Methods of Research and Enquiry PDF

Title Methods of Research and Enquiry
Course Methods of Research and Enquiry
Institution Auckland University of Technology
Pages 43
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Methods of Research and EnquiryContents Title page Evidence based practice, how to conduct research, PICO(s), conflicts of interest Anatomy of a research paper Test: Worldviews and introductions Worldviews Worldviews continued: postpositivist, constructivist, transformative, pragmatism. Types of res...


Met hodsofResear chandEnqui r y Cont ent s 1.Ti t l epage 2.Evi dencebasedpr act i ce,how t oconductr esear ch,PI CO( s) ,confli ct sof i nt er est 3.Anat omyofar esear chpaper 4.Test :Wor l dvi ewsandi nt r oduct i ons 5.Wor l dvi ews 6.Wor l dvi ewscont i nued:post posi t i vi st ,const r uct i vi st ,t r ansf or mat i ve, pr agmat i sm. 7.Typesofr esear ch+mi xedmet hods 8.St udydesi gn 9.Qual i t at i ver esear cht ypes 10. “” 11.Qual i t at i vesampl i ng 12.Act i onr esear ch 13.Dat acol l ect i onmet hods:St r engt hsandweaknesses 14.I nsi der / out si derper spect i ve 15.Test2 16.“” 17.“” 18.“” 19.“” 20.St andar dsf orr epor t i ng 21.Paci ficaandMaor ir esear ch 22.“” 23.Cul t ur eandet hi csqui z 24.PI CO,quant i t at i vest udydesi gnandcr osssect i onaldesi gn 25.Casecont r olandl ongi t udi nalcohor t 26.STROBE 27.I nt r ot ost at s,popul at i onandsampl i ng 28.“” 29.“” 30.Descr i pt i vest at i st i cs 31.Exper i ment aldesi gn:RCT,bi ndi ng+al l ocat i onconceal ment 32.Pl aceboandnoceboeffect 33.Hypot hesi st est i ng,Pval uesandt ypeI&I Ier r or s,cor r el at i on,r egr essi onand causat i on. 34.“” 35.“” 36.“” 37.I nt ent i ont ot r eatpr i nci pl eandet hi cs 38.Exam pr act i ce 39.“” 40.Qual i t at i vet empl at eexempl ar


Lect ur e1: Evi dencebasedpr act i cei sacombi nat i onoft hr eef act or s: - Ev i dencef r om t her esear ch;t owhatdegr eedoesr esear chappl yt ot he cont ext ? - Pr of essi onalexper i encehel psi nt er pr etandappl yr esear ch. - Pa t i entpr ef er enceandchoi ce;i fwecommuni cat eevi denceandexper i ence, wecanhel pcr eat ei nf or medchoi ce.Forpat i ent st omakeanaccur at echoi ce weneedt obewel li nf or med. How t oconductr esear ch - Askapr act i cer el evantquest i on - Sear chf ort hebestevi dence - Cr i t i cal l yappr ai set hatevi dence - I nt egr at eevi dencei nt opr act i ce - Eval uat eout comes - Shar efindi ngs

Lect ur e2: Enqui r yst at ement sl ayt hef oundat i onf ort heenqui r yandf r amewor k ( qual i t at i veorquant i t at i vest udydesi gn) . Enqui r yst at ement shel pdevel opanappr opr i at esear chst r at egyf orsecondar y r esear ch. PI Co( s) = Popul at i on( whoar ewei nt er est edi n–i nf ant s,mot her s,doct or s,mi dwi ves,adul t s ? –peopl ewi t hsi mi l arexper i ences,at ypeofmedi a( adver t s,ar t i cl es) ) . I nt er est–whati st heexper i ence,eventoract i vi t yofi nt er esti nt hi senqui r y? Cont ext–whatchar act er i st i csot hert hant hepopul at i onandi nt er estar ei mpor t ant , ar ey ouonl yi nt er est edi nNewZeal andst udi es,pl ace? Theenqui r yst at ementshoul dout l i net hedi r ect i onoft hest udy .Theycaneasi l y becomet oobr oadort ospeci fic. Shoul dbever ycl earandgood,bui l dst hef oundat i onofgoodr esear ch - Fr ameenqui r y - Se ar chst r at egy - Met hodol ogyandst udydesi gnshoul dbemadecl ear .

Confli ct i onsofi nt er estwi t haut hor s. Thepur poseofr esear chi st oshowt r uei nf or mat i on. Eval uat ebi asofdesi gnandeval uat i on Fi nanci alconfli ct sofi nt er est sandbel i ef st hatst eerr esear ch.


Fi nanci alconfli ct sofr esear ch–aut hor smaygetpai df ort hest udyt obecar r i edout orpaypar t i cul ari nvest i gat or st ocar r youtt hest udy . St udi est hatar epai dt obecar r i edouthav eahi gherchancet hatmet hodanddesi gn canbet ai l or edt ogener at edesi r edr esul t sandt hefindi ngsi funf avour abl emaynot bepubl i shed. I fi nvest i gat or sar epai dt ol ookatdesi gn,payi ngconsul t ant sf eest ol ookatser vi ces orpr oduct st heymayi nfluencedesi r edout comest okeepget t i ngpai d. St epsofr esear ch: - Funde d - Cond uct ed - Se ntt oj our nal - Pe err evi ewed - Ac cept edordecl i ned Thus,peerr evi ewer scani nfluencewhet herst udi esar epubl i shedornot . I fast udyi sf unded,i ti shi ghl yl i k el yt hoser esul t swi l lf avourt hecompanysuppor t i ng t hatr esear ch. I ft her ear ebi as ’ si ti si mpor t antt obec r i t i caloft hei nf or mat i onpr ovi ded. Doest hi sr esear chhav eanagendawi t ht hei nt entt opr ovi der esul t st hatar enot obj ect i v e? - L ookat : - f undi ng - b el i ef s - Dot hei nv est i gat or shav eanyknownbel i ef sorv al uest hatcompr omi set hei r obj ect i vi t y?

Anat omyofar esear chpaper . Wheny our esear chapaperandseet het i t l e,aski st hi sr el ev antt ot hecont extofmy ownr esear ch? Lookatt heaut hor sandt heabst r actwhi chi sasummar yoft hest udy . Theabst r actl acksi ndet ai landmak est hest udyl ookasgoodaspossi bl e. Thei nt r oduct i oni susedt oj ust i f yt her easonf orr esear chandi sami ni at ur er evi ewof pr evi ousr esear ch. Fi r s tr eadt hemet hodsandr esul t ss ect i on.Howwast hest udyconduct ed,whowas i nv ol v ed? I tshoul dspeci f yt hepopul at i oni twasconduct edonandt hemet hodol ogy( qual i t at i v e orquant i t at i v er esear ch)howt hedat awascol l ect edandhowi twasanal y sed. Wast hes t udyappr opr i at et oi t sownandt hecont extofy ourst udy r el ev antpopul at i ons r el ev antmet hod Appr opr i at eanal y si s


Ar et her eanyconcer nsr egar di ngt hepaper ? Thefindi ngsorr esul t ss houl dt el l y ouaboutt hesampl er at hert hant hepopul at i on. Thesampl ei st heact ualpeopl ei nv ol v edi nt hest udy . I st hi sr el ev antt ot hesampl e. Numer i cal r es ul t s( quant i t at i v e) Quot eswoul dbequal i t at i v e Ar et hesefindi ngscons i st entwi t hot herst udi es ? Ar et her es ul t spr esent edobj ect i vel y ? Di scussi onput st hei rr esul t si ncombi nat i onwi t hot herr esear ch–put t i ngi ti nt he cont extofr eal l i f e( br oadercont ext ) . Thedi scussi onsect i oni st hemostsubj ect i vear eaast hel i t er at ur esel ect edt obe i ncl udedi nt hest udy . Thel i mi t at i onswi l lal sobedi scussedbutmak eupy ourownmi ndaboutwhat l i mi t at i onsar ebecauseaut hor smaynotwantt odi scr edi tt hemsel v es. Concl usi onsar et hemosti r r ev er entast hi sdi r ect st hes t udyt owher et heaut hor s wanti tt obe–mak eupy ourown. Lookatacknowl edgement sandf undi ngar east os eekc r edi bi l i t yorconfli ct sof i nt er est . Ref er encel i s t : Thi si si mpor t antot her sar eabl et ov er i f yi nf or mat i ont hatt hes t udyi sbasedupon.

TEST Resear chmet hodol ogydescr i bes : d. At heor et i calf r amewor kf orqual i t at i vest udi es.

Pr agmat i st sar ei ncl i nedt of ocusonfindi ngs ol ut i onst hatwor ki nt her eal wor l d cont ext ,andwi l l empl oywhat ev err esear chappr oachesar el i k el yt oi dent i f ys uch sol ut i ons . Tr ue Sequent i almi x edmet hodsi nv ol v e: Bui l di ngont hefindi ngsofoner esear chappr oachbyempl oyi nganot her .

I fy ouunder t ak er esear chusi ngaqual i t at i v emet hodol ogy ,y ourr esear chquest i on andai msr eflectsoci alr eal i t yasbei ng: a. Const r uct edbyhumans. Concur r entmi x edmet hodsi nv ol v e: Mer gi ngdat af r om bot hqual i t at i veandquant i t at i veappr oachest ogeta


compr ehensi vei nsi ghti nt ot her esear chpr obl em.

Thepost posi t i v i stappr oac ht or esear chi sal soknownas: Thesci ent i ficmet hod. Soci al cons t r uct i vi st sbel i ev et hat : I ndi vi dual sar el ooki ngf oranunder st andi ngoft hewor l dt heyl i vei n. I fy ouwer eadopt i ngaqual i t at i v ef r ameofenqui r yy ouwoul d b. i nvest i gat eexper i encesofpeopl e,t hei runder l yi ngr easons,opi ni onsand mot i vat i ons Ther easonsf orunder t aki ngheal t hr esear chi ncl ude: a. I nf or m pr of essi onalpr act i ce. b. I nf or m pol i cy . c .I nf or m pr ocedur es. d. Al loft heabove.

I NTRODUCTI ONTO RESEARCHTYPESAND WORLDVI EWS Quant i t at i ver esear ch:Number sands t at i st i cs Qual i t at i veevi dence:St or i esandnar r at i v es,ex per i encesandv al ues. Par adi gm shi f t :Achanget ot het heor et i cal f r amewor korper spect i v ei nwhi ch i nf or mat i onandk nowl edgehasbeenpr evi ousl yvi ewed. Epi st emol ogyt hest udyoft hebasi sofknowl edge Real i sm avi ewt hatemphasi sesext er nals our cesofexi st encei ndependentof humani nt er pr et at i on Wor l dvi ew as etofbel i ef sorconcept shel dbyani ndi vi duali nf or mi nghowt hey i nt er pr ett hei renvi r onmentandexper i ences Posi t i vi stanappr oac ht hatemphasi senat ur alphenomena,obj ect i vi t yandempi r i cal sci ent i ficappr oachest oknowl edge. Rel at i vi stavi ewt hati nf or mat i onmustbeconsi der edaccor di ngt oi t sr el at i onshi p wi t hot herknownf act s I nt er pr et at i onadapt i ngorex pl ai ni ngi nf or mat i oni nameani ngf ulandr el ev antway Const r uct i vi stavi ewt hati snotpassi v el yr ecei v edbutact i v el ycons t r uct edby i ndi vi dual sorgr oups Rel at i onshi pst hes i mi l ar i t i esandconnect i onsbet weenv ar i abl esandorpeopl ei na par t i cul arsi t uat i on I nduct i ver easoni nganappr oacht ot hi nki ngt hati nv ol v esdev el opi nggener al pr opos i t i onsf r om par t i cul arex ampl es


Deduct i ver easoni nganappr oacht ot hi nki ngt hati nv ol v esi dent i f yi ngcommon pr i nci pl es.

Thr eet ypesofr esear ch:qual i t at i ve,quant i t at i veandmi xed met hods. Qual i t at i ver esear chi sanappr oachusedt oex pl or eandunder s t andt hemeani ng i ndi vi dual sorgr oupsascr i bet osoc i alorhumanpr obl ems .Usesdat ai nt hef or m of openendedquest i onswi t haflex i bl est r uct ur eandi nduct i vest y l e,af ocuson meani ngandr ender i ngcompl ex i t y . Quant i t at i ver esear chi sanappr oachf ort est i ngt heor i esandfindi ngt he r el at i onshi pbet weenvar i abl es.Canbenumer i cal l ychar act er i sed. Mi xedmet hodsappr oacht oi nqui r ycol l ect sbot hf or msofdat aandi nt egr at est hem.

Wor l dvi ews Post posi t i vi st :det er mi nat i on,empi r i cal obser vat i onandmeasur ement ,t heor y v er i fi cat i onandr educt i oni sm. Tr adi t i onalf or m ofr es ear ch,mor egr av i t at edt owar dsquant i t at i v e,al sok nownast he sci ent i ficappr oachorposi t i vi st . Needt or eflecti dent i t yandassesst hecausest hati nfluenceout comes. Resear chbegi nswi t hat heor yandr esear chi scol l ect edt opr ov eordi sr egar dt hat . Tr ansf or mat i ve:pol i t i cal ,powerandj ust i ceor i ent at ed,col l abor at i v e,c hange or i ent ed. Cr i t i calt heor i s t s .Wor k swi t hf emi ni st s,r aci aloret hni cmi nor i t i es ,per sonswi t h di sabi l i t i es,LGBQT. Adv ocat ef oranact i onagendat ohel pmar gi nal i z edgr oups.I nt er t wi nedwi t hpol i t i cs t hi swor l dvi ewwi shest oov er comesoci al oppr essi onandr ef or mt hel i v esoft he par t i ci pant s. Focusonoppr essi on,suppr essi on,empower mentoft hepopul at i on,al i enat i on, domi nat i on. Par t i ci pant shel pdesi gnt her esear ch,r ai si ngt hei rconsci ousnessandneedf ora change. Const r uct i vi st :Under st andi ng,mul t i pl epar t i ci pantmeani ngs,soci alandhi st or i cal const r uct i onandt heor ygener at i on. Typi cal l yseenasanappr oacht oqual i t at i v er esear ch.Bel i ev et hati ndi vi dual sseek under st andi ngoft hewor l dt heyl i v ei nandt heydev el opsubj ect i v emeani ngsoft hei r ex per i ences .Lookf ort hecompl exi t yofvi ews .Goal ofr esear c hi st or el yont he par t i ci pant st oconst r uctt hesi t uat i ons.Openendedquest i oni ng.Addr esst he pr ocessesofi nt er act i onsbet weenpeopl eandf ocusont hespeci ficcont ext si nwhi ch peopl ewor kandl i ce.Resear chesr ecogni set hei rownwor l dvi ewi nt er pr et st hei r ev al uat i on.Res ear chesi nt enti st omak es enseoft hemeani ngsot her shav eoft he wor l d.


Pr agmat i sm:Consequencesofact i ons ,pr obl em cent r ed,pl ur al i st i c ,r ealwor l d pr act i ceor i ent ed.Act i onsandsi t uat i ons.Concer nedwi t happl i cat i ons,whatwor k s andwhatsol ut i onssol v epr obl ems.Usepl ur al i s t i cappr oachest ot ack l epr obl ems andgai nknowl edgeaboutt hem.

Typesofr esear chandmi xedmet hods

Sur veyr esear ch:numer i cal dat aoft r ends,at t i t udesandopi ni onsofapopul at i on sampl e. Exper i ment alr esear ch:seekst odet er mi newhet herat r eat mentopt i onwor k sf ora pr obl em. Qual i t at i vehi st or y:ant hr opol ogy ,s oci ol ogyandhumani t ar i ans ’ st udy . - Gr oundedt heor y :aut horder i v esagener alabst r actt heor yf r om act i onor i nt egr at i onofvi ewsoft hepar t i ci pant s . - Et hnogr aphy :shar edpat t er nsorbehavi our s ,l anguageoract i onsofac ul t ur al gr oupi nanat ur al set t i ngov eraper i odoft i me.Obser v at i onsandi nt er vi ews t ak epl ace. - Cas es t udi es :i ndept hanal y si sofonepr ogr am,ev entorex per i enceboundby t i meoract i v i t y .Oneormor epeopl ei nvol v ed. ’ Nar r at i ver esear ch:basedont hel i vesofpar t i ci pant s–i nast or yf or mat Phenomenol ogi calr esear ch:basedonphi l osophyandps y chol ogyi nwhi cht he r esear cherdescr i best hel i v edexper i encesr egar di ngaphenomenonf r om t he par t i ci pant s. Mi xedmet hods: Conver gentpar al l el :anaut horcol l ect sbot hqual andquantdat aatt hes amet i me i nor dert opr ovi deacompr ehensi v eanal y si sofar esear chenqui r y . Expl anat or ysequent i al :oneaut horfir stconduct squanandt henanal y sest hatand t henconduct sandbui l dsont hi sr esear chwi t haqualr esear chdesi gn. Expl or at or ysequent i al :oneaut horfir stconduct squalandt henanal y sest hatand t henconduct sandbui l dsont hi sr esear chwi t haquanr esear chdesi gn.


Tr ansf or mat i vemi xedmet hods:usesat heor et i call ensanddr awsf r om soci al or j ust i c epowerus i ngbot hqualandquandat at ogetanov er ar chi ngper spect i ve. Embeddedmi xedmet hods:bot hqualandquandesi gnsar ei ncor por at edi na st udysayanex per i ment . Mul t i phasemi xedmet hods:usesquanandqualt oget herors equent i al l yov era l ongper i odoft i met ounder st andal ongt er m pr ogr am goal . Col l ect i ngmet hods:

Wor l dvi ewsandst udydesi gn: Quant i t at i ve: - Po st posi t i vi stappr oachashasex per i ment al desi gnandcol l ect spr et estand post t estmeasur esofat t i t udes. Qual i t at i ve: - Cons t r uct i v i stwor l dvi ew,et hnogr aphi cdesi gnandobser v at i onofbehav i our s. - T r ansf or mat i v ewor l dvi ew,nar r at i v edes i gnandopenendedi nt er vi ewi ng. Mi xedmet hods: - Pr agmat i cwor l dvi ew,col l ect i onofbot hdat asequent i al l yi nt hedes i gn. Cr i t er i af orsel ect i ngar esear chappr oach:


Resear chpr obl em andquest i on: i si tapr obl em ( quan)ori ssue( qual ) ? I ft her ei sl i t t l ei nf or mat i onorr esear cht henqual Mi x edmet hodi sgoodwhenr esear chhasbeendonebutnonear eadequat e.

Per sonalexper i ence:r esear chesback gr oundsi nfluencet hei rchoi ceofst udy desi gn.


Thosei nv ol v edwi t hsci enceort echni cals t udi esc hoosequan.Thosewhoenj oy wr i t i ngandcommuni cat i onpr ef eraqualappr oach. Quani susual l yt hefi r s tchoi cebecausei ti st hemostt r adi t i onalhowev erquani s mor eadapt abl eandi nnov at i v e.Mi x edmet hodst ak eal otoft i meandneeds r esear cheswhoar eflexi bl ebet weenmet hods . Audi ence:r esear cher swr i t ef oraudi encesandt hust hechoi ceofst udydes i gncan bei nfluencedbyt hej our nal t heyi nt endf orpubl i shi ngorwhowi l l r eadi t .

Qual i t at i ver esear cht ypes

Phenomenol ogy:i ndi vi duall i v edex per i ence Di scour seanal ysi s:communi cat i on,i ndi vi dualandgr oupi nt er act i ons Gr oundedt heor y:t heor i esandmodel sofi nt er act i onsandpr ocesses Act i onr esear ch:t est ssol ut i onsandmoni t or schange Phenomenol ogyi sr oot edi near l y20t hcent ur yEur opeanphi l osophy Ai mst oanal y sel i v edex per i encet ounder st andhowmeani ngi scr eat edt hr ough per cept i ons .I tcont r i but est oadeeperunder st andi ngofl i v edex per i encesby ex posi ngt ak enf orgr ant edassumpt i onsaboutt heseway sofknowi ng Phenomenol ogi calst at ement s,l i k ephi l osophi cals t at ement s ,st at et heobvi ousand t henecessar y .Theyt el l uswhatweal r eadyknow.Theyar enotnewi nf or mat i on,but ev eni fnotnew,t heycanst i l l bei mpor t antandi l l umi nat i ng,becaus eweof t enar e v er yconf usedaboutj ustsucht r i vi al i t i esandnecessi t i es .Sok ol owski ( 2000) I nphenomenol ogyr eal i t yi scompr ehendedt hr oughembodi edexper i ence. Phenomenol ogi st saskquest i onsaboutl i vedex per i ences ,asc ont r ast edwi t h abst r acti nt er pr et at i onsofex per i enceoropi ni onsaboutt hem Di scour seanal ysi si sconcer nedwi t hl anguagei nuse;t hati s ,howi ndi vi dual s acc ompl i s hper s onal ,soc i al ,andpol i t i calpr oj ect st hr oughl anguage.


Di scour seanal y st sar guet hatl anguageandwor ds,asasy s t em ofsi gns ,ar ei n t hemsel v esessent i al l ymeani ngl ess;i ti st hr ought heshar ed,mut ual l yagr eedonuse ofl anguaget hatmeani ngi scr eat ed. Languagebot hmedi at esandconst r uct sourunder st andi ngofr eal i t y . I tal sodefinest hesoci al r ol est hatar eav ai l abl et oi ndi vi dual sandser v esast he pr i mar ymeanst hr oughwhi cht heyenactt hei ri dent i t i es.I tcanshedl i ghtont he cr eat i onandmai nt enanceofsoci alnor ms,t heconst r uct i onofper sonalandgr oup i dent i t i es ,andt henegot i at i onofsoci alandpol i t i cali nt er act i on t hesev en“ bui l di ngt asks”ofl anguage( si gni ficance,act i vi t i es,i dent i t i es, r el at i onshi ps,pol i t i cs ,connect i ons,andsi gnsy st emsandknowl edge. Di scour seanal y st sex pl or ehowknowl edge,meani ng,i dent i t i es,ands oci algoods ar enegot i at edandconst r uct edt hr oughl anguagei nuse. Gr oundedt heor ymeani ngi snegot i at edandunder s t oodt hr oughi nt er act i onswi t h ot her si nsoci al pr ocesses .I t spur pose ?Todevel opanex pl anat or yt heor yofbas i c soci al pr ocesses,st udi edi nt heenvi r onment si nwhi cht heyt ak epl ace Wi t hi nt hi sappr oachk nowl edgeofsoci alr eal i t i esi sac hi ev edt hr oughcar ef ul obser v at i onofbehav i ourandspeechpr act i ces. Gr oundedt heor i st si nqui r eabouthowsoc i als t r uct ur esandpr ocessesi nfluencehow t hi ngsar eacc ompl i shedt hr oughagi v ens etofs oci ali nt er act i ons .


Theset hr eer esear chmet hodsar epr oduct sofdi ffer enti nt el l ect ualt r adi t i ons .

Sampl i ng Sampl esi zedependsonfiv et hi ngs:t hes copeoft hest udy ,t henat ur eoft het opi c, t hequal i t yoft hedat a,t hes t udydesi gn,andt heuseofshadoweddat a( when par t i ci pant sspeakofot her s ’ex per i enceaswel last hei rown) Mostcommonl ycol l ectdat at hr oughi nt er vi ewsorf ocusgr oups: Phenomenol ogy:commonl yhas110per sonspers t udyasi tex pl or est he ex per i enceofoneex per i enceorphenomenon. Di scour seanal ysi s:si z edependsont heanal yt i cobj ect i v eandt hedat asour ce.For ex ampl e,i ti spossi bl et ouseasi ngl eper s on’ snar r at i v eandcompar ei twi t hwr i t t en document s;al t er nat i v el y ,l ar gersampl esi z esmi ghtber equi r edt ounder st and v ar i at i onsi nl anguagei nuseacr ossper s onsandset t i ngs . Gr oundedt heor y:r el i esont heor et i cal sampl i ng,whi c hi nv ol v esr ecr ui t i ng par t i ci pant swi t hdi ffer i ngex per i encesoft hephenomenonsoast oex pl or emul t i pl e di mensi onsoft hes oci alpr oces sesunderst udy .t ypi calgr oundedt heor yst udi es r epor tsampl esi z esr angi ngf r om 10t o60per s ons.


Dat acol l ect i on Thr oughobser vat i onr esear c her scangat herdat aabouthowpar t i ci pant sbehav ei n t hei rnat ur als et t i ngsandmak emeani ngoutoft hei rex per i ences. Li mi t at i onofdat aandanal ysi s Qual i t at i v eanal y si si si nher ent l ysubj ect i vebecauset her esear cheri st hei nst r ument f oranal y si s . Act i onr esear ch:usedt oi dent i f ypr obl emsanddi scov ersol ut i onsi nor dert o i mpr ov epr act i ce. I t ’ sas t y l eofr esear chr at hert hanaspeci ficmet hod. I ti susedt or esear chwi t handf orpeopl er at hert hanst udyi ngpeopl especi fical l y . I t sst r engt hl i esi nf oc usi ngt oongener at i ngsol ut i onst opr act i calpr obl emsand empower i ngheal t hpr act i t i oner st oengagewi t hr esear c handhel pi dent i f yandsol...

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