MGO302 Syllabus Fall 2020 PDF

Title MGO302 Syllabus Fall 2020
Author Vene Bunt
Course Production and Operations Management
Institution University at Buffalo
Pages 19
File Size 1.2 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 82
Total Views 156




State University of New York at Buffalo SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Department of Operations Management and Strategy



Dr. Michael J. Braunscheidel 326D Jacobs Management Center University at Buffalo Buffalo, New York, USA Phone: 716-645-3251 E-mail: [email protected] (best way to contact me)


ASSISTANT: As of this writing, contact information for the course assistant is not available.

TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION Contact Information… Class Time… MGO 302 Office Hours… Questions about Scores … Academic Integrity… Accessibility Resources Diversity and Inclusion

Page 1 (see above) Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2

GETTING READY: COURSE REQUIREMENTS Course Prerequisite… Required Textbook and Other Required Material… UBlearns … Technology and Emergency Plans…

Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4

DOING WELL: GOALS, DELIVERABLES AND ASSESSMENT Course Grading Scale… Bonus Points… Exams and Exam Policy… Exam Question Simulation (EQS) Modules… Projects… Late Projects… Course Learning Goals and Assessment…


Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 12 Pages 12-19


GENERAL INFORMATION CLASS TIME: For the fall 2020 semester there will be no ‘live class’ times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The lectures for this class will be posted to UBlearns by 5:00 pm each Tuesday and Thursday per the course calendar. A finished video recording will appear in Panopto on UBlearns and on YouTube.

MGO 302 OFFICE HOURS: Dr. Braunscheidel’s office hours are from 12:30 – 2:00 PM on Tuesday and Thursday via Zoom or by appointment. Office hours will be held via Zoom. You can access the Zoom Office hours by logging into UBlearns, and on the course menu, click on the Zoom Meeting Link. Select the correct date to attend the virtual office hours. There are no in-person office hours for the Fall 2020 semester. Dr. Braunscheidel will hold extra office hours before important MGO deadlines. Detailed information on these times will be posted on the Announcement page of UBlearns as the various deadlines draw near.

QUESTIONS ABOUT SCORES: As a teaching assistant has not been assigned to this class as of this writing, if you have questions concerning numerical grades and scoring, you can e-mail me at [email protected]. As soon as a teaching assistant has been assigned, this section of the syllabus will be updated.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Your student handbook lists the Standards of Academic Integrity, and a copy is always available at Violation of these standards will not be condoned. Please pay careful attention to the penalties described for collaborating on individual projects, described at the top of page 9. There is no group work in MGO 302. Also, carefully note the procedures for validation of project scores, also described on page 9. It is never ethical or permissible to claim someone else’s work was your own. To make such a claim in this setting is to knowingly commit fraud.

ACCESSIBILITY RESOURCES: If you have any disability which requires reasonable accommodations to enable you to participate in this course, please contact the Office of Accessibility Resources in 60 Capen Hall, 716-645-2608 and also the instructor of this course during the first week of class. The office will provide you with information and review appropriate arrangements for reasonable accommodations, which can be found on the web at:

DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: In addition to meeting the academic standards articulated elsewhere in this syllabus, you will be required to behave in a professional and civil manner when interacting with the instructor and your fellow students. Professionalism is an important aspect of your (business) education because it helps to foster an environment in which the focus is on learning, performance and the moral and ethical treatment of others. Professional people treat others with respect and dignity. You should avoid personal insults or derogatory comments when dealing with your classmates. You should be sensitive to the diverse nature of the campus community and avoid the use of language, attitudes and behavior that are disparaging to others based on race, religion, sexual orientation, social class, disability etc. For further information regarding the University at Buffalo’s inclusive excellence resources please click on the following link:



REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Simpson, NC and Hancock, PG, Practical Operations Management (2nd Edition), Hercher Publishing, ISBN # 978-1-939297-136. The textbook you need for this class has this front cover (image on left). If your book doesn’t look like this on the front cover, it is not the book for this class. Options for obtaining this text:  

It is available for purchase at the UB bookstores, or can be ordered or rented through various on-line vendors. It can be downloaded electronically from VitalSource (go to, and enter the title under “search.”). The price was from US$79 on July 30, 2020.

OTHER MATERIAL NEEDED FOR CLASS: Simpson, NC, MGO 302 “Skeleton Note Frames” This 150+ page document is available for downloading in segments through the “Course Documents” section of UBlearns. There are three (3) separate skeleton note packages available for download. Please note that this is not a substitute for the textbook, but it is an important tool to optimize your note-taking. As such, please print these pages at 100% scale, because thumb-nail views are fairly useless. It is also suggested that you have additional blank sheets of paper available or print one sided as additional topics are discussed throughout the semester. Early in the first week of the semester, set yourself up for doing well in MGO 302 by: 1. Obtaining a ring binder to dedicate to this class, and a page hole-puncher compatible with that binder. 2. Printing out this course syllabus and placing that in the front of the binder. The seven pages at the back of this document is an MGO 302 ‘day planner’ which we use in each class. 3. Printing out the Skeleton Note Frames, and placing them behind the syllabus. If you don’t have a page hole puncher and/or you live or work near a copy center, than consider printing this package and having it spiral bound by the copy center, for maximum convenience. Exams: As exams are administered on-line, in order to take an exam in this class, students must use a webcam (laptop integrated or separate add on). Without a working webcam, students will not be allowed to take the exams. It is also suggested that students have access to a printer to print tables, formula sheets and other items necessary for the exams. NoteShaper Tutorials and Supplements. Video tutorials explaining all practice problems in the textbook can be found at, as well of supplementary material to aid your studying. Subscriptions range from $10-$30, and are only required to play the videos, which is optional.


After August 17th, log into the UBlearns Blackboard system at, and you will find access to our course site. This site will be a vital component of our class, providing:       

Electronic versions of various documents (e.g. skeleton notes), as well as supplementary downloadable material. Access to all your recorded lectures. Copies of various electronic files used during lectures, particularly spreadsheets Access to all Exam Question Simulation (EQS) Modules. An electronic calendar with all deadlines discussed here. Important administrative announcements on the homepage of the site. Your exam, EQS, project and bonus point (if any) scores, as they become available.

It is essential that you have access to our UBlearns site. Even if you decide to view lectures exclusively through, you should check UBlearns regularly (or at least monitor its updates) for announcements and additional materials. Log on and explore as soon as possible!

TECHNOLOGY AND EMERGENCY PLANS: We have no reason to believe that UBlearns and Panopto, our video streaming system, will not be operating perfectly throughout the semester. However, like any technology, both these systems have failed occasionally in the past. Here are four important principles that should be committed to memory (or written somewhere that you’ll remember where to find them) in the event of disrupted technology:   

First and foremost: it is your responsibility to stay current with the class lectures. (This is the key to a good grade, regardless!) You should never rely on UBlearns or your internet access to be 100% available, although we all naturally expect this. Second: remember that all material we discuss during the lectures is also in your assigned reading, and your textbook cannot fail to be available at a random moment. Third: remember that back-up copies of all lectures (as well as some supplementary files) are also available on . You can either use YouTube on a regular basis if you find it works better for you than Panopto, or just remember that it’s there for you, if UBlearns is unavailable. In the event of UBlearns or Panopto “emergencies”, simply go to and search for MGO 302. Fourth and finally: our campus is rarely closed, but that has happened occasionally in the past due to bad weather. Also, in the Spring of 2020, the world experienced, and continues to experience, a worldwide pandemic which necessitated the closing of campus and a transition to online learning. This transition to online learning necessitated the exams were administered online. Lectures and exams for Fall 2020 will be administered in an online format. In the event that the campus is closed, students must have a second (other than the UB campus) source of a reliable internet connection.

All the disruptions we are discussing here are historically very rare events. There is no reason to think that Fall 2020 will include any such disruption, but it never hurts to have a plan! :-)

TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS To effectively participate in this course, regardless of mode of instruction, the University recommends you have access to a Windows or Mac computer with webcam and broadband. Your best opportunity for success in the blended UB course delivery environment (in-person, hybrid, and remote) will require these minimum capabilities listed on the following website:


DOING WELL: GOALS, DELIVERABLES AND ASSESSMENT COURSE GRADING SCALE: Your course grade for MGO 302 is determined by adding three exam scores, two project scores, and your seven best EQS module scores- these are the ‘deliverables’ pictured below. Thus, the final grade scale is designed from a (theoretical) maximum of (64*3) + (20*2) + (7*6) = 274 points. On that scale, the cut-off for an A will be a total of 246 points earned, the cut-off for an A- will be 241 points, the cut-off for a B+ will be 235 points, and the cut-off for a B will be 210 points. The complete and final scale will be announced soon after Exam Two. Important Note: The two projects are under development and there is a possibility that the projects may not be ready for our use this semester. In the event that the projects are not ready, the course grade will be based on the three exams and the top 7 of 8 EQS modules. The (theoretical) maximum will then be (64 * 3) + (7 * 6) = 234 points. On that scale, the cut-off for an A will be a total of 210 points earned, the cut-off for an A- will be 205 points, the cut-off for a B+ will be 200 points, and the cut-off for a B will be 179 points. The complete and final scale will be announced soon after Exam Two.

MGO 302 DELIVERABLES: Quick Info and Point Values

BONUS POINTS: In reality, it is possible to collect more than 274 points… for example, both projects include the opportunity to earn optional bonus points and these count toward your total as well. You cannot hurt your grade by failing to earn bonus points. You can, however, possibly increase your grade by collecting them. MGO 302 bonus points are ‘public property’: bonus point opportunities will always be announced publically in class and no bonus point opportunities are developed for individual students. Please ignore the “maximum bonus points” information that UBlearns shows you when you click on “My Grades.” In the event that the projects are cancelled, bonus points associated with the projects will not be available.


EXAMS AND EXAM POLICY: There will be three non-cumulative exams in this class to be taken online. Each exam will contain 27 multiple choice and 5 ‘super multiple choice’ questions. (Super multiple choice will be explained in class.) Correctly answering a question of either type earns you 2 points. Please remember that all exams are non-cumulative and all exams are “outside” class times. Each exam will have a time limit of 90 minutes. Here is some vital exam information for Fall 2020: 

Exam One will be administered on Friday, October 9th. This is an open book / open note exam*. This exam will have a morning (8:00 am) and evening (5:00 pm) sign-in time so that students can take the exam on that day at the time convenient to their schedule. Instructions regarding how to sign up for the different exam times will be provided in advance of the exams. Exam Two will be administered on Friday, November 6th. This is an open book / open note exam*. This exam will have a morning (8:00 am) and evening (5:00 pm) sign-in time so that students can take the exam on that day at the time convenient to their schedule. Instructions regarding how to sign up for the different exam times will be provided in advance of the exams. Exam Three will be administered on during final exam week. The day will be determined by the University at Buffalo. As soon as this date is available, typically within the first two (2) weeks of the semester, students will be advised. This is an open book / open note exam*. In order to accommodate students who may have a conflict with the University scheduled exam during finals week, there will be an opportunity for students to take the third exam on the evening (5:00 pm) of Friday December 11th.

* Definition of open book / open notes for this course: For MGO 302, open book / open notes shall mean students are permitted to use the required course text book, skeleton notes and information provided in the exam study guide during the exam. All other material, textbooks, sources of information are strictly prohibited. During exams students may not consult with any other person or use any other source of information (e.g. Chegg). In order to take an exam, students must be in possession of a working webcam. If you require classroom or testing accommodations due to a disability, please contact Accessibility Resources, located at 25 Capen Hall. Accessibility Resources can be reached by phone at (716) 645-2608 or by email at [email protected]. Please visit Dr. Braunscheidel during virtual office hours as early as possible, and bring your letter from Accessibility Resources outlining what accommodations are required, so that you and he may discuss a strategy for the remainder of the semester. No Late Exams: Please note that no one may take any exam “late”. This does not happen in MGO 302. In the event of unavoidable misfortune, such as a death in the family or hospitalization, you should contact the professor and be prepared to provide documentation. Students suffering such documented setbacks will be assigned a different assessment framework to determine their final grade. This framework usually involves a substantial investment of effort on the student’s part, to balance the issue of fairness to the rest of the class, and this alternate assessment cannot be assigned for any cases other than documented true emergencies. If you are sick or distracted on the exam date you are nonetheless encouraged to take the exam, but contact the professor as soon as possible to discuss what impact you feel this condition may have had on your score . Such matters are not unimportant and when formally noted in the course record, can always be considered at the end of the semester when awarding final grades. Dr. Braunscheidel appreciates this information.


EXAM QUESTION SIMULATION (EQS) MODULES: There will be eight Exam Question Simulation (EQS) modules, which are on-line quizzes composed of six questions from previous MGO 302 exams. Each question is worth 1 point. In Buffalo, an EQS module usually “appears” in the EQS module section of our UBlearns 12:01 AM (right after midnight) on a Monday morning and is available for participation through midnight Tuesday, a window of 48 hours. You are allowed up to three attempts at a quiz, and your highest score of all your attempts determines your quiz score. At the end of the semester, your seven highest EQS scores will be counted toward your course point total. Keep in mind that although you are granted up to three attempts at an EQS module, UBlearns will not tell you which questions you have missed (if any) on a previous attempt and it will create a somewhat different quiz for each attempt. Each attempt will automatically submit itself after three hours, unless you have submitted it earlier (which is almost always the case). Also, please note that the professor cannot help you with specific EQS questions while that EQS is still open. However, he would be happy to discuss any questions you might have once the deadline has passed. There are three different kinds of EQS modules: one Pre-EQS module, six Mid-term EQS modules, and one PostEQS module. Pre-EQS Module. The Pre-EQS Module is a six-question on-line quiz that provides you the opportunity to earn 6 points from questions answered in this course syllabus. Although these are not old exam questions like the remaining EQS modules, the Pre-EQS module is functionally identical to all seven of the later modules, so it gives you a good preview of how they work. Most EQS modules are open for 48 hours, but the pre-EQS module is available for approximately 3-1/2 weeks, and you are welcome to complete it at any time during that interval, starting at 12:01AM on August 17th and continuing through to midnight on September 10th, Buffalo-time. The pre-EQS is open for an unusually long amount of time to allow people who add MGO 302 to their schedule late to earn these points. However, note that anyone who obtains a score of at least 5 points before midnight on August 31st, Buffalo-time, will be awarded one (1) additional bonus point. This bonus point will appear under “Bonus Points” during the first week of the semester (it is added manually), whereas all other EQS-scores appear instantly under “Check My Scores”, as they are “wired in” directly to the gradebook. Mid-term EQS Modules. Most EQS modules are Mid-term EQS modules, which consist of old MGO 302 exam questions on topics which have been covered recently in class. Here are the dates for each of these six modules:      

Mid-term EQS Module One: available from 12:01 AM on Monday, September 21st through to midnight on Tuesday, September 22nd, Buffalo-time. Mid-term EQS Module Two: available from 12:01 AM on Monday, October 5th through to midnight on Tuesday, October 6th Buffalo-time Mid-term EQS Module Three: available from 12:01 AM on Monday, October 19th through to midnight on Tuesday, October 20th, Buffalo-time Mid-term EQS...

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