Module 1 Studyguide PDF

Title Module 1 Studyguide
Author Christine Miceli
Course Information, People And Technology
Institution The Pennsylvania State University
Pages 9
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in-person course - module 1 summary...


MODULE 1 TEST STUDY GUIDE The quiz will include 30 multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions and it is worth 30 points. All questions will come directly from the material in the Module 1 lecture PPT slides found on Canvas. INFORMATION-PEOPLE-TECHNOLOGY ●

Information systems ○ Technical and social systems working together to support operations, management, and decision making ○ 6 components ■ Hardware (Technical) ■ Software (Technical) ■ Data (Technical) ■ Networks (Technical) ■ People (Social) ■ Processes (Social) Automate vs Inform ○ Information technology and systems help organizations automate and inform ■ Automate ● Using IT to perform repetitive tasks that are predictable and constrained ● Outcomes are known ● Logic of the decision is well understood ● EXAMPLES : machines in factories, self-driving cars, Netflix auto-play, pedometer sensor in fitbit ■ Inform ● Using IT to organize data to improve performance or understanding ● Outcomes are unknown in scope ● Logic of the decisions are unpredictable and varied depending on the context ● EXAMPLES : facebook feed, electronic health record system, canvas learning system, fitbit dashboard Systems thinking ○ It is the process of understanding how components of a system influence and impact one another ○ Believes that individual components are best understood within the context of their relationships of the other components ○ INFLUENCES (inputs that influence) - before ■ Design and functionality of the system ■ Access and use of the system

■ Focus on the development and implementation of the system ○ IMPACTS (outcomes related to) - after ■ Design and functionality of the system ■ Access and use of system ■ Focuses on the current use of the system after implementation. Impacts matrix ○ A tool that helps evaluate or anticipate the impacts that a technology has on society, individuals etc ○ Helps with brainstorming the intended vs unintended and positive vs negative impacts


Binary Number system ○ The most basic language of a computer system (represents all data as a combination of two digits: 0 and 1) ○ Bit = the smallest unit of information a computer can process ○ Byte = consists of 8 bits and represents a single character Circuits ○ 1st generation = vacuum tubes (the first circuits used that could be switched on (1) or off (0), used lots of power, generated lots of heat, and often failed) ○ 2nd generation = early transistors (smaller, consumed less power, faster, and more efficient than tubes, had to be wired together though) ○ 3rd generation = integrated circuit (very compact and can have several billion transistors on one chip, no wires, able to mass produce at low cost) ○ 4th generation = central processing unit or microprocessor (complex integrated circuit that contains processing circuitry that enables it to like a brain of the computer) Central processing unit ○ Executes instructions (software), coordinates how all hardware components work together, and performs arithmetic and logic operations ○ Located on the motherboard ○ AKA microprocessor ○ CPU determines processing speed. The more transistors per chip = the faster the processing speed ○ 2 UNITS ■ Control unit ● Interprets software instructions and tells other hardware devices what to do based on the instructions ■ Arithmetic-Logic Unit ● Performs arithmetic or logic operations (sorting, comparing) Primary Storage ○ RAM : Random Access Material (temporary scratch paper)

■ Read and write ■ Temporary storage ■ Volatile = when you turn off computer, the RAM is erased ■ Stores any information needed to be quickly accessed by the CPU ■ Can be accessed in any order ○ ROM : Read Only Material (really important laminated paper) ■ Read only ■ Permanent storage ■ Non-volatile = when you turn off computer, ROM is not erased ■ Stores only essential programs including instructions to start computer ■ It is sequentially accessed in a specific order Moore’s Law ○ The observation that, over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles approximately every 2 years ■ Transistors are tiny mechanisms on integrated circuits, which make up the CPU of the computer ○ Why Moore’s law is ending ■ Slowing down ○ Future of Moore’s law ■ Use a new material ■ Use another source of energy ■ Add more microchips ■ Quantum computing ■ Neuromorphic computing

SOFTWARE BASICS ● System software ○ Operation system software ■ Runs the computer ■ Written in a programming language ■ Provides information for applications and hardware to work together ■ Maintains the file system and authenticates users ■ Facilitates multitasking (more than one app can run at same time) ■ EXAMPLES : Linux, Mac OSx, Microsoft Windows ○ Utility software ■ Written in a programming language ■ Provides additional functionality to the OS software ● Maintenances and repairs = screensavers, uninstall ● Security = antivirus software, anti-spam software ■ EXAMPLES : Antivirus, Back up, data compression ● Programming language ○ The notation for writing software programs, which are specifications of a computation or algorithm

Compiler ○ A mechanism that translates higher level programming language into machine language (binary code 1,0) Flow charts ○ A type of diagram that represents the logical steps and decisions of an algorithm ○ START ■ Task that triggers algorithm to start ○ PROCESS TALK ■ Written as command ○ DECISION QUESTION ■ Asked to user or system itself; usually yes/no but can include many options ○ REFERENCE ■ References a different system or process; used to break up complex flowcharts ○ END TASK ■ Tasks closes with algorithm The 6 fundamental principles of software programs ○ Efficiency : how are system computing and storage resources used? - less resources, the better ○ Reliability : how often are the results of the software program correct? ○ Robustness : how well does the program anticipate problems such as incorrect data, lost network connection, and user error? ○ Usability : how easy and intuitive is the software program to users? ○ Portability : how does the software program perform on different operating systems, hardware devices, browsers, platforms etc? ○ Maintainability ; how easy is it to fix bugs and security holes, and perform updates for new features

DATABASES ● Data ○ Are discrete and objective numbers, symbols, text, facts or observations which are unorganized and unprocessed. Data does not convey any specific meaning. ● DIKW Hierarchy ○ Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom ■ Data ● Facts, observations, and data points that have no specific meaning ■ Information ● Is data+context ● Answers the who, what, where, when ■ Knowledge ● Is information+meaning

● Answers the why Wisdom ● Knowledge + insight over time ● Provides understanding of specific goal

Databases ○ An organized collection of structured data. It’s organized to provide users with context to support processes and decisions. ○ Benefits of databases ■ Size = can handle large amounts of data and help the user quickly sort through it ■ Ease of updating = allow multiple people to update at the same time and saves data as an audit trail to see a record of updates ■ Accuracy = users can set parameters (requirements/restrictions) to ensure the users can trust the integrity of the data in the database ■ Security = allows users to control which people/roles can view, add, edit, or delete data ■ Redundancy = reduces duplicate data which can cause confusion and lead to mistakes in decision making ■ Importance = ensures that critical data is safely stored and properly backed up to reduce issues with lost data Parameter ○ Formatting requirements and restrictions for a data field. They help ensure accuracy, consistency, and data integrity for that field. Primary Key ○ One data field that acts as a unique identifier for each row/record. It is necessary for storing data in the correct place and communicating tables. (IDS) Schema ○ Important tools to brainstorm your design and communicate your database design to others SQL Code ○ Be able to recognize the basic format/notation for the INSERT INTO and the SELECT FROM WHERE commands

NETWORKS AND THE INTERNET ● Network classifications ○ Peer to peer ■ No centralized authority - all nodes are equal and each node can share resources with other nodes ■ Does not require internet connection (nodes wired together- mouse to computer) but nodes must be turned on to share resources ■ Typically found in homes/small businesses ○ Client-server network ■ Centralized authority - has at least one server that runs the NOS

■ Typically found in enterprise businesses Network Types ○ LAN : local area network ■ Used by multiple individuals in same building ■ College campus, airport, house ○ BAN : body area network ■ A type of LAN composed of a network of sensors won on or implanted in the body ■ The purpose is to collect data about a single person’s biometrics ■ Clinical thermometer, pulse oximeter, heart rate monitor (connected to HUB) ○ WAN : wide area network ■ Area spans multiple locations ranging from a geographically dispersed to the entire globe ■ Connects multiple LANs to a router ■ Officer buildings spread across states Interoperability ○ Means that an IT system can exchange data and work with other IT systems without an restrictions ○ plugs/outlets TCP/IP model ○ Transmission control protocol ■ Facilitates connection, communication and termination of networks ■ Manages the sending and receive of all data packets ○ Internet protocol ■ Responsible for defining the addressing and routing of data so that it can be sent from the source system to the destination system Circuit Switching vs Packet Switching ○ The 2 ways to transmit data over a network ○ Circuit switching ■ Transmission packet remains intact as 1 packet ■ Identify path to transmit packet ■ Path is used by only one packet during transmission (straight, direct line) ■ Dedicated end to end connection (carpool) ○ Packet switching ■ Transmission is broken into separate packets at the source ■ Packets transmitted independently through network ■ Packets are reassembled at final destination (multiple cars) ARPAnet ○ A network of computers that could allow members of the government to talk to each other even if the phone systems went down World Wide Web ○ Created by Tom Berners-Lee

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Internet of computers that moved from sending a file to one-to-one, to sending files many-to-many Details about who created it and what it is

DIGITAL IDENTITY ● Digital identity ○ The information that is uniquely describes a person, including that person’s access rights and abilities in an IT system ○ Includes the digital social identity, which is developed based on activities, relationships, and other data collected about the user in connected devices. ● Authentication ○ Mechanism for digital identity ○ Verifies a factor or factors to confirm the identity of one entity to another ■ Knowledge factor: information the user knows (passwords) ■ Possession Factor: physical thing that the user has (ID card) ■ Inherence factor: an inherent part of who the user is (signature, fingerprint scan) ○ 2 factor authentication (F2A) ■ Authentication that requires the user to have 2 out of the 3 authentication factors to access and IT system (atm card and password) ○ EX : username and password, swipe card, fingerprint ● Authorization ○ Mechanism for digital identity ○ Controls the access to specific resources or the ability to perform activities for an authenticated user ○ RBAC : role based access control ■ Most common type of authorization ■ Allows system administrators to set up roles (view, edit, delete) ○ EX : nurse is able to view patient records but because she isn’t doctor, she cannot order meds ● The Quantified Self (QS) ○ Is the socio-technical movement enabling people to use technology to acquire data on aspects of that person’s daily life ○ Term first used by Gary Wolf and Kevin Kelly in 2007

INTERNET OF THINGS ● Internet of things ○ It’s the connection of uniquely identifiable devices attached to a network to collect and exchange data using nodes, sensors, or controllers. ○ It helps gather data, automates tasks, and make more informed decisions. ■ Nodes: a programmable platform (hardware or software) that allows the user to perform tasks. They are usually the primary device in an IoT.

● smartphones/apps, fitness wearables Sensors: they are devices that detect or measure a physical property and then records, indicates, or responds to it. They are commonly embedded in the IoT devices to automate the process of collecting data. ● Includes pedometers, thermometers, GPS, etc Controllers: they are machine-to-machine devices that communicate without any human involvement. They are commonly used in IoT devices to automate tasks. ● They include examples like a smart garbage can that can detect if the can is full, and then send a signal to the garbage truck to come empty it.

OODA Loop ○ Know the four parts and what they mean ■ Observe: collect data via sensors or input devices ■ Orient: calculate or analyze data ■ Decide: make a decision based on data and analysis ■ Act; perform an action based on the decision ○ Understand the example ■ A smart thermostat observes the ambient temp (74 degrees). The current tempt is compared to desired temp by the user (70 degrees). The thermostat decides to turn on air conditioner to reduce temp to the desired temp. The thermostat then actually turns on air conditioner ● IoT Benefits/Pros ○ From the prep work and David Rose interview (as summarized on slides) ■ Seamlessly integrated into our environments and embedded into everyday gestures to make them more user friendly and decrease visible clutter ■ Help remind us to do activities that are good for our health (take meds) ■ Increase our own awareness of our habits or our loved ones habits o that we can make improvements ■ Hold us accountable to our goals and involves others in the process (tweeting scale) ● IoT Concerns/Cons ○ From the prep work and David Rose interview (as summarized on slides) ■ Could make computers too smart and negatively impact us ■ Could become nagging or critical to the point that we ignore them ■ Could lead to us losing our own ability to be functional ■ Raise concerns about who has access to your data (social media companies) ■ Could lead to others being “in our business” and knowing too much ________________________________________________________________________ Jeopardy Questions

1) Information systems include both _____ and social systems designed to support operations, management, - Technical 2) Information systems help organizations do 2 things: automate and - Inform 3) Provide an ex of an info system which primary use is to inform users - Self-driving car 4) The smallest unit of info that a computer can process is __ and 8 of these are called a - Bit and byte 5) Which type of primary storage is temporary and volatile - RAM 6) What is an example of a utility software program - Antivirus, screensaver, backup...

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