9) Sulcus terminalis Posterior 1/3 tongue / lingual tonsil Valleculae Hyoid bone Palatoglossal arch Palatopharyngeal arch Uvula Palatine tonsil Sublingual papillae Sublingual folds Sublingual salivary glands Parotid gland /duct /papilla Submandibular gland /duct

Vestibule Inferior/middle/superior conchae Inferior/middle/superior meatus Spheno-ethmoidal recess Paranasal Sinuses Frontal sinus (x1) Ethmoidal sinuses (x lots … bubble bath) Sphenoidal sinus (x1) Maxillary sinuses (x2) Mouth/Oral cavity/Teeth/Gingivae Maxilla bone (creates top jaw) Palatine bone Mandible bone (creates bottom jaw) Teeth Dental arches (of maxilla and mandible) Soft palate + uvula

each side)

Premolar teeth (x4 in each jaw, x2 each side)

Molar teeth (x6 in each jaw, x3 each side)

Gingivae (gums) Lips Cheeks Oral fissure Oral vestibule Oral cavity proper

Nasopharynx (choanae -> soft palate)

Pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids) Auditory tube (Eustachian tube opening) Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscles 6

Oropharynx (Soft palate -> epiglottis)

Oropharyngeal isthmus Valleculae Palatine arches Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscles Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscles Laryngopharynx

(epiglottis ->


Laryngeal inlet Piriform recesses Cricoid cartilage (just above trachea)

Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscles Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles Larynx, cartilages, folds and spaces Epiglottis cartilage (x1) Thyroid cartilage (x1) Cricoid cartilage (x1) Arytenoid cartilages (x2) Vestibular fold (top one) Vocal fold (bottom one) Laryngeal ventricle (betw. Vestib&Vocal fold) Rima glottidis (betw. vocal fold and arytenoid cart.)

MEDS2005 Week 4 ANATOMY Anatomy of the Lower respiratory system and Thorax (Dr GerkeDuncan) IDENTIFY:


Visceral pleura Parietal Pleura Pleural space Costal surface Diaphragmatic surface

Larynx Hyoid bone Vertebral column Oesophagus Trachealis muscle Primary bronchi (Right shorter,

Left lung Superior/inferior lobes Oblique fissure (only) Lingula Cardiac notch

Trachea Hyaline cartilage rings (16-20 c-

wider, vertical)

Carina Secondary bronchi (x3 on right, x2 on left)

Tertiary bronchi (cartilage plates) Terminal bronchioles (cartilage FREE)

Lungs - Overview Base Apex Pulmonary hilum Pulmonary vein (x2, vAIn) Primary bronchus (Posterior) Pulmonary artery (x1, RALS) Hilar lymph nodes Pleural sleeve Pulmonary ligament

Right lung Superior / middle / inferior lobes Oblique and horizontal fissure Nervous supply L&R phrenic nerves L&R vagus nerves L&R sympathetic trunks Bones - Overview 12 ribs (1-7 true, 8-10 false, 11/12 floating)

1 sternum 12 Thoracic vertebrae

Typical rib 7

Anterior (sternal) & posterior (vertebral) ends Head Neck Tubercle Body / shaft Angle Costal groove (neurovasc. bundle nestles in)

Associated costal cartilage 12 Thoracic vertebrae Spinal/vertebral canal Vertebral body Pedicles (walls) Lamina (roof) Transverse processes Spinous process Superior/inferior articular process Superior/inferior articular facets Costal facets Sternum Manubrium Body Xiphoid process / xiphisternum

Joints of the thorax Manubriosternal joint Xiphisternal joint Sternocostal joints Zygapophysial joints (sup/inf articular facets)

Costovertebral joints Costotransverse joints Costocorporeal joints Thoracic wall External intercostal muscles (same side pocket)

Internal intercostal muscles (other side pocket)

Innermost intercostal muscles (other side pocket)

Neurovascular bundle (VAN) Intercostal Vein Intercostal Artery Intercostal Nerve (remember this is actually the mixed spinal nerves / anterior rami in the thoracic region)

Thoracic inlet L&R Phrenic nerves L&R Vagus nerves Lung apex Trachea Thoracic outlet Inferior vena cava (caval hiatus) Oesophagus (oesophageal hiatus) Abdominal aorta (aortic hiatus) Lateral arcuate ligaments (over Quadratus Lumborum muscle) Medial arcuate ligaments (over Psoas Major muscle) Median arcuate ligament (over abdominal aorta) Right crus of diaphragm (longer: L1-L3) Left crus of diaphragm (shorter L1-L2) Lumbar vertebrae


MEDS2005 Week 5 ANATOMY Anatomy of the Cardiovascular system (Dr Gerke-Duncan) IDENTIFY: Heart in general L&R atrium + auricle L&R ventricle Atrioventricular grooves Interventricular grooves Apex (left ventricle) Base (left atrium)

Fossa ovalis (valve side) Entrance of pulmonary veins (x4)

8 great vessels Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava Ascending aorta Pulmonary trunk Pulmonary veins (x4)

Left ventricle Left atrioventricular orifice Bicuspid / mitraL valve Papillary muscles Chordae tendineae Trabeculae carnae Aortic outflow area Aortic semilunar valve (aortic sinus happens here leading to L&R

Right atrium Right auricle / atrial appendage Musculi pectinati (muscular ridges) Crista terminalis (smooth dividing ridge) Interatrial septum Fossa ovalis (orifice side) Entrance of superior vena cava Entrance of inferior vena cava Entrance of coronary sinus (posterior view) Right ventricle Right atrioventricular orifice TRIcuspid valve Papillary muscles Chordae tendineae Trabeculae carnae Interventricular septum Infundibulum Opening to pulmonary trunk Pulmonary semilunar valve Left atrium Left auricle / atrial appendage Musculi pectinati (muscular ridges) Interatrial septum

coronary artery fill)

Opening to ascending aorta (with L&R coronary arteries above aortic valve)

Heart valves Atrioventricular valves: TRIcuspid atrioventricular valve (3 leaflets)

BIcuspid/mitraL atrioventricular valve (2 leaflets) Pulmonary semilunar valve (3 leaflets) Aortic semilunar valve (3 leaflets) Blood vessels - arteries Ascending aorta Aortic arch (with BCS branches) Brachiocephalic trunk (only 1, no L or R)

L&R common Carotid arteries L&R Subclavian arteries Descending thoracic aorta Intercostal arteries Abdominal aorta L&R common iliac arteries 9

L&R internal and external iliac arteries Blood vessels - veins Superior vena cava L&R brachiocephalic veins L&R jugular veins L&R subclavian veins Intercostal veins Azygos vein (only 1, R side, last to

Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava L&R iliac veins L&R Internal and external iliac veins.

enter SVC)

Coronary circulation L&R coronary arteries Right marginal artery Right posterior descending artery Left circumflex artery Left anterior descending artery Coronary sinus (in post. AV groove) Great cardiac vein Middle cardiac vein Small cardiac vein Pericardium Visceral serous pericardium Parietal serous pericardium Pericardial space Pericardial fluid Fibrous pericardium Nervous supply L&R phrenic nerves L&R vagus nerves L&R sympathetic trunks


MEDS2005 Week 6 ANATOMY Anatomy of the Lower digestive system #1 (Dr Lal) IDENTIFY: Oesophagus Abdominal aorta Trachea Principle / primary bronchi Vertebral column Diaphragm L&R crus of diaphragm Oesophageal opening / hiatus Stomach Fundus Body Angular notch Pyloric region Pyloric antrum Pyloric sphincter Pyloric canal Greater & lesser curvatures Mucosal rugae Greater omentum Lesser omentum Gastric artery Gastric epiploic artery Portal vein Hepatic artery Bile duct Spleen Pancreas Duodenum Superior, descending, horizontal, ascending Plica circulares Major duodenal papilla Ilium Jejunum Vascular arcades Vasa recti Fat in mesentery Caecum Appendix Ileo-caecal valve Frenulum Meso-appendix

Colon Ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid Hepatic and splenic flexures Haustra Taenia coli Appendices epiploicae Greater omentum Transverse mesocolon Sigmoid mesocolon Semilunar folds Rectum and anal canal Pelvic brim Sacrum Rectum Peritoneum Anal canal columns / sinuses/valves External anal sphincter Ischiorectal fossa Peritoneum Parietal peritoneum Visceral peritoneum Lesser omentum Greater omentum THE mesentery Mesoappendix Transverse mesocolon Sigmoid mesocolon Peritoneal cavity Lesser sac Greater sac Trunk Diaphragm Lumbar vertebrae Psoas major muscle Quadratus lumborum muscle Iliacus muscle Pelvic brim / inlet Rectus abdominus muscle External oblique muscle Internal oblique muscle 11

Perineum Transverses abdominis muscle Anal triangle Hip bones Ischiorectal fossae Sacrum Anal canal Pelvic brim External & internal anal Piriformis muscle sphincters Obturator internus muscle MEDS2005 Week 7 ANATOMY Anatomy of the Lower digestive system #2 (Dr Lal) IDENTIFY: Liver Superior, anterior, inferior, posterior surface L&R lobes (anterior and inferior) Caudate lobe (superior) Quadrate lobe (inferior) Falciform ligament Ligament teres Fissure for ligament teres Fissure for ligamentum venosum Porta hepatis Gall bladder Inferior vena cava Portal vein Hepatic arteries Hepatic ducts Lesser omentum Hepatic veins Impressions (right kidney, adrenal glands, oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, transverse colon) Biliary System Gall bladder (fundus (bottom), body, neck) L&R hepatic ducts Common hepatic ducts Cystic duct Bile duct Major duodenal papilla

Pancreas Head, Neck, Body, Tail, Uncinate process Superior mesenteric artery and vein Splenic artery and vein Inferior mesenteric vein Portal vein Bile duct Spleen Diaphragmatic surface Visceral surface Superior border (notches) Gastric impression Colic impression Renal impression Hilum Tail of the pancreas Splenic artery and vein Blood vessels Abdominal Aorta Coeliac Trunk Hepatic artery Splenic artery Superior mesentery artery Inferior mesenteric artery Superior rectal artery Common/external/internal iliac arteries Inferior vena cava Superior mesenteric vein Splenic vein Portal vein Hepatic veins (drain liver into IVC)



MEDS2005 Week 8 ANATOMY Anatomy of the Urinary system (Dr Gerke-Duncan) IDENTIFY:

Renal hilum

Overview Kidneys Renal pelvis (pl. renal pelves) Ureters Bladder Urethra

Ureter narrowings 1. Uretero-pelvic junction 2. Pelvic brim 3. Uretero-vesical junction

Relationships of kidneys & ureters to: Small and large intestines Stomach and duodenum Pancreas Liver Spleen Adrenal Glands Reproductive organs in pelvic cavity Muscles Diaphragm Quadratus lumborum muscle Psoas major muscle Aponeurosis of transverses abdominis muscle Renal hilum structures (VAP) Renal Vein Renal Artery Renal Pelvis Kidney details Anterior and posterior surface of kidney Superior and inferior poles Renal capsule Renal cortex Renal medulla Renal columns Renal pyramids Renal papilla (pl. papillae) Minor calyx (pl. calyces) Major calyx Renal pelvis Renal sinus

Relationship of ureter to Vas deferens in male … Uterine artery in female … … think ‘water’ (wee) under the ‘bridge’ (vas deferens/uterine artery)

Bladder details Apex (attached to urachus going to umbilicus)

Base Superior and inferior-lateral surfaces Bladder neck Detrusor muscle (muscle that makes up walls)

Rugae Trigone (triangle) Ureter entrance Urethra exit (aaaaah) Male Prostate gland Seminal vesicles Vas deferens Urethra (prostatic, membranous, spongy/penile)

External urethral orifice (glans of penis) Female and male Internal urethral sphincter @ neck of bladder

External urethral sphincter @ pelvic diaphragm

Pubic bone Pelvic diaphragm Internal urethral orifice (bladder -> urethra)

Female Uterus 14

Vagina Urethra (not categorised into parts) External urethral orifice

Vestibule Labia minora


MEDS2005 Week 9 ANATOMY Anatomy of the Reproductive system #1 (Dr Gerke-Duncan) IDENTIFY: Male - external Scrotum Spermatic cord Superficial inguinal ring Inguinal canal Deep inguinal ring Dartos fascia and muscle (of scrotum) Scrotal septum External spermatic fascia Cremasteric fascia and muscle Internal spermatic fascia External vas deferens Testicular artery (from abdominal aorta) Pampiniform venous plexus Testicular veins (to inferior vena cava on the right, and renal vein on the left) Testes (superior, inferior, posterior, anterior, medial & lateral borders) Epididymis (head, body, tail) Sinus of the epididymis Tunica vaginalis (parietal layer) Tunica vaginalis (fluid filled pouch) Tunica vaginalis (visceral layer on testis) Tunica albuginea (surrounding testis) Septa Lobules Seminiferous tubules Epididymis Internal vas deferens Penis (root, body, glans) Crura of penis Bulb of penis Prepuce of penis Corona Corpus cavernosum (pl. corpora cavernosa) Deep arteries of penis

Corpus spongiosum (pl. corpora spongiosa) Spongy / penile urethra Membranous urethra Prostatic urethra Tunica albuginea (surrounding corp. cav.) Dorsal arteries of penis Deep dorsal vein of penis

Dartos fascia and muscle (of penis) Secretory bulbourethral glands Pelvic diaphragm Prostate gland

Male - internal Spermatic cord External vas deferens Internal vas deferens Seminal vesicles Ejaculatory ducts Prostate gland Urethra Secretory bulbourethral glands Penis Pubic bone Anterior abdominal wall Ureter Bladder Urethra Rectum Pelvic diaphragm Testicular artery (from abdominal aorta) Testicular veins (to inferior vena cava on the right, and renal vein on the left) Pampiniform venous plexus Superficial inguinal ring Inguinal canal Deep inguinal ring Ampulla of vas deferens Seminal vesicles 16

Merging of seminal vesicle ducts & ampulla of vas deferens create ejaculatory ducts Utricle Seminal colliculus Prostatic urethra


MEDS2005 Week 10 ANATOMY Anatomy of the Reproductive system #2 (Dr Gerke-Duncan) IDENTIFY: Female - external Mons pubis Pudendal cleft Labia majora Anterior commissure Posterior commissure Labia minora Vestibule Prepuce of clitoris Frenulum of clitoris Forchette Hymen Urethra External urethral orifice Vaginal orifice Secretory greater vestibular glands Clitoris (root, body, glans) Crura of clitoris Vestibular bulbs (bulbs of clitoris) Glans of clitoris Corpus cavernosum (pl. corpora cavernosa) Tunica albuginea (surrounding corp.cav.) Deep arteries of clitoris Dorsal artery of clitoris Deep dorsal vein of cli...

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