Nclex Week 1 PDF

Title Nclex Week 1
Author jennifer lee
Course Intro To Nursing
Institution Orange Coast College
Pages 44
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Practice NCLEX Questions Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. A patient has a head injury and damages the hypothalamus. Which vital sign will the nurse monitor most closely? a. Pulse b. Respirations c. Temperature d. Blood pressure


2. A patient presents with heatstroke. The nurse uses cool packs, cooling blanket, and a fan. Which technique is the nurse using when the fan produces heat loss? a. Radiation b. Conduction c. Convection d. Evaporation


3. The patient has a temperature of 105.2° F. The nurse is attempting to lower temperature by providing tepid sponge baths and placing cool compresses in strategic body locations. Which technique is the nurse using to lower the patient’s temperature? a. Radiation b. Conduction c. Convection d. Evaporation


A nurse is focusing on temperature regulation of newborns and infants. Which action will the nurse take? a. Apply just a diaper. b. Double the clothing. c. Place a cap on their heads. d. Increase room temperature to 90 degrees.



The nurse is working the night shift on a surgical unit and is making 4:00 AM rounds. The nurse notices that the patient’s temperature is 96.8° F (36° C), whereas at 4:00 PM the preceding day, it was 98.6° F (37° C). What should the nurse do? a. Call the health care provider immediately to report a possible infection. b. Administer medication to lower the temperature further. c. Provide another blanket to conserve body temperature. d. Realize that this is a normal temperature variation.



____ 6. The nurse is caring for a patient who has a temperature reading of 100.4° F (38° C). The patient’s last two temperature readings were 98.6° F (37° C) and 96.8° F (36° C). Which action will the nurse take? a. Wait 30 minutes and recheck the patient’s temperature. b. Assume that the patient has an infection and order blood cultures. c. Encourage the patient to move around to increase muscular activity. d. Be aware that temperatures this high are harmful and affect patient safety.

A patient is pyrexic. Which piece of equipment will the nurse obtain to monitor this condition? a. Stethoscope b. Thermometer c. Blood pressure cuff d. Sphygmomanometer ____


The nurse is caring for a patient who has an elevated temperature. Which principle will the nurse consider when planning care for this patient? a. Hyperthermia and fever are the same thing. b. Hyperthermia is an upward shift in the set point. c. Hyperthermia occurs when the body cannot reduce heat production. d. Hyperthermia results from a reduction in thermoregulatory mechanisms.



9. The patient with heart failure is restless with a temperature of 102.2° F (39° C). Which action will the nurse take? a. Place the patient on oxygen. b. Encourage the patient to cough. c. Restrict the patient’s fluid intake. d. Increase the patient’s metabolic rate.


____ 10. The nurse is caring for an older-adult patient and notes that the temperature is 96.8° F (36° C). How will the nurse interpret this finding? a. The patient has hyperthermia. b. The patient has a normal temperature. c. The patient is suffering from hypothermia. d. The patient is demonstrating increased metabolism.

____ 11. When assessing the temperature of newborns and children, the nurse decides to utilize a temporal artery thermometer. What is the rationale for the nurse’s action? a. It is not affected by skin moisture. b. It has no risk of injury to patient or nurse. c. It reflects rapid changes in radiant temperature. d. It is accurate even when the forehead is covered with hair. ____ 12. The nurse is caring for a small child and needs to obtain vital signs. Which site choice from the nursing assistive personnel (NAP) will cause the nurse to praise the NAP? a. Ulnar site b. Radial site c. Brachial site d. Femoral site

The nurse is caring for a newborn infant in the hospital nursery and notices that the infant is breathing rapidly but is pink, warm, and dry. Which normal respiratory rate will the nurse consider when planning care for this newborn? a. 30 to 60 b. 22 to 28 c. 16 to 20 d. 10 to 15 ____


____ 14. The nurse is preparing to obtain an oxygen saturation reading on a toddler. Which action will the nurse take? a. Secure the sensor to the toddler’s earlobe. b. Determine whether the toddler has a latex allergy. c. Place the sensor on the bridge of the toddler’s nose. d. Overlook variations between an oximeter pulse rate and the toddler’s pulse rate. ____ 15. The nurse is preparing to assess the blood pressure of a 3-year-old. How should the nurse proceed? a. Use the diaphragm portion of the stethoscope to detect Korotkoff sounds. b. Obtain the reading before the child has a chance to “settle down.” c. Choose the cuff that says “Child” instead of “Infant.” d. Explain the procedure to the child.



A nurse is caring for a group of patients. Which patient will the nurse see

first? a. b. c. d.

A crying infant with P-165 and R-54 A sleeping toddler with P-88 and R-23 A calm adolescent with P-95 and R-26 An exercising adult with P-108 and R-24

____ 17. The nurse is caring for a patient who is being discharged from the hospital after being treated for hypertension. The patient is instructed to take blood pressure 3 times a day and to keep a record of the readings. The nurse recommends that the patient purchase a portable electronic blood pressure device. Which other information will the nurse share with the patient? a. You can apply the cuff in any manner. b. You will need to recalibrate the machine. c. You can move your arm during the reading. d. You will need to use a stethoscope properly. ____ 18. The nurse is caring for a patient who reports feeling light-headed and “woozy.” The nurse checks the patient’s pulse and finds that it is irregular. The patient’s blood pressure is 100/72. It was 113/80 an hour earlier. What should the nurse do? a. Apply more pressure to the radial artery to feel pulse. b. Perform an apical/radial pulse assessment. c. Call the health care provider immediately. d. Obtain arterial blood gases. ____


A nurse is caring for a group of patients. Which patient will the nurse see

first? a.




A 17-year-old male who has just returned from outside “for a smoke” who needs a temperature taken A 20-year-old male postoperative patient whose blood pressure went from 128/70 to 100/60 A 27-year-old male patient reporting pain whose blood pressure went from 124/70 to 130/74 An 87-year-old male suspected of hypothermia whose temperature is below normal

____ 20. After taking the patient’s temperature, the nurse documents the value and the route used to obtain the reading. What is the reason for the nurse’s action?


Temperatures vary depending on the route used. Temperatures are readings of core measurements. Rectal temperatures are cooler than when taken orally. Axillary temperatures are higher than oral temperatures.

b. c. d.

____ a. b. c. d.


Which types of nurses make the best communicators with patients? Those who learn effective psychomotor skills Those who develop critical thinking skills Those who like different kinds of people Those who maintain perceptual biases

____ 22. A nurse believes that the nurse-patient relationship is a partnership and that both are equal participants. Which term should the nurse use to describe this belief? a. Critical thinking b. Authentic c. Mutuality d. Attend ____ 23. A nurse wants to present information about flu immunizations to the older adults in the community. Which type of communication should the nurse use? a. Public b. Small group c. Interpersonal d. Intrapersonal ____ 24. A nurse is using therapeutic communication with a patient. Which technique will the nurse use to ensure effective communication? a. Interpersonal communication to change negative self-talk to positive self-talk b. Small group communication to present information to an audience c. Electronic communication to assess a patient in another city d. Intrapersonal communication to build strong teams ____ 25. A patient has been admitted to the hospital numerous times. The nurse asks the patient to share a personal story about the care that has been received. Which interaction is the nurse using? a. Nonjudgmental

b. c. d.

Socializing Narrative SBAR

____ 26. During the initial home visit, a home health nurse lets the patient know that the visits are expected to end in about a month. Which phase of the helping relationship is the nurse in with this patient? a. Preinteraction b. Orientation c. Working d. Termination ____ 27. A nurse and a patient work on strategies to reduce weight. Which phase of the helping relationship is the nurse in with this patient? a. Preinteraction b. Orientation c. Working d. Termination ____ 28. A patient was admitted 2 days ago with pneumonia and a history of angina. The patient is now having chest pain with a pulse rate of 108. Which piece of data will the nurse use for “B” when using SBAR? a. Having chest pain b. Pulse rate of 108 c. History of angina d. Oxygen is needed 29. An older-adult patient is wearing a hearing aid. Which technique should the nurse use to facilitate communication? a. Chew gum. b. Turn off the television. c. Speak clearly and loudly. d. Use at least 14-point print.


____ 30. Which situation will cause the nurse to intervene and follow up on the nursing assistive personnel’s (NAP) behavior? a. The nursing assistive personnel is calling the older-adult patient “honey.” b. The nursing assistive personnel is facing the older-adult patient when talking. c. The nursing assistive personnel cleans the older-adult patient’s glasses gently. d. The nursing assistive personnel allows time for the older-adult patient to respond. ____


A confused older-adult patient is wearing thick glasses and a hearing aid.

Which intervention is the priority to facilitate communication? a. Focus on tasks to be completed. b. Allow time for the patient to respond. c. Limit conversations with the patient. d. Use gestures and other nonverbal cues. ____ 32. A patient is aphasic, and the nurse notices that the patient’s hands shake intermittently. Which nursing action is most appropriate to facilitate communication? a. Use a picture board. b. Use pen and paper. c. Use an interpreter. d. Use a hearing aid. ____ 33. Which behavior indicates the nurse is using a process recording correctly to enhance communication with patients? a. Shows sympathy appropriately b. Uses automatic responses fluently c. Demonstrates passive remarks accurately d. Self-examines personal communication skills ____ 34. A patient says, “You are the worst nurse I have ever had.” Which response by the nurse is most assertive? a. “I think you’ve had a hard day.” b. “I feel uncomfortable hearing that statement.” c. “I don’t think you should say things like that. It is not right.” d. “I have been checking on you regularly. How can you say that?” ____ 35. The nurse and a new nurse in orientation are caring for a patient with pneumonia. Which statement by the new nurse will indicate a correct understanding of this condition? a. “An infectious disease like pneumonia may not pose a risk to others.” b. “We need to isolate the patient in a private negative-pressure room.” c. “Clinical signs and symptoms are not present in pneumonia.” d. “The patient will not be able to return home.” ____ 36. The patient and the nurse are discussing Rickettsia rickettsii—Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Which patient statement to the nurse indicates understanding regarding the mode of transmission for this disease?

a. b. c. d.

“When camping, I will use sunscreen.” “When camping, I will drink bottled water.” “When camping, I will wear insect repellent.” “When camping, I will wash my hands with hand gel.”

____ 37. The nurse is providing an educational session for a group of preschool workers. The nurse reminds the group about the most important thing to do to prevent the spread of infection. Which information did the nurse share with the preschool workers? a. Encourage preschool children to eat a nutritious diet. b. Suggest that parents provide a multivitamin to the children. c. Clean the toys every afternoon before putting them away. d. Wash their hands between each interaction with children. ____ 38. The nurse is admitting a patient with an infectious disease process. Which question will be most appropriate for a nurse to ask about the patient’s susceptibility to this infectious process? a. “Do you have a spouse?” b. “Do you have a chronic disease?” c. “Do you have any children living in the home?” d. “Do you have any religious beliefs that will influence your care?” ____ 39. The nurse is providing an education session to an adult community group about the effects of smoking on infection. Which information is most important for the nurse to include in the educational session? a. Smoke from tobacco products clings to your clothing and hair. b. Smoking affects the cilia lining the upper airways in the lungs. c. Smoking can affect the color of the patient’s fingernails. d. Smoking tobacco products can be very expensive. ____ 40. Which interventions utilized by the nurse will indicate the ability to recognize a localized inflammatory response? a. Vigorous range-of-motion exercises

b. c. d.

Turn, cough, and deep breathe Orient to date, time, and place Rest, ice, and elevation

____ 41. The nurse is caring for an adult patient in the clinic who has been evacuated and is a victim of flooding. The nurse teaches the patient about rest, exercise, and eating properly and how to utilize deep breathing and visualization. What is the primary rationale for the nurse’s actions related to the teaching? a. Topics taught are standard information taught during health care visits. b. The patient requested this information to teach the extended family members. c. Stress for long periods of time can lead to exhaustion and decreased resistance to infection. d. These techniques will help the patient manage the pain and loss of personal belongings.

The nurse is caring for a patient who is susceptible to infection. Which instruction will the nurse include in an educational session to decrease the risk of infection? a. Teaching the patient about fall prevention b. Teaching the patient to take a temperature c. Teaching the patient to select nutritious foods d. Teaching the patient about the effects of alcohol ____


A diabetic patient presents to the clinic for a dressing change. The wound is located on the right foot and has purulent yellow drainage. Which action will the nurse take to prevent the spread of infection? a. Position the patient comfortably on the stretcher. b. Explain the procedure for dressing change to the patient. c. Review the medication list that the patient brought from home. d. Don gloves and other appropriate personal protective equipment. ____


____ 44. Which nursing action will most likely increase a patient’s risk for developing a health care–associated infection? a. Uses surgical aseptic technique to suction an airway


Uses a clean technique for inserting a urinary catheter Uses a cleaning stroke from the urinary meatus toward the rectum Uses a sterile bottled solution more than once within a 24-hour period

c. d.

45. The nurse is dressed and is preparing to care for a patient in the perioperative area. The nurse has scrubbed hands and has donned a sterile gown and gloves. Which action will indicate a break in sterile technique? a. Touching clean protective eyewear b. Standing with hands above waist area c. Accepting sterile supplies from the surgeon d. Staying with the sterile table once it is open


____ 46. The nurse is performing hand hygiene before assisting a health care provider with insertion of a chest tube. While washing hands, the nurse touches the sink. Which action will the nurse take next? a. Inform the health care provider and recruit another nurse to assist. b. Rinse and dry hands, and begin assisting the health care provider. c. Extend the handwashing procedure to 5 minutes. d. Repeat handwashing using antiseptic soap.

The home health nurse is teaching a patient and family about hand hygiene in the home. Which situation will cause the nurse to emphasize washing hands before and after? a. Shaking hands b. Performing treatments c. Opening the refrigerator d. Working on a computer ____


____ 48. The nurse is caring for a patient on contact precautions. Which action will be most appropriate to prevent the spread of disease? a. Place the patient in a room with negative airflow. b. Wear a gown, gloves, face mask, and goggles for interactions with the patient. c. Transport the patient safely and quickly when going to the radiology department.


Use a dedicated blood pressure cuff that stays in the room and is used for that patient only.

The nurse is caring for a patient who has a bloodborne pathogen. The nurse splashes blood above the glove to intact skin while discontinuing an intravenous (IV) infusion. Which step(s) will the nurse take next? a. Obtain an alcohol swab, remove the blood with an alcohol swab, and continue care. b. Immediately wash the site with soap and running water, and seek guidance from the manager. c. Do nothing; accidentally getting splashed with blood happens frequently and is part of the job. d. Delay washing of the site until the nurse is finished providing care to the patient. ____


The nurse is caring for a patient who needs a protective environment. The nurse has provided the care needed and is now leaving the room. In which order will the nurse remove the personal protective equipment, beginning with the first step? 1. Remove eyewear/face shield and goggles. 2. Perform hand hygiene, leave room, and close door. 3. Remove gloves. 4. Untie gown, allow gown to fall from shoulders, and do not touch outside of gown; dispose of properly. 5. Remove mask by strings; do not touch outside of mask. 6. Dispose of all contaminated supplies and equipment in designated receptacles. a. 3, 1, 4, 5, 6, 2 b. 1, 4, 5, 3, 6, 2 c. 1, 4, 5, 3, 2, 6 d. 3, 1, 4, 5, 2, 6 ____


The nurse manager is evaluating current infection control data for the intensive care unit. The nurse compares past patient data with current data to look for trends. The nurse manager examines the infection chain for possible solutions. In which order will the nurse arrange the items for the infection chain beginning with the first step? 1. A mode of transmission 2. An infectious agent or pathogen 3. A susceptible host 4. A reservoir or source for pathogen growth 5. A portal of entry to a host 6. A portal of exit from the reservoir a. 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6 b. 1, 3, 5, 4, 6, 2 ____


c. d.

4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 5 2, 4, 6, 1, 5, 3

____ 52. An oriented patient has recently had surgery. Which action is best for the nurse to take to assess this patient’s pain? a. Assess the patient’s body language. b. Ask the patient to rate the level of pain. c. Observe the cardiac monitor for increased heart rate. d. Have the patient describe the effect of pain on the ability to cope. ____ 53. A nurse is caring for a patient who recently had abdominal surgery and is experiencing severe pain. The patient’s blood pressure is 110/60 mm Hg, and heart rate is 60 beats/min. Additionally, the patient does not appear to be in any distress. Which response by the nurse is most therapeut...

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