MGMT3029 Enhancing Your Business Mind Semester 1 2021 Bentley Perth Campus FO PDF

Title MGMT3029 Enhancing Your Business Mind Semester 1 2021 Bentley Perth Campus FO
Author boyang lin
Course chicago
Institution Monash University
Pages 12
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Faculty of Business and Law School of Marketing

Unit Outline

MGMT3029 Enhancing Your Business Mind Semester 1, 2021

Unit study package code:


Mode of study:

Fully Online

Tuition pattern summary:

This unit does not have a fieldwork component.

Credit Value:


Pre -requisite units:

(v.0) or any previous version

Co -requisite units:


Anti- requisite units:


Result type:


Approved incidental fees:

Information about approved incidental fees can be obtained from our website. Visit for details.

Unit coordinator:

Title: Name: Phone: Email: Location:

Dr Michael Baird 08 9266 3289 [email protected] Building: 408 - Room: 2008

Teaching Staff:

Name: Email:

Mel Ahmad [email protected]

Administrative contact:

Name: Phone: Email:

Teaching Support Team 08 9266 3882 [email protected]

Learning Management System: Blackboard (

Acknowledgement of Country We respectfully acknowledge the Indigenous Elders, custodians, their descendants and kin of this land past and present. The Centre for Aboriginal Studies aspires to contribute to positive social change for Indigenous Australians through higher education and research.

Syllabus This unit has been designed by industry to help give students the confidence and abilities that industry want. The unit will take students through different team thinking techniques used in many varying industries in order to broaden their own discipline knowledge. The unit will also focus on self; the students overall interpretation of the value they can bring to an organisation. The unit will help prepare students for their transition into the workplace by equipping them with the resilience necessary to succeed.

MGMT3029 Enhancing Your Business Mind Bentley Perth Campus 18 Feb 2021 School of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law

Page: 1 of 12 CRICOS Provider Code 00301J The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Faculty of Business and Law School of Marketing 

Introduction Designed in consultation with industry, this unit aims to equip you with skills needed to succeed in the business environment. The content is designed around you, the student, to be fun, engaging, stimulating, and educational all at once. It contains the principles of Agile, Design, Lean, Team and Career thinking intertwined with numerous business, leadership, negotiation and personal presentation concepts. We will push you out of your comfort zone (in the most supportive way of course) to teach you things that you didn’t realise you needed to know – your first job outside of university is a big step in your career and we want you to feel confident in your ability to have a positive impact on your new team’s environment. We encourage you to jump in head first, and to trust and enjoy the process and the many benefits it will provide to your professional development.  Special thanks must be given to the following people for their assistance and input in designing this unit: l l l l

Michelle Sandford from Microsoft Joshua Ellis from Visagio David Kempen from PwC Gavin Bain from Wunderman Thompson

Unit Learning Outcomes All graduates of Curtin University achieve a set of six Graduate Capabilities during their course of study. These inform an employer that, through your studies, you have acquired discipline knowledge and a range of other skills and capabilities which employers would value in a professional setting. Each unit in your course addresses the Graduate Capabilities through a clearly identified set of learning outcomes. They form a vital part in the process referred to as assurance of learning. The learning outcomes notify you of what you are expected to know, understand or be able to do in order to be successful in this unit. Each assessment for this unit is carefully designed to test your knowledge of one or more of the unit learning outcomes. On successfully completing all of the assessments you will have achieved all of these learning outcomes. Your course has been designed so that on graduating you will have achieved all of Curtin's Graduate Capabilities through the assurance of learning processes in each unit. On successful completion of this unit students can: 1 2

Graduate Capabilities addressed

Critically analyse and evaluate large pieces of information in limited time to solve problems and make business decisions Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively to audiences in a culturally appropriate and professional manner


Integrate team processes to achieve agreed business outcomes both independently and collaboratively


Build and facilitate ethical, socially responsible, and sustainable considerations into business decision making

Curtin's Graduate Capabilities Apply discipline knowledge, principles and concepts

Innovative, creative and entrepreneurial

Effective communicators with digital competency

Globally engaged and responsive

Culturally competent to engage respectfully with local First Peoples and other diverse cultures

Industry connected and career capable

Find out more about Curtin's Graduate Capabilities at the Curtin Learning and Teaching website:

MGMT3029 Enhancing Your Business Mind Bentley Perth Campus 18 Feb 2021 School of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law

Page: 2 of 12 CRICOS Provider Code 00301J The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Faculty of Business and Law School of Marketing 

Learning Activities This unit requires very little pre -work (preparation before coming to class). However it requires you to be actively involved and engaged during the class. It also requires reflective work done after 50% of the classes. Please note that to be successful in this unit you will be required to attend at least 8 out of the 12 seminars this semester; let’s see why in a nutshell: l








Seminar 1 – An introduction to the unit, explanation of assessments, and introductory exercises that will be required for reflection at the completion of the semester. Seminar 2 – An introduction and explanation of the Elevator Pitch, which is required for assessments in seminars 3 and 8. Seminar 3 – The first assessment – an Elevator Pitch worth 10% of the unit; students not at this seminar will forfeit this 10%. Seminars 4 -6 – At least one (and ideally all three) of these three seminars must be attended to complete the first of two Class Reflection assessments, worth 15% of the unit. Seminar 7 – Marketing Plans will introduced and explained, and subsequently done in -class time; this will form the basis of the seminar 8 Elevator Pitch. Seminar 8 – The second Elevator Pitch will be done, based upon the Marketing Plan from seminar 7. There will be 2 parts to this pitch, equalling 20% of the unit; students not at this seminar will forfeit this 20%. Seminars 9 -11 – At least one (and ideally all three) of these three seminars must be attended to complete the second of two Class Reflection assessments, worth 15% of the unit. Seminar 12 – A conclusion to the unit, reflective exercises allowing comparison to the start of the semester, and an introduction and explanation of the Video assessment, worth 40% of the unit.

MGMT3029 Enhancing Your Business Mind Bentley Perth Campus 18 Feb 2021 School of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law

Page: 3 of 12 CRICOS Provider Code 00301J The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Faculty of Business and Law School of Marketing 

Assessment Assessment policy exemptions l

There are no exemptions to the assessment policy

Assessment schedule Task

Value %

Date Due

Unit Late Assessment Learning Assessments Extensions Outcome(s) Accepted?* Considered?* Assessed

Class Reflections


Week: Seminars 4–6 1,2,3,4 AND 9–11 Day: 48 hours after YOUR seminar Time: 48 hours after YOUR seminar



Elevator Pitches


Week: Seminar 3 AND 8 Day: Within YOUR seminar Time: Within YOUR seminar








Career Passport Reflective Video 40% 3

2,4 Week: Seminar 12 Day: Up to 1 week after YOUR seminar Time: Up to 1 week after YOUR seminar

*Please refer to the Late Assessment and the Assessment Extension sections below for specific details and conditions.

Detailed information on assessment tasks 1.

Class Reflections Assessment (2 x 15% = 30%) The written Class Reflections assessment contains two (2) parts; each part covers three (3) seminars. Class Reflection part 1 covers seminars 4 -6, and Class Reflection part 2 covers seminars 9 -11. A submission is expected for each seminar (meaning six (6) submissions are expected). At the conclusion of each parts submissions, students will choose which one (1) of the three (3) will be selected to be marked; the mark will equal 15% of the unit (x 2 = 30%). Each submission is due within 48 hours of the completion of YOUR seminar – late submissions will NOT be accepted. Each Class Reflection must be a minimum of 600 words and a maximum of 800 words; anything under or over this will incur a penalty of 10% for everything up to and including 100 words (i.e. 10% penalty for every 100 words under or over). Each submission must reflect upon your experience in the class from that week’s seminar, not just what you did in the seminar; a Class Reflection simply explaining the seminar will not score a pass mark. The reflection should be written in the first person narrative, and should specifically mention the dynamics of the team you were in for the exercise, as well as what you would do differently in the future. Each submission will contain an ABSTRACT (150 words maximum) and a BODY of text. A Cover Page ( EYBM Class Reflections (30%) Cover Page.docx) is available on Blackboard and must be used for each submission. For more information about this assessment please refer to the EYBM Class Reflections (30%) Assessment Guide.pdf document available in Blackboard.

MGMT3029 Enhancing Your Business Mind Bentley Perth Campus 18 Feb 2021 School of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law

Page: 4 of 12 CRICOS Provider Code 00301J The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Faculty of Business and Law School of Marketing 


Elevator Pitches Assessment (3 x 10% = 30%) ‘The Elevator Pitch’, officially known as ‘The Gaddie Pitch’, forms the basis of the presentation assessments within this unit. The Elevator Pitches assessment contains two (2) parts; Elevator Pitch part A will be done in seminar 3, and Elevator Pitch part B will be done in seminar 8.

Part A (10%) – seminar 3 The first presentation will be introducing students to the Gaddie, or Elevator Pitch – a 60 -90 second pitch where the student must use the format of the Gaddie Pitch. This presentation will be done in pairs, with the tutor selecting the pairs. The tutor will grade each student presenting using the marking rubric in Blackboard (10%). This presentation will be done in class time (within the seminar) in teaching week 3 (seminar 3). Assessment extensions will NOT be given for this assessment; students can apply for a deferred assessment as long as adequate justification and verification is provided. Students not at this seminar will forfeit this 10%.

Part B (2 x 10% = 20%) – seminar 8 The second presentation will allow students to implement everything they’ve learnt from and since the first presentation. Whilst the presentation component is the same (even using the same marking rubric), the content of the presentation, and how the grades are allocated, are very different. The content of this presentation will be based upon the Marketing Plan done in class time (within the seminar) in teaching week 7 (seminar 7). The presentations will again be a 60 -90 second pitch where the student must use the Gaddie Pitch format. This presentation will see students grade each other’s presentation using the same marking rubric from part A (10%); if the grade is unrealistically high or low then the tutor’s grade will apply for the presenter, as opposed to the students’ grade. In addition, the student will be required to provide feedback for the presenter; this will then be given to the tutor to be graded using the marking rubric in Blackboard (10%), before being given to the presenter. Students without a Marketing Plan will be required to do a Gaddie Pitch on themselves, and i) will only have the tutor grade their work, and ii) will forfeit their 10% for the written feedback. This presentation will be done in class time (within the seminar) in teaching week 8 (seminar 8). Assessment extensions will NOT be given for this assessment; students can apply for a deferred assessment as long as adequate justification and verification is provided. Students not at this seminar will forfeit this 20%. For more information about this assessment please refer to the EYBM Elevator Pitches (30%) Assessment Guide.pdf document available in Blackboard.   3.

Career Passport Reflective Video Assessment (1 x 40%) The purpose of this assessment is for you to look back and reflect upon your degree thus far – what you have learnt, what you have done, what you should have done, friendships made, life lessons learnt etc. The exercises presented in this unit, including the employability tool, the odyssey planning, the Lego representations, the different teams formed every week etc., will provide more than enough content to create an interesting, meaningful video presentation. An engaging video submission with a minimum of 7 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes is required; anything under or over this will incur a penalty of 10% for everything up to and including 1 minute (i.e. 10% penalty for each minute under or over). The Career Passport Reflective Video is due no later than precisely one (1) week after the start time of YOUR final seminar. The presentation must be pre -recorded and uploaded to a free viewing platform (such as YouTube, Echo360 etc.) where a login is NOT required and a link to view your presentation can be provided to the tutor. Students must submit a link within their presentation slides (if presentation slides are used) or within a Word document into the submission link in Blackboard. 

MGMT3029 Enhancing Your Business Mind Bentley Perth Campus 18 Feb 2021 School of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law

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Faculty of Business and Law School of Marketing 

The Career Passport Reflective Video must include the following sections: l l l l l l l

Introduction A reflection on the employability tool A reflection upon your time in Enhancing your Business Mind A reflection upon your time at University My career plan A message to my future self Conclusion

For more information about this assessment please refer to the EYBM Career Passport Reflective Video (40%) Assessment Guide.pdf document available in Blackboard.  

Pass requirements Must achieve an overall mark equal to or above 50% and satisfactorily demonstrate achievement of the unit learning outcomes.

MGMT3029 Enhancing Your Business Mind Bentley Perth Campus 18 Feb 2021 School of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law

Page: 6 of 12 CRICOS Provider Code 00301J The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Faculty of Business and Law School of Marketing 

Assessment Moderation Fair assessment through moderation Moderation describes a quality assurance process to ensure that assessments are appropriate to the learning outcomes, and that students work is evaluated consistently by assessors. Minimum standards for the moderation of assessments are described in the Assessment and Student Progression Manual, available from

Pre-marking moderation l l l l


Assessments tasks are reviewed by a co -examiner. Assessment task details are given in the Unit Outline. Assessment rubrics are made available to students (“marking criteria”). Markers collaborate to achieve consensus of the task and grading procedures to ensure your work will be fairly graded and is consistent with other students across all locations. Any threats to assessment integrity and security will addressed as required.

Intra-marking / Post-marking moderation l


l l



l l

The Unit Coordinator is responsible for the management of marking/grading, moderation, and submission of results and finalisation of grades. The Unit Coordinator meets with markers to ensure all markers have the same understanding of marking and feedback expectations. Marking rubrics are used to minimise variation across the marking team. Grades are re -checked by ‘Check Second marking’ in which a random sample of student work is double checked for consistency against marking criteria. For borderline grades (just above/below a pass mark), grades are double checked to ensure they are correct and consistent against marking criteria. Very high and very low grades are double checked to ensure they are correct and consistent against marking criteria. A sample of work may be moderated by markers outside of the teaching/marking team. The Unit Coordinator meets with the grading team to confirm the fairness and consistency of the marking process.

Late assessment Where the submission of a late assessment is permitted, late penalties will be consistently applied in this unit. Where a late assessment is permitted for an assessment item or the entirety of the unit (refer to the Assessment Schedule table in this Unit Outline) and the student does not have an approved assessment extension: 1. For assessment items submitted within the first 24 hours after the due date/time, students will be penalised by a deduction of 5% of the total marks allocated for the assessment task; 2. For each additional 24 hour period commenced an additional penalty of 10% of the total marks allocated for the assessment item will be deducted; and 3. Assessment items submitted more than 168 hours late (7 calendar days) will receive a mark of zero. Where late assessment is NOT permitted for an assessment item or the entirety of the unit (refer to the Assessment Schedule table in this Unit Outline) and the student does not have an approved assessment extension: 1. All assessment items submitted after the due date/time will receive a mark of zero.

MGMT3029 Enhancing Your Business Mind Bentley Perth Campus 18 Feb 2021 School of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law

Page: 7 of 12 CRICOS Provider Code 00301J The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

Faculty of Business and Law School of Marketing 

Assessment extension Where an application for an assessment extension is permitted for an assessment item(s) within t...

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