MSP100 UILG S1 2020 - Unit Guide PDF

Title MSP100 UILG S1 2020 - Unit Guide
Course Career Learning: Managing Your Career
Institution Murdoch University
Pages 20
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Unit Guide...


MSP100 Career Learning: Managing Your Career

Unit Information and Learning Guide

Semester 1 2020

This information should be read in conjunction with the online learning materials which can be found on your MyUnits page.

Unit Coordinator Dr Ellen Greenham PVC Education Portfolio [email protected]

© Published by Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, 2020.

This publication is copyright. Except as permitted by the Copyright Act no part of it may in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any other means be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be broadcast or transmitted without the prior written permission of the publisher. This unit was originally written by Dr Rebecca Bennett, Semester 1 2018. Revised by Dr Ellen Greenham, Semester 2 2018; Semester 1 2019; Semester 2 2019. Major review of unit by Dr Ellen Greenham, Dr Sarah Courtis, and Ms Jane Foster, January 2020.


Murdoch University

Contents Information about the unit


Contact details


How to study this unit


Resources for the unit


Unit Structure


Industry Expert Panel




1. Patchwork text 2. Digital profile 3. Concept map

13 15 16

Assessment preparation and submission




Determination of final grade


Murdoch University


Information about the unit Welcome to: MSP100 Career Learning: Managing Your Career, a unit within the Career Learning Spine.

Unit description This unit assists students to clarify their career aspirations and goals and supports them in planning the development of skills they will need for future career success. Students will complete a series of four online modules. Through the unit, students will undertake selfassessment activities, create a future career development plan and learn to use tools which will help them to showcase their capabilities through an online career learning e-Portfolio.

Aims of the unit The key aims of this unit are: 1. To introduce students to career learning for the purpose of exploring and clarifying career aspirations 2. To support students in considering and commencing career management 3. To facilitate students’ capability for career enhancement through enterprise skills development.

Learning outcomes for the unit On successful completion of the unit you should be able to: 1. Identify and differentiate between your career aspirations and goals 2. Apply your understanding of career planning and management 3. Demonstrate the relevance of digital identity and networking in the context of your future career 4. Develop and mobilise a career plan.

Graduate attributes developed in the unit This unit will contribute to the development of the following Graduate Attributes: Communication Critical and creative thinking Independent and lifelong learning Global perspective Interdisciplinarity.


Murdoch University

What you need to know Generic information that students need to know is available at the ‘What you need to know’ web page. The information includes: • A link to the Student Code of Conduct • Links to the Assessment Policy • Discussion of academic misconduct and how to avoid it • Links to information about: examinations; non-discriminatory language; copyright; student appeals; student complaints; and conscientious objection • Determination of grades from components/marks • Information for equity students.

Murdoch University


Contact details Unit Coordinator’s contact details Name: Dr Ellen Greenham Email: [email protected]

Tutor contact details You will be notified who your online tutor is during week 1 of the teaching period. Notification will be made via LMS ‘Announcements’ and LMS messaging that you should receive as an email. Please note: it is critical that you ensure the email address the University has for you is current, and that you check it regularly. Whilst announcements and updates are posted on LMS, it is via email that your tutors will communicate and your feedback and grades for assessment items will be released.

Administrative contact details For administrative matters, please email the Career Learning Spine at: [email protected]


Murdoch University

How to study this unit The principles of self-paced and self-directed learning on which this unit is built, means that you can immerse yourself in the learning experience anytime and anywhere your technology takes you. This is the freedom of the Spine, it supports you. Always remember however, it does have a structure and you want to be sure you take care of that by keeping up with the work that needs to be done and giving yourself the space for reflective engagement that will feed directly into getting the best from your assessments, from this unit, and from yourself. While the pace at which you work is to a large degree in your control, do not lose sight of the fact that there are three assessments to complete and these all have due dates. There is a significant portion of assessment work in this unit that can only be approached after engagement with various learning experiences, so do not fall into the trap of leaving things to the last minute and then find you have not enough time left to complete the work. Much of the work in this unit is also built around self-reflection and critical thinking; and these require ‘time and space’ in which to form. Give yourself the best opportunity by ensuring you do allow sufficient time between engaging with the tasks and responding to them, for critical reflection. You will be assigned to an online tutor early in the teaching period, and this person will be your first point of contact regarding the unit learning experiences. Your tutor will also assess and provide feedback on your work.

Contact time This unit is principally delivered as an online learning experience. There is a required attendance component during the teaching period for the industry expert panel. You will have the option to attend either the live venue or a live-stream webinar and registration details will be forwarded via LMS. Further information can be found in the learning guide on page 11.

Time commitment While there are fixed due dates for the assessments, how, when and where you engage with this unit is largely up to you. There are no structured lectures or tutorials. As a guide to indicate how much time you may need to spend engaging with the learning experience, in general a 3 credit point unit requires on average, 150 hours of work (calculated across 12 teaching weeks and 3 study weeks).

Murdoch University


Attendance requirements Registration for and engagement with the industry expert panel (live or in the virtual space) is required.

Unit changes in response to student feedback As a consequence of feedback from students in previous offerings of this unit, the following changes have been made: • • •

• • • • •


The inclusion of a UILG, made available on LMS The inclusion of a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ (FAQs) section in the ‘Unit Information’ section of the LMS The inclusion of an ‘Announcements’ section on LMS through which the Unit Coordinator can provide additional information and support to students, as need arises, throughout the study period Development of more concrete unit framework and support materials delivered via LMS Greater clarity in organisation of online materials delivered via digital platforms Enhanced clarification on fixed assessment due dates Notifications of video content lengths Developed variety in reflective tasks to eliminate repetition.

Murdoch University

Resources for this unit There is no textbook for this unit. All unit materials are accessible via LMS, which then connects students to the appropriate online platform. All unit readings will be posted to My Unit Readings on the unit’s LMS.

Murdoch University


Unit structure Handy Tip: There are six mini modules with corresponding assessments to complete in this unit. If you want to create a schedule that helps you pace out the learning experience, take into consideration the due dates for each assessment, and then map out some progress dates on a wall planner, calendar or in a diary.

Mini Module


Assessment items


Unit Introduction 1.



Career Aspirations and Goals


Digital Presence and Identity


Professional Networking


Opportunity Awareness

Career Aspirations

Career Enhancement

Industry Expert Panel – Live event 6.


Career Planning

20 March

17 April

1 May Career Management

15 May

Murdoch University

Industry expert panel Friday 1 May Time: TBC Kim Beazley Lecture Theatre (KBLT), South Street Campus

The industry expert panel is a required component of the unit; and you must attend either at the live venue on the day, or via a live-stream webinar format online. Attendance at the venue on the day is the best option, and we encourage you to do so. We are very lucky to have the face-to-face engagement with industry experts that this panel will provide. Panellists will not only speak about their own career journeys, they will also respond to your questions on the day. There is a written component to this learning experience that you need to engage with prior to and after the event. This can be found in Mini Module 5. Registration • There will be a formal registration for this event to be completed • The link to registration can be found on the unit’s LMS, in the ‘Industry Engagement’ section • At registration, you will need the response to one of your pre-attendance activities from Mini Module 5 ready for filling out and completing your registration for the event.

Murdoch University


Assessment Assessment for this unit is conducted in accordance with the Assessment Policy. This unit is a University-wide breadth unit in the Murdoch Career Learning Spine, allowing credit to be granted for a range of learning experiences that contribute to the development of career readiness and employability in harmony with students’ chosen degree focus. The unit is assessed on a Pass/Fail basis. Assessment tasks in the unit are focused on allowing students to reflect upon and articulate their career learning, and include a series of reflective tasks, self-auditing, and professional profile management, all leading to the development of an individualised and viable career plan for immediate implementation. For this reason, the unit does not meet the 30% Supervised Assessment requirement of the Assessment Policy. To achieve a pass grade, you must submit and pass all assessment tasks in the unit. Assessment tasks for this unit will be submitted electronically within your PebblePad workbooks (accessed via LMS). Instructions for submission can be found in each workbook.

Schedule of assessment items Assessment item


Career Aspirations Career Enhancement Career Management

Aligned Learning Outcomes



Self-assessment and critical reflection

1, 2


Week 4 Friday

Designed materials and reflection Professional plan

2, 3


1, 2, 3, 4


Week 8 Friday Week 12 Friday

IMPORTANT: There are due dates for all assessments in this unit and an expectation that you will submit at the due date. Just as an employer may give their employees tasks to complete and dates by which they must be done, but flexibility in how employees organise their time to do the tasks, so it is in this unit. Just as an employer expects their employees to meet deadlines for work in the larger context of the business operation, so too do your Tutors and Unit Coordinator expect you to meet the submission deadlines.


Murdoch University

Assessment details Assessment 1 Career Aspirations: Self-Assessment and critical reflection (25%) Aligned unit learning outcomes: 1, 2 Length: 500-700 words Due date: Friday 20 March (week 4) In considering your career aspirations throughout mini modules 1 and 2, you have been thinking about your own wellbeing; the personal and professional benefits of building resilience; and considering the kinds of skills employers want, with the underlying idea of exploring how you might actively begin to position yourself for your future career. For this assessment you are going to appraise your current skills, critically reflect on your career aspirations, and form a statement of this as a base line against which you can gauge your development over time. To complete this assessment, you are going to: 1. Evidence capability for your best/strongest skill using the STAR method 2. Compose a coherent written critical reflection in which you consider your career aspirations, current skills, and how your chosen course of study at Murdoch is part of your personal, professional and career development. Things that should inform your reflection and discussion: • What motivates you to commit to the course of study you have chosen? • How can you prepare for your professional future in a way that makes you employable; what skills and attributes will help you to be flexible and responsive to a changing world of work? • What are your skill strengths, what skills do you need to work on, and why? • How can your academic study be used as an environment for skills development? • What can you do now in creating study/life balance that can also become strategy for maintaining a healthy work/life balance? Important: You should write this as a coherent piece of text with properly constructed sentences and paragraphing; and it should have a logical flow through the different points of discussion You may find it easier to compose and edit your reflection using a word processor such as MSWord; this will allow you to readily move information around and edit it as you go. You can then 'copy and paste' it back into the PebblePad workbook when it is completed.

Murdoch University


This assessment should demonstrate the following: • Articulation of career aspirations and skills capacity • Evidence of reflective practice relating to career aspirations, motivations, skills, and strategy for creating balance between the personal and the professional • Written articulation of a clear and coherent response • Accurate and appropriate use of language and expression, including grammar, syntax and punctuation.


Murdoch University

Assessment 2 Career Enhancement: Designed materials and reflection (35%) Aligned unit learning outcomes: 2, 3 Length: 750-900 words plus artefacts Due date: Friday 17 April (week 8) In considering ways to enhance your professional and career development throughout mini modules 3 and 4, you have focused on the universality of the digital realm and the importance of building relationships with people. For this assessment you are going to design artefacts that will have practical application in your career development and can form part of a professional portfolio. To complete this assessment, you are going to: 1. Create a professional profile for use in digital platforms 2. Create a short video of your professional pitch 3. Reflect on how you can use your professional digital profile and pitch to promote your employability to future employers. Things that could inform your reflection and discussion: • What is the professional image you want and/or need to convey to others? • Is there an expected standard or ‘type’ within your field and if so, how might this influence you? • What are the values you want others to understand about you and the work you do or hope to do in the future? • Are there things you would not do; clients or partnerships you would not take on; for reasons of values, ethics or business practices? Could this be problematic? How might you address this? • What elements of a professional network do you already have? • What elements of a professional network will be beneficial for you to develop and how can you go about doing this? • What can you offer to others in your professional network? Important: You should write this as a coherent piece of text with properly constructed sentences and paragraphing; and it should have a logical flow through the different points of discussion You may find it easier to compose and edit your reflection using a word processor such as MSWord; this will allow you to readily move information around and edit it as you go. You can then 'copy and paste' it back into the PebblePad workbook when it is completed. This assessment should demonstrate the following: • Development of a professional profile and professional pitch • Evidence of reflective practice relating to a professional profile; professional values; and the purpose, process and usefulness of developing professional networks • Written articulation of a clear and coherent response • Accurate and appropriate use of language and expression, including grammar, syntax and punctuation.

Murdoch University


Assessment 3 Career Management: Professional Plan (40%) Aligned unit learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3 & 4 Length: 1150 words minimum Due date: Friday 15 May (week 12) In considering your career management and the development of a professional plan, it is of value to reach out to other professionals in related career domains for guidance; to hear about their career paths, setbacks and triumphs; and reflect on what you can learn from the experience and acquired knowledge of those who have gone before you. Career planning is not something that you do 'in the future' or 'after you have your degree', it is something you put into place now and it is something that you do not just do once. Career planning should be an ongoing process of developing your career as you reach towards your aspirations and goals. To complete this assessment, you are going to: 1. Write a guided reflection report related to the Industry Expert Panel and Informational Interview 2. Determine what Skills and Murdoch Attributes you developed or evidenced by completing an Informational Interview 3. Develop a career plan for the next 2-3 years that can be mobilised now.

IMPORTANT: The career plan that you develop now is not something that is set forever and cannot be changed; so it should be clear enough to provide a good sense of planning and practical pathway, but flexible enough to be able to be adapted as your circumstances and progress change. HINT: Create your career plan in MS Word - this will be easier for drafting and editing purposes, then upload the final document into the space provided below. You should find that you will be drawing from your work across the whole of this unit for developing the plan. The purpose of this is to bring all the different elements of career aspirations, management and enhancement (skills development) into the one space in an organised format that is practical, usable and adaptable.

CRITICAL: • As a 'live' document, this should be something that is of practical use to you • DO NOT write an 'essay' • Create a functional document that includes sub-headings; that has an organisation of informatio...

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