Musculoskeletal disorder Osteomyelitis care Map PDF

Title Musculoskeletal disorder Osteomyelitis care Map
Course Dimensions of Nursing Practice
Institution Rasmussen University
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Module 05 Assignment – Designing a Care Map Purpose of Assignment 1. Assist students with coordination of care for clients with musculoskeletal disorders. 2. Enhance understanding of the nursing process in coordinating care for a client. Course Competency 

Explain components of multidimensional nursing care for clients with musculoskeletal disorders.

Select appropriate nursing interventions when providing multidimensional care to clients experiencing alterations in mobility

Instructions After reviewing the medical conditions presented in the textbook, including osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, disorders of the feet, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel disorder, rotator cuff injury, or other musculoskeletal disorders, develop a care map using the template directly after these instructions. For this assignment, include the following: assessment and data collection (including disease process, common labwork/diagnostics, subjective, objective, and health history data), three NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis, one SMART goal for each nursing diagnosis, and two nursing interventions with rationale for each SMART goal for a client with a musculoskeletal disorder. Use at least two scholarly sources to support your care map. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format. Check out the following link for information about writing SMART goals and to see examples: You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide: Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:

Assessment and Data Collection

Three NANDA-I Approved Nursing Diagnosis

One Smart Goal for EACH Nursing Diagnosis

Disease Process: Osteomyelitis: is an infection of the bone that can affect both adults and children. If left untreated, it can lead to bone tissue death over time (Cleveland Clinic staff, 2017). Standard Lab work/Diagnostics: Radiographs (X-Rays): These tests can show abnormalities of the bone. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): This imaging examination can show any fluid in the bone with greater sensitivity and precision. Blood tests: are taken to confirm an infection: Increase no WBC will confirm that. Blood culture: A blood culture is a test used to detect bacteria that have escaped into the bloodstream. Biopsy: A biopsy (tissue sample) of the infected bone may be taken and tested for signs of an invading organism. Bone scan

Nursing Diagnosis: Acute Pain may be related to inflammation and tissue necrosis, possibly evidenced by verbal reports, guard-in or distraction behaviours, selffocus, and autonomic responses (changes in vital signs).

SMART Goal: The patient will report Pain is relieved or controlled. as evidence by stable vital signs and absence of restlessness Specific; To alleviate Pain Measurable: yes, tracked by pt. Rating pain after medication. Attainable yes. As far as the provider follow the pain management plan Realistic. This is so important because Pain interferes with many daily activities, Timely based: goal will be in place until the pt. is discharged from the hospital

Nursing Diagnosis: Hyperthermia may be related to increased metabolic rate and infectious process, possibly evidenced by increased body temperature and warm, flushed skin.

Nursing Diagnosis Risk for impaired Walking possibly evidenced by risk

SMART Goal: Within 4HRS of nursing intervention Patient will Maintain core temperature within normal range. Specific: This is to normalize the core temperature. Measurable: by frequent temperature check Attainable: Yes, as far as the plan

Two Nursing Interventions with Rationale for EACH Nursing Diagnosis Intervention: 1.Administer prescribed pain medication to the patient. Rationale: This will alleviate acute/chronic bone pain 2. Apply the cold and hot pack on the affected area Rationale: Use the cold for 10-15 min. to reduce Swelling and inflammation and reduce pain impulses. Then use the heat pack for pain relief and the restoration of ROM.

1 Attaining and maintaining body temperature within a normal range Rationale: To assist in creating accurate diagnosis and effectiveness of medical treatment, mainly the antibiotic and fever-reducing drug administered. 2. Administer medications as indicated to treat underlying cause like antibiotics. Rationale: Use antibiotics to treat

Needle aspiration (Cleveland Clinic staff, 2017). Assessment Data (consider subjective, objective, and health history): Pain or tenderness in the infected area, Swelling, redness and warmth in the infected area. Fever. Nausea, secondarily from being ill with an infection, General discomfort, uneasiness, or ill-feeling, drainage of pus (thick yellow fluid) through the skin, Excessive sweating, Chills, Lower back pain (if the spine is involved), Swelling of the ankles, feet, and legs, Loss or decrease of motion of a joint, Changes in gait (a walking pattern that is painful, yielding a limp) or unwillingness to bear weight in children (Cleveland Clinic staff, 2017).

factors of inflammation and tissue necrosis, pain, joint instability (Doenges, Moorhouse, Murry, & Bligh, 2016)

to normalize the temp. is followed Realistic: Yes, it is essential because Hyperthermia is a sign of infection and needs to be addressed. Timely based. The goal will be in place until the temperature is normalized. SMART Goal: Pt will improve maintainability to move purposefully in his environment during my shift. Specific The goal is to enable the pt. to walk independently Measurable; tracked by documenting every session of ROM completed Attainable. As far as the provider follows the guideline Realistic. It is so important to reduce inflammation and heal the bone from infection Timely-based This goal will be in place until the patient is discharged from the hospital. (Doenges, Moorhouse, Murry, & Bligh, 2016)

osteomyelitis which is the underlying cause of the patient hyperthermia

1.Perform passive ROM in the extremities to maintain mobility prevent injury. Rationale: This will allow circulation, Improve, and maintain joint integrity also, Increase independence. 2. Assist with the treatment of the underlying condition as needed or indicated by the individual situation. Rationale: This will enable healing of the affected body part ( Doenges,

Moorhouse, Murry, & Bligh, 2016)

Reference: Cleveland Clinic staff. (2017). Osteomyelitis.

Doenges, M. E., Moorhouse, M. F., Murry, A. C., & Bligh, D. (2016). Nursing Diagnosis Manual: Planning, Individualizing, and Documenting Client Care: Vol. Fifth edition. F.A. Davis....

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