MTH310Manage W19 PDF

Title MTH310Manage W19
Course Calculus and Computational Methods II
Institution Ryerson University
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Ryerson University Department of Mathematics MTH 310 Calculus and Computational Methods II - Winter 2019 Instructor: Office:

Dr. L. Kolasa ENG 219

Telephone: e-mail: Office Hours:

416-979-5000 ext. 4912 [email protected] Tuesdays, 10–12

Course Objectives: 1. To continue to gain a facility with the concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus. 2. To continue to build a strong foundation in calculus as preparation for subsequent courses in mathematics and computer science. 3. To continue to nurture one’s ability in analytic thinking and problem-solving.

Course Text: Calculus (3rd ed.), by J. Rogawski and C. Adams

Teaching Mode: Three lecture hours/week: Tueesday 3–5; Friday 3–4. One lab hours per week: Section 1 2

Day Monday Friday

Time 8–9 12–1

Room ENG 101 ENG LG05




ENG 106

Evaluation: • •

30% 30%

Midterm Test Final Exam

• • •

24% 8% 8%

Lab Tests (x2, 12% each) Lab Quizzes Homework

Friday March 8, 6–8 pm

Official Course Website Ryerson’s D2L site found at is where the official website for this course is found. All students registered for this course are subscribed automatically to this site and may access its contents by logging in. At this location can be found all documents relating to this course as well as any announcements. In particular, announcements regarding test dates and locations can be found here.

Student E-mail Policy Ryerson University’s official e-mail policy ( clearly states that only Ryerson e-mail accounts are to be used for student communication with faculty. Faculty members will not respond to any other addresses. The policy also states that students are obliged to set up their proper Ryerson e-mail account and regularly attend to it. Messages regarding this course may be sent to you via your Ryerson account; you are responsible for the knowing the content of these messages. Concerns and questions regarding the course may be addressed to your professor via e-mail; however, a few


exceptions should be kept in mind. Firstly, given the nature of mathematical questions it is difficult to answer them by e-mail; such questions are better addressed in class, lab or office hours. Second, at faculty discretion, questions regarding matters that are clearly addressed elsewhere will be ignored. This includes, for example, questions about time and location of tests when that information has been discussed in class and is posted on D2L.

Rights and Responsibilities Students have various rights ( senate/policies/pol134.pdf) and responsibilities (http :// senate/policies/pol135.pdf) regarding academic evaluation and it is your responsibility to be aware of these. In particular students should be aware of the Student Code of Academic Conduct ( senate/policies/pol60.pdf) and that academic misconduct during class, tests/exams and lab is not tolerated.1 In particular students should be aware of the following. • The use of electronic devices such as (but not limited to) cell phones and and mp3 players is strictly prohibited during tests, exams and quizzes. Such devices must be turned off. • Food or drink (unless medically necessary) is prohibited during tests, exams and quizzes. • All bags, backpacks and other personal items are to be placed out of reach during tests, exams and quizzes. • Tests exams and quizzes will be closed-book and written without calculators or any other aids. In order to insure an atmosphere conducive to learning students must be considerate of one another in the class room, especially since the lecture is in a large auditorium. The following rules should be observed during class and lab. • It is important that the lecture hall is quiet so that the instructor may be heard by all people at all times. Therefore talking during lecture is virtually non existent. • To avoid unnecessary distractions, students who arrive late to a lecture should wait until the intermission in the middle to enter the lecture hall. • As a rule, all cell phones are turned off. If you must receive a call, your phone should be set to vibrate, and you should politely leave the lecture hall to take your call. After, do not re-enter the lecture hall unless it is the intermission. • Laptop computers are turned off and put away. Only if you have the permission of your instructor may you use a laptop during lecture. • It is considered rude to leave a lecture early. If you must leave early, kindly inform the instructor beforehand. As with any rules of etiquette minor infractions may be tolerated, but continued ignorance of these rules can be treated as academic misconduct. Your grade is based exactly on the marking scheme given above. There are no exceptions to this scheme, except as follows. 1 Ryerson

Policies of Interest Ryerson Senate Policies -; Ryerson Academic Integrity; Policy 46 - Undergraduate Grading, Promotion and Academic Standing Policy 60 - Student Code of Academic Conduct; Policy 61 - Student Code of Non-academic Conduct; Policy 134 - Undergraduate Academic Consideration and Appeals; Policy 135 - Examination Policy; Policy 150 - Accommodation of Student Religious Observance Obligations; Policy 157 Student Email Accounts for Official University Communication.


• Students who cannot be present for a test or the final exam because of illness must contact their home department in due time. They must also submit a Ryerson-approved medical form filled out by their doctor stating, among other things, that they were too ill to attend school on the day of the test and giving the expected duration of their illness (blank forms can be obtained from the Mathematics office or from other academic departments, or from the web). • Students may have to miss an exam due to religious observance. Policy 150 explains that requests of this sort must be made within the first two weeks of class. • Besides illness or religious observance, only very serious reasons, properly documented, can be considered as valid excuses for missing an evaluation. Please forward all documents to your department. • If proper documentation is not received within reasonable time, the mark for the missed test/exam will be zero. Grades will be assigned as indicated in the Ryerson 2016/17 Calendar. All tests and lab material will be returned promptly after they are submitted. There is no intrinsic reason for giving a non-zero mark for an incorrect solution. Partial marks (if any) are awarded entirely at the examiner’s discretion. A test is submitted for re-marking, subject to the following guidelines. • After a test has been completed, answers will be posted online. Students are to understand the solutions before the test is handed back. • When the test is returned students may immediately review their test. If the student notices a clear mistake in the marking of the test they may write exactly what the problem is on test and hand it back right away for remarking. One example is that the final score is added incorrectly. The remarked test will be returned at a later date. • Sometimes students are confused between not understanding the proper solution and expectations of more credit. Make sure that you know the proper solution before you submit your test for remarking. If you do not understand why your solution is incorrect, that is OK; ask your instructor (after class or during office hours) to explain your mistake. Your instructor has the discretion to remark your entire test, and as a result your mark can go down as well as up. • Ryerson policy says that no paper may be remarked 10 business days after it is returned.


Lab Procedure / Regulations Your mark for the lab portion of this course is determined by your performance on tests and quizzes. Weekly attendance of the lab is crucial to your understanding of the material. In every lab there will either be a test or quiz. Lab time will also be spent going over typical problems and techniques. • Please see the schedule below for the labs. If you have a Friday lab, your labs begin on Friday, January 18. If you have a Monday lab, your labs begin Monday January 21. Friday Labs 1/18











Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Quiz 3

Test 1

Quiz 4

Quiz 5


Quiz 6

Quiz 7

Test 2

Quiz 8

Monday Labs 1/21











Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Quiz 3

Test 1

Quiz 4


Quiz 5

Quiz 6

Quiz 7

Test 2

Quiz 8

• Labs meet every week. Please check your schedule carefully to be certain that you are going to the correct lab section. Each student must attend the lab section indicated in his/her individual timetable. Do not attend a different lab section. Your name will not appear on the class list, and you will not receive credit for attending. • There are two tests in the lab during the semester. You will learn of the material to be covered on these tests in lecture the week before the test. • On the weeks that there is no test, there will be a quiz during the lab. Students who are not present in class before the quiz starts will not be able to take the quiz. • Graded quizzes will be returned during the subsequent lab session. • Students who cannot be present for a lab because of illness or other valid reason should follow the same procedure as for a missed test as outlined above. • If a lab is missed with a valid excuse quiz marks will be averaged over the remaining quizzes. A missed test will be made up outside of class. Students who miss a lab test will make arrangements through the Student Learning Support Centre • If proper documentation is not received within reasonable time, the mark for the missed lab work will be zero.

Homework • The course outline contains recommended homework problems that indicate the level at which you are to perform on the tests and the exam. At the end of each week homework problems will be posted on the online system. You will have one week to complete the homework problems. • Unless you are ill for an extended period of time no makeup is given for homework that is not completed in the alloted time....

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