Nervous System III PDF

Title Nervous System III
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Institution Arizona State University
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NERVOUS SYSTEM, Pt. 3 lecture - Professor Tonya Penkrot...


Nervous System III: Spinal Cord & PNS 12.10 Spinal Cord Gross Anatomy and Protection  Spinal cord is enclosed in vertebral column o Begins at the foramen magnum o Ends at L1 or L2 vertebra  Functions o Provides two-way communication to and from brain and body o Major reflex center: reflexes are initiated and completed at spinal cord  Protected by bone, meninges, and CSF  Spinal dura mater is one layer thick o Does not attach to vertebrae  Epidural space o Cushion of fat and network of veins in space between vertebrae and spinal dura mater  CSF fills subarachnoid space between arachnoid and pia maters  Dural and arachnoid membranes extend to sacrum, beyond end of cord at L1 or L2 o Site of lumbar puncture or tap  

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Spinal cord terminates in cone-shaped structure called conus medullaris Filum terminale extends to coccyx o Fibrous extension of conus covered with pia mater o Anchors spinal cord Denticulate ligaments o Extensions of pia mater that secure cord to dura mater o Cervical and lumbar enlargements: areas where nerves servicing upper and lower limbs arise from spinal cord Spinal nerves o Part of PNS o Attach to spinal cord by 31 paired roots Cervical and lumbosacral enlargements o Nerves serving upper and lower limbs emerge here Cauda equina o Collection of nerve roots at inferior end of vertebral canal

Spinal Cord Cross-sectional Anatomy 

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Two lengthwise grooves that run length of cord partially divide it into right and left halves o Ventral (anterior) media fissure o Dorsal (posterior) media sulcus Gray matter is located in core, white matter outside Central canal runs length of cord o Filled with CSF Gray matter and spinal roots o Cross section of cord resembles butterfly or letter "H" o Three areas of gray matter are found on each side of center and are mirror images:  Dorsal horns: interneurons that receive somatic and visceral sensory input  Ventral horns: some interneurons; somatic motor neurons  Lateral horns (only in thoracic and superior lumbar regions): sympathetic neurons o Gray commissure: bridge of gray matter that connects masses of gray matter on either side  Encloses central canal

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Ventral roots: bundle of motor neuron axons that exit the spinal cord Dorsal roots: sensory input to cord Dorsal root (spinal) ganglia: cell bodies of sensory neurons Spinal nerves: formed by fusion of dorsal and ventral roots Gray matter divided into four groups based on if somatic or visceral innervation:  Somatic sensory (SS), visceral sensory (VS), visceral (autonomic) motor (VN), and somatic motor (SM)

White matter o Myelinated and non-myelinated nerve fibers allow communication between parts of spinal cord, and spinal cord and brain o Run in three directions  Ascending: up to higher centers (sensory inputs)  Descending: from brain to cord or lower cord levels (motor outputs)  Transverse: from one side to other (commissural fibers) o White matter is divided into three white columns (funiculi) on each side  Dorsal (posterior)  Lateral  Ventral (anterior) o Each spinal tract is composed of axons with similar destinations and functions

Spinal Cord Trauma and Disorders 

Spinal cord trauma o Localized injury to spinal cord or its roots leads to functional losses  Paresthesias: caused by damage to dorsal roots or sensory tracts  Leads to sensory function loss  Paralysis: caused by damage to ventral roots or ventral horn cells  Leads to motor function loss  Two types of paralysis: flaccid or spastic o Flaccid paralysis: severe damage to ventral root or ventral horn cells  Impulses do not reach muscles; there is no voluntary or involuntary control of muscles  Muscles atrophy o Spastic paralysis: damage to upper motor neurons of primary motor cortex  Spinal neurons remain intact; muscles are stimulated by reflex activity  No voluntary control of muscles  Muscles often shorten permanently o Transection (cross sectioning) of spinal cord at any level results in total motor and sensory loss in regions inferior to cut  Paraplegia: transection between T1 and L1  Quadriplegia: transection in cervical region o Spinal shock: transient period of functional loss caudal to lesion Poliomyelitis o Destruction of ventral horn motor neurons by poliovirus o Muscles atrophy o Death may occur from paralysis of respiratory muscles or cardiac arrest o Survivors often develop postpolio syndrome many years later from neuron loss Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) o Also called Lou Gehrig's disease o Destruction of ventral horn motor neurons and fibers of pyramidal tract o Symptoms: loss of ability to speak, swallow, and breathe o Death typically occurs within 5 years  Stephen Hawking an extreme exception o Caused by environmental factors and genetic mutations involving RNA processing

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Involves glutamate excitotoxicity Drug riluzole interferes

12.11 Neuronal Pathways  

Major spinal tracts are part of multi-neuron pathways Four key points about spinal tracts and pathways: o Decussation: most pathways cross from one side of CNS to other at some point o Relay: consist of chain of two or three neurons o Somatotopy: precise spatial relationship in CNS correspond to spatial relationship in body o Symmetry: pathways are paired symmetrically (right and left)

Ascending Pathways 

Conduct sensory pathways upward through a chain of three neurons: o First-order neuron  Conducts impulses from cutaneous receptors and proprioceptors  Branches diffusely as it enters spinal cord or medulla  Synapses with second-order neuron o Second-order neuron  Interneuron  Cell body in dorsal horn of spinal cord or medullary nuclei  Axons extend to thalamus or cerebellum o Third-order neuron  Also an interneuron  Cell bodies in thalamus  Axons extends to somatosensory cortex  No third-order neurons in cerebellum

Somatosensory signals travel along three main pathways on each side of spinal cord: o Two pathways transmit somatosensory information to sensory cortex via thalamus  Dorsal column-medial lemniscal pathways  Spinothalamic pathways  Provide for discriminatory touch and conscious proprioception o Third pathway, spinocerebellar tracts, terminate in the cerebellum o Dorsal column-medial lemniscal pathways  Transmit input to somatosensory cortex for discriminative touch and vibrations  Composed of paired fasciculus cuneatus and fasciculus gracilis in psinal cord and medial lemniscus in brain (medulla to thalamus) o Spinothalamic pathways  Lateral and ventral spinothalamic tracts  Transmit pain, temperature, coarse touch, and pressure impulses within lateral spinothalamic tract o Spinocerebellar tracts  Ventral and dorsal tracts  Convey information about muscle or tendon stretch to cerebellum  Used to coordinate muscle activity

Descending Pathways and Tracts  

Deliver efferent impulses form brain to spinal cord Two groups: o Direct pathways: pyramidal tracts  Impulses from pyramidal neurons in precentral gyri pass through pyramidal (lateral and ventral corticospinal) tracts

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Descend directly without synapsing until axon reaches end of tract in spinal cord In spinal cord, axons synapse with interneurons (lateral tract) or ventral horn motor neurons (ventral tract)  Direct pathway regulates fast and fine (skilled) movements o Indirect pathways: all others  Also referred to as multi-neuronal pathways  Complex and multi-synaptic  Includes brain stem motor nuclei and all motor pathways except pyramidal pathways  These pathways regulate:  Axial muscles, maintaining balance and posture  Muscles controlling coarse limb movements  Head, neck, and eye movements that follow objects in visual field Motor pathways involve two neurons: o Upper motor neurons  Pyramidal cells in primary motor cortex o Lower motor neurons  Ventral horn motor neurons  Innervate skeletal muscles

Developmental Aspects of Central Nervous System 

Starting in a 3-week old embryo: 1. Ectoderm thickens, forming neural plate  Invaginates, forming neural groove flanked by neural folds 2. Neural crest forms from migrating neural fold cells 3. Neural groove deepens, edges fuse forming neural tube

Neural tube, formed by week 4, differentiates into CNS o Brain forms rostrally o Spinal cord forms caudally By week 6, both sides of spinal cord bear a dorsal alar plate and a ventral basal plate o Alar plate becomes interneurons o Basal plate becomes motor neurons o Neural crest cells form dorsal root ganglia

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Hypothalamus is one of last areas of CNS to develop o Premature infants have poor body temperature regulation Visual cortex develops slowly over first 11 weeks Neuromuscular coordination progresses in superior-to-inferior and proximal-to-distal directions along with myelination

Clinical -- Homeostatic Imbalance 12.2 

Cerebral palsy: neuromuscular disability involving poorly controlled or paralyzed voluntary muscles o Due to brain damage, possibly form lack of oxygen during birth o Spasticity, speech difficulties, motor impairments can be seen o Some patients have seizures, are intellectually impaired, and/or are deaf o Visual impairment is common Anencephaly: cerebrum and parts of brain stem never develop o Neural fold fails to fuse o Child is vegetative o Death occurs soon after birth Spina bifida: incomplete formation of vertebral arches o Spina bifida occulata: least serious, involves only one or few missing vertebrae  Causes no neural problems


Spina bifida cystica: more severe and most common Saclike cyst protrudes dorsally from spine Cyst may contain CSF (meningocele) or portions of spinal cord and nerve roots (myelomeningocele)  Larger cysts cause neurological impairment  Usually also see hydrocephalus Most cases caused by lack of B vitamin folic acid  US incidence has dropped with mandatory supplementation  


The Peripheral Nervous System  

PNS provides links from and to world outside our body Consists of all neural structures outside brain and spinal cord that can be broken down into four parts: 1. Sensory Receptors 2. Transmission Lines: Nerves and Their Structure and Repair 3. Motor Endings and Motor Activity 4. Reflex Activity

Part 1 -- Sensory Receptors and Sensation 13.1 Sensory Receptors   

Sensory receptors: specialized to respond to changes in environment (stimuli) o Activation results in graded potentials that trigger nerve impulses Awareness of stimulus (sensation) and interpretation of meaning of stimulus (perception) occur in brain Three ways to classify receptors: by type of stimulus, body location, and structural complexity

Classification by Stimulus Type     

Mechanoreceptors: respond to touch, pressure, vibration, and stretch Thermoreceptors: sensitive to changes in temperature Photoreceptors: respond to light energy (example: retina) Chemoreceptors: respond to chemicals (examples: smell, taste, changes in blood chemistry) Nociceptors: sensitive to pain-causing stimuli (examples: extreme heat or cold, excessive pressure, inflammatory chemicals)

Classification by Location 

Exteroceptors o Respond to stimuli arising outside body o Receptors in skin for touch, pressure, pain, and temperature o Most special sense organs Interoceptors (visceroceptors) o Respond to stimuli arising in internal viscera and blood vessels o Sensitive to chemical changes, tissue stretch, and temperature changes o Sometimes cause discomfort but usually person is unaware of their workings Proprioceptors o Respond to stretch in skeletal muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, and connective tissue coverings of bones and muscles o Inform brain of one's movements

Classification by Receptor Structure 

Majority of sensory receptors belong to one of two categories: o Simple receptors of the general senses  Modified dendritic endings of sensory neurons

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Are found throughout body and monitor most types of general sensory information Receptors for special senses  Vision, hearing, equilibrium, smell, and taste  All are housed in complex sense organs  Covered in Chapter 15

Simple receptors of the general senses o General senses include tactile sensations (touch, pressure, stretch, vibration), temperature, pain, and muscle sense  No "one-receptor-one-function" relationship  Receptors can respond to multiple stimuli o Receptors have either:  Nonencapsulated (free) nerve endings  Abundant in epithelia and connective tissues  Most are nonmyelinated, small-diameter group C fibers; distal terminals have knoblike swellings  Respond mostly to temperature, pain, or light touch  Thermoceptors  Cold receptors are activated by temps from 10 to 40*C  Located in superficial dermis  Heat receptors are activated from 32 to 48*C located in deeper dermis  Outside those temperature ranges, nociceptors are activated and interpreted as pain  Nociceptors: pain receptors triggered by extreme temperature changes, pinch, or release of chemicals from damaged tissue  Vanilloid receptor: protein in nerve membrane is main player  Acts as ion channel that is opened by heat, low pH, chemicals (examples: capsaicin in red peppers)  Itch receptors in dermis: can be triggered by chemicals such as histamine  Tactile (Merkel) discs: function as light touch receptors  Located in deeper layers of epidermis  Hair follicle receptors: free nerve endings that wrap around hair follicles  Act as light touch receptors that detect bending of hairs  Example: allows you to feel a mosquito landing on your skin  Encapsulated nerve endings  Almost all are mechanoreceptors whose terminal endings are encased in connective tissue capsule  Vary greatly in shape and include:  Tactile (Meissner's) corpuscles: small receptors involved in discriminative touch  Found just below skin, mostly in sensitive and hairless areas (fingertips)  Lamellar (Pacinian) corpuscles: large receptors respond to deep pressure and vibration with first applied (then turn off)  Located in deep dermis  Bulbous corpuscles (Ruffini endings): respond to deep and continuous pressure  Located in dermis  Muscle spindles: spindle-shaped proprioceptors that respond to muscle stretch  Tendon organ: proprioceptors located in tends that detect stretch  Joint kinesthetic receptors: proprioceptors that monitor joint position and motion

13.2 Sensory Processing

Survival depends upon: o Sensation: the awareness of changes in the internal and external environment o Perception: the conscious interpretation of those stimuli

General Organization of the Somatosensory System    

Somatosensory system: part of sensory system serving body wall and limbs Receives inputs from: o Exteroceptors, proprioceptors, and interoceptors Input is relayed toward head, but processed along the way Levels of neural integration in sensory systems: o Receptor level: sensory receptors o Circuit level: processing in ascending pathways o Perceptual level: processing in cortical sensory areas

Perception of Pain    

Warns of actual or impeding tissue damage so protective action can be taken Stimuli include extreme pressure and temperature, histamine, K+, ATP, acids, and bradykinin Impulses travel on fibers that release neurotransmitters glutamate and substance P Some pain impulses are blocked by inhibitory endogenous opioids (example: endorphins)

Pain tolerance o All perceive pain at same stimulus intensity o Pain tolerance varies o "Sensitive to pain" means low pain tolerance, not low pain threshold o Genes help determine pain tolerance as well as response to pain medications  Research in use of genetics to determine best pain treatment is ongoing

Visceral and referred pain o Visceral pain results from stimulation of visceral organ receptors  Felt as vague aching, gnawing, burning  Activated by tissue stretching, ischemia, chemicals, muscle pains o Referred pain: pain from one body region perceived as coming form different region  Visceral and somatic pain fibers travel along same nerves, so brain assumes stimulus comes from common (somatic) region  Example: left arm pain during heart attack

Clinical -- Homeostatic Imbalance 13.1 

Long-lasting or intense pain, such as limb amputation, can lead to hyperalgesia (pain amplification), chronic pain, and phantom limb pain o NMDA receptors are activated by long-lasting or intense pain  Allow spinal cord to "learn" hyperalgesia  Early pain management critical to prevent Phantom limb pain: pain felt in limb that has been amputated o Now use epidural anesthesia during surgery to reduce phantom pain

Part 2 -- Transmission Lines: Nerves and Their Structure and Repair 13.3 Nerves and Associated Ganglia Structure and Classification

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Nerve: cordlike organ of PNS Bundle of myelinated and non-myelinated peripheral axons enclosed by connective tissue Two types of nerves: spinal or cranial, depending on where they originate Connective tissue coverings include: o Endoneurium: loose connective tissue that encloses axons and their myelinated sheaths (Schwann cells) o Perineurium: coarse connective tissue that bundles fibers into fascicles o Epineurium: tough fibrous sheath around all fascicles to form the nerve

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Most nerves are mixtures of afferent and efferent fibers and somatic and autonomic (visceral) fibers Nerves are classified according to the direction they transmit impulses o Mixed nerves: contain both sensory and motor fibers  Impulses travel both to and from CNS o Sensory (afferent) nerves: impulses only toward CNS o Motor (efferent) nerves: impulses only away from CNS

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Pure sensory (afferent) or pure motor (efferent) nerves are rare; most nerves are mixed Types of fibers in mixed nerves: o Somatic afferent (sensory from muscle to brain) o Somatic efferent (motor from brain to muscle) o Visceral afferent (sensory from organs to brain) o Visceral efferent (motor from brain to organs)

Ganglia: contain neuron cell bodies associated with nerves in PNS o Ganglia associated with afferent nerve fibers contain cell bodies of sensory neurons  Dorsal root ganglia (sensory, somatic) o Ganglia associated with efferent nerve fibers contain autonomic motor neurons  Autonomic ganglia (motor, visceral)

Regeneration of Nerve Fibers 

Mature neurons are amitotic, but if the soma (cell body) of the damaged nerve is intact, the peripheral axon may regenerate in PNS; does not occur in CNS

CNS axons o Most CNS fibers never regenerate o CNS oligodendrocytes bear growth-inhibiting proteins that prevent CNS fiber regeneration o Astrocytes at injury site form scar tissue o Treatment: neutralizing growth inhibitors, blocking receptors for inhibitory proteins, destroying scar tissue components PNS axons o PNS axons can regenerate in damage is not severe 1. Axon fragments and myelin sheaths distal to injury degenerate (Wallerian degeneration); degeneration spreads down axon 2. Macrophages clean dead axon debris; Schwann cells are stimulated to divide 3. Axon filaments grow through regeneration tube 4. Axon regenerates, and new myelin sheath forms

Shingles 

Chickenpox: common disease of early childhood o Caused by varicella-zoster virus o Produces itchy rash that clears up without complications Virus remains for life in the posterior root ganglion

o Kept in check by the immune system Shingles (herpes zoster): l...

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