Myers SPAN 1412.04 Spring 21 - Tagged PDF

Title Myers SPAN 1412.04 Spring 21 - Tagged
Author Martia G
Course Intermediate Spanish I
Institution Sam Houston State University
Pages 9
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The syllabus list the requirements and certain due dates for the course...


SPAN 1412-04 CRN:20581 ELEMENTARY SPANISH II 4 CREDIT HOURS (3 LECTURE, 1 LAB) Online platforms: SHSU ONLINE-BLACKBOARD, Zoom and McGRAW-HILL CONNECT IMPORTANT! Students must register for a SHSU SPAN 1411 lab section separately and concurrently with the lecture section. Students who do not register for a lab section will not pass the class. Instructor: Sujey Myers Office: ABIV 332 Office hours: Mondays-Friday e-mail: [email protected]

By appointment only via Zoom

Phone: 936-294-3849 Sam Houston State University Policies ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: “Students are expected to maintain honesty and integrity in the academic experiences both in and out of the classroom. Please be aware that plagiarized work and any form of academic dishonesty will result in an “F” on the assignment. SHSU Academic Policy Statement 810213 outlines the definition of academic honesty and the related disciplinary procedures. You should also familiarize yourself of Academic Policy Statement 900823, which outlines the procedures for students to file an academic grievance should you wish to appeal your grade for reasons other than academic dishonesty. Please read over these policies.” Dean of Student's Office STUDENT ABSENCES ON RELIGIOUS HOLY DAYS POLICY: Section 51.911(b) of the Texas Education Code requires that an institution of higher education excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day, including travel for that purpose. Section 51.911 (a) (2) defines a religious holy day as: “a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under Section 11.20….” A student whose absence is excused under this subsection may not be penalized for that absence and shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment from which the student is excused within a reasonable time after the absence. University policy 861001 provides the procedures to be followed by the student and instructor. A student desiring to absent himself/herself from a scheduled class in order to observe (a) religious holy day(s) shall present to each instructor involved a written statement concerning the religious holy day(s). The instructor will complete a form notifying the student of a reasonable timeframe in which the missed assignments and/or examinations are to be completed. For a complete listing of the university policy, see: /Absences on Religious Holy Days STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES POLICY: It is the policy of Sam Houston State University that individuals otherwise qualified shall not be excluded, solely by reason of their disability, from participation in any academic program of the university. Further, they shall not be denied the benefits of these programs nor shall they be subjected to discrimination. Students with disabilities that might affect their academic performance are expected to visit with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities located in the Counseling Center. They should then make arrangements with their individual instructors so that appropriate strategies can be considered and helpful procedures can be developed to ensure that participation and achievement opportunities are not impaired. SHSU adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. If you have a disability that may affect adversely your work in this class, then I encourage you to register with the SHSU Counseling Center and to talk with me about how

I can best help you. All disclosures of disabilities will be kept strictly confidential. NOTE: No accommodation can be made until you register with the Counseling Center. For a complete information, see: Services for Students with Disabilities VISITORS IN THE CLASSROOM: Only registered students may attend class. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis by the professor. In all cases, visitors must not present a disruption to the class by their attendance. Students wishing to audit a class must apply to do so through the Registrar's Office. For questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your professor. Please refer to:

ATTENTION: If you already have some proficiency in Spanish (e.g., from home or high school courses), you can save tuition money and time by taking a test via CLEP (College Level Examination Program). You can earn between 4 and 14 credit hours (i.e., from SPAN 1411 up to SPAN 2312) and reduce the number of courses you need to take to fulfill your language requirement or take care of that requirement completely. This will give you time and money to take upper level Spanish courses and obtain a Spanish minor. Remember that having a documented proficiency in multiple languages and cultures will make you more marketable in today’s globalized world. For more information on CLEP testing, visit If you have specific questions, contact [email protected]. SPECIFIC COURSE SYLLABUS Course Description The student will complete a fifty minute session weekly, via Zoom. Students must register in Lab Class concurrently with the Lecture Class. Lab acts as a platform for learning, practicing and developing language skills through the instructor activities and computer technology. Student will have an increased awareness of appreciation for foreign languages and skills in the technology used in language and culture acquisition. The primary objectives of this course are:  To enable them to learn better pronunciation through stress on word accent, intonation, and rhythm.  To develop good linguistic competence through accuracy in grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and syntax.  To enrich the discourse competence and to prepare the learner to be able to produce contextualize written text and speech.  To acquire communication skills in both spoken & written language to use in a wide range of communication strategies.  To reinforce material that is being covered in their lecture course . Style This course will be conducted virtually through Zoom and additionally supported through Blackboard. Spanish will be the primary language used in this course, but code switching will be practiced when necessary. Activities for the course will be completed during the class meetings as well as through Blackboard. While our virtual classroom will provide a foundation for the material being covered, it is expected that students put forth individual effort outside of the classroom to further develop their language skills. Zoom Meetings Due to COVID-19 protocols, this course will be conducted virtually through Zoom. A synchronous meeting will take place in which assignments will be given and attendance will be taken. If you are unable to attend the scheduled Zoom meetings, it is vital that you notify your professor ahead of time via email. You will only be able to complete missed assignments with authorization from your

instructor. Please keep in mind that your attendance to all class meetings is mandatory as it would be if classes were meeting face to face. Zoom Meeting Rules: 1. Dress appropriately as you would for a face to face class. 2. The use of microphone and camera and speakers is expected. 3. Make sure you are seated in an uncluttered and quiet space. 4. Be on time. 5. Check your equipment at least 10 minutes before class, to avoid technical issues. 6. Place your microphone on mute to begin the course, your instructor will advise on when to unmute. 7. Avoid the use of distracting backgrounds, treat this as a professional environment. 8. Include your full name as it appears in Blackboard. 9. Be prepared to be fully engaged in the class, participation is expected. 10. To participate, please click on raise hand button in the participants menu. 11. Use appropriate and respectful language in all the activities and interactions. STYLE The course uses the on-line BLACKBOARD platform. Through Blackboard you will access McGraw-Hill Education Connect® to complete assignments that come with your textbook purchase. Since practice is what makes you able to learn a new language, McGraw-Hill Education Connect® is organized for you to study the materials first, then practice and asses what you’ve learned. Assignments should be accessed through Blackboard. Fall 2020 semester: SPLIT-SEMESTER APPROACH Attendance policy In person meetings: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 am to 11:50 am at ABIV room 301 · Week 4 (February 1-5) · Week 9 (March 8-12) · Week 15 (April 19-23) Face masks are required for all in-person meetings Social distance will be enforced If you present any sign of ill please do not attend in-person class and inform your instructor and selfreport to: ______________________________________________ Classroom Rules of Conduct: Students will refrain from behavior in the classroom that intentionally or unintentionally disrupts the learning process and, thus, impedes the mission of the university. Cell phones must be turned off before class begins and its use will be limited to instructional purposes. Students are prohibited from eating in class, using tobacco products including e-cigarettes and other devices, making offensive remarks, reading newspapers, sleeping, talking at inappropriate times, doing homework/work for other classes or engaging in any other form of distraction. The use of headphones and earplugs while in class is not permitted and students must take them off. Inappropriate behavior in the classroom shall result in a directive to leave class. Students who are especially disruptive also may be reported to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action in accordance with university policy. Virtual Zoom meetings will take place at the officially scheduled time and day: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 am to 11:50 am · Weeks 1-3; 5-8; 10-14; 16-18 Mandatory attendance to all scheduled Zoom meetings.

Zoom meetings Rules of Conduct: Students must join no later than 5 minutes after the scheduled time. Camera and microphone must be active. Students will mute themselves until the instructor says otherwise. Students must dress as if they were in an in-person class. Students must avoid any distraction as much as possible and find a quiet place to take the Zoom class. Active participation is required throughout the Zoom meeting as is not a lecture-type class. It is highly recommended that students use a computer or laptop to better experience the class and promote active participation. Attendance & Participation Attendance is mandatory for this course, during the scheduled time and day. Keep in mind that absences will affect your final grade. Participation is assessed through your active engagement with any activities that your instructor leads during the course time, as well as completing any additional assignments. If you are unable to attend the Zoom meeting you must notify your instructor, via email, BEFORE the class time. You will only be able to complete missed assignments with authorization from your instructor.

Email: Every student is required to have an active student email and is responsible for checking it at least once every 2 days. REQUIRED TEXT For this course you will be required to purchase McGraw-Hill Education Connect® access for Dorwick, Puntos de partida, 11th edition. Please be aware if you purchase a used textbook you will still need to purchase Connect access. Connect access can be purchased via the package available at your local bookstore(s) or during registration for the program. Puntos de partida,10th Dorwick, McGraw-Hill Education ISBN:9781259964787 IMPORTANT: Note this course will not be paired with Blackboard and therefore a course URL will be required. Just click you will be directed to the course registration page. If you have any questions about or problems using Connect, please contact the McGraw Hill Customer Experience Group at the contact information below. If they cannot resolve your issue, please contact your instructor directly with the case number they provide you. You MUST have a case number to receive any assignment extensions.  Phone: 800-331-5094  Email & Chat:  Hours: M-Th 7am – 3am, Friday 7am – 8pm, Saturday 9am – 7pm, Sunday 11am – 1am TEXTBOOK / BEARKAT BUNDLE INFORMATION Go to for more information about Bearkat Bundle program. The default during registration is for you to opt-in, but visit this website for questions on opting out. Note that opting out is for ALL of your courses - you cannot opt-in some courses and opt-out others. If you stayed with the OPT-IN option: FOR THIS COURSE, if you remained opted-in the Bearkat Bundle*, you will receive everything you need for this course through your Bundle. When you receive your bundle from the bookstore, it will include a loose-leaf text

bundled with a Connect Access Card. Use the code on your Connect Access card to register in Connect via BlackBoard. Watch this Student Registration video for help: If you chose or plan to OPT-OUT* of the Bearkat Bundle* program: FOR THIS COURSE, you will need to purchase access to Connect (which includes the e-book). If you opt out of Bearkat Bundle, you will need to acquire access to Connect from one of these sources: 1. Order online from SHSU Bookstore  SPAN 1411/1412 ISBN: 9781264666522 (11th edition)  SPAN 2311/2312 ISBN: 9781264847006 (10th edition) 2.

Purchase directly from McGraw-Hill via your BlackBoard course. The cost is $150 for 2-year access.

If you purchased access to Connect in the past, your Connect access should still be valid using your same Connect login and password.

REQUIRED SUPPLIES - Computer with internet access to complete assignments on Blackboard. - A microphone and speakers for oral activities. Access to video recording for oral presentation 1. - Personal skills and attitudes: enthusiasm and interest; listening skills, willingness to speak and openmindedness. You are responsible to manage your time in order to complete your assignments. Classroom Rules: Respect others No cellphones/headphones/gaming devices No eating OFFICIAL ESSENTIAL COURSE (IDEA) OBJECTIVES Two or three weeks before the end of the semester, the student will be asked to complete an official IDEA evaluation of the course and your instructor. The three essential and important objectives for this course are: -Developing skill in expressing oneself orally or in writing (in the target language) -Developing specific skills, competences, and points of view -Gaining a broader understanding and appreciation of intellectual/cultural activity COURSE OBJECTIVES (Optimal activities) 1. To LISTEN to and comprehend basic descriptions and narration of standard Spanish spoken at average native speed by concentrating on major words known (with the help of cognates) and by making educated guesses at the rest. 2. To SPEAK without notes (or read aloud) a more than survival percentage of standard Spanish with few enough pronunciation errors (speed secondary) to be comprehended by a native speaker. 3. To READ and comprehend survival percentage of standard Spanish by concentrating on major words known (with the help of cognates) and by making educated guesses at the rest. With the further help of a dictionary, to be able to comprehend a high percentage of standard Spanish. 4. To WRITE about basic topics at a survival level in standard Spanish with few enough grammar errors to be comprehended by a native speaker 5. To DEVELOP AWARENESS AND APPRECIATION of the target language and culture, to make connections and comparisons to the first language and culture. EVALUATION/GRADES (Assessment) UNDERGRADUATE = 1000 A (1000-900), B (899-800), C (799-

700), D (699-600), F (590-0) Oral Activities Writing Activities Laboratory Culture Activities Video (25) Comments (25) Unit Progress Checks (Chapter Quiz)

200 50 100 50


Grammar/Vocabulary Activities LearnSmart Connect Digital Workbook Midterm Final Attendance Video Chats


Points Per Assignment

# of Assignments

Lab Midterm Final Writing Assignments Oral Presentations Interview Quizzes Video Chats Cultural Activity Video Cultural Activity Comments Attendance Overall Tarea LearnSmart Total

100 50 50 25 75 50 25 25 25 5 100 20 5

x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 X1 x4 X4 x1 x5 x1 x8 x8

40 160 50 50 100 100

100 50 50 50 150 50 100 100 25 25 100 160 40 0

NOTICE – The prerequisite for enrolling in SPAN 2311 (third semester) is the completion of SPAN 1412 with a grade of C or higher or appropriate scores on the CLEP or AP examinations

IMPORTANT: NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY ASSIGNMENT. ORAL ACTIVITIES (200 total): There will be two oral presentations. Each presentation will be grades with the following rubric. Eye Contact 15 Points Organization 15 Points Pronunciation 15 Points Subject knowledge 15 Points Grammar 15 Points WRITING ASSIGNMENTS (100 total):

There will be two written assignments. Each will be graded with the following rubric: Vocabulary6.5 points Mechanics and structure6.5 points Content and completion6.5 Points Grammar6.5 Points CULTURE ACTIVITIES (50 total)

Each person will receive a video topic to complete and post on Blackboard. For each country, every student must watch all the videos and comment on at least two. Video 25 points Comments 25 points LABORATORY (100) Participation in your assigned lab is mandatory for this course. Your lab instructor will provide you with additional information. GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY ACTIVITIES (200 total): LearnSmart 40 LearnSmart is an adaptive tutorial that you should work through at least once, though each module can be completed as many times as you like. Connect 160 Connect activities should be accessed through Blackboard in order to sync your progress and save the grades. You will receive the points earned on your BEST attempt (out of three possible attempts) for that activity.

IMPORTANT: NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. UNIT PROGRESS CHECKS (100): During each unit, you will complete a check on your progress in Connect and one during class. IMPORTANT: NO LATE SUBMISSIONS, NO MAKE-UP DATES FOR PROGRESS CHECKS WILL BE GRANTED UNLESS ARRANGED PRIOR THE DUE DATE. IN CASE OF ANY TECHNICAL DIFFICULT, EVIDENCE MUST BE PRESENTED (Screen shoot AND case number from McGraw Hill Connect Technical Support) VIDEO CHATS (25 x 4 = 100points) For each video chat you will get with a partner from class and complete the video by recording yourself through Connect. Instructions are available through Connect. MIDTERM EXAM (50), FINAL EXAM (50) will cover the following: 1. LISTENING COMPREHENSION (dictation, oral questions, oral passage, true/false, other) 2. VOCABULARY (fill in, definitions, identifications, other) 3. GRAMMAR (fill/in, translation, other) 4. READING COMPREHENSION (questions, true/false, other) 5. WRITING (essay, short answer, other) 6. CULTURE (true/false, multiple choice, other) Mid Term (tentative): October 10th Final Exam: Dec 9th-13th (see SHSU Final Exam Schedule)

IMPORTANT: FINAL EXAM IS MANDATORY AND COMPREHENSIVE. There is no make-up, late submission provision for any exam. With a well-documented and well justified reason, the student may request a make-up from Instructor within 24 hours. ATTENDANCE (100): Because successful language learning requires active and regular engagement, regular attendance is crucial to your success in the course. After 3 unexcused absences, you will have 5-point reduction for each absence from your final grade.

Course Concerns and Questions: Always contact your instructor first with your questions and concerns about the course. If they cannot be resolved by you and your instructor, contact Dr. Tatiana Artamonova ([email protected]), the Program Coordinator. STUDY TIPS GENERAL RULE OF THUMB: TRY TO INCORPORATE SPANISH INTO YOUR REGULAR, EVERYDAY LIFE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. -...

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