Microbiology - Syllabus - Fall 2020 - Chamberlain PDF

Title Microbiology - Syllabus - Fall 2020 - Chamberlain
Author Timothy Ouyang
Course General Biology
Institution St. Cloud Technical and Community College
Pages 10
File Size 383.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 68
Total Views 134


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Microbiology (BLGY 2330) Fall 2020 Please print a copy of this syllabus for reference. Whenever there is a question about the class requirements, remember this syllabus is the ruling document. The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus throughout the semester, but the changes will be posted on D2L under the title SYLLABUS.

Course Information / Instructor Information /General Course Description /Class Procedures and Policies /Assignments /Time Commitment / Accommodations / Statement of Diversity /

Course Information Course Prefix & Number

BLGY 2330 Section 22

Course Title



4 – 2 Lecture, 2 Lab


BLGY 1351 - General Biology I

Course Start Date


Course End Date


Meeting Times


Course Drop and Withdrawal Dates

https://www.sctcc.edu/20202021-academic-calendar. Key Dates: Drop date for full refund: 8/28/2020

Required Text(s) and other material

Microbiology – A Systems Approach. Cowan and Smith. Edition 6. ISBN: 9781260451245. With Connect Code and Access to McGraw Hill LearnSmart Labs and Virtual Labs. Available at The Bookstore or Online from the Publisher.

Required Technology

  

Active SCTCC email account Internet access Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint software o FREE Download Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus from SCTCC’s Help Desk: www.sctcc.edu/student-help-desk Office 365 subscription allows current students to download and run Microsoft Office on up to 5 machines (PC or Mac) and also on up to 5 mobile devices (Android, iPhone etc.).

St. Cloud Technical and Community College Course Syllabus for: Microbiology – Christopher Chamberlain, PhD

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D2L Site and Support

   

Log in at www.sctcc.edu/d2l. Tech support is found through SCTCC’s Computer Help Desk in room 1-405 / phone 320.308.6445 / [email protected]. After hours tech support is found through [email protected] / phone 1.800.456.8519. If SCTCC’s website is down, you can access D2L through the following website: https://sctcc.ims.mnscu.edu/. D2L training for students is available each semester.

Instructor Information Name

Christopher M. Chamberlain, PhD

Office Location


Office Hours

Monday: 1pm-3pm online Tuesday: 1pm-3pm online Wednesday: 1pm-2pm online

Phone Number

Office: (320) 308-5362


[email protected] * preferred method of contact **Whenever you email me, include the following information: Course Name, your name, subject of email


College website: www.sctcc.edu D2L website: www.sctcc.edu/d2l

Instructor Availability

You can expect a response to email questions within 48 hours Monday-Thursday.

General Course Description Course Description

Course Outcomes

Meets Mn Transfer Curriculum Goal Area 3 - Natural Sciences. Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae, helminthes, and viruses. This course is beneficial to all students, and essential for health science majors due to the ubiquitous nature of microorganisms and the impacts they have on everyday life. Students will be exposed to core microbiology concepts including how to effectively identify, control, and safely work with microorganisms in both a lecture and laboratory setting. This course includes a laboratory (lab) component. 1. Summarize major groups of microorganisms with respect to the impact they have in the world. 2. Discuss the use of microorganisms as model species for understanding life processes. 3. Identify microbial structures and functions. 4. Demonstrate microbiology laboratory techniques through safe handling, cultivation, and identification of microorganisms. 5. Summarize microbial genetics including variations and manipulations of microbial genomes.

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6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Goal Area

Discuss the importance of microorganisms to humans and our environment. Explain the metabolic and nutritional diversity found in microorganisms. Predict the effectiveness of various microbial control methods on microorganisms. Illustrate the complex interactions that occur between a microorganism and a host. Summarize the pathogenesis of microbial diseases in humans.

This course fulfills Goal area 3 of the Minnesota General Education Transfer Curriculum

Where to go in Class: We will be using a course management system called D2L Brightspace to access assignments, Navigating D2L & Lectures, and handouts. We also use D2L Brightspace to communicate with each other via email Emailing and announcements via the Welcome page. Briefly these are the categories commonly used by instructors at SCTCC. o

The Materials/Content menu will contain all the content information for the course, including weekly outlines, lectures, projects, etc. You should be able to print or copy and save any of the material you find here, and this area is where you will spend most of your class time.


The Communications/Classlist menu gives you the ability to contact all your classmates and your instructor through email. This function is not to be used for non-class-related communication, or communication that you would not share in front of your instructor were this a face to face class. Make sure to “CC” yourself a copy of everything you send to your instructor.


Sending EMAIL to the Instructor use the Communications/Classlist menu: Include in the SUBJECT line – Course Title, Name, and Topic of the email.


The Communications/Discussions menu gives you the ability to contain space to engage in directed, asynchronous discussions with fellow students.


The Assessments/Assignments menu will be used to upload your Assignments and Course work.


NOTE: All D2L Brightspace Assignments submissions must be in either Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, or a PDF file. If you submit in any other format, your assignment will not be graded. If you need help with this feature, contact the Student Computer Lab.


Click on Assessments/Grades menu to check points for individual assignments and for total points earned so far.

Class Procedures and Policies Attendance and classroom behavior

Students who have not participated in the course for 2 weeks in a row will be dropped from the course. No points are awarded for attendance, it is expected that students will participate in the class. Participation in course activities is a part of your final grade. Your school email address will be automatically entered into D2L, and this is the email address I

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will use to communicate with you. If you manually change this address in D2L, it will revert to your school email address within 24 hours. If you have never activated your school email account, please contact the Student Computer Lab for assistance (302.308.6445). 1. Students are expected to fully participate in the class. 2. Disruptive behavior or disrespectful language is unacceptable. 3. Treat everyone in the class with respect. All appropriate questions and opinions are valued. This class is difficult, and students should be understanding if classmates have questions or encounter problems. I want every student to succeed in this course. You will be presented with a lot of homework, class activities and assessments. Even though they will be challenging, they are all meant to help you understand the material and help you succeed. Behavior such as rude comments, profanity, threats, or distracting others are not acceptable. Late Assignments

No late work is accepted. Please start assignments early to allow enough time to complete the assigned tasks. Incomplete or late work will receive a score of “zero.” There will be a one-week post-grading window to appeal grades. If you miss an exam due to illness or some other extenuating circumstance, please be prepared to provide official documentation of the absence. Individuals who miss an exam for valid, documented reasons will be allowed the opportunity to make-up the exam. You are required to make up a missed exam within one week following the exam (i.e. if the exam is scheduled on a Tuesday, you must make it up by the following Monday). It is your responsibility to contact the instructor and schedule a time for the make-up exam. Failure to set up and re-take an exam within the above listed timeframe will result in a zero score for that exam.

Assignments/Exa ms

1.The assignments that you submit should be your work and should be unique from any other submitted. You certainly can discuss material with others in the class. It is not acceptable for two or more individuals to submit identical files. In addition, it is not acceptable to use material from another term. Questions are revised each term so please use files associated with the current term. 2. The text is one source of material. It is expected that you will read the material related to questions and synthesize an answer in your own words. If you feel it is necessary to quote directly from the text or outside sources include quotation marks, (“,”) around the material. I will recognize that it comes from the text and you need not indicate the source. If you are quoting another source, provide a footnote. 3. In general, all of the work you do must be in your own words. Statements taken verbatim from outside sources must always be properly cited. 4. All assignments submitted to D2L must be either a PDF file OR a Word document. The only files that I can open and grade are .pdf, .doc, or .docx files. While you may use other software to generate your files, you must first save and/or export them as .pdf, .doc, or .docx files before submission to D2L. Failure to do so will result in a zero score for the assignment/lab.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is highly valued at St. Cloud Technical and Community College and throughout higher education. Maintaining academic integrity is the responsibility of every member of the college community: faculty, staff, administrators and students. Academic integrity requires

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students to refrain from engaging in or tolerating acts including, but not limited to, submitting false academic records, cheating, plagiarizing, altering, forging, or misusing a college academic record; acquiring or using test materials without faculty permission; acting alone or in cooperation with another to falsify records or to obtain dishonest grades, honors, or awards. Any violation of the St. Cloud Technical and Community College’s academic integrity policy S3.28 is considered a disciplinary offense and will be subject to the policies of this instructor and can be submitted to the Director of Campus Life for review, entrance into a violation database, and possible disciplinary action as outlined in the academic integrity procedure S3.28.1. Students accused of academic dishonesty may appeal the decision. Students may review the complaint/grievance policy S3.24 and procedure 3.24.1 at http://sctcc.edu/sites/default/files/policies/S3.24%20Complaint%20Grievance.pdf Academic dishonesty in a learning environment could involve:    

 

Having a tutor or friend complete a portion of your assignments Having a reviewer make extensive revisions to an assignment Copying work submitted by another student Using information from online information services without proper citation (Proper documentation consists of quotation marks around three or more of someone else’s words followed by a proper citation. No quotation marks are necessary if you put someone else’s ideas in your own words; however, you must follow the paraphrase with a proper citation.) Using a paper you have/had written for another class to fulfill an assignment in this class unless you have permission of both instructors Sharing or receiving answers on tests before the test has been completed

A first instance of academic dishonesty will result in a zero for the assignment/exam/course activity and a second instance will result in an “F” grade for the course. During this course, we will use the tool TurnItIn, which automatically checks student submissions for originality.

Online Environment

In order to assure that we can have a free and open discussions and help each other, I expect each person to respect the confidentiality of what your classmates are willing to share while at the same time I ask that each of you exercise good judgment in what you choose to share, avoiding non-public or sensitive information. All of your writing in this course may be shared with the class. When engaged in online interaction, it is important that we all follow netiquette. This means our feedback must be clear, concise, not in all capital letters (which indicates yelling), and focus on both the positive and negatives of the work we are reading, giving the author specific examples to support our criticism and specific suggestions on how to fix what we are criticizing. We should start and end each critique with a positive but specific comment about what we are studying. Students are reminded to follow basic rules of civil communications:  There will be no inappropriate language, threats, or negative personal comments

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Recommended Internet Sites

tolerated. All such correspondence will be forwarded to the Student Conduct Officer for appropriate action. Additionally, students are urged to report to the instructor immediately any harassment by a classmate, whether by email or on the Discussion Board and to forward the offending messages.

Resource Name


MLA Guidelines


APA Guidelines


SCTCC’s Library


Copyright Laws

While you are using resources, please respect copyright laws. http://copyright.gov/ http://www.sctcc.edu/computer-labs

SCTCC’s Campus Technology and Computer Labs SCTCC Student Handbook


Mary Stangler Center for Academic Success (CAS)

http://www.sctcc.edu/cas Students can receive help from a tutor, work alone, or work on group projects. Students also have access to computers and printers.

Online Tutoring – Smart Thinking


STARFISH Early Alert system – Academic Advising Center

http://www.sctcc.edu/advising-registration-materials Starfish provides a central location to find people and resources on campus who can help you with your academics.

Students connect to live educators from any computer that has Internet access. SCTCC supplies access to Smarthinking writing tutors between the hours of 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. Monday-Friday and over the weekend.

Assignments Assignments and Points

Your grade for the course is broken down as follows: *subject to change Assessment Points Chapter Assignments


Lab Exercises and Reports






Capstone Project




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Grades You can check your scores through D2L Brightspace ASSESSMENTS/GRADES at any point during the semester. I will make every effort to keep this updated. While you can see your scores on D2L, I will not post an actual “Letter Grade” as these can be misleading without including all possible points. However, if at any time you would like to know an “estimated approximate” grade, please don’t hesitate to ask during my office hours. I’m happy to discuss this with you. I will work hard to have graded assignments returned within 1 week of the due date of most assignments. Your grade will reflect how well you have mastered the material, not how hard you have worked. Note: There will be no free points or extra work available at the end of the semester to boost your grade. If you are concerned about your grade in the course, the time to approach me is before the end of the semester.

Grading Formula

A= 90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=59 and below *Standard rounding to one decimal is followed: 89.4 = B

89.5 = A

Time Commitment This is a fast pace and challenging course. You should expect to spend ~25 hours per week to complete the required work. This is a significant time commitment. Please be sure you can meet it before continuing in this course

Accommodations St Cloud Technical and Community College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. Accommodations are provided on an individualized, as-needed basis, determined through appropriate documentation of need. Please contact the Counselor for Students with Disabilities at 320-308-5089, to develop your Accommodations Plan. The accommodations authorized in your plan should be discussed with your instructor. All discussions will remain confidential. Accommodations are not provided retroactively so it is essential to discuss your needs at the beginning of the semester. This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request.

Statement of Diversity The entire class will benefit from the wealth of diversity brought by each individual, so you are St. Cloud Technical and Community College Course Syllabus for: Microbiology – Christopher Chamberlain, PhD

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asked to extend every courtesy and respect that you, in turn, would expect from the class. This college is committed to creating a positive, supportive environment, which welcomes diversity of opinions and ideas for students. There will be no tolerance of race discrimination/harassment, sexual discrimination/harassment, or discrimination/harassment based on age, disability, color, creed, national origin religion, sexual orientation, marital status, status with regard to public assistance or member in a local commission. Please refer to the Student Handbook for the complete list of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Procedures.

Course Schedule

Microbiology – Fall 2020 – Course Schedule *** Can be changed at Instructor’s discretion. You will be notified of changes via D2L. Date

Class Themes




Introduction and Syllabus

Ch. 1

Virtual Lab Tutorial

Chapter 1 – Adaptive and Interactive Assignments

Microbiology Themes

Lab Safety – Handwashing

Week 1 Aug. 24-30

Lab Safety -LS Biological Chemistry

Ch. 2

Operation of a Brightfield Microscope

Discussion Chapter 2 – Adaptive and Interactive Assignments


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