Moral panic- Theories and Examples PDF

Title Moral panic- Theories and Examples
Course Media, crime and society
Institution University of Northampton
Pages 2
File Size 46.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Detailed lecture notes on theories around moral panics includes examples of moral panics and the effects of these moral panics, lecture held by Urzula...


Sat ur day ,1Mayy

Medi a,cr i meandSoci ol ogy Moral panic: Theories and Examples CRI MEANDTHEMEDI A

-peopl ehav ebot haf earofc r i meandaf as c i nat i onwi t hi tal s o -medi as ens i t i sesi s suesandhel pst odefi necr i me. •medi apl ay sacr uci alr ol ei nt hes ens i t i si ngt hepubl i ci nt oper c ei v i ngandr epor t i ng c er t ai nact sasc r i mes •Soci alc ons t r uct i onofc r i me/ t henews

•E. g.Medi aat t ent i onandz er ot ol er anc ec ampai gnshav ec hal l engedt hei dea t hatdomest i cvi ol encei snota‘ f ami l ymat t er ’ ,butac r i me -Medi ac anbot hampl i f ydev i anceandcr eat epani c s -Devi anc yampl i fic at i on&mor al pani cs DEVI ANCYAMPLI FI CATI ON

-Lesl i eWi l ki ns( 1964) -descr i beshowagenc i esl i k et hepol i ceandmedi acangener at eani ncr eas ei ndev i ance -Mi nor&r ar epr obl emscanl ooks er i ous&c ommonpl ac e -Peopl ebec omemot i v at edt ok eepi nf or medonev ent s MORALPANI C

-St anl eyCohen( 19422013) -Basedonf al s eorex agger at edi deaofs omegr oupsbehavi ourasdevi antandamenacet os oc i et y -‘ f ol kdevi l ’ -mor al pani c s=f uel l edbymedi acov er ageofs oc i al i ss ue -MODSANDROCKERS-1960’ S,EASTERWEEKEND,CLACTON -medi adev el opedt hes egr oupsi nt of ol kdev i l sandcr eat edmor al pani cabouty oung peopl ei ngener al -yout hc ul t ur e=postwor l dwar ,c r i mi nal i t y .

•MODSANDROCKERS •Themedi aus eds y mbol i cs hor t handss uc hashai r st y l es ,i t emsofc l ot hi ng, modesoft r ans por t ,asi consoft r oubl emak er s

-JOCKYOUNG: - TheDr ugt aker s -expl or edt hemor al pani ct hatdev el opedar oundt hedr uguseofhi ppi esi nt he mi dl at e 60s -Heexami nedt hes oci alr eact i on,i npar t i c ul art hepol i c e,i nNot t i ngHi l l -Devi ancyAmpl i ficat i on

-I nt ens i v epol i c eact i oni nc r eas est hec ohesi onandor gani s at i onoft hedr ugus i ngc ommuni t y 1

Sat ur day ,1Mayy

•dr uguser suni t eati nj ust i c eofhowt hei rbehav i ouri st r eat edbyt hepol i c eandf ur t herpor t r ay edbyt hemedi a -Pol i c eact i onsmak euser ssegr egat et hems el v esf r om nonus er s ,c r eat i ngagr oupor di ffer encesandpar toft hei ri dent i t y -mor eus erac cept sdevi anti dent i t y ,becomemor eofanor m -asdevi antbehavi ourbecomesmor ees t abl i s hed,pol i cer eac t i oni nc r eas ed -dr ugusebec omesactofr ebel l i on -i nc r easeandmor es ev er epol i c eact i onsl eadst opr i cei nc r eas es ,pr ofit smadef r om s el l i ngi nc r eas es ,pr of es s i onal semer ge,l eadst ohar derdr ugsbei ngs ol d

-Mor al pani c sc anbes eenasc i r cul ar . MEDI AAS‘ MORALCRUSADERS’

-t hemedi ahav epl ay edapar ti nc ons t r uct i ngamor alpani c -mayt henembar konamor al cr usadeagai nstf ol kdev i l s -mor al c l ampdownofdevi ant s -mor al c r usader s,i ncl udej our nal i s t s ,newspaperedi t or s,pol i c e,pr es s ur egr oups -eg‘ nameands hame’c ampai gn ofpedophi l es . -mor al ent r epr eneur s :mot her sagai nstdr unkdr i vi ng mor al pani c sc anbes eenasi deol ogi calc ont r ol-Mi l l erandRei l l y( 1994) s of t ensuppubl i copi ni on


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