Memory case studies PDF

Title Memory case studies
Course Criminal Law
Institution The University of Warwick
Pages 1
File Size 44.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Memory case studies Clive Wearing has an impaired STM, with a duration of only 7 seconds. This is poorer than an average person as we can remember 18-30 seconds of information. In addition to this Clive is unable to rehearse new information as he loses the sentence he is in and cannot remember the question when giving an answer. Clive has not been able to transfer any long term memories since his illness and hence always feels like he has just awoken from unconsciousness. Furthermore, Clive has difficultly retrieving his existing LTM as he is unable to distinguish between the taste of foods. Interestingly, however, he is able to remember procedural memories and could still play the piano. This case study demonstrates how the Short-term and long-term memory are different stores as one store is more impaired than the other illustrating that these therefore must be independent of one another. HM had surgery to treat his severe epilepsy. It was successful (although he lost nearly 2/3 of his hippocampus) in controlling the seizures but HM suffered severe amnesia; he could not commit new events to LTM. He could no longer remember anything for more than a few minutes though he could still remember events that happened more than 2 years before the surgery. New experiences were quickly forgotten though he could remember a set of numbers or fact for a short while. Problem with H.M wasn’t long-term memory or short-term memory. The problem was that he lost the ability to convert short term memory into long term memories, known as anterograde amnesia (unable to learn new information).  LTM intact.  STM damaged.  SUPPORTS MSM...

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