MKTG 201 A Syllabus Winter 2020-21 PDF

Title MKTG 201 A Syllabus Winter 2020-21
Author Nguyen Vananh
Course Intro Marketing Mgmt
Institution Drexel University
Pages 7
File Size 311.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 5
Total Views 164


Syllabus for the course, read it to have an overview for the detailed information for the term...


MKTG 201-A: Introduction to Marketing Management Department of Marketing, Drexel University Winter 2020-2021 GENERAL INFORMATION Course Number: Meeting Times: Professor: Email: Office Hours:

MKTG 201 Section A T & TH 11:00 AM – 12:20 PM EST Dr. Chen Wang [email protected] Email me whenever you have questions or book an appointment!

Lecture Zoom URL: Required Tech: Lecture Slides:

A computer is required each class for Zoom lecture and in-class poll. Available for download at Blackboard Learn (

Recommended Text: Grewal and Levy, M: Marketing, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, (not required) ISBN: 9781259924033 (an older version also works) ONLINE DELIVERY OF THE LECTURE Due to the COVID-19, this course will be offered remote synchronously (i.e., real-time). To access lecture, simply go to the Zoom URL during the scheduled class time (i.e., T/TH 11am12:20pm EST). A computer is required to access the lecture. Zoom Setup: I am sure that you all used Zoom in the fall quarter (and might be a pro now!). A quick checklist to get your winter quarter ready to go: 1) Use your official licensed Drexel Zoom account for the class (especially for those who have multiple Zoom accounts). Here is how to set up/verify:

2) Make sure your name (consistent with your Drexel record) is correctly stated on Zoom (VERY IMPORTANT for your attendance record – see Attendance points on p6). If not, log into and click "Profile" and then "Edit" to change your name. See screenshot below for instructions:


Audio ON/OFF? A microphone attached to your computer is strongly recommended for answering questions and group discussions in the lecture. Video ON/OFF? You are NOT required to turn on the video during the lecture. However, it would be nice if your computer/laptop has a camera, as the professor may ask students to turn on the video occasionally (optional to students) to connect the class and cheer everyone up. We are practicing social distancing, but not socially isolated! J PollEverywhere URL: When instructed by the professor, simply go to the link above to do real-time poll questions in class. An electronic device (e.g., laptop, tablet, smartphone) is required to participate the live poll questions. More details will be explained in the first lecture. International Students in A Different Time Zone: I would strongly recommend you attend the lecture in real time if it's feasible, as this is the best way to learn. However, I understand the challenge of different time zones. If you are unable to access the lecture in real-time due to a different time zone, please reach out to me individually ([email protected]). I will have an alternative plan for you to take the class and grade your participation/attendance. APPROPRIATE USE OF COURSE MATERIALS It is important to recognize that some or all of the course materials provided to you may be the intellectual property of Drexel University, the course instructor, or others. Use of this intellectual property is governed by Drexel University policies, including the policy found here: Briefly, this policy states that all course materials, including recordings, provided by the course instructor may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or re-posted. Doing so may be considered a breach of this policy and will be investigated and addressed as possible academic dishonesty, among other potential violations. Improper use of such materials may also constitute a violation of the University's Code of Conduct found here: and will be investigated as such. COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES The purpose of this course is to provide students with a broad introduction to the principles and practice of marketing, and to develop students’ analytical thinking and communication skills. We will explore consumers behave during the consumption process, and how firms develop, price, promote, and deliver goods and services to buyers and develop an understanding of how buyers acquire, consume, and dispose of these goods and services. Participants are introduced to the roles of the major functional areas of marketing as a field and to the interrelationships among them. The course also discusses marketing’s relationship to other functional areas of the firm. More than specific facts, marketing is a way of thinking about customer needs and market opportunities and this may be the most important benefit you will derive from the course. This course emphasizes achieving organizational objectives with market-oriented strategies and using marketing tactics that are appropriate for the target segments. No matter what your career plans, however, it will be important for you to have some understanding of marketing because it is the direct income producing function of the organization. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the knowledge and skills to: 2

• • • • • •

Define marketing and its role in creating value for consumers, society, and organizations. Examine an organization’s strengths and limitations, core competencies, and key success factors in the context of the analyzed macro-environment. Analyze the personal and interpersonal influences on consumer behavior and the steps to making a purchase decision. Differentiate between secondary and primary research, and conduct marketing research using qualitative and quantitative methods. Apply the segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) process. Differentiate between the four elements of the marketing mix and integrate them in a balanced, strategic marketing plan for an existing product/organization.

COURSE STRUCTURE This course consists of a twice-weekly lecture and a once-weekly recitation. The purpose of the recitation is to apply the principles introduced in the lecture to a realistic business setting through a computer simulation. The recitation class schedule and grade breakdown will be handed out separately in your individual recitation sections. Your recitation instructor is responsible for all of the activities within the recitation. I am responsible for the lecture component of this course, the overall coordination and management of the course, and assigning final grades. COURSE GRADING Below is the breakdown of how you will be assessed and graded in this course. Recitation


Refer to your recitation syllabus a) Quiz One: 10%



b) Quiz Two: 10% c) Quiz Three: 10%

Marketing Analysis


a) STP Analysis Paper: 8% b) 4Ps Analysis Paper: 12% a) Zoom Virtual Background: 1%



b) Survey About You: 1% c) Attendance & In-Class Participation: 8%



1) Recitation (40%): The recitation evaluation process will be described in detail in the recitation syllabus provided by the recitation instructor. Please refer to your recitation syllabus for details. 2) Quizzes (10% each, 30% in total) – take place on Jan 28, Feb 18, Mar 11 Three closed-book quizzes will be given during the class time on Blackboard Learn (see last page for the schedule). The quizzes will contain multiple-choice questions. The quizzes are NOT cumulative; hence in a quiz, there will be no direct question(s) on a topic that has already been covered in a previous quiz. Quizzes will only cover the content taught in the lecture. 3

Make-Up Quiz: Make-up quiz is NOT given except in extreme circumstances. If an unusual circumstance prevents you from taking a quiz, please notify me PRIOR TO the quiz date, and we can make alternative arrangements. It is your responsibility to provide written proof of your circumstance. In all other circumstances where you miss the quiz, you will receive 0 point for that quiz. 3) Marketing Analysis (20%) You will choose an existing or a future product as the basis for completing two assignments during the course. I would recommend selecting a very specific product (e.g., iPhone 11) that you are interested in, instead of a large cooperation (e.g., Apple), for easy analysis. 3.1) STP Analysis Paper (8%) – due on Feb 14 (week 5 Sunday) 11:59pm EST Analyze your product’s segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) strategy. Outline: You could follow the suggested outline below: A. Your Chosen Product Briefly describe the product you choose for analysis. B. Segmentation Describe 2-3 potential consumer segments for your chosen product, using different segmentation variables for each segment. Clearly state what segmentation variable(s) you have used for each segment, and briefly elaborate the rationale. Write 1 paragraph for each segment, single-spaced. C. Targeting Choose 1 segment from Part B that you would target, and justify your choice. Maximum 2 paragraphs single-spaced. D. Positioning Write a positioning statement for your chosen company/product, targeted to your chosen segment from Part C. Maximum 1 paragraph single-spaced. E. Reference Provide a References List of all secondary sources used in your situation analysis. You may choose any reference style (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago), but make sure you are consistent throughout. No page limit, single-spaced. Cover Page: Must include assignment title, your name, and your student ID #. Page Limit: Your paper should not exceed 2 pages, single-spaced, 12pt font size, excluding reference list and cover page. Plagiarism Prevention: All assignments will be submitted to, Drexel’s plagiarism prevention system. 3.2) 4Ps Analysis Paper (12%) – due on Mar 16 (exam week Tuesday) 11:59pm EST Analyze the same product that you choose for your STP analysis and examine the product’s marketing mix, namely, 4Ps (product, pricing, place, and promotion). 4

Outline: You could follow the suggested outline below: A. Product Describe the product and its relevant product dimensions (e.g., branding, functions, attributes). Examine the core customer value the product provides and how it satisfies its target customers’ needs and wants. B. Pricing Examine the product’s pricing strategy. C. Place Examine the product’s marketing channels and distribution strategy. D. Promotion Examine the product’s promotion strategy. E. Your Evaluation and Recommendation Linking with your STP analysis, critique the effectiveness of the product’s 4Ps and make recommendations. For example, is it appropriate for the target customers you identified in STP? Does it reinforce the company’s/product’s positioning strategy? What is the company doing well, if anything? What mistakes, if any, is it making with its current strategy? Recommend improvements and/or additions to the company’s marketing strategy to make it more effective. F. Reference Provide your reference list. Cover Page: Must include assignment title, your name, and your student ID #. Page Limit: Your paper should have a minimum of 2 pages and a maximum of 5 pages, single-spaced, 12pt font size, excluding reference list and cover page. Plagiarism Prevention: All assignments will be submitted to, Drexel’s plagiarism prevention system. 4) Participation (10%) 4.1) Zoom Virtual Background (1%) – due on Jan 17 (week 1 Sunday) 11:59pm EST Zoom allows the user to display an image as a virtual background during meeting. This little assignment aims to increase our social connection during the socially isolated time! You will submit ONE image (min resolution 1280 x 720), either found on web or created on your own, that you think would be fun as my Zoom background for display to the class. Submit it to the “Assignment” folder on Blackboard Learn. You will receive 1 point as long as you submit it by the deadline! Late/No submission will receive 0 point. I will pick some good ones as my Zoom virtual background throughout the lectures this term. 4.2) Survey About You (1%) – due on Jan 24 (week 2 Sunday) 11:59pm EST Although I won’t be able to interact with everyone in the classroom, I really would love to learn each of you a bit more. Please fill out a 1-page short survey on Blackboard Learn (under “Assignment” folder). You will receive 1 point as long as you submit it by the deadline! Late/No submission will receive 0 point. 5

4.3) Attendance & In-Class Participation (8%) Your attendance and participation to the class are essential to your ability to understand and apply the material covered in this course. Attendance will be checked randomly via your Zoom login records during the term. Given the class size (280 students), it’s very important for you to have your name (consistent with your Drexel record) correctly stated on Zoom (see p1 for instructions). Otherwise, even if you attended the lecture, say, using an account ID (e.g., my iphone) different from your name, I wouldn’t know who that is, and consequently, you would have no Zoom record under your name and thus no attendance record. In-class participation (e.g. poll questions, breakout room discussion, asking and answering questions in class) is also part of the grade. However, it is understandable that, at times, other commitments (or illness) may prevent you from attending class. If for some reason you cannot attend a class, please inform me prior to the missed class session with written proof of your circumstance, and you will be excused. Of course, absence from class (informed or uninformed) does not exempt you from being responsible for all the material and any announcements covered in class. Note: For international students who are unable to access the lecture in real-time due to a different time zone, please reach out to me individually ([email protected]). I will have a comparable alternative to grade your participation and attendance. Final Grade: Final grades will be calculated by using the scale below: A+ 98-100 C+ 77-79 A 94-97 C 73-76 A90-93 C70-72 B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69 B 83-86 D 60-66 B80-82 F 59 and under COURSE ADD/DROP/WITHDRAWAL POLICIES Please refer to the following University policies regarding adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses: ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, PLAGIARISM, & CHEATING POLICY Using other’s work (directly or indirectly) without providing proper credit is plagiarism. In this course the penalty for plagiarism or cheating will depend on the extent of the transgression. The minimum penalty is a grade of zero for that assignment or exam, while more extensive plagiarism or cheating will result in a course grade of “F” and the filing of charges of academic misconduct. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES STATEMENT: Student with disabilities requesting accommodations and services at Drexel University need to present a current Accommodation Verification Letter (AVL) to faculty before accommodations can be made. AVL's are issued by the Office of Disability Resources (ODR). For additional information, contact ODR at, 3201 Arch St., Street, Suite 210, Philadelphia, PA 19104, 215.895.1401 (V), or 215.895.2299 (TTY). Please follow the link for further information: 6



Week 1



Jan 12 (Tue)

Course Introduction

Jan 14 (Thu)

Marketing and A Marketing Plan



Ch. 1 & 2

Jan 17 (Sun) 11:59pm EST ---------- Zoom Virtual Background Assignment (1%) due

Week 2

Jan 19 (Tue)

Consumer Behavior I

Ch. 6

Jan 21 (Thu)

Consumer Behavior II

Ch. 6

Jan 24 (Sun) 11:59pm EST ---------------------- Survey About You Assignment (1%) due Jan 26 (Tue)

Marketing Research

Ch. 10

Jan 28 (Thu)

Class Time: Quiz One (10%)

Feb 02 (Tue)

Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) I

Ch. 9

Feb 04 (Thu)

Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) II

Ch. 9

Feb 09 (Tue)


Ch. 11-13

Feb 11 (Thu)

Pricing I

Ch. 14

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Feb 14 (Sun) 11:59pm EST ---------------------------------- STP Analysis Paper (8%) due Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9 Exam Week

Feb 16 (Tue)

Pricing II

Ch. 14

Feb 18 (Thu)

Class Time: Quiz Two (10%)

Feb 23 (Tue)


Ch. 15 & 16

Feb 25 (Thu)

Promotion I

Ch. 17-19

Mar 02 (Tue)

Promotion II

Ch. 17-19

Mar 04 (Thu)

B2B & Global Marketing

Ch. 7 & 8

Mar 09 (Tue)

Course Review

Mar 11 (Thu)

Class Time: Quiz Three (10%)

Mar 16 (Tue) 11:59pm EST ---------------------------------- 4Ps Analysis Paper (12%) due


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