Miracle movie questions and answers PDF

Title Miracle movie questions and answers
Author Louis Healy
Course Sports Economics
Institution University of Utah
Pages 2
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Miracle Movie questions with answers. It is really helpful if you need to answer questions on the movie, "Miracle" Which is a movie I recommend watching....


Miracle Movie Discussion Questions (5% of grade) Instructions: All questions relate to the 2004 Disney movie entitled “Miracle” and starring Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson, Noah Emmerich. The movie highlights U.S. hockey coach Herb Brooks during the 1980 Winter Olympics. Most students have access to a Netflix site and can find the movie on the site. Your answers should take into account the content from the movie. Each question is worth 10 points. Please download this document from Canvas, complete your answers, and re-upload to Canvas. To understand how I will grade this assignment, please consult Appendix II (from the syllabus) at the end of this document. Please answer the following questions related to Coach Brooks and leadership: 1. Can you describe a scene(s) from the movie where Brooks uses an Autocratic leadership style? Coach Brooks used an Autocratic leadership style when making his team sprit suicides for hours straight. His team had just put up a pitiful performance where half the guys seemed more interested in the girls in the crowd than the game. Herb made them do sprints despite the assistant coach refusing to blow the whistle and the team doctor telling Herb to stop. 2. Can you describe a scene(s) from the movie where Brooks uses a Democratic style? Herb brought in a new player towards the end of final cuts because he thought the kid was really good and that he would make the USA Olympic team better. His players, on the other hand, believed that they and all the guys who had made it through up to this point were being cheated by this new guy. They brought their concerns to coach Herb and Herb takes their thoughts and feelings into consideration and ultimately cuts the new player he had brought in. 3. Can you describe a scene(s) from the movie where Brooks uses a Laissez-faire style? Part of being a good coach is knowing your colleague’s and player’s strengths. Herb used the Laissez-faire style of leadership when he allowed his assistant coach to do what he did best and manipulate the lineups in a way that would give them the best chance to win. He did this by giving his assistant the freedom to make a change at the end of the game which ultimately won them the game. 4. Figure 12.4 on page 382 of the textbook presents a continuum (1-7) from autocratic to participative style. Did Coach Brooks exhibit more than one type of style represented on the continuum? If so, which numbers on the continuum? Yes, I think Coach Brooks exhibited most, if not all, of the styles represented. He demonstrated each style at multiple parts throughout the film. He represented in ways I explained above. He represented each part of the continuum and showed how effective each one could be. 5. Describe some of the leadership traits that made Brooks effective. Some leadership traits that coach Herb had was his autocratic leadership style, for the most part, his ability to turn a burn of egotistical college students into a cohesive unit, and his ability to win Hockey games. Herb demonstrated many autocratic leadership styles throughout the movie, whether it was picking his team or making them run, or even making them take that test. He also was very effective in uniting a team of young men

with conflicting backgrounds by working them so hard and being such a hard-ass they only had enough energy to hate him and not each other. Lastly, it does not matter if you have the best team in the world or the worst, winning professional sports games is hard at any level, and Herb was able to lead his boys to the finish line. 6. Your textbook (p. 384) suggests that contingency managers analyze employee capability level and select the autocratic, consultative, participative, or empowerments style for the situation. Did Brooks use a contingency style? If so, describe. I think Brooks used a participative contingency style because although he started off thinking it was his plan or no plan, as the team’s relationship grew, Herb put more trust and respect into his assistant coaches and his players. 7. Describe a time where Coach Brooks motivated a player using Positive reinforcement (Encouraging desired behavior and offering rewards for desirable performance) When Herb is watching film with the boys on the Russians, and he gives an inspiration speech saying how they won’t fear them, and they will beat them. I think it really fired the team up and gave them more confidence in their team. 8. Describe a time where Coach Brooks motivated a player using Avoidance (A form of negative reinforcement where the threat of negative consequences controls our behavior) When Herb wants Jimmy to take a test and he refuses. Herb goes to confront him and ask why and then leaves telling Jimmy, “don’t worry, you just took it.” and walks away. This motivates Jimmy to run after him to question him where Herb redirects the conversation to Jimmys family. This leads to a much deeper conversation between the two which leaves both parties more motivated to do right by each other. 0 9. Describe a time where Coach Brooks motivated a player using Punishment (used to change undesirable behavior) During the Norway game his players were not focused on what really mattered so he worked them after the game for hours. This put a fire under the team which propelled them to greatness. 10. Did you enjoy the movie and what did you learn from watching it beyond leadership? I enjoyed this movie immensely and I learned a lot about what that time period was like how many underlying factors there were behind this game. I learned how important a good leader is to a group, especially a team. I also learned about national pride and patriotism. I believe this is one of the greatest movies in American History and it has many beneficial aspects to watching the film....

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