Module 4 - Guidance and Counseling - Scope, Functions and Principles PDF

Title Module 4 - Guidance and Counseling - Scope, Functions and Principles
Course Intro to Guidance and Counseling
Institution Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University
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Introduction to Guidance and Counseling

Module 4 “Guidance and Counseling: Scope, Functions, and Principles”


DON HONORIO VENTURA STATE UNIVERSITY Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor 2001, Pampanga, Philippines Tel. No. (6345) 458 0021; Fax (6345) 458 0021 Local 211 URL:


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Module 4: Guidance and Counseling: Scope, Functions, and Principles Description This module explains the scope, functions, and principles that govern the process of guidance and counseling. It also explores the role of a guidance counselor in the student’s discipline.

Objectives After completing the module, the students are expected to: ▪ Identify the scope, functions, and principles of guidance and counseling ▪ Describe the role of guidance in discipline ▪ Apply the principles and functions of guidance and counseling

Duration: Start: 3rd Week /October, 2020 End: 3rd Week / October, 2020

Course Content ❖ Implications of Areas of Guidance in Global Context The student’s life is getting complex day by day. Students in the twenty-first century have faced many perplex and difficult situations i.e. to make wise curricular and other curricular choices, to acquire basic study skills for optimum achievement, adjustment with peers, etc. In its beginning guidance was concentrated on problems relating to vocations. It was largely concerned with getting jobs for young people. Now guidance has gone for beyond this. It is now concerned with the entire individual in all aspects. The areas of guidance are very vast. The following are some of the important areas of guidance. 1.


Students face many personal problems related to themselves, their parents and family, friends and teachers, etc. They often have memories related to home or family which creates feelings of disappointment in them. If their parents are expecting too much of them it leaves them with a feeling of incompetence and insecurity leading to poor self-concept and self-esteem. The objectives of personal guidance are to help the individual in his/her physical, emotional, social, rural, and spiritual development. The aims and objectives of personal guidance are: ● To assist the individual in understanding himself/herself. 2 | Page

DON HONORIO VENTURA STATE UNIVERSITY Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor 2001, Pampanga, Philippines Tel. No. (6345) 458 0021; Fax (6345) 458 0021 Local 211 URL:


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● To assist the individual involving the personal problems. ● To assist the individual in making independent decisions and judgment. ● To assist the individual to view the world and the social environment in the right perspective. ● To assist the individual in making sound adjustments to different problems confronted in life. Personal guidance is necessary at all stages of life. At the elementary school, stage opportunities should be given to students for their self-expression. Personal guidance at this stage deals with the problems related to the feeling of insecurity, social acceptance, discipline, etc. At the secondary stage, the students have more intricate personal problems. During the secondary stage adolescent students due to peculiar physical, emotional, and social developments undergo noticeable changes in their attitude and behavior. Personal guidance at this stage should therefore focus on personal and social adjustment. Personal guidance at the tertiary stage aims at helping them view life concerning reality. The scope of personal guidance at this stage is very wider. 2.

Educational Guidance

If one closely examines the problems of young pupils in schools and colleges, one would exactly realize the need for educational guidance. Educational problems head the needs of student’s problems. So education is an important guidance area. Educational guidance is related to every aspect of education school/colleges, the curriculum, the methods of instruction, other curricular activities, disciplines, etc. Educational guidance is the assistance given to the individual; (i) to understand his/her potentialities, (ii) have a clear cut idea of the different educational opportunities and their requirements, and (iii) to make wise choices as regards school, colleges, the course: curricular and extracurricular. Some of the aims and objectives of educational guidance are: ● To assist the pupil to understand him/herself ● To understand his/her potentialities, strength, and limitation. ● To help the child make educational plans consistent with his/her abilities, interests, and goals. ● To enable the student to know detail about the subject and courses offered. ● To assist the student in making satisfactory progress in various school/ college subjects. ● To help the child to adjust to the schools, its rules, regulations, social life connected with it. ● To help the child in developing good study habits. ● To help the child to participate in out-of-class educational activities in which he can develop, leadership skills, and other social qualities. At the elementary stage guidance program must help the children to make good beginnings, to plan intelligently, to get the best out of their education, and prepare them for secondary schools. Educational guidance needs to be used in diagnosing difficulties, in identifying the special needs of children. 3 | Page

DON HONORIO VENTURA STATE UNIVERSITY Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor 2001, Pampanga, Philippines Tel. No. (6345) 458 0021; Fax (6345) 458 0021 Local 211 URL:


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At the secondary stage, educational guidance should help the pupils to understand themselves better, to understand different aspects of the school, to select appropriate courses to get information about different educational opportunities, to develop good study habits. The students should be helped to be acquainted with the vocational implications of various school subjects. Educational guidance at the tertiary stages must orient students about the purpose and scope of higher studies and helps them to stimulate their studies. Each college/ university must have a guidance unit with the due provision of guidance services. 3.

Vocational Guidance

You know that “bread and butter aims “is one of the main aims of education. Due to advancements in science and technology and consequent changes in industry and occupations have been emerged. There are thousands of specialized jobs/ occupations. In this context, there is a great need for vocational guidance. Vocational guidance is a process of assisting the individual to choose an occupation, prepare for it, enter upon it, and progress in it. It is concerned primarily with helping individuals make decisions and choices involved in planning a future and building a career. The purpose behind assisting the youth to choose, prepare, enter, and progress in a vocation is the optimum growth of the individual. Some of the aims and objectives of vocational guidance are: ● Assisting pupils to discover his/her abilities and skills to fit them into the general requirements of the occupation under consideration. ● Helping the individual to develop an attitude towards work that will dignify whatever type of occupation s/he may wish to enter. ● Assisting the individual to think critically about various types of occupations and to learn a technique for analyzing information about vocations. ● Assisting pupils to secure relevant information about the facilities offered by various educational institutions engaging in vocational training. At the elementary stage, although no formal guidance programs are needed, the orientation to a vocation can be initiated at this stage. At this stage some qualities and skills which have grater vocational significance viz. love and respect for manual work (ii) training in the use of hands (iii) spirit of cooperative work (iii) sharing (vi) appreciation for all works (vii) good interpersonal relationship are to be developed. At the secondary stage, vocational guidance should help the students to know themselves, to know the world of work, to develop employment readiness to develop decision-making rules. At the higher education stages, it should be a more formal one. The objectives of guidance at this stage are to help the students to get information about different careers, training facilities, apprenticeship, etc.


Avocational Guidance

The individual student spends only a small portion of his time i.e. 4 to 6 hours per day in school. The rest of the time needs to be effectively managed and utilized by the child for his/her progress and 4 | Page

DON HONORIO VENTURA STATE UNIVERSITY Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor 2001, Pampanga, Philippines Tel. No. (6345) 458 0021; Fax (6345) 458 0021 Local 211 URL:


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development. Avocational guidance helps the child to judiciously utilize leisure time. The other cocurricular activities play an important role in the all-round development of the child. But many parents, teachers, and children put secondary importance to these activities. The students need to be properly guided for effective participation in varied types of avocational pursuits so that they can shape their interpersonal behavior in a desirable direction and widen their outlook. 5.

Social Guidance

We are social animals. But social relationships constitute a problem area for most of the students. School/educational institution is a miniature society and pupil from different socioeconomic status, linguistic and socio-cultural background read there. Students sometimes may face problems in adjustment and social relationships. The students must be helped in acquiring the feeling of security and being accepted by the group in developing social relationships and in becoming tolerant towards others. This is the task of social guidance. Formally social guidance can be given by educational institutions whereas informal guidance may be provided by Family, religious institutions, Media, etc. 6.

Moral Guidance

Moral values occupy an important place in our life. Sometimes due to the influence of diverse factors students tell lies and indulge in undesirable practices. Moral guidance helps in bringing these students on to the proper track and help in their all-round development. 7.

Health Guidance

Health is regarded as wealth. Total health i.e. preventive and curative is the goal of health guidance. The health guidance may be a cooperative effort of Principal, Doctors, Counsellor/Psychologist, Teachers, Students, and parents. For promoting preventive care the conditions of the school hostel, canteen needs to be checked. Similarly, health education through formal classes and information is essential in school education stages. In the present day, the concern of health guidance also pertains to the guidance in HIV/AIDs and Mental Health concerns because of the global impact of Covid -19. 8.

Leisure – Time guidance

Guidance for leisure is a part of personal guidance. The individual should know how to utilize his/her leisure time fruitfully. Leisure generally refers to the free time a person at his disposal. Leisure in modern times is available to those who are technically trained and efficient. But, unfortunately, most of us do not know how to utilize leisure time. That is why guidance for leisure is necessary. Leisure can be fruitfully utilized for two purposes. First of all, Leisure provides us time for personal development. One can increase his efficiency by utilizing his leisure time. The second use of leisure is that it helps the individual to be more productive by getting the necessary rest and recreation. It has also been suggested that individuals should spend their leisure time on social welfare activities. For professional growth are must take an active interest in the professional society of his profession. Thus it is quite evident that guidance for leisure is extremely important in modern society because it helps the individual to attain efficiency and become a useful member of society. Therefore, it has been suggested that in the school curriculum there should be provision for teaching about various leisure time activities so that children will able to know about them. 5 | Page

DON HONORIO VENTURA STATE UNIVERSITY Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor 2001, Pampanga, Philippines Tel. No. (6345) 458 0021; Fax (6345) 458 0021 Local 211 URL:


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❖ Function of Guidance Under RA 9258 Sec. 3(a) Guidance and Counseling function includes counseling, psychological testing, (as to personality, career, interest, study orientation, mental ability and aptitude), research, placement, group process, teaching and practicing of guidance and counseling subjects, particularly subjects given in the licensure examinations, and other human development services. On the other hand, Ravi (2006) stated the functions of guidance as: 1. Adjustment The adjustive function of guidance means it helps the students in making the appropriate adjustment to the current situation, maybe in the educational institution, occupational world, in the home, or the community. 2. Orientation To adjust to the different situations either by selecting choices or solving problems one musthave detailed information about the same. This is possible through proper guidance. Guidance orients one about the problem of career planning, educational programming, and direction towards long-term personal aims and values. 3. Development The oriental function of guidance not only helps one to get rid of problems but helps to check it. It contributes to the self- development and self-realization. It is also an instrument of social and national development.

Basic Principles of Guidance Shertzer and Stone (1981) identified the basic principles of guidance as follows: 1. Guidance is concerned with the systematic personal development of the individual in the areas of academic, social, and personal adjustment. 2. The primary mode by which guidance is conducted lies in the individual behavioral process. 3. Guidance is oriented toward cooperation, not compulsion. It depends on releasing the internal motivation, and/or willingness to change, rather than on external coercion or threat. 4. Humans have the capacity for self-development. Guidance is based on the belief that human beings are basically, self-determining creatures. Each one has an innate desire for selfdirection towards independence and autonomy. Man can control his destiny and be fully responsible for his actions. 5. Guidance is based upon recognizing the dignity and worth of individuals as well as their right to choose. This is based on the premise that every individual is important and has dignity. Human beings are equal and have the right to exercise their freedom. Therefore the counselor should regard each client on their merit and not compare or contrast him with other people. 6. Guidance is a lifelong process. It is a continuous, sequential, and educational process. This process begins at home, continues to the school, and into society in those sequences. For this reason, there is a need for parents, teachers, and the community to be in harmony and cooperate so that the individual is guided to acquire the right behavior and values. Guidance: It’s relation to Discipline 6 | Page

DON HONORIO VENTURA STATE UNIVERSITY Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor 2001, Pampanga, Philippines Tel. No. (6345) 458 0021; Fax (6345) 458 0021 Local 211 URL:


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According Shrivastava, discipline has two different but related meanings. First, discipline is a planned series of activities or exercises considered necessary for the attainment of a certain goal. An example is the training of an athlete for a race or for some other athletic contest. This meaning would include the development of regular exercise, eating, and sleeping habits as well as certain restrictions Second, discipline means punishment for conduct that is considered undesirable. Failure to achieve a required standard in school, for example, may result in punishment or 'discipline.' The punishment may also be the natural result of undesirable conduct such as the "morning after" a 'binge' or failure in a contest because of breaking training. Guidance helps set the goal and develop a programme of activities leading to it. It also encourages and motivates the individual to keep at the activities and exercises that are essential in attaining the desired end. In addition, Baker defined discipline as the “training to act in accordance with rules. Guidance on the other hand focuses on agreements. Agreements are in place to provide a baseline from which actions are influenced. ❖ How is guidance related to discipline? Both are opportunities for adults to socialize children to the ways of culture, to guide them to try different strategies of relating and getting their needs met. Note: Socialize – able to live in one’s society and culture Role of the Counselor in Discipline Authorities in the field of guidance agree that counsellors should not be charged with the responsibility for the administration of punishment. The reason for this is that, by so doing, it is difficult or sometimes impossible for the counsellor to establish and maintain the rapport that is so essential for counselling and guidance On the other hand, the counsellor can often help the guilty student to realise and frankly confess that his act was undesirable and to accept his punishment as well deserved. Thus it can be seen that the counsellor may have a definite responsibility in cases of discipline and may be able to make a real contribution to the student and to the school by helping the student to understand and modify his antisocial behaviour (Shrivastava, 2003).

References: 7 | Page

DON HONORIO VENTURA STATE UNIVERSITY Cabambangan, Villa de Bacolor 2001, Pampanga, Philippines Tel. No. (6345) 458 0021; Fax (6345) 458 0021 Local 211 URL:


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E-Mail Address: [email protected]

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Printed Materials: 1. Ambida-Cinco, L. (2008). Guidance and Counseling in Schools. National Bookstore Mandaluyong City. 2. Mendoza-Decal, E. (2003). Guidance and Counseling Today. Rex Printing Company Inc., Sta Mesa, Quezon City Online Re...

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