Mineralogy lecture notes PDF

Title Mineralogy lecture notes
Author Sajid Solkar
Course Mineralogy
Institution Miami University
Pages 21
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1.5.1 Definition of Crystallographic Terms:


Lecture 1



What is mineralogy? Mineralogy is fundamental partner the investigation of minerals, which incorporates their crystallography, concoction creation, physical properties, beginning, their recognizable proof and their arrangement. You will be intrigued to realize that mineralogy is firmly associated to science (particularly geometry), science and material science. Mineralogy is a key piece of the art of topography and other firmly related subjects, for example, agronomy, earthenware building, therapeutic science, and metallurgy.

In this address we will study the meaning of a mineral, the authentic point of view of mineralogy, its significance in science and application in the public arena, and a more inside and out investigation of a mineral's crystallographic symmetry components.



The meaning of the expression "mineral" range from the chronicled point of view (any material that is neither creature nor vegetable) through the legalistic viewpoint (something important that might be separated from the earth and is liable to consumption) to the logical point of view (a normally happening strong, by and large shaped by inorganic procedures with an arranged inside course of action of molecules and a substance structure and physical properties that are either settled or that change inside some clear range).



Ancient employments of rocks and minerals originate before the composed dialect. The confirmation of such ancient uses incorporate the accompanying: the red and dark mineral shades (hematite and pyrolusite) that were utilized as a part of buckle depictions and the different hard or extreme minerals and rocks (e.g., jade, stone, and obsidian) that were formed into instruments and weapons. In Kenya, such ancient devices dating 500,000 years have been situated at an archeological site inside the Rift valley, at Olorgesaille, in Narok area. Likewise, mining and refining of metallic minerals to deliver gold, silver, press, copper, lead, and bronze are additionally known to have originated before composed records.

The composed records are considered to have started with the savant Aristotle (384-322 BC) who in his book (Meteorologica) incorporated a segment about stones (minerals, metals and fossils). Theophrastus (ca. 372-287 BC), who was an understudy of Aristotle, arranged a book managing the substances of the mineral kingdom.

A noteworthy point of reference in the advancement of mineralogy was given by the Danish researcher Niels Stensen, better known by the Latinized variant of his name, Nicolaus Steno. In 1669, Steno demonstrated that the interfacial edges of quartz precious stones are steady, regardless of what the shape and size of the gems. This disclosure attracted consideration regarding the centrality of gem shape and at last prompted the improvement of the study of crystallography. Robert Boyle, an English thinker (1627 – 1691), was the first to allude to "mineralogy" whose starting point was fixated on Celtic ci vilization. Warner A.G., a German teacher (1750-1817), made an essential commitment in institutionalizing the terminology and depiction of minerals.

James D. Dana (1813 – 1895) explained a doable c lassification of minerals in view of the science that had already been proposed by Bezzelius (1779-1848). In spite of the fact that the magnifying lens was utilized to think about minerals right off the bat in the nineteenth century, it was not until after 1828, when the British physicist William Nicole (1768-1828) concocted the polarizer that optical mineralogy had its spot as a noteworthy investigative methodology in mineralogy. The primary extraordinary advancement in the twentieth century came because of analyses made to decide how precious stones can influence Xbeams. By and by, X-beams and electron magnifying lens are being used because of trials progressed by Bragg (1890 – 1971). In the ongoing past, the advances made in the presentation and boundless utilization of electron magnifying instruments, X-beam diffractometers, and other refined instruments and methods (e.g., Mossbauer and infrared spectrometry), help in the assurance of specific qualities of minerals and other crystalline materials.



Minerals and subsequently mineralogy are critical to financial matters, feel and science. Monetarily, the use of minerals is essential in the event that we need to keep up the present way of life. Stylishly, minerals sparkle as jewels, advancing our lives with their characteristic excellence, particularly as we see them in exhibition hall shows. Pearls in adornments, crown-gem accumulations, and different presentations draw in the consideration of a large number of individuals yearly. As you might know, historical centers accomplish all the more, notwithstanding, than simply showing extraordinary pearls and mineral examples. They additionally have expected the capacity of gathering and safeguarding mineral examples for

successors. Despite the fact that a couple of minerals are normal, numerous happen at just a couple of areas, and some happen inside just a solitary

store. In this manner, at whatever point conceivable, initially portrayed examples and other vital examples should be saved.

What is the logical significance of mineralogy?

Deductively, minerals include the information bank from which we can find out about our physical earth and its constituent materials. This learning empowers us to see how those materials have been shaped, where they are probably going to be found, and how they can be incorporated in the lab. To the extent the logical significance of minerals is concerned, consideration is outfitted to the way that every individual mineral records the synthetic and physical conditions, and therefore the topographical procedures that existed in the particular place at the specific time the mineral was framed.

For instance, as you will later take in, the mineral alluded to as sanidine feldspar, solidifies at high temperatures related with volcanic action; that the polymorph of silica called coesite is shaped under high-weight conditions, for example, those related with shooting star affect; and that numerous earth minerals are framed as the consequence of surface or close surface weathering.

Along these lines, the study of mineralogy assumes a key part in land translations and, by and large, the two its information and its strategies are additionally connected in a few other related fields of logical and innovative undertaking.

Likewise, mineralogy is key to the topographical sciences, and its standards are essential to the comprehension of various assorted parts of a few different orders, for example, the rural sciences, the material sciences (artistic building and metallurgy), and additionally therapeutic science.



A short survey in meaning of some critical crystallographic phrasings that will be utilized as a part of this segment is introduced here underneath:

1.5.1 Definition of Crystallographic Terms

In graphic mineralogy, a gem is characterized as a strong body limited via plane normal surfaces, which are the outside articulation of a consistent course of action of its constituent iotas or particles (Berry, Mason and Dietrich 1983).

Gem structure: This is the deliberate course of action of iotas or gathering of molecules (inside a crystalline substance) that constitute a gem (Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1. Gem structure of Halite. Left: Ions attracted corresponding to their sizes. Right:

Extended view to demonstrate the inside of the unit cell.

Morphological precious stones are limited crystallographic bodies with limited faces that are parallel to cross section planes.

Grid – This is a nonexistent three-dimensional system that can be referenced to a system of consistently divided focuses, every one of which speaks to the situation of a theme (Figure 1.2).

Unit Cell – This is an example that yields the whole example when deciphered over and over without turn in space. The redundancy yields endless number of indistinguishable unit cells and the example is normal. Keeping in mind the end goal to fill space without holes, the unit cell should in any event be a parallelogram in 2D (2-dimensional) space.

Figure 1.2. The precious stone cross section with a unit cell characterized by the cell edges a, b, c, and the between edge points. The arrangement of planes XYZ has mill operator lists (321).

Theme – This is the littlest delegate unit of a str ucture. It is a molecule or gathering of particles that, when rehashed by interpretation, offer ascent to a vast number of indistinguishable frequently sorted out units.


Grids and Unit Cell

A gem is a three-dimensional reiteration of some unit of particles or atoms. It would be advantageous for the nuclear scale structure to consider an arrangement of nonexistent focuses which has a settled connection in space to the molecules of the precious stone. At the end of the day, we pick focuses in the precious stone so they have "indistinguishable environment" . These focuses are called cross section focuses. As a result of the three

dimensional periodicity in the precious stone, the focuses constitute a three dimensional cross section which is known as a point grid (For instance, see Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3 Point cross section Presently let us characterize a parallelpiped by associating any neighboring cross section point in the point grid. This parallelpiped is known as a unit cell. For instance, vigorously illustrated ones in Figure 1.3. The size and state of the unit cell can be depicted by the three vectors a, b, c and the three edges between them α, β, Υ as appeared in Figure 1.4. The sizes of these three vectors ao, bo, co are called cross section constants or grid parameters of the unit cell.

Figure 1.4 A Unit Cell.


The key highlights of gem limits are to such an extent that (a) the points between them are resolved just by the interior precious stone structure, and (b) the relative sizes of the gem limits rely upon the rate of development of the gem limits. The gem state of some regular minerals is displayed in Figure 1. 3.

Figure 1.3. Precious stone states of some regular minerals. Despite the fact that gems of a specific compound and auxiliary species have a tendency to develop with a specific shape (e.g., block for Halite (NaCl) and octahedron for Spinel

(MgAl2O4)), the shape may change (yet not the points) for a few species (e.g. orthoclase feldspar in Fig 1.4). The reasons for varieties are not surely knew and a few components are presumably included, in particular: (an) assimilation of pollution iotas that may impede development on some limit appearances, and (b) nuclear holding that may change with temperature and so on.

Figure 1.4 Two precious stone states of orthoclase feldspar.

Anyway from scientific crystallography, such varieties are irrelevant, the key component is the "steadiness of edges between precious stone boundar ies with a similar records for all gems of a specific concoction and auxiliary write". Differe nt basic materials will have distinctive points between the gem limits, and the edges can be identified with the symmetry and state of the unit cell – (consequently the Law of Constanc y of Angles proposed by Steno 1669 which expresses that " the edges between comparing faces on various precious stones of a substance are steady").


A gem structure resembles a 3-dimensional outline with boundless redundancy of some theme (a gathering of molecules). It is an occasional space design (contemplates have demonstrated that there are 230 various types of room designs). Every precious stone has a place with one of these 230 sorts; thus rudimentary crystallography is indispensably worried about the qualities of the examples. Since, in this manner, redundancy is a crucial property of the examples, it has sensibly construct the arrangement of precious stones with respect to the reiteration (symmetry) tasks that yield them. In building up the order of precious stones, the components of symmetry are subdivided into three classifications:

translation (parallel occasional uprooting)

point assemble symmetry (turns, revolution reversal tomahawks, reflection planes)

space-bunch symmetry (screw tomahawks, coast planes). The Translation Lattices

Cross section – This is a variety of focuses with the same vectorial condition (i.e. a gathering of equipoints that depict the translational periodicity of the structure – consequently the term interpretation grid) as exemplified in Figure 1.5. A cross section must be unending and the grid focuses must be separated consistently. A crude unit cell for a solitary cross section is a unit cell containing just a single grid point.

Figure 1.5. General course of action of circles (e.g. iotas) in one measurement with a rehash translational period c.

For straightforwardness, the unit cell joins four cross section focuses at the edges of a parallelogram: obviously every grid point being shared between four unit cells.

The names of a portion of the frameworks mirror the idea of the metrical properties: triclinic – three slanted tomahawks; monoclinic – one slanted hub; orth orhombic – tomahawks commonly opposite; isometric (cubic) – three commonly opposite eq ual tomahawks (Figure 1.6). The rest of the names, tetragonal and hexagonal, mirror the overwhelming symmetry of gems having a place with these frameworks. Henceforth a rehash unit of a cross section is known as the unit cell.

Figure 1.6. The crystallographic tomahawks (A) for the cubic, tetragonal, and orthorhombic frameworks,

(B) for hexagonal framework, (C) for the monoclinic framework, and (D) for the triclinic framework. Notation of Lattice Points, Rows and Planes

The graph introduced in Figure 1.7 shows the trademark documentations based on the facilitate frameworks depicted. With reference to Figure 1.7 it can be noticed that:

Lattice focuses are indicated without sections – 100 , 101, 102; and so on

• Lattice columns are recognized by sections [100] – the a pivot, [010] – the b hub, [001] – the c hub.

• Lattice planes are characterized as far as the Miller lists. Mill operator lists are prime numbers relative to the reciprocals of the captures of the planes on the crystallographic

arrange tomahawks (e.g. in Figure 1.7), the plane delineated has catches 1a, 1b, 2c. The Miller records are acquired by taking the reciprocals of the captures and clearing the divisions with the end goal that the lists are co-prime whole numbers. Along these lines this outcomes to: 1/1a, 1/1b, 1/2c = 2a 2b 1c. The letters are normally precluded and the lists are encased in brackets; in this manner (221).

Figure 1.7. Documentation of cross section focuses, lines and planes.

In the event that the estimations result in files that have a typical factor, e.g. (442), the factor is expelled to give the most straightforward arrangement of whole numbers: (221). The image (221) accordingly applies similarly to all people of a heap of indistinguishable, parallel planes related by a basic interpretation task. Props {} are utilized to assign a group of planes related by the symmetry of the cross section. The documentation of hexagonal planes requires unique consideration. Hexagonal gems are normally alluded to the Bravaismill operator tomahawks – a 1, a2, a3 and c.


A zone in a precious stone comprises of a gathering of a set gem faces that are parallel to a specific line (or course) named as the zone hub (see Figure 1.8 (a)). Then again, a zone plane happens at right edges to the zone pivot (Figure 1.8 (b)).

Figure 1.8. (a) Faces a, b, c, and d have a place with one zone. (b) The zone plane is opposite to the zone pivot.


Symmetry is the most imperative of all properties in the distinguishing proof of crystalline substances. In this area we will be worried about the symmetrical course of action of gem faces, a game plan which mirrors the inner symmetry of the cross section. Symmetry might be depicted by reference to symmetry planes, tomahawks, and the focal point of symmetry as talked about here beneath.

• Plane of Symmetry – This is characterized as a plane along which the cryst al might be cut into precisely comparative parts every one of which is an identical representation of the other. A precious stone can have at least one planes of symmetry. A circle for instance has interminable planes of symmetry. The distinctive planes of symmetry for a 3D shape are outlined in Figure 1.9

• Axis of Symmetry – This is a line about which the precious stone might be ro tated in order to demonstrate a similar perspective of the gem more than once per upheaval, e.g. a block. On the other hand it can be characterized as a line along which the gem might be turned with the end goal that the precious stone expect a place of compatibility i.e. the gem exhibits a similar appearance to a settled spectator. On the off chance that a place of harmoniousness happens after each 180 degrees of turn, the hub is said to be a diad or twooverlay symmetry pivot. Different tomahawks might be called group of three, quadruplicate or hexad (three-crease, four-overlay, or six-overlap) tomahawks relying upon whether coinciding is achieved each 120, 90, or 60 degrees individually. Symmetry tomahawks for a solid shape are appeared in Figure 1.10. Note additionally the images used to mean tomahawks in graphs.


Figure 1.10

The thirteen symmetry tomahawks of the 3D shape.

• Center of Symmetry – Center of symmetry is the point from which all s imilar faces are equidistant. It is a point inside the precious stone with the end goal that when a line goes through it, you'll have comparative parts of the gem on either side at same separations. A shape has a focal point of symmetry, however a tetrahedron (e.g., Figure 1.11) does not.

Figure 1.11

The tetrahedron, a precious stone demonstrating no focal point of symmetry.

Cases of the fundamental precious stone frameworks and symmetry classes are appeared in Figures 1.12 (an) and (b).

Figure 1.12. (a) The precious stone frameworks and symmetry classes.

Figure 1.12. (b) The precious stone frameworks and symmetry classes.


The plane surfaces that bound normal precious stones (i.e., the gem faces) create parallel to specific arrangements of net-planes (Figure 1.13) in the gem cross section of a particular substance or mineral. Each edge between any match of nonparallel countenances is parallel to a cross section push. On the off chance that the grid for a substance has certain direct and rakish measurements, the points between comparing planes in every cross section area for the given substance will be indistinguishable as long as they are estimated under states of consistent temperature and weight. This condition is in concurrence with the Law of Constancy of Angles, which expresses that:

The points between relating faces on various precious stones of a substance are steady.

Figure 1.13. A planer net of a precious stone cross...

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