Neural Network ( Computer Science ) PDF

Title Neural Network ( Computer Science )
Author SSS RRR
Course Bsc (computer science)
Institution Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pages 103
File Size 1 MB
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Solved MCQs on Neural Networks in Artificial Intelligence(Questions Answers).Which of the following neural network is an auto-associative network? (A). that has no loops (B). that has feedback (C). that has only one loop (D). a single layer feed-forward neural network with pre-processing (E). None o...


Solved MCQs on Neural Networks in Artificial Intelligence(Questions Answers).

Which of the following neural network is an auto-associative network? (A). that has no loops (B). that has feedback (C). that has only one loop (D). a single layer feed-forward neural network with pre-processing (E). None of these MCQ Answer: b

Which of the following is true for neural networks? (A). It has a set of nodes and connections (B). Each node computes it’s weighted input (C). A node could be in an excited state or non-excited state (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: d

Which of the following is a Neuro software? (A). Software used to analyze neurons (B). Designed to help experts in the real world (C). It is a strong and easy neural network (D). It is software used by Neurosurgeon (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (C). It is a strong and easy neural network

Which of the following is true? (X) On average, neural networks have upper computational rates as compared to conventional computers. (Y) Neural networks learn by example. (Z) Neural networks mimic the way the human brain works. (A). (Y) and (Z) are true (B). All of these are true (C). (X), (Y) and (Z) are true (D). None of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (B). All of these are true

Which of the following is perceptron? (A). a neural network that contains feedback (B). an auto-associative neural network (C). a double layer auto-associative neural network (D). a single layer feed-forward neural network with pre-processing (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). a single layer feed-forward neural network with pre-processing

Which of the following statement is true for neural networks? (X) The training time depends on the size of the network. (Y) Neural networks can be simulated on a conventional computer. (Z) Artificial neurons are identical in operation to biological ones. (A). All of these (B). (X) and (Y) is true (C). (Y) is true (D). None of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (B). (X) and (Y) is true

Which of the following statement is true? Single-layer associative neural networks do not have the capability to: (X) perform pattern recognition (Y) find the parity of a picture (Z) decide whether two or more than two shapes in a picture are linked or not (A). (Y) is true (B). (Y) and (Z) are true (C). All of these (D). None of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (B). (Y) and (Z) are true

Which of the following are the advantages of neural networks over conventional computers? (X) neural networks have the ability to learn by example (Y) neural networks are more fault-tolerant (Z) neural networks are more suitable for real-time operation due to their high ‘computational’ rates (A). (X) and (Y) is true (B). (X) and (Z) are true (C). Only (X) (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: d

Suppose we have an audio clip of speaking of a person, then determine the textual representation of the speech. (A). Speech-to-text (B). Text-to-speech (C). All of these (D). None of these MCQ Answer: (A). Speech-to-text

In linguistic morphology, which of the following is the process for the reduction of inflected words to their root form. (A). Rooting (B). Text-Proofing (C). Stemming (D). Both Rooting and Stemming (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (C). Stemming

It is true that Speech Segmentation is a subtask of Speech Recognition in artificial intelligence. (A). True (B). False (C). Partially true MCQ Answer: a

Information Extraction and Information Retrieval are the same. (A). True (B). False MCQ Answer: b

Suppose we have a stream of text, Named Entity Recognition determines which pronoun maps to which noun. (A). False (B). True MCQ Answer: a

The main task of Natural language processing is Natural Language generation. (A). True (B). False (C). Partially true MCQ Answer: a Parsing determines Parse Trees for a particular sentence. (A). True (B). False (C). Partially true MCQ Answer: a OCR uses NLP. (A). True (B). False (C). Partially true MCQ Answer: a Parts-of-Speech tagging determines which of the following? (A). part-of-speech for each word dynamically as per the meaning of the sentence (B). part-of-speech for each word dynamically as per sentence structure (C). all part-of-speech for a specific word given as input (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: d

Artificial Intelligence problems are linearly divisible problems of attention of neural network researchers because they are the only? (A). class of problem that network can solve efficiently (B). mathematical functions that you can draw (C). mathematical functions that are continue (D). class of problem that Perceptron can solve successfully (E). None of these MCQ Answer is: d

Which of the following is the name of the function that is used in this statement “A perceptron receives the weighted inputs and totals up, and if it increases a certain value, the value of its output will be 1, otherwise it just outputs the value of 0. ”? (A). Step function (B). Perceptron function (C). Logistic function (D). Heaviside function (E). None of these MCQ Answer is: D

Which of the following is the usage of Neural Network? (A). Sales forecasting (B). Data validation (C). Risk management (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer is: d

Artificial Intelligence is the XOR problem exceptionally exciting to neural network researchers because it can be? (A). expressed in a manner that permits you to use a neural network (B). the simplest linearly inseparable problem that exists. (C). solved by a single layer perceptron (D). it is a complex binary operation and it is unsolvable using neural networks MCQ Answer is: b

Which of the following is backpropagation? (A). spread of error back through the network to permits weights to be adjusted (B). spread of error back through the network to adjust the inputs (C). can learn (D). None of these MCQ Answer is: c

Neural Networks are complex functions with many parameters. Select the exact function name. (A). Exponential Functions (B). Nonlinear Functions (C). Discrete Functions (D). Linear Functions (E). None of these MCQ Answer is: a

A perceptron receives the weighted inputs and totals up, and if it increases a certain value, the value of its output will be 1, otherwise, it just outputs the value of 0. (A). True (B). False (C). Occasionally, it can also output intermediary values as well

(D). None of these MCQ Answer is: a

Which of the following is not the guarantee of an artificial neural network? (A). Artificial neural network can handle noise (B) Artificial neural network can survive the failure of some nodes (C). Artificial neural network has inherent parallelism (D). Artificial neural network can explain the result (E). None of these MCQ Answer is: d

If we have many perceptrons, then it can actually solve the XOR problem reasonably and we can say this due to the reason that each perceptron can partition off a linear part of the space itself, and they can then join their consequences. (A). True, this works always, and these multiple perceptrons learn for the classification of even complex problems (B). False, just having a solo perceptron is sufficient (C). True, perceptrons are able to do this but not able to learn to do it (D). None of these MCQ Answer is: c

Which of the following is the network that includes backward links from output to the input and hidden layers. (A). Self-organizing maps (B). Recurrent neural network (C). Perceptrons (D). Multi-layered perceptron (E). None of these MCQ Answer is: B

Suppose you are creating a bayesian network. Which of the following is the outcome between a node and its predecessors? (A). Conditionally independent (B). Dependant (C). Functionally dependent (D). Both Conditionally dependant & Dependant (E). None of these Answer: A The compactness of the bayesian network is related to? (A). Partial structure (B). Fully structured (C). Locally structured (D). All of the mentioned (E). None of these Answer: C How many terms do we need to construct a Bayes model? (A). 3 (B). 6 (C). 4 (D). 7 (E). None of these Answer: A Bayes rule can be used in? (A). Solving queries (B). Answering probabilistic query (C). Decreasing complexity (D). Increasing complexity (E). None of these Answer: d Which of the following offers by the Bayesian network? (A). Partial description of the domain (B). A complete description of the domain (C). A complete description of the problem (D). None of these Answer: a Select the condition that is used to impact a variable directly by all other variables? (A). Partially connected (B). Local connected (C). Fully connected (D). None of these Answer: C Which of the following is desired to build probabilistic systems feasible in the world? (A). Reliability (B). Feasibility (C). Crucial robustness (D). None of these Answer: b

We can calculate the entries in the full joint probability distribution by using the? (A). variables (B). information (C). Both A and B (D). None of these Answer: b The Bayesian network is very helpful to answer any query? (A). Full distribution (B). Partial distribution (C). Joint distribution (D). All of the mentioned (E). None of these Answer: b Local structure is related to which of the following? (A). Linear (B). Dependant (C). Hybrid (D). None of these Answer: A

Which of the following was formerly called the “imitation game” by the creator of this game? (A). Cybernetics (B). LISP (C). The Logic Theorist (D). The Turing Test (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). The Turing Test

Decision support programs are designed to aid the managers in making what kind of actions? (A). budget projections (B). visual presentations (C). vacation schedules (D). business decisions (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). business decisions

Making a robot by physically moving it through the trajectory in which we want it to follow is commonly known as what kind of control? (A). contact sensing control (B). pick-and-place control (C). robot vision control (D). continuous-path control (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). continuous-path control

Which of the following is a computer program that contains expertise in a particular domain? (A). intelligent planner (B). automatic processor (C). operational symbolizer (D). expert system (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). expert system

Nils Nilsson headed a team at SRI that created a mobile robot named? (A). Shakey (B). Dedalus (C). Robotics (D). Vax (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (A). Shakey

Which of the following is the field that explores the mechanics of human intelligence?

(A). history (B).psychology (C). cognitive science (D). sociology (E). None of these MCQ Answer: b

Which of the following is the program that simulates the thinking processes of human beings? (A). Expert system (B). Expert reason (C). Human logic (D). Personal information (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (A). Expert system

Claude Shannon explained the action of electronic switching circuits with a system of mathematical logic and it’s commonly known as? (A). LISP (B). XLISP (C). Boolean algebra (D). Neural networking (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). Neural networking

Which of the following is the new organization that started to implement the Fifth Generation Project? (A). Strategic Computing Program (B). Ministry of International Trade and Industry

(C). Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (D). Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). Institute for New Generation Computer Technology

Which of the following is an Artificial Intelligence method that allows computers to understand relationships and associations between objects and events? (A). heuristic processing (B). relative symbolism (C). cognitive science (D). pattern matching (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (B). relative symbolism

Which of the following is used for explaining the commonsense or judgmental part of problem-solving? (A). Analytical (B). Critical (C). Value-based (D). Heuristic (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). Heuristic

Which of the following is the program that holds the distilled knowledge of an expert? (A). Expert system (B). Management Information System (C). Database management system (D). Artificial intelligence

(E). None of these MCQ Answer: (A). Expert system

Jack Kilby of…………invented the integrated circuit. (A). MIT (B). Texas Instruments (C). Xerox (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: b

People can overcome natural language issues by which of the following? (A). grouping attributes into frames (B). understanding ideas in context (C). identifying with familiar situations (D). both B and C (E). None of these MCQ Answer: d

How to characterize the Cosmic Cube, BBN Butterfly, Cedar, and Hypercube machine? (A). SISD (B). MISD (C). SIMD (D). MIMD (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). MIMD

Which of the following type of actuators makes a good deal of power but tends to be messy? (A). electric (B). pneumatic (C). hydraulic (D). both hydraulic and pneumatic (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (C). hydraulic

Which of the following is a series of Artificial intelligence systems developed by Pat Langley to investigate the role of heuristics in scientific discovery? (A). RAMD (B). DU (C). MIT (D). BACON (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). BACON

Ambiguity may be caused by which of the following? (A). syntactic ambiguity (B). multiple word meanings (C). unclear antecedents (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: d

LISP machine considered as “the most powerful symbolic processor available” by which company? (A). LMI

(B). Xerox (C). Symbolics (D). Texas Instruments (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (C). Symbolics

High-resolution, bit-mapped displays are useful for displaying which of the following? (A). clearer characters (B). graphics (C). more characters (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: c

A bi-directional feedback loop relates computer modeling with which of the following? (A). artificial science (B). heuristic processing (C). cognitive science (D). human intelligence (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). human intelligence

Which is considered a pivotal event in the history of AI? (A). Dartmouth University Conference Organized by John McCarthy in 1956 (B). Computing Machinery and Intelligence in 1950 (C). Donald O, The organization of Behavior in 1949 (D). Computer and Computer Sense in 1961

(E). None of these MCQ Answer: (A). Dartmouth University Conference Organized by John McCarthy in 1956

Which of the following are subfields of Natural language processing? (A). symbolic and numeric (B). time and motion (C). understanding and generation (D). algorithmic and heuristic (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). algorithmic and heuristic

Which of the following have persons traditionally done well than computers? (A). resolving ambiguity (B). finding similarities (C). recognizing relative importance (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (A). resolving ambiguity

Research scientists are working their best towards manufacturing computers with circuits patterned after the complex interconnections existing among the human brain’s nerve cells. Such types of computers are commonly known as? (A). Neural network computers (B). Supercomputers (C). Intelligent computers (D). Smart computers (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (A). Neural network computers

Shaping teaching techniques to fit the learning patterns of individual scholars is the goal of which of the following? (A). intelligent computer-assisted instruction (B). automatic programming (C). decision support (D). expert systems (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (A). intelligent computer-assisted instruction

Which of the following function returns t If the object is a symbol m LISP? (A). (nonnumeric ) (B). (constantp ) (C). (* ) (D). (symbolp ) (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). (symbolp )

To invoke the LISP system, we must enter in which of the following? (A). AI (B). CL (Common Lisp) (C). LISP (D). Both LISP and CL (E). None of these MCQ Answer: b

Which of the following is the function (list-length ) in LISP? (A). returns the length of

(B). returns a new list that is equal to andlt:list> by copying the top-level element of

(C). returns t if is empty or full (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer:(A). returns the length of

ART (Automatic Reasoning Tool) is designed to be used on which of the following? (A). Microcomputers (B). Personal computers (C). LISP machines (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: a

Which of the following are the symbols that are used in telling the syntax of a programming language? (A). (B). {} (C). ‘’ (D). 0 (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (A).

When speaking to a speech recognition software, the program of software divides each second of your speech into which of the following? (A). 100 separate Codes (B). 100 separate Phonemes (C). 100 separate Samples

(D). 100 separate Words (E). None of these MCQ Answer: c

Which type of planning comprises successive representations of different levels of a plan? (A). project planning (B). non-hierarchical planning (C). hierarchical planning (D). All of these (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (C). hierarchical planning

Which of the following generation of computers is famous for artificial intelligence? (A). Second (B). Fourth (C). Third (D). Fifth (E). None of these MCQ Answer: (D). Fifth The method by which the brain incrementally orders actions needed to finish successfully a particular job is commonly known as? (A). Planning problem (B). Total order planning (C). Partial order planning (D). Both Planning problem and Partial order planning MCQ Answer is: b For the completion of any job, the brain requires to plan out the sequence, and with the help of this sequence brain executes the behavior. The brain can do this with a partial-order plan.

(A). True (B). False (C). Partially True MCQ Answer is: a The Partial-order planning technique reveals the Principle of Least Commitment, which contributes as a whole to the effectiveness and efficiency of this planning system. (A). True (B). False (C). Partially True MCQ Answer is: a Which of the following are the components of the partial order planning. (A). Bindings (B). Goal (C). Causal Links (D). All of these MCQ Answer is: d The Partial-order planning technique is considered as the opposite of total-order planning. (A). True (B). False (C). Partially True MCQ Answer is: a We can solve the Sussman Anomaly very easily and efficiently by partial-order planning. (A). True (B). False (C). Partially True MCQ Answer is: a Sussman Anomaly shows a weakness of the interleaved planning algorithm. (A). True (B). False (C). Partially True MCQ Answer is: b Which of the following is the plan that explains how to take actions in levels of growing refinement and specificity? (A). Hierarchical plan

(B). Planning (C). Non-hierarchical plan (D). Problem-solving MCQ Answer is: A Which of the following is the constructive approach in which no promise is made unless it is essential to do so? (A). Opportunistic planning (B). Most commitment approach (C). Nonlinear planning (D). Least commitment approach MCQ Answer is: D The agent’s sensors give only which of the following information that is reason to increase the Uncertainty in the Wumpus world (A). Full and Global information (B). Partial and Global Information (C). Full and local information (D). Partial and local Information MCQ Answer is: D

Which of the following approaches would not be effective at refining your communication capability? (A). Identify the people, objects, and situations that remain stable over time...

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