Module 2 - Concepts In Artificial Intelligence Concepts In Artificial Intelligence PDF

Title Module 2 - Concepts In Artificial Intelligence Concepts In Artificial Intelligence
Author Puneet Aggarwal
Course Concepts In Artificial Intelligence
Institution Torrens University Australia
Pages 6
File Size 373.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Concepts In Artificial Intelligence
Concepts In Artificial Intelligence...



Laureate International Universities


Developing use cases

Introduction: Module 2.2 is very practical module where it will teach you how to analyse user requirements using UML. You will learn the two most common approaches to model user requirements – the use case and user story approach. Note that the former is called “use” case rather than user case. Agile methodology prefers user story approach over use case, whereas a more traditional waterfall approach favour use case approach. Compare to use case, user story is a much simpler approach. This module will primarily focus on teaching use case approach.



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A use case is a scenario that describes the use of a system by an actor to accomplish a specic goal. A use case has three components: a use case title, an actor, and usage scenario. A use case title summarises the use case using as fewer words as possible. An actor is a user playing a role with respect to the system. Please note that an actor may not necessarily be human. A usage scenario is a sequence of steps that describe the interactions between an actor and the system. The use case model consists of the collection of all actors and all use cases. Another layer of complexity is added to a use case model because use cases have relationships between them. You will examine two basic relationships:

is used to extend the base use case and it is a must condition. Included use case must run successfully to complete base use case. For example, “Verify Sucient Funds” include use case must run before completing “Make Payment” base use case.

on the other hand is optional use case which extends the base use case, base use case can run successfully even without invoking/calling the extending use case. For example, “Set Up Prole” base case can run successfully without executing “Go to Prole Help” extended use case. You will also learn how to write a use case specication. Conditions that must be satised prior to the use case is called precondition and the ones post the actors’ interaction with the system are called post-condition. These two provides a validation mechanism for the implementation of a use case.

Essential Resources:

Read Chapter 4 Requirement Gathering (pp. 76-78). You are required to read all the content under the Recording Requirements section excluding the Prototypes subsection. This three-page reading provides a very brief and high-level introduction



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to three concepts: UML, User Stories and Use Cases. It is a very good reading that will help you to form a basic understanding of these concepts. You will read more extensively about these three concepts in other Essential Resources. Stephens, R. (2015). Beginning software engineering . Indianapolis, USA: John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from docID=1895174

This video discusses some basic element of a use case, viz. the title of a case use, actor or actors, success scenario. It also briey mentions a few additional details of a use case. Stone, B., & Stone, O. C. (2018, November 27). Use Cases [Video le]. Retrieved from

This video focuses on identifying the actors. By the end of this video, you should be able to answer the following questions: Why they are called actors rather than uses? Do all the actors of a system have to be humans? Who are primary actors and secondary actors? Is there a hierarchy of actors? Stone, B., & Stone, O. C. (2018, November 27). Identifying the actors [Video le]. Retrieved from



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This video talks about scenarios. By the end of this video, make sure you understand: How detail the scenarios should be? What is a successful scenario? Stone, B., & Stone, O. C. (2018, November 27). Identifying the

scenarios [Video le]. Retrieved from

This video in less than 4 minutes presents a brief discussion about use case diagrams. View this video and make sure you understand: How to represent a use case? How to draw an actor? How to dene the boundary of a system? How to indicate that an actor interacts with a use case? Are the links directional? Stone, B., & Stone, O. C. (2018, November 27). Diagramming use

cases [Video le]. Retrieved from

This video talks about an alternative way to describe user application, that is, user stories. You should learn the “As a…I want…so that…” pattern to describe a user story. You also need to understand the dierences between user stories and use cases. Are they a replacement of one another? Stone, B., & Stone, O. C. (2018, November 27). User stories [Video le]. Retrieved from



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Please visit this website to sign-up for a free single user Lucidchart account. This website also contains a resource centre which contains Lucidchart use cases, ready-made templates, diagram types and integration options. Lucidchart (2019). Retrieved from

Additional Learning Resources: If you would like to learn more about the topics covered in this module here are some additional resources. These resources will contribute to further developing your understand the topics covered. These resources are not essential to complete this module or the assessments associated with this subject.

Please watch this video tutorial on UML Use Case Diagrams. This tutorial explains the four main components of Use Case Diagram: systems, actors, use cases and relationships. Lucidchart. (2018, Feb 7). UML Use Case Diagram Tutorial [Video le]. Retrieved from

You do NOT need to read this document from cover to cover, but rather keep it as a reference. This document is the latest UML specication. You will need to use this document as a syntax reference from this Module. Object Management Group. (2017, December). OMG Unied

Modelling Language (OMG UML) . Retrieved from



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Learning Activity:

Please click the link below to complete the Module 2 Knowledge check. You can attempt this as many times as you like.

The Learning activities above are not part of summative/graded assessment; however they are designed to prepare you for incremental graded assessment and expand your learning. These activities encourage a community learning experience between peers, and provide opportunities for facilitators to oer formative feedback, throughout a module, to the student cohort.


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