MGT5106 Organizational Communication Syllabus- FIT PDF

Title MGT5106 Organizational Communication Syllabus- FIT
Author Suzan Willhemier
Course Organizational Communication
Institution Florida Institute of Technology
Pages 6
File Size 226.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 14
Total Views 186


Syllabus for Organizational Communication at Florida Tech...


MGT 5106 Organizational Communication

Summer 2020 Syllabus Term Dates: May 18 - July 31, 2020 Instructor: Office Hours:

Dr. John DeNigris, Ph. D. M - F 10 - 5 (24 Hour Voice Mail)


(407) 579-5277


[email protected]

REQUIRED TEXT: REQUIRED TEXT: Organizational Communication: Approaches & Processes 7/E, Miller, Katherine ISBN-13: 978-1-285-16420-5 ISBN-10: 1-285-16420-2 Cengage Learning Suggested Text: Publication Manual of the APA - American Psychological Association 6/E, American Psychological Association-APA ISBN-13: 978-1-4338-0561-5 ISBN-10: 1-4338-0561-8 American Psychological Association-APA

COURSE DESCRIPTION Includes basic communication theory and the effects of communication on human behavior and organizational effectiveness. Provides a basic understanding of organizational communication theory. Uses case studies and experiential exercises to improve communication skills. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the course, students should be able to: ● Accurately describe key elements of the following theories: classical management, human relations, human resources, and critical Dr. DeNigris

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● Accurately describe key elements of the following processes: assimilation, organizational decision-making, conflict management, change and leadership, emotion, organizational diversity, and technology ● Identify communication problems in a specific organizational setting ● Create a solution to an organizational communication problem

Assessment Categories A summary of the assessment categories are outlined below. Item

Total Points

Class Participation – Discussions 100 Paper: Literature Review and Research Questions


100 100



1. Class Participation – Discussions: Points will be awarded for class participation based on the following: o Demonstrating that you have read the material by the quality of your responses o Substantive responses to at least two of your peers o Posting throughout the course week o Submitting assignments on time Each student is expected to be an active participant in all class discussions and to offer meaningful analyses and convincing arguments for the questions posed. Students will respond to weekly cases/exercises from each of the chapters covered in this course. Students are expected to provide detailed responses that are supported by course readings and research.

2. Paper Assignment: The assignment asks students to choose one of the organizational communication processes discussed in the textbook and to become an "expert" on some aspect of that process. The paper is an integrative literature review that leads to research questions or hypotheses about the organizational communication process they have chosen. Students are expected to provide detailed paper that is supported by course readings and additional literature research. The paper should be between eight and twelve pages in length, include at least twelve references, follow Dr. DeNigris

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APA guidelines, including grammar, punctuation, spelling, textual citations, and reference citations.

3. Exams There will be four (4) exams that are not proctored. The exams may include any combination of multiple choice, true-false, essay, and fill-in-the-blank questions. The exams are open-book and timed. GRADING Grades will be administered in accordance with College of Business and University policies and practices. Letter grades will be earned based on total number of points attained, according to the following schedule: A = 90 – 100 points B = 80 – 89 points C = 70 – 79 points D = 60 – 69 points F = < 59 points Assignment Submission Instructions and Course Policies: All assignments should be submitted to the appropriate designated Drop Box in CANVAS, and not through e-mails. Late assignments will not be accepted without the instructor’s previously approved permission. This policy has been established to ensure fairness to students that complete their work diligently on time. Attendance and Absences: Students are expected to attend all classes promptly and regularly. Quality instruction clearly depends upon active student participation. If an absence is anticipated, the student should notify the instructor in advance of the anticipated absence. Student Preparation: A major part of our learning will take place through readings and class discussions. As a minimum, all students are expected to have read and thought about the information provided in the assigned chapters before participating in any online discussions. This is a professional responsibility to yourself and your classmates. Active participation in class discussions is an important element of this class. Participation includes the quantity and quality of comments and class discussions postings, lively fellowship, positive contributions to group assignments, ability to respond to questions by classmates and the instructor and ability to work as a member of a team. Students are expected to synthesize, analyze and integrate all reading assignments to their discussions. Consistent attendance is an essential ingredient of class participation. Dr. DeNigris

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University Policies. University policies are provided in the current course catalog. They are also available on the university web site. This class is governed by the university’s published policies. The following policies are of particular interest: Academic Honesty: Please see the official Student Handbook. Drops and Withdrawals. Refer to the university's web site for the complete Drop / Withdrawal Policy. Incomplete (I) Grade Policy: The applicable incomplete (I) grade policy in this course is the Florida Tech’s incomplete (I) grade policy. Students are expected to become familiar with the university policy. Academic Accommodations: Florida Tech is committed to equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in the participation of activities operated/sponsored by the university. Therefore, students with documented disabilities are entitled to reasonable educational accommodations. The Office of Disability Services (ODS) supports students by assisting with accommodations, providing recommended interventions, and engaging in case management services. It is the student's responsibility to make a request to ODS before any accommodations can be approved/implemented. Also, students with approved accommodations are encouraged to speak with the course instructor to discuss any arrangements and/or concerns relating to their accommodations for the class. Office of Disability Services (ODS): Telephone: 321-6748285 / [email protected] / Course Attendance and Absences. Students are expected to attend all class sessions of the course. In the case of unavoidable absence, the student must contact the instructor. The student may be subject to appropriate academic penalty for incomplete or unacceptable makeup work, or for excessive or unexcused absences. Title IX. Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972 is the federal law prohibiting discrimination based on sex under any education program and/or activity operated by an institution receiving and/or benefiting from federal financial assistance. Behaviors that can be considered “sexual discrimination” include sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, relationship abuse (dating violence and domestic violence), sexual misconduct, and gender discrimination. You are encouraged to report these behaviors. Reporting: Florida Tech can better support students in trouble if we know about what is happening. Reporting also helps us to identify patterns that might arise – for example, if more than one complainant reports having been assaulted or harassed by the same individual. Florida Tech is committed to providing a safe and positive learning experience. To report a violation of sexual misconduct or gender discrimination, please contact Linda Jancheson, Title IX Coordinator at 321-674-7277 or [email protected]. * Please note that as your professor, I am required to report any incidents to the Title IX Coordinator. Confidential support for students is available by contacting the Student Counseling Center at 321-674-8050. Dr. DeNigris

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COURSE SCHEDULE Weekly Activities Week 1

Readings and Assignments Introductions Read Chapter 1 Complete Discussion Question

Week 2

Read Chapters 2 and 3 Complete Discussion Question

Week 3

Read Chapter 4 Complete Discussion Question Complete Exam 1 (Chapters 1-4) Read Chapter 5

Week 4

Complete Discussion Question Week 5

Read Chapters 6 and 7 Complete Discussion Questions

Read Chapter 8

Week 6

Complete Discussion Question Complete Exam 2 Due (Chapters 5-8)

Week 7

Read Chapter 9 Complete Discussion Question

Week 8

Read Chapter 10 Complete Discussion Questions

Week 9

Read Chapter 11 Complete Discussion Question Complete Exam 3 (Chapters 9-11)

Week 10

Read Chapter12 and 13 Complete Discussion Question Literature Review Paper Due

Week 11

Read Chapter14 Complete Discussion Question Complete Exam 4 Due (Chapters 12-14)

Dr. DeNigris

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Dr. DeNigris

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