Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering PDF

Title Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
Author Ricardo Matheus
Pages 449
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Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering About the authors been Vice President of the Institute of Materials and President of the Federated European Materials Soci- eties. Since retirement he has been academic consultant Professor R. E. Smallman for a number of institutions both in the ...


Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

About the authors Professor R. E. Smallman After gaining his PhD in 1953, Professor Smallman spent five years at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell, before returning to the University of Birmingham where he became Professor of Physical Metallurgy in 1964 and Feeney Professor and Head of the Department of Physical Metallurgy and Science of Materials in 1969. He subsequently became Head of the amalgamated Department of Metallurgy and Materials (1981), Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and the first Dean of the newly-created Engineering Faculty in 1985. For five years he was Vice-Principal of the University (1987–92). He has held visiting professorship appointments at the University of Stanford, Berkeley, Pennsylvania (USA), New South Wales (Australia), Hong Kong and Cape Town and has received Honorary Doctorates from the University of Novi Sad (Yugoslavia) and the University of Wales. His research work has been recognized by the award of the Sir George Beilby Gold Medal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry and Institute of Metals (1969), the Rosenhain Medal of the Institute of Metals for contributions to Physical Metallurgy (1972) and the Platinum Medal, the premier medal of the Institute of Materials (1989). He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (1986), a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (1990) and appointed a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in 1992. A former Council Member of the Science and Engineering Research Council, he has

been Vice President of the Institute of Materials and President of the Federated European Materials Societies. Since retirement he has been academic consultant for a number of institutions both in the UK and overseas.

R. J. Bishop After working in laboratories of the automobile, forging, tube-drawing and razor blade industries (1944–59), Ray Bishop became a Principal Scientist of the British Coal Utilization Research Association (1959–68), studying superheater-tube corrosion and mechanisms of ash deposition on behalf of boiler manufacturers and the Central Electricity Generating Board. He specialized in combustor simulation of conditions within pulverized-fuel-fired power station boilers and fluidized-bed combustion systems. He then became a Senior Lecturer in Materials Science at the Polytechnic (now University), Wolverhampton, acting at various times as leader of C&G, HNC, TEC and CNAA honours Degree courses and supervising doctoral researches. For seven years he was Open University Tutor for materials science and processing in the West Midlands. In 1986 he joined the School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham as a part-time Lecturer and was involved in administration of the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS). In 1995 and 1997 he gave lecture courses in materials science at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. Currently he is an Honorary Lecturer at the University of Birmingham.

Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Science, process, applications Sixth Edition R. E. Smallman, CBE, DSc, FRS, FREng, FIM R. J. Bishop, PhD, CEng, MIM






Butterworth-Heinemann Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 225 Wildwood Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801-2041 A division of Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd

First published 1962 Second edition 1963 Reprinted 1965, 1968 Third edition 1970 Reprinted 1976 (twice), 1980, 1983 Fourth edition 1985 Reprinted 1990, 1992 Fifth edition 1995 Sixth edition 1999

 Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd 1995, 1999

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1 The structure and bonding of atoms 1 1.1 The realm of materials science 1 1.2 The free atom 2 1.2.1 The four electron quantum numbers 2 1.2.2 Nomenclature for electronic states 3 1.3 The Periodic Table 4 1.4 Interatomic bonding in materials 7 1.5 Bonding and energy levels 9 2 Atomic arrangements in materials 11 2.1 The concept of ordering 11 2.2 Crystal lattices and structures 12 2.3 Crystal directions and planes 13 2.4 Stereographic projection 16 2.5 Selected crystal structures 18 2.5.1 Pure metals 18 2.5.2 Diamond and graphite 21 2.5.3 Coordination in ionic crystals 22 2.5.4 AB-type compounds 24 2.5.5 Silica 24 2.5.6 Alumina 26 2.5.7 Complex oxides 26 2.5.8 Silicates 27 2.6 Inorganic glasses 30 2.6.1 Network structures in glasses 30 2.6.2 Classification of constituent oxides 31 2.7 Polymeric structures 32 2.7.1 Thermoplastics 32 2.7.2 Elastomers 35 2.7.3 Thermosets 36 2.7.4 Crystallinity in polymers 38

3 Structural phases; their formation and transitions 42 3.1 Crystallization from the melt 42 3.1.1 Freezing of a pure metal 42 3.1.2 Plane-front and dendritic solidification at a cooled surface 43 3.1.3 Forms of cast structure 44 3.1.4 Gas porosity and segregation 45 3.1.5 Directional solidification 46 3.1.6 Production of metallic single crystals for research 47 3.2 Principles and applications of phase diagrams 48 3.2.1 The concept of a phase 48 3.2.2 The Phase Rule 48 3.2.3 Stability of phases 49 3.2.4 Two-phase equilibria 52 3.2.5 Three-phase equilibria and reactions 56 3.2.6 Intermediate phases 58 3.2.7 Limitations of phase diagrams 59 3.2.8 Some key phase diagrams 60 3.2.9 Ternary phase diagrams 64 3.3 Principles of alloy theory 73 3.3.1 Primary substitutional solid solutions 73 3.3.2 Interstitial solid solutions 76 3.3.3 Types of intermediate phases 76 3.3.4 Order-disorder phenomena 79 3.4 The mechanism of phase changes 80 3.4.1 Kinetic considerations 80 3.4.2 Homogeneous nucleation 81 3.4.3 Heterogeneous nucleation 82 3.4.4 Nucleation in solids 82 4 Defects in solids 84 4.1 Types of imperfection


vi Contents 4.2 Point defects 84 4.2.1 Point defects in metals 84 4.2.2 Point defects in non-metallic crystals 86 4.2.3 Irradiation of solids 87 4.2.4 Point defect concentration and annealing 89 4.3 Line defects 90 4.3.1 Concept of a dislocation 90 4.3.2 Edge and screw dislocations 91 4.3.3 The Burgers vector 91 4.3.4 Mechanisms of slip and climb 92 4.3.5 Strain energy associated with dislocations 95 4.3.6 Dislocations in ionic structures 97 4.4 Planar defects 97 4.4.1 Grain boundaries 97 4.4.2 Twin boundaries 98 4.4.3 Extended dislocations and stacking faults in close-packed crystals 99 4.5 Volume defects 104 4.5.1 Void formation and annealing 104 4.5.2 Irradiation and voiding 104 4.5.3 Voiding and fracture 104 4.6 Defect behaviour in some real materials 105 4.6.1 Dislocation vector diagrams and the Thompson tetrahedron 105 4.6.2 Dislocations and stacking faults in fcc structures 106 4.6.3 Dislocations and stacking faults in cph structures 108 4.6.4 Dislocations and stacking faults in bcc structures 112 4.6.5 Dislocations and stacking faults in ordered structures 113 4.6.6 Dislocations and stacking faults in ceramics 115 4.6.7 Defects in crystalline polymers 116 4.6.8 Defects in glasses 117 4.7 Stability of defects 117 4.7.1 Dislocation loops 117 4.7.2 Voids 119 4.7.3 Nuclear irradiation effects 119 5 The characterization of materials 125 5.1 Tools of characterization 125 5.2 Light microscopy 126 5.2.1 Basic principles 126 5.2.2 Selected microscopical techniques 127 5.3 X-ray diffraction analysis 133 5.3.1 Production and absorption of X-rays 133 5.3.2 Diffraction of X-rays by crystals 134





5.3.3 X-ray diffraction methods 135 5.3.4 Typical interpretative procedures for diffraction patterns 138 Analytical electron microscopy 142 5.4.1 Interaction of an electron beam with a solid 142 5.4.2 The transmission electron microscope (TEM) 143 5.4.3 The scanning electron microscope 144 5.4.4 Theoretical aspects of TEM 146 5.4.5 Chemical microanalysis 150 5.4.6 Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) 152 5.4.7 Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) 154 Observation of defects 154 5.5.1 Etch pitting 154 5.5.2 Dislocation decoration 155 5.5.3 Dislocation strain contrast in TEM 155 5.5.4 Contrast from crystals 157 5.5.5 Imaging of dislocations 157 5.5.6 Imaging of stacking faults 158 5.5.7 Application of dynamical theory 158 5.5.8 Weak-beam microscopy 160 Specialized bombardment techniques 161 5.6.1 Neutron diffraction 161 5.6.2 Synchrotron radiation studies 162 5.6.3 Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) 163 Thermal analysis 164 5.7.1 General capabilities of thermal analysis 164 5.7.2 Thermogravimetric analysis 164 5.7.3 Differential thermal analysis 165 5.7.4 Differential scanning calorimetry 165

6 The physical properties of materials 168 6.1 Introduction 168 6.2 Density 168 6.3 Thermal properties 168 6.3.1 Thermal expansion 168 6.3.2 Specific heat capacity 170 6.3.3 The specific heat curve and transformations 171 6.3.4 Free energy of transformation 171 6.4 Diffusion 172 6.4.1 Diffusion laws 172 6.4.2 Mechanisms of diffusion 174 6.4.3 Factors affecting diffusion 175 6.5 Anelasticity and internal friction 176 6.6 Ordering in alloys 177 6.6.1 Long-range and short-range order 177






6.6.2 Detection of ordering 178 6.6.3 Influence of ordering upon properties 179 Electrical properties 181 6.7.1 Electrical conductivity 181 6.7.2 Semiconductors 183 6.7.3 Superconductivity 185 6.7.4 Oxide superconductors 187 Magnetic properties 188 6.8.1 Magnetic susceptibility 188 6.8.2 Diamagnetism and paramagnetism 189 6.8.3 Ferromagnetism 189 6.8.4 Magnetic alloys 191 6.8.5 Anti-ferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism 192 Dielectric materials 193 6.9.1 Polarization 193 6.9.2 Capacitors and insulators 193 6.9.3 Piezoelectric materials 194 6.9.4 Pyroelectric and ferroelectric materials 194 Optical properties 195 6.10.1 Reflection, absorption and transmission effects 195 6.10.2 Optical fibres 195 6.10.3 Lasers 195 6.10.4 Ceramic ‘windows’ 196 6.10.5 Electro-optic ceramics 196

7 Mechanical behaviour of materials 197 7.1 Mechanical testing procedures 197 7.1.1 Introduction 197 7.1.2 The tensile test 197 7.1.3 Indentation hardness testing 199 7.1.4 Impact testing 199 7.1.5 Creep testing 199 7.1.6 Fatigue testing 200 7.1.7 Testing of ceramics 200 7.2 Elastic deformation 201 7.2.1 Elastic deformation of metals 201 7.2.2 Elastic deformation of ceramics 203 7.3 Plastic deformation 203 7.3.1 Slip and twinning 203 7.3.2 Resolved shear stress 203 7.3.3 Relation of slip to crystal structure 204 7.3.4 Law of critical resolved shear stress 205 7.3.5 Multiple slip 205 7.3.6 Relation between work-hardening and slip 206 7.4 Dislocation behaviour during plastic deformation 207 7.4.1 Dislocation mobility 207






7.10 7.11


7.4.2 Variation of yield stress with temperature and strain rate 208 7.4.3 Dislocation source operation 209 7.4.4 Discontinuous yielding 211 7.4.5 Yield points and crystal structure 212 7.4.6 Discontinuous yielding in ordered alloys 214 7.4.7 Solute–dislocation interaction 214 7.4.8 Dislocation locking and temperature 216 7.4.9 Inhomogeneity interaction 217 7.4.10 Kinetics of strain-ageing 217 7.4.11 Influence of grain boundaries on plasticity 218 7.4.12 Superplasticity 220 Mechanical twinning 221 7.5.1 Crystallography of twinning 221 7.5.2 Nucleation and growth of twins 222 7.5.3 Effect of impurities on twinning 223 7.5.4 Effect of prestrain on twinning 223 7.5.5 Dislocation mechanism of twinning 223 7.5.6 Twinning and fracture 224 Strengthening and hardening mechanisms 224 7.6.1 Point defect hardening 224 7.6.2 Work-hardening 226 7.6.3 Development of preferred orientation 232 Macroscopic plasticity 235 7.7.1 Tresca and von Mises criteria 235 7.7.2 Effective stress and strain 236 Annealing 237 7.8.1 General effects of annealing 237 7.8.2 Recovery 237 7.8.3 Recrystallization 239 7.8.4 Grain growth 242 7.8.5 Annealing twins 243 7.8.6 Recrystallization textures 245 Metallic creep 245 7.9.1 Transient and steady-state creep 245 7.9.2 Grain boundary contribution to creep 247 7.9.3 Tertiary creep and fracture 249 7.9.4 Creep-resistant alloy design 249 Deformation mechanism maps 251 Metallic fatigue 252 7.11.1 Nature of fatigue failure 252 7.11.2 Engineering aspects of fatigue 252 7.11.3 Structural changes accompanying fatigue 254 7.11.4 Crack formation and fatigue failure 256

viii Contents 7.11.5 Fatigue at elevated temperatures 258 8 Strengthening and toughening 259 8.1 Introduction 259 8.2 Strengthening of non-ferrous alloys by heat-treatment 259 8.2.1 Precipitation-hardening of Al–Cu alloys 259 8.2.2 Precipitation-hardening of Al–Ag alloys 263 8.2.3 Mechanisms of precipitation-hardening 265 8.2.4 Vacancies and precipitation 268 8.2.5 Duplex ageing 271 8.2.6 Particle-coarsening 272 8.2.7 Spinodal decomposition 273 8.3 Strengthening of steels by heat-treatment 274 8.3.1 Time–temperature–transformation diagrams 274 8.3.2 Austenite–pearlite transformation 276 8.3.3 Austenite–martensite transformation 278 8.3.4 Austenite–bainite transformation 282 8.3.5 Tempering of martensite 282 8.3.6 Thermo-mechanical treatments 283 8.4 Fracture and toughness 284 8.4.1 Griffith micro-crack criterion 284 8.4.2 Fracture toughness 285 8.4.3 Cleavage and the ductile–brittle transition 288 8.4.4 Factors affecting brittleness of steels 289 8.4.5 Hydrogen embrittlement of steels 291 8.4.6 Intergranular fracture 291 8.4.7 Ductile failure 292 8.4.8 Rupture 293 8.4.9 Voiding and fracture at elevated temperatures 293 8.4.10 Fracture mechanism maps 294 8.4.11 Crack growth under fatigue conditions 295 9 Modern alloy developments 297 9.1 Introduction 297 9.2 Commercial steels 297 9.2.1 Plain carbon steels 297 9.2.2 Alloy steels 298 9.2.3 Maraging steels 299 9.2.4 High-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels 299 9.2.5 Dual-phase (DP) steels 300

9.3 9.4




9.2.6 Mechanically alloyed (MA) steels 301 9.2.7 Designation of steels 302 Cast irons 303 Superalloys 305 9.4.1 Basic alloying features 305 9.4.2 Nickel-based superalloy development 306 9.4.3 Dispersion-hardened superalloys 307 Titanium alloys 308 9.5.1 Basic alloying and heat-treatment features 308 9.5.2 Commercial titanium alloys 310 9.5.3 Processing of titanium alloys 312 Structural intermetallic compounds 312 9.6.1 General properties of intermetallic compounds 312 9.6.2 Nickel aluminides 312 9.6.3 Titanium aluminides 314 9.6.4 Other intermetallic compounds 315 Aluminium alloys 316 9.7.1 Designation of aluminium alloys 316 9.7.2 Applications of aluminium alloys 316 9.7.3 Aluminium-lithium alloys 317 9.7.4 Processing developments 317

10 Ceramics and glasses 320 10.1 Classification of ceramics 320 10.2 General properties of ceramics 321 10.3 Production of ceramic powders 322 10.4 Selected engineering ceramics 323 10.4.1 Alumina 323 10.4.2 From silicon nitride to sialons 325 10.4.3 Zirconia 330 10.4.4 Glass-ceramics 331 10.4.5 Silicon carbide 334 10.4.6 Carbon 337 10.5 Aspects of glass technology 345 10.5.1 Viscous deformation of glass 345 10.5.2 Some special glasses 346 10.5.3 Toughened and laminated glasses 346 10.6 The time-dependency of strength in ceramics and glasses 348 11 Plastics and composites 351 11.1 Utilization of polymeric materials 351 11.1.1 Introduction 351 11.1.2 Mechanical aspects of Tg 351 11.1.3 The role of additives 352 11.1.4 Some applications of important plastics 353 11.1.5 Management of waste plastics 354


11.2 Behaviour of plastics during processing 355 11.2.1 Cold-drawing and crazing 355 11.2.2 Processing methods for thermoplastics 356 11.2.3 Production of thermosets 357 11.2.4 Viscous aspects of melt behaviour 358 11.2.5 Elastic aspects of melt behaviour 359 11.2.6 Flow defects 360 11.3 Fibre-reinforced composite materials 361 11.3.1 Introduction to basic structural principles 361 11.3.2 Types of fibre-reinforced composite 366 12 Corrosion and surface engineering 376 12.1 The engineering importance of surfaces 376 12.2 Metallic corrosion 376 12.2.1 Oxidation at high temperatures 376 12.2.2 Aqueous corrosion 382 12.3 Surface engineering 387 12.3.1 The coating and modification of surfaces 387 12.3.2 Surface coating by vapour deposition 388 12.3.3 Surface coating by particle bombardment 391 12.3.4 Surface modification with high-energy beams 391 13 Biomaterials 394 13.1 Introduction 394 13.2 Requirements for biomaterials 394 13.3 Dental materials 395 13.3.1 Cavity fillers 395 13.3.2 Bridges, crowns and dentures 396 13.3.3 Dental implants 397 13.4 The structure of bone and bone fractures 397 13.5 Replacement joints 398 13.5.1 Hip joints 398 13.5.2 Shoulder joints 399 13.5.3 Knee joints 399 13.5.4 Finger joints and hand surgery 399 13.6 Reconstructive surgery 400 13.6.1 Plastic surgery 400 13.6.2 Maxillofacial surgery 401 13.6.3 Ear implants 402 13.7 Biomaterials for heart repair 402 13.7.1 Heart valves 402

13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11

13.7.2 Pacemakers 403 13.7.3 Artificial arteries 403 Tissue repair and growth 403 Other surgical applications 404 Ophthalmics 404 Drug delivery systems 405

14 Materials for sports 406 14.1 The revolution in sports products 406 14.2 The tradition of using wood 406 14.3 Tennis rackets 407 14.3.1 Frames for tennis rackets 407 14.3.2 Strings for tennis rackets 408 14.4 Golf clubs 409 14.4.1 Kinetic aspects of a golf stroke 409 14.4.2 Golf club shafts 410 14.4.3 Wood-type club heads 410 14.4.4 Iron-type club heads 411 14.4.5 Putting heads 411 14.5 Archery bows and arrows 411 14.5.1 The longbow 411 14.5.2 Bow design 411 14.5.3 Arrow design 412 14.6 Bicycles for sport 413 14.6.1 Frame design 413 14.6.2 Joining techniques for metallic frames 414 14.6.3 Frame assembly using epoxy adhesives 414 14.6.4 Composite frames 415 14.6.5 Bicycle wheels 415 14.7 Fencing foils 415 14.8 Materials for snow sports 416 14.8.1 General requirements 416 14.8.2 Snowboarding equipment 416 14.8.3 Skiing equipment 417 14.9 Safety helmets 417 14.9.1 Function and form of safety helmets 417 14.9.2 Mechanical behaviour of foams 418 14.9.3 Mechanical testing of safety helmets 418 Appendices 420 1 SI units 420 2 Conversion factors, constants and physical data 422 Figure references Index 427




It is less than five years since the last edition of Modern Physical Metallurgy was enlarged to include the related subject of Materials Science and Engineering, appearing under the title Metals and Materials: Science, Processes, Applications. In its revised approach, it covered a wider range of metals and alloys and included ceramics and glasses, polymers and composites, modern alloys and surface engineering. Each of these additional subject areas was treated on an individual basis as well as against unifying background theories of structure, kinetics and phase transformations, defects and materials characterization. In the relatively short period of time since that previous edition, there have been notable advances in the materials...

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