MKTG 301 Syllabus (Coupland) Fall 2020 PDF

Title MKTG 301 Syllabus (Coupland) Fall 2020
Author Yong Lin Kwang
Course Marketing
Institution The Pennsylvania State University
Pages 11
File Size 474.2 KB
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The syllabus contains what will be learned throughout the course, as well as grading system and also how many exams are included....


Smeal College of Business The Pennsylvania State University MKTG 301—Sec. 3 (Coupland) Principles of Marketing Fall 2020

Course Purpose This course is an exploration of fundamental concepts, practices, and issues in marketing. We will discuss what marketing is and learn to analyze the marketing environment and our potential customers. Based on these insights, we will then discuss strategy alternatives and the key functions of marketing. Specifically, the course objectives for MKTG 301 are: 1. To provide an overview and introduction to the principles of marketing. 2. To understand the marketing process and the various challenges marketing managers face with respect to the marketing mix and strategic decision making.

Class Time/Location The course is remote synchronous and will meet on Tues/Thurs 1:35-2:50pm, as originally scheduled. Please use the Zoom link below to access the course:

Zoom Link for Class Lectures: ● ● ● ●

Please click on the Zoom link a few minutes before class starts. This will ensure that you are in the room and ready for class at its starting time. I will turn my video on 1-2 minutes before class starts, and you may message me through the "chat" function on Zoom if you have any questions. During lecture, I will cover course content, use the polling feature in Zoom, and ask you to participate and ask questions through chat. After lecture, I will routinely head to my office hours Zoom room (link below) for about 15 minutes for a “meet & greet” for students to stop by and ask questions or just say hello. (If you have confidential questions, please come to my office hours instead.)

Course Faculty and Staff Lecturer

Jennifer Chang Coupland, Ph.D. 445 Business Bldg., 865-0577 Office Hours: MW 2-3pm, Th 12-1pm; or by appt. Canvas website/email: h  ttps:// Zoom Link for Prof. Coupland’s Office Hours: 

Course (TA) Assistants

Juliana Napoli (Lead TA);  Brianna Califano (TA), Caitlin Cassidy (TA), Nicole Mueller Office Hours: Begin week 3 and will be posted on Canvas Zoom Link for TA Office Hours 

Business Core Megan Marshall, Jamie Stang (assistant), 202F Business Bldg. Office [email protected] Drop/add, exam makeups/scheduling, SDR paperwork Research

Shannon Palma, [email protected]


Extra credit—research studies signups/questions/scores, idea paper

MKTG 301 is also taught by Prof. Roth Though we try to keep our courses consistent, there will undoubtedly be slight variations. Please attend the instructor’s course to which you have enrolled.

Course Materials Textbook (required). The textbook for the course is Armstrong & Kotler’s Marketing: An Introduction, 14th edition. Alternatively, you may use a cheaper, loose-leaf, shorter edition of the same textbook (Second Custom Edition for PSU). The Custom Edition has only the chapters we will use this semester. Copies of the book are also on reserve at the library. You may use the older, 13th, 12th  , 11th  ed though the examples are dated. The basic content of the textbook editions is the same so the edition should have little impact on your understanding of the material. You can purchase the textbook at the HUB bookstore, online or directly through the publisher:. Y ou can load the Pearson etext app to your device for added features. You may use the eBook, particularly given the circumstances. However, as with any technology, the eBook may be subject to network outages and other technological glitches. It is your responsibility to have a back-up plan for the eBook. I recommend that you study early with your eBook and have the notes handy for when you need them. Some versions of the textbook (not used) are bundled with MyMarketingLab, which is not required for the course. However, some students have found the optional MML  study aids and eBook useful. Course Slides Packet (optional). You may also purchase a packet of student course slides from ProCopy at the Student Book Store or the HUB bookstore. If you prefer, these same slides may be downloaded from Canvas. The student slides contain the basic PPT content from lecture (definitions, figures, etc.), intended to aid your note taking rather than completely replace it. The slides also allow you to focus on the illustrative examples discussed in lecture that are not in the course packet.

Course Requirements/Grading Exam 1: 26% Exam 2: 32% Final Exam: 32% Checkpoint Homework (2 x 5%) 10% ______________________________________ TOTAL 100%

Exams. There will be three exams. Exam 1 is worth 26% while your other two exams are worth 32% each. All exams consist of 50 questions, with a mix of multiple choice, multiple select, matching and true/false questions. They are non-cumulative, though foundational material (i.e., relevant material discussed again) is fair game. Most questions will be based on the overlap between lectures and textbooks. Some questions will come from lecture material only and some may rely on textbook knowledge. You should understand how examples/videos contribute to your knowledge of the material. More details on exam format and content will be provided by the instructor closer to exam time. Business Core Office Policies & Procedures Who are we?: The Business Core Office (located in 202F Business Building) is responsible for administering examinations in the Business Core. Up-to-date information about examinations in the Business Core, including policies, procedures, and exam registration information is available in Canvas under “Exam Guidelines and Protocols” The Business Core web site is as follows: We handle: Questions about drop/add, exam scheduling/makeups, SDR (Students with Disabilities) paperwork/accommodations Preferred method of communication: Email ([email protected]) SDR Paperwork: Please email your documentation to [email protected]. Format: All examinations, including final examinations, are conducted online using the Canvas platform. The examinations are coordinated with the Smeal Business Core Office. Business Core Testing Code of Conduct: Please review the Business Core Testing Code of Conduct in Canvas. Before entering your exam in Canvas, carefully read over the code, & move forward if you agree to abide by all points. Academic Integrity Violations in the Business Core courses will result in course failure (F). Violations include but are not limited to the following: ●

● ●

Communicating or disseminating exam information via cell phones, private discussions, social networks or mass communication (i.e., GroupMe) about what is on the exam to someone who has not taken the exam. Academic Integrity Violations apply to the student that disseminates the information as well as the student who receives the information. Having any electronic device (such as cell phone, Apple/Samsung/other watches, non-approved device of any type) out during your exam. Copying exam content during the exam.

Make-up Exams: Make-up examinations are managed by the Business Core Office and they will be permitted only for University-approved reasons and official documentation is required. An email alone is insufficient. Requests for makeup exams must be submitted a week in advance before the exam is given unless it is an emergency or illness. The appropriate Make-up Exam request form can be filled out via email based upon the previous timeline. (Please send the appropriate documentation). Make-up exams are generally given the week following the regular exam, at 8AM. You do not get to choose your time slot for makeup exams. You will be told when the makeup exam is upon completion of the required documents. There is no makeup exam for the final exam. If you do not turn in documentation & complete the makeup exam request form by noon the day before the makeup exam, you will receive an automatic zero. No exceptions.

Checkpoint Homework. Checkpoint homework is designed to help students understand course material and keep up with the course rather than cram just before each exam. You will be asked to complete 2 (out of 3) checkpoint assignments on Canvas over the course of the semester. Each homework assignment contains 2-3 short exercises, as well as 4-5 multiple choice and matching sample exam questions. You may use your textbook and notes. You may also discuss the assignment with a classmate if that helps you learn the material, but do not blindly copy his/her answers. To aid student learning, answers will be revealed on Canvas after assignment completion and discussed briefly in class. Because the checkpoint is meant to help you learn the material, it is graded as pass/fail (i.e., full credit or no credit). Pass = 7 out of 10. Students who thoroughly complete and submit the exercises on Canvas by the due date/time earn full credit. However, work that is incomplete or evidently lacking in effort or seriousness will be assigned a zero. No late submissions will be accepted. Extra Credit Policy. There are three ways to earn extra credit in this course. Dedicated students may earn a minimum of 0.5% to a maximum of 3% extra credit toward their final grades. You may participate in all forms of extra credit, or one. Extra credit is capped at 3%--you may not earn more. 1. Online Research Extra Credit: You may earn extra credit for participating in academic research conducted by faculty and graduate students in the Smeal College of Business. Most of the research that you hear about in the classes has been gained through lab research, and being a participant gives you exposure to how studies are conducted. You will earn 0.5% credit toward your final grade for every half hour spent on studies through the Behavioral Lab. You may participate in up to 6 half-hour studies over the course of the semester. Shannon Palma will email announcements, descriptions of the studies and sign-up procedures for studies through Canvas. Only  those projects that have been officially announced to your MKTG 301 section via email from Shannon Palma will be eligible for the extra credit in this course. If you are taking other courses that require research participation or offer extra credit, you will only receive credit in one course for each half hour you complete with the lab. You must specify which course you want to apply that credit to when you sign up to participate in a study. Research study sign-ups are on a limited first-come, first-served basis. If needed, you may cancel your appointment on the website no later than 12 hours prior to your appointment. After this, you will not be able to cancel. Failure to participate will be noted. Failure to participate for three studies will result in being blocked from signing up for additional research studies. Basic research study information: ●

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Each study will be offered online this semester. The weekly announcement will state the time period the online study will be open for you to participate. Please be sure to complete the study before the listed closing time. Plan on spending 30 uninterrupted minutes to complete the study in one sitting. No cell phone use, extra noise, checking email or opening other websites while completing your online study. We want your full attention. Pay attention to the study and take it seriously. Lab managers can identify students who are not paying attention. If the system identifies you as not paying attention or you do not participate without cancelling it, I reserve the right to take away all of your extra credit points for the semester.

Checking your points: ● Please review your extra credit points in the registration system under the review tab at the end of each week. ● If you register incorrectly for a study with the wrong course or instructor, you must contact Shannon Palma (s [email protected]) within one week of the study to request a change.

All extra credit issues must be resolved within a week of any issue. If you have any questions please contact Shannon Palma directly for assistance.

2. Idea Paper Extra Credit: The second w  ay to earn extra credit in MKTG 301 is to write a 2-3 page essay (12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, page numbers, one inch margins) developing a new product idea that clearly and analytically incorporates what you have learned in MKTG 301. It should be an idea for a new product or unique modification of an existing product with an analysis covering a subset of topics such as: why this new product idea is a good one based on the micro-/macro-environment, what type of marketing research you would gather, your assumptions about consumer behavior in developing this product, why the modification would improve the product’s strategic position in the market, and/or how you would market the product using the 4 P’s. An essay, if well written, will allow you to earn up to 1% credit toward your final grade. (Full credit will not be given for papers with spelling or grammatical errors.) All extra credit “idea papers” topics have to be pre-approved by Shannon Palma, the Behavioral Lab Manager ([email protected]) by Monday, November 16th at 5pm. Extra credit papers are also subject to the Honor Code. The essays are due Monday, November 23rd at 5pm to Shannon Palma. If you have been blocked from participating in research studies for any reason, you are not eligible to earn extra credit using the idea paper option. 3. Checkpoint Homework Extra Credit: You may also earn 0.5% credit toward your final grade for completing all three checkpoint assignments. Most of your scores will be reported on Canvas as they become available. However, research studies extra credit will be posted monthly. The Canvas gradebook is only used for reporting scores, not calculating your final grade. It is your responsibility to check your grades to ensure accuracy. Later in the semester, I will post a grade calculator that you may use to calculate and predict your final grade. Grading. At the end of the semester, final grades are calculated based on total percentage and follow standard letter guidelines (i.e., A=93%+, A-=90-92%, B+=87-89%, B=83-86%, B-=80-82%, C+=77-79%, C=70-76%, D  =60-69%, F=below  60%). Note: Fractions are rounded “normally” (e.g., 86.5=87=B+, while 86.4%=86=B). All grades become final two weeks after they are posted.

Tips for Success in MKTG 301 Overall Tips: 1. Join every class focused on learning—take notes/absorb but also participate/think. Marketing is full of frameworks, strategies and complexities that build upon one another. 2. Follow Prof. Coupland’s “Bloom’s  Taxonomy” advice on Canvas early in the semester. 3. Related to #2, attend the TA Guided Study Groups (see below), periodically meet with TAs through Zoom or a study partner or test yourself. 4. Complete all extra  credit during the semester. 3% is a big buffer available to you and cannot be retroactively given at the end of the semester. 5. More obviously, do  the basics—complete  the readings and all assignments with ample time to

reflect on what you’ve learned

Specific Tips: This is a remote  synchronous course and set up in a webinar format due to its size. You will get the most out of the class if you become an active learner. Here are ways to do that: Before Lecture ○ Skim the readings and lecture packet. Get a sense of the topics we will cover and anticipate what we will talk about. ○ Have a copy of the lecture slides available for note taking (e.g., coursepack, print from Canvas Modules, pulled up on tablet). ○ Sit in a quiet, comfortable spot, if you can. ○ Put away your phone and other distractions. Let family/friends when you are unavailable when you’re in class. ○ Access the classroom Zoom link early so you are ready when lecture begins. During Lecture ○ Respond to polls on Zoom - think through your response and guess how your peers might vote. Be actively thinking, not just passively responding. ○ Respond to discussion questions using the “chat” feature. ○ Ask questions using “chat”. After Lecture ○ Stop by my office hours Zoom link - I’m there for a 15 minute “meet & greet”, if you'd like to stop by and ask questions or just say hello. (Please save confidential questions for office hours.) ○ Review your notes and read the assigned chapter now that you're familiar with the topics. Ask yourself: what were the key topics in class? If I were asked to TA for the course, how would I teach the material to someone else? Look at Bloom’s Taxonomy (posted on Canvas Modules) for further recommendations. ○ Visit TAs during their office hours with questions. ○ Participate in Guided Study Groups through Zoom lead by the TA’s Please refer to this link to review the Zoom functions in order to maximize success in this course zoom-learning-path-participants

Penn State Values & My Policies The Penn State Values () are our shared ideals about how people should act toward one another, the standards to which we hold ourselves, and those beliefs we find important.

While aspirational in nature, the Penn State Values articulate our ethical principles and should guide our actions and decisions as members of the Penn State community, including in this course: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Integrity: We act with integrity and honesty in accordance with the highest academic, professional, and ethical standards. Respect: We respect and honor the dignity of each person, embrace civil discourse, and foster a diverse and inclusive community. Responsibility: We act responsibly, and we are accountable for our decisions, actions, and their consequences. Discovery: We seek and create new knowledge and understanding, and foster creativity and innovation, for the benefit of our communities, society, and the environment. Excellence: We strive for excellence in all our endeavors as individuals, an institution, and a leader in higher education. Community: We work together for the betterment of our University, the communities we serve, and the world.

Absences and Recorded Lectures. I do not take attendance given the unique circumstances of the course this semester. Therefore, you do not need to notify me if you miss class. I advise that you attend the class synchronously when possible. There are more opportunities to interact and engage. I understand that time zone issues, illness or technology problems may cause you to miss the live lecture. Because of this, I intend to record my lectures. Recordings will be posted the next day. However, should the recording fail, I may ask you to obtain notes from a classmate.  Visit TAs or me during office hours with any follow up questions on notes.

Emails to Faculty, Staff and Class. Please use old-school courtesies when corresponding with course faculty and staff. To me, using “Hey” and one-line emails are too casual. I prefer polite salutations (e.g., “Dear/Hi Prof. Coupland”) and humility. I am put off by emails that sound entitled or demanding. This will likely to affect how I naturally respond. Also, note that personal, non-MKTG 301 emails to the class (e.g., selling concert tickets) are not appropriate.

Academic Integrity According to the Penn State Principles and University Code of Conduct: Academic integrity is a basic guiding principle for all academic activity at Penn State University, allowing the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest, and responsible manner. According to the University’s Code of Conduct, you must neither engage in nor tolerate academic dishonesty. This includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, fabrication of information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work of another person, or work previously used in another course without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students. · Any violation of...

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