MOOC3 - Grade: 7.0 - coursera exercise PDF

Title MOOC3 - Grade: 7.0 - coursera exercise
Author Nguyen Minh Tuan QP2069
Course Science Project
Institution Trường Cao đẳng Thực hành FPT
Pages 2
File Size 38.5 KB
File Type PDF
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It's about the essay for mooc3 ssl101c- coursera with deadline 22/2 and you can take it as your reference documents...


To give an overall comment about the text I have chosen that is named “Squatting is not the answer”, I would like to say that it is a consistent document due to a lot of strong evidence and arguments. To be honest, the premises and conclusions that the arguer uses are really good with a comprehensive relation between them. It has shown through several pieces of evidence here. First of all, the text shows the first evaluation about the squatting problem in some Western countries such as the United Kingdom or Netherlands is literally underestimated over the years, although it is an on-going problem. Mostly because of the leninece and the tolerance of a few legislatures. Moreover, they consider squatting as a contemporary solution for the homeless. At first, it could be a little bit awkward and odd when it comes to humanity in the first paragraph because the homeless actually need somewhere to rest and squatting is their final way to survive. And the author of is the opposition to squatting. However, the author has made it clear in the next paragraph. But before analyzing that aspect, I would mention more about the first argument of this text. The author has said that squatting is just such a desecration due to the injustice of the situation. The one who does squatting is supposed to be a disrespectful person because of the disobedience of the social etiquette rules. This is considered as a very sharp argument that the author has given out. However, I still believe that when people are in the worst situation and they feel so impotent, therefore, they would do anything just to survive regardless of any cost. Continuously, the second argument is such a good one in my opinion. I really agree with the author that as ordinary citizens we should protect the properties without any doubt because even if those properties are not in our ownership, we still have to care about them for the whole of the society. In some perspectives, squatting is so familiar to some illegal behaviors like thieving. Sometimes, they are quite stubborn and we find it so difficult to evict them. So, from the point of view of those people who have experienced this, I totally agree with the author on the disrespectful consequence came from squatting. Lastly, the final argument has a small weak point that I will point out here. The author of the text has said that squatting is not contributed by the homeless but by the hooligans such as punks and beatniks and I suppose that the author just does not want these kinds of people to behave improperly. But what about the genuinely homeless who really need somewhere to rest but struggling with looking up for accommodation. These kinds of people rarely damage or do something like that to the facility so we should sympathize with those poor people and find some solution to help them. Brilliantly, this text has also brought out a viable solution in the last paragraph. I highly recommend this solution to be brought into activity. The author has also shown some realistic evidence about this

solution in person. Finally, one can conclude that this text manages all aspects of cohesion well while sequences information and ideas logically and clearly with convincing evidence throughout the whole text....

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