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Title Mgb225
Course Intercultural Communication And Negotiation Skills
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MGB225 Intercultural Communication and Negotiation Skills

Due date: Week 6: Monday, 1 April, 11:59 pm Name: Sin Ting Yan Tutor: Mr. Andrew Spark 1

Word count:1440 1.


The purpose of this study was to identify issues related to culture and communication between the UK and Korea. Due to the increasing diversity of the workforce and the inconsistencies in the client's culture, various barriers such as cultural misunderstandings and language barriers led to work efficiency. So, the following will have an in-depth understanding of how the selected model is associated with the problem you are discovering and suggestions for how to solve the problem.


Identification of Issues

2.1 Intercultural Issues In the case, Mr. Taylor did not show respect to Mr. Lee. Firstly, Mr. Taylor did not print bilingual business card, so that Mr. Lee difficult understanding. Also, when Mr. Taylor introduce and using his left hand while patting Mr. Lee on the back with his right hand. (commission global, 2019) Thirdly, Mr. Taylor tried each dish with the soup spoon instead of using a chopstick (commisceo global, 2019). Lastly, the Organica team was late to the meeting when the Korean was waiting for them which is impolite performance (commisceo global, 2019)

2.2 Intercultural Verbal Communication Issue The first problem is the language barrier between the two teams, Mr. Taylor refused to understand Korean culture and hired translators, leading Mr.Taylor do not understand some Koreans action so that both have expression culture differences. Second, most Koreans don't like to comment on national politics because of this action make that Koreans is not respected to their country. Mr. Taylor talks about Korean politics with inappropriate actions and opinions, which can be an insult (asialinl business, 2018).

2.3 Intercultural Nonverbal Communication Issues When first met when Ms. Johnson asked the Korean bow. The glare of exchanges between Koreans responded to this gesture. Second, establishing relationships is an important part of doing business in Korea. In the case, Mr. Lee urged everyone to continue socializing at a karaoke bar around the corner, however, Taylor refused. 2

(asialinl business, 2018)


Literature Review

3.1 Description of the model In this case study, the model chosen is the Geert Hofstede model. The reason for choosing this model is mainly his various studies on the interaction between organizational culture and national culture. According to (McSweeney, 2002) research, it is finally understood that the value people receive will ultimately be influenced by the culture of their countries. To better understand these values, Hofstede focuses his analysis on six main aspects of a country's culture.

Figure 1; depiction of Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture (Kihara, 2017) From Figure 1 can see the six main aspects: Power Distance, Individualism, Feminine/Masculine, Uncertainty Avoidance, Long-term Orientation and Restraint/Indulgence. Following those aspects to analyses the cultural emphasis on individualism vs collectivism. Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimension theory is a systematic skeleton for evaluating and discriminating national cultural values. The theory provides a comprehensive model to explain how and to what extent people are based on country-of-origin power distance such as equality and inequality, collectivism with individualism, uncertainty avoidance with moderation, masculinity with femininity, and long-term orientation with short-term orientation (Mocarski, 2014).


3.2 Strengths Therefore, the theoretical model of cultural dimension is well-known, and it is not surprising that it has many advantages. First of all, it is easy to assume that the major differences found in the workplace come from the different cultures in which some workers grew up, given the consistency that is usually established in a typical organizational environment. This makes a comparison of cultural values possible. In addition, the theory can use different dimensions to further explore cultural values (Hofstede, 2011). In recent /s, to study the cultural value of other cases, this model has been used innumerable times, and the results are the same. Therefore, it is a fair assumption to say that the model is reliable. 3.3 Weakness Even the cultural dimension model is famous, as a very reliable theory, it also has its weaknesses. As we all know, organizations often like to enlist and keep people who recognize and value organizational culture. That means that the values of the labor force in enterprises might be affected by the overall culture of the organization, leading culture may be biased towards a culture, so that ignore other cultures. Moreover, since this study was conducted decades ago, some cultural values have changed, it could be said some cultural values might not be as effective today. (Baskerville, 2014)

3.4 Conclusion In conclusion, culture is an extremely complex term and is basically on Hofstede's research. Hofstede's findings may serve as a springboard for multinational organizations to discover and understand cultural differences that other societies may observe before starting international affairs, as these dimensions can help organizations to understand the culture more critically and improve employee competence through the use of this model. More research is expected to capture the effects, thus playing an important role in the way companies can relate to each other in the future, becoming a mobile cultural map of globalization and innovation.



Case Analysis

4.1 Issue 1 When Ms. Johnson bowed and remembered how to say hello in Korean and introduce herself. This gesture was reciprocated with awkward glances exchanged between the Koreans, but when Mr. Taylor introduce himself, Mr. Lee and Koreansimmediate response. According to Hofstede, Britain is a masculinity society with a score of 66 (Hofsted Insight, 2019), therefore, men and women are more equal. However, South Korea is more male-dominated. The high index of this dimension indicates that men are more successful driven by competition and success. This makes achievement a key determinant of its organizational structure and operation. Obviously, Mr. Taylor company has a culture around masculinity because it focuses on achievement, selfconfidence and high profits (Hofstede, 2011). As a result, Koreans are surprised by women's self-introduction, but they will respond to Mr. Taylor.

Figure 2 United Kingdom of 6 dimensions 4.2 Issue 2 When the Organica team arrived late was a sign of disrespect, and they were surprised that Korean presenters were on time and waiting for them in Shinsegae's board of directors. The high degree of uncertainty avoidance in South Korea reflects the strong discontent of South Koreans with uncertainty avoidance, with a maximum score of 85 (Hofsted Insight, 2019) In a culture of high uncertainty avoidance, regulation and forms are needed to build a life. Therefore, Korean hosting time is money and security, because when they work hard, and then will have precise value and accuracy are their norms (Hofsted Insight, 2019).


Figure 3 South Korea of 6 dimensions

4.3 Issue 3 Ms. Johnson squeezed Mr. Taylor's arm desperately and changed his mind to accept the invitation to ijimjilbang because she wishes to keep the hospitality of the Korean host. According to Hofstede's research (Figure 3), Korea of individualism is was 18 point (Hofsted Insight, 2019), as a result, Korea will be collectivist societies. In a collectivist culture, they promote strong relevance and rely on among all parties, but when face to social attacks can lead to humiliation and loss of face. However, Britain is a combination of high individualism and masculinity, more about self-fulfillment and self-confidence than the relationship

4.4 Issue 4 Mr. Jones's behavior and humorous remarks are brusque and disrespectful because Korean values and respect regarding age and status however Britain values will though easy to them to interact with people, they think are equal. According to Figure3, South Korea scored a 60 and was considered a slightly hierarchical society (Hofsted Insight, 2019). In addition, the distance between powers and the high score of masculinity show the status and the role of a person in the hierarchy. Consequently, this means compared with Western countries, Koreans rely heavy on centralization, autonomy, and decision-making on without consulting their subordinates.


4.5 Issue 5 Social activities are an important part of Korean business when Mr. Lee requested go to the Karaoke bar, but Mr. Taylor rejected. According to Figure 3, Korea scored of long-term orientation was 100 and becoming the most pragmatical and longest society-oriented society (Hofsted Insight, 2019). People with a higher long-term orientation and collectivism are usually faithful and believe that have a good social relation can improve their own long-term profits and growth. Thereupon, Korean owners are trying to establish close with Mr. Taylor to ensure future business and investment.



In order to the two companies must understand the cultural differences of other companies and how they operate. Because of the different values of the two countries, the United Kingdom advocates individualism and Korea is dominated by long-term. For example, humor and honesty are often used in British business, with the aim of expressing great respect for communicating a good first impression (passport to trade, 2019). Therefore, Mr. Taylor expressed his negative feeling of recent political news, this action only obeys UK cultural norms. On the other hand, the establishment of relations in Korea was developed through informal social gatherings (asialinl business, 2018), so it is understandable that Mr. Lee urges everyone to karaoke bars for social activities. After the two sides are familiar with each other's culture, they will mediate the cultural differences among them and establish a more open and rapport relationship to keep them open and accommodating.


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