Title MGT236
Author Sepehr Ghaffari
Course Financial Risk Management
Institution Taibah University
Pages 3
File Size 70.4 KB
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Decision Making
Assignment 5


MGT236 Decision Making Assignment 5

a. In the case of Smithville, what is the likely position of City Council liberals regarding the establishment of a food bank? What is their rationale for holding this position? Be specific—avoid vague generalities. Take into consideration both the costs and benefits of pursuing a policy based on this position. The liberals on the City Council would most certainly be in favor of starting a food bank in Smithville. There are a few reasons they would hold this position. First, in their minds, being liberal equates to being compassionate, so this a perfect situation to show the public how compassionate they are. Second, the most important goal in a politician’s life is to stay in office (this applies to both liberals and conservatives) and this food bank opportunity allows them to put a notch on their belt, and a talking point when re-election comes around. Third and most importantly, this is an opportunity for the Council to have control of something. In politics, especially at the lower levels, control equals power, so in the liberal’s mind, they have gained control over 2000 families. I don’t think the liberals care about the actual costs of establishing the food bank, they just see an opportunity. b. What is the likely position of City Council conservatives? What is their rationale? Be specific—avoid vague generalities. Take into consideration both the costs and benefits of pursuing a policy based on this position. I think that the conservatives on City Council would also want to fund the food bank for Smithville. Under certain conditions. They, like the liberals worry about public perception. The conservatives do not want to be portrayed as the bad guys. In politics, the perception is almost always more important than reality. They also have the number one concern of re-election. I think the conservatives would want City Council to consider the overall costs of the food bank, have an exit strategy after the initial 18 months of funding is used up. Either a plan to continue to fund the food bank with sound revenue streams, or a plan to significantly reduce the families that would need to rely on the food bank. This plan might include job placement or job training. c. Playing the role of objective observer, what do you think are the merits and shortcomings of both liberal and conservative viewpoints? I think as an objective observer, both sides wanting to fund the food bank has merit. I believe that both sides want to help the needy. That basic desire is noble and can not be faulted. However, how to fund and other opportunities that might come along with the establishment of the food bank might not have the best interests of the community in mind. Using the food bank for personal gain, or expansion of governmental power are not good byproducts of this effort. If the food bank was funded to help the truly needy of Smithville, and no ulterior motives existed, this action would have very, very few shortcomings. In the world we live in today, I don’t believe this is possible. d. How does this case study illustrate the types of issues public policy makers face when dealing with both big and little problems?

This illustrates how public policy makers deal with issues today, whether they are big or small. In todays world, nothing seems to be cut and dry or black and white. No matter what side you’re on, everyone has an angle. The simplest problems have the most complex answers. There always has to be something else attached to the decision, and that ‘something” always benefits the majority in power at the time. Elected officials need to get back to doing the right thing for the people, whether that’s for the country, state, county or Smithville. Until that happens, any decision agreed to will not be the best decision. 2. The US Department of Defense (DoD) in recent years has greatly advanced the capabilities of unmanned vehicles. These are air, ground, surface or underwater vehicles equipped with various technologies including sensors, communications, navigation, and computer vision and are capable of performing missions autonomously without human intervention. The technologies that enabled these unmanned systems are also appearing in the commercial world. One area is the driverless car. Like the unmanned military systems, these driverless cars can transport passengers without human inputs. Future Vehicles Corporation (FVC) is a traditional defense contractor providing unmanned vehicles to the military, with revenue of $1.2 billion employing 50,000 people. However, the company is seeing decline in revenue due to the reduction in defense budget as well as stiff competition from domestic and international competitors. As a result, the company wants to venture into the commercial world of driverless car.

a. The CEO wants you to make a list of pros and cons to entering the commercial market. The following is a list of PROS and CONS to enter the commercial market: b. Conduct a SWOT analysis to help the CEO make a decision.

c. What other information might the CEO need in order to make a good decision?...

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