Mosaic 4 extra practice grammar and vocabulary unit 1 PDF

Title Mosaic 4 extra practice grammar and vocabulary unit 1
Course Inglés
Institution Instituto de Educación Secundaria Santamarca
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ejercicios de repaso del libro de inglés Mosaic 4. Son de la unit 1, de distintos niveles según el número de estrellas (1 estrella más sencillos, 2 estrellas nivel intermedio, 3 estrellas los más difíciles)....


Grammar Unit 1 1 Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F. Then correct the false sentences. 1 We use used to for a past habit or state. __ ____________________________________ 2 We use the past continuous for a completed action in the past. __ ____________________________________ 3 We use used to for an action that was interrupted by another action. __ ____________________________________ 4 We use the past continuous for an action that happened immediately after another action. __ ____________________________________ 5 We often use while before the past continuous. __ ____________________________________ 2 Complete the text using the past simple, the past continuous, used to and suitable words associated with these tenses. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer. When Callum was young, his dad (1) __________ (take) him camping in the New Forest National Park in southern England every summer. While they were there, they (2) __________ (fish) and hike. When Callum got older, they stopped going. (3) __________ Callum was eighteen, he went camping there again with his friend Rick. When they arrived at the park the sun (4) __________ (shine) – it was a beautiful day. (5) __________ Callum (6) __________ (take) their things out of the car, Rick (7) __________ (go) to explore the woods. When Callum heard Rick shouting, he knew that something was wrong. (8) __________ Callum was running to see what the matter was, Rick (9) __________ (start) laughing. When Callum got to where Rick was, he (10) __________ (realize) why. Under a tree was a long branch. It looked like a huge scary snake, but it was only a piece of wood! (11) __________ the two friends (12) __________ (walk) back to the car, they laughed about Rick’s first encounter with the local ‘wildlife’. 3 Complete the rules with one word. We use the present perfect continuous to focus on an action which is (1) un________. We use the present perfect (2) ________ to focus on the present result of an action which is (3) f________. We use (4) _______ to talk about how long something has lasted and (5) ________ to talk about when something started.


4 Look at the table. Write questions and answers using the correct form of the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous. Name How long? How many? climb three You climb mountains mountains 2013 (1) Allison play tennis play fifty matches two years (2) Jon paint pictures paint five pictures 2010 (3) Aisha and help animals help lots of Noah six months animals How long have you been climbing mountains? I’ve been climbing mountains since 2013. How many mountains have you climbed? I’ve climbed three mountains. 1 ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 2 ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 3 ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 5 Underline the mistakes in the sentences. Then correct them. One of the sentences is correct. 1 My friends have ever complained about me. _______________________________________ 2 Sean hasn’t decided where he will go to university already. _______________________________________ 3 We still haven’t seen any black bears! _______________________________________ 4 Have you still been to America? _______________________________________ 5 My parents phoned me – they have never bought a new car! _______________________________________ 6 Anna has done her homework ever and it’s only four o’clock! _______________________________________ 7 They’ve yet launched their new website. It’s online from today. _______________________________________ 8 Sarah has ever been to Thailand but she wants to go. _______________________________________


Vocabulary Unit 1 1 Read the situations. Write an adjective to describe the people. 1 Steve is not a nice person. He’s got several dogs, but he doesn’t treat them well. Sometimes he throws things at them. He’s a c______ man. 2 James always does what he says he will do. If he says he will help a friend fix his bicycle on Tuesday, he’ll do it. If he says he’ll help him fix it at four o’clock, he will be at his friend’s house at four o’clock. James is a very d________ person. 3 Sophia has never told a lie in her life. Sometimes her friends tell their parents that they were studying for hours, but they weren’t, they were surfing the internet. Sophia has never done that. She is a very t________ person. 4 Kyle loves people! He’s crazy about going to parties and he loves hanging out with his friends at weekends. He is a fun person who tells lots of funny stories to make people laugh. He’s a very o________ person. 5 Nicole is a nurse in a big city hospital. She is very responsible and really cares about the people who need her help. Sometimes she works ten hours a day and she has often worked six days a week. Nicole is very d_________ to her job.

3 Match the words 1–7 to their definitions A–G. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

bully __ founder __ star __ victim __ shade __ National Park __ habitat __

A an area that is dark and cool because the sun isn’t shining directly on it B somebody who starts something like a charity or an organization C the place where plants and animals grow or live D somebody who is famous or very good at doing something E an area of countryside protected by the state for the general public to use and enjoy F somebody who frightens, intimidates or hurts somebody who is weaker than they are G a person who has been attacked, hurt or killed by someone or something 4 Complete the text with the correct form of used to, be used to or get used to and the verbs. clean cook do

2 Complete the sentences with make or get. Then choose the correct definition. 1 When you ____ a difference, you a bring positive change to a bad situation. b cause damage to something. 2 When you ____ a decision to do something, you a can’t decide what you are going to do. b know what you are going to do. 3 When you ____ permission to do something, a you can do it. b you shouldn’t do it. 4 When you ____ involved in something, you a spend time doing it. b stop doing it. 5 When you ____ an impression on someone, a they will probably not remember your name. b they will probably remember who you are. 6 When you ____ the feeling about something, a you have an impression that something is the case but you’re not totally sure. b you’re totally sure that something is the case.


Hi Vicky, How are you? Have you been doing anything interesting recently? Did you know that my sister, Heidi, moved out of our house? She’s got her own flat now. As you know, Mum (1) ____ all her meals for her, so she wasn’t (2) ____ that for herself – I think she eats in restaurants a lot these days! She hasn’t been living in her flat for very long, but I think she (3) ____ it and keeping it tidy. Why don’t we go and visit her next week? Maddy x 5 Complete the dialogues with one word. 1 A Hi. Could you explain _______ helping with the community project involves? B Have a ________ on our website to ________ what it’s all ________. 2 A Hello. I’d like some information ________ the charity. B Sure. ________ you like me to ________ you ________ it works? A Yes, please! Good ________!


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