MH 16 exp3 w1 stu new - Professor - Henary PDF

Title MH 16 exp3 w1 stu new - Professor - Henary
Course General and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
Institution University of California Los Angeles
Pages 4
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Professor - Henary...



FALL 2016

Report Guideline for Assignment 3 (Vinegar Titration Part 1) Pre-lab and Post-lab reports MUST be written inside your lab notebook. Refer to the lab schedule for due dates of both the post-lab and the pre-lab. Type written reports will NOT be accepted (with the exception of graphs). (I) On-line Technique Videos and Resources For This Experiment Click on the title below to download the video (require Real Player) (1) Laboratory Safety (this video was shown on the first day of the lab) (2) Solution Preparation (3) Use of a Buret If you have trouble downloading the videos, go to the following Web site and click on the appropriate title to download the video. Guides for Writing Lab Reports

On-line resource for acid-base chemistry IMPORTANT: You should review the concepts of acid-base chemistry from 14A and from the on-line tutorials listed here for this experiment and ESPECIALLY for the midterm exam. (II) Pre-lab Report Guideline (Week 1)

(i) Title of the Experiment (ii) Reference (i.e. complete reference of the experiment including title of the lab

manual, author, edition and page number of the experiment in the manual etc.). Include any changes to the procedure that you know you will make. (iii) Introduction (Summarize in a few sentences about the background and the goal

of the experiment. Outline the kinds of technique that you will use in the experiment) (iv) Procedure (in flowchart format)

(For week 1 ONLY )


FALL 2016

Report Guideline for Assignment 3 (Vinegar Titration Part 1) Pre-lab and Post-lab reports MUST be written inside your lab notebook. Refer to the lab schedule for due dates of both the post-lab and the pre-lab. Type written reports will NOT be accepted (with the exception of graphs). (II) Pre-lab Report Guideline (Week 1) (Continued)

(v) MSDS information (refer to the MSDS handout on how to use this resource on-line) The following chemicals will require you to use the MSDS database on the Web: NaOH (0.5M); CH3COOH (5% by weight/volume) Note: In MSDS, select the site that gives you the MSDS information closest to the concentration listed above for each individual chemical. You may have to convert the concentration units on MSDS before you decide which site to use. You should record the following MSDS information in your notebook for the chemicals listed above. (Printouts directly from the Web pages will NOT be accepted!!) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Product Name Chemical Formula Formula Weight Melting Point; Boiling Point and Density Health Hazard Data (summarize in your own words) Spill and Disposal procedures (summarize in your own words)


Pre-lab study questions (see page 44)

Under WEEK 1 complete question #1 ONLY for this pre-lab (Must show all work for FULL credit) (vii)

Data/observations (Use a NEW page for this) Note: Start a NEW page in your notebook for this section. The previous pre-lab material will be turned in to your TA at the beginning of the lab period. Data/Observations section will be turned in to your TA at the end of the lab period.


FALL 2016

Report Guideline for Assignment 3 (Vinegar Titration WEEK 1) Post-lab report must be written inside the lab notebook with the exception of graphs. Check the lab schedule for the due date of this report.

This is an INDIVIDUAL report Post-lab Report Guideline (Week 1)

Data and Data Analysis (Must show all work for full credit) All your calculated values should have the correct units and number of significant figures. - Orderly record of data (printouts of data tables from EXCEL are acceptable) - Your data table should include all the raw data as well as all the calculated values for the derivative graphs. - Each data table should have a title - Label all data entries clearly - Calculate the concentration of the standard solution - Determine the equivalence point from the expanded first derivative graphs and calculate the concentration of the unknown vinegar solution. You MUST label the equivalence point clearly on your graphs. - Calculate the relative average deviation for the concentration of your vinegar solution - Using the full titration curve of the vinegar, determine the pH at half the volume required to reach the equivalence point. This corresponds to the pKa of the vinegar. Make sure you label the pKa clearly on your full titration graph. Graphs (Use EXCEL or any other Spreadsheet software for this part of your report) - EXPANDED first derivative curves AND EXPANDED titration curves for ALL trials. Note: you should plot NO MORE than 2.00mL total for the EXPANDED graphs. This means that you will need to zoom in to the equivalence point region for the expanded graphs. - ONE full titration curve of your vinegar with standard base. You will use this graph to determine the pKa. If you did 3 trials, you should have a total of 7 graphs. Make sure that you print EACH GRAPH ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. CHECK THE GRIDLINES for appropriate scaling!! For EXPANDED graphs, the MINOR GRID increments should be no more than 0.05mL.


FALL 2016

Report Guideline for Assignment 3 (Vinegar Titration WEEK 1) Post-lab report must be written inside the lab notebook with the exception of graphs. Check the lab schedule for the due date of this report.

This is an INDIVIDUAL report Post-lab Report Guideline (Continued)

Your graphs should have: - correct scales and full use of graph paper - axes (Labeled with units) - appropriate titles and labels - determine the equivalence point volume from the expanded first derivative graph for EACH trial. graphical determination of pKa for the vinegar solution Error Analysis - Calculate the % inherent error for ONE of your vinegar titrations - Calculate the % difference between the calculated concentration of your unknown vinegar solution with the 5% (w/v%) vinegar solution (refer to the answer for week 1 pre-lab question #1). How does the difference compare with your calculated experimental error? Conclusion - summarize results - Compare the relative average deviation of your trials with the inherent error. What can you conclude?...

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