Merge Sort, Heap Sort and Quick Sort time complexity analysis with program PDF

Title Merge Sort, Heap Sort and Quick Sort time complexity analysis with program
Author Kiddo KiddoReel
Course Computer systems
Institution City University
Pages 9
File Size 349.1 KB
File Type PDF
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The material includes brief theoretical and practical analysis of the time complexities of 3 different algorithms. You are likely to get this sort of assignments, home works in your higher studies, this assignment will help you to solve them....


Experiment: Write a program to compare the complexity analysis of Merge, Heap and Quick Sort 1) Theoretical Analysis: Quick Sort: Best Case

The data elements are partitioned uniformly, such a pivot is selected which divides data elements into two equal parts. So, the time complexity T(n) would be:  T(n)= 2T(n/2)+Cn, solving it we get,  T(n)= O(nlgn)

Suppose 60% of the data elements are on the right side of the pivot and rest 40% on the left. So T(n) would be:  T(n)= 6T(n/10)+4T(n/10)+Cn, solving it we get,  T(n)= O(nlgn) Worst Case The data is not partitioned uniformly, pivot selected is an extreme large or small value. This means if there are n elements, the pivot partitions the data into (n-1) elements.  T(n) = T(n-1)+Cn =T(n-2)+C(n-1)+Cn….=T(1)+C*2+C*3+…+Cn, solving it we get,  T(n)=O(n2) Average


Merge Sort: Base Case

Worst Case

The array is sorted in this case, merge sort divides array in two halves taking linear time to merge two halves so T(n)= O(nlgn), which is the same for its average and worst case as well. In every iteration, we divide the elements into further 2 sub elements. Leading lg n operations and for n iteration resulting in n log n operations. So T(n)= O(nlogn)

Heap Sort: Base Case

Best case occurs when all elements are equal,  T(n)= Ω(n log n)

Worst and Average Case

Construct_heap (A, n) :- nlgn for(i=0;i...

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