NEW Complete OF TERM Paper HRM 544 Syira Farah PDF

Title NEW Complete OF TERM Paper HRM 544 Syira Farah
Author Farah Syahirah
Course human resource
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 16
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Advantages of 360-Degree Feedback System



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Praise to Allah, Lord of the universe, who gives us blessing and strength to complete this term paper assignment. First of all, we would like to thanks the supreme power the Almighty God who is obviously the one that has always guided us to work on the right path. Without his grace, this assignment might not be reality. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our beloved lecturer of Performance Management (HRM 544), Madam Arnida Binti Jahya for her support and advice to complete this term paper assignment. We really appreciate her because she helped us a lot to make this assignment and explain to us and our classmates on how to make this assignment. May Allah reward for all her effort that she put. We also would like to extend our deepest gratitude and special thanks to all who have directly or indirectly guided us in completing this term paper assignment. We want to express our deepest appreciation to our beloved parents which give us strength to complete this assignment, families that provide us with moral support to give the best effort for finish this assignment and friends for their continuous encouragement toward ourselves. Our last words, thank you to all that help us during this journey.


INTRODUCTION Performance management can be defined as communication process that are never end or ongoing throughout the whole year between a supervisor and an employee to pursuit of achieving the organisation's strategic goals. The communication process involves clarifying expectations, setting objectives, identifying goals, providing feedback, and reviewing results. [CITATION Per \l 17417 ] Performance management is vital and essential towards every organization. Each business will rely on the systems of performance management to stay on par with other competitors. This system assist employees to understand precisely what is expected from them and assure line managers and strategic planners can match employee actions with the objectives and goals of the organization so it should be conducted in an efficient manner whereas it will lead to growth and development of the organizations. [CITATION Sam \l 17417 ] Performance management will lead to a few important contribution in aid the growth of the organization. Employees that give the supreme effort in their works will be the key factors to attain the organization goals. Even so, the only way for them to offer their best is when they feel encouraged and motivated to perform their job. Now the crucial question comes up; how to ensure whether an employee has put his best to the organisation or not? “Performance Appraisal” is the answer towards this issue.[CITATION Cho14 \l 17417 ] Performance appraisal means assessing an employee's ability to accomplish his job. The objective of this evaluation is to know the functional and beneficial of employee towards the company. Based on the feedback obtain through job performance, the areas of strength and weakness of the employees can be reinforce by the company to ensure he could be gold asset to the company. [CITATION Placeholder1 \l 17417 ] Various methods of performance appraisal are used such as critical incident method, force choice method, ranking method, and many more. However, these listed method obviously associated with its own limitation. Due to that factors, 360-degree feedback systems has increase in the popularity and become favoured by the organizations. One of the popular performance appraisal method is 360-degree feedback evaluation which required the assessment and evaluation from every individual inside and outside of the organization who discover and impacted by candidate’s performance. The method is distinct from traditional performance review, which only involves supervisors in giving feedback 3

towards the employees. Through this yardsticks method, rating will be provided by the multiple levels within the organization which incorporates senior managers, the employees, supervisors, subordinates, peers and team members. Feedback also can be attain by external sources, such as customers and suppliers and stakeholders. These internal and external sources can judge about employees’ job performance and assists in providing the organization with the information and valuable insights. This system plays crucial role to provide structured, in-depth information about the current performance and grant the employees with future requirements to ensure the formulation of systematic and comprehensive growth plan. [ CITATION Hos16 \l 17417 ].Most organizations use outcomes from 360-degree performance appraisals not only for conventional applications but also for professional development, succession planning and training. This type of feedback systems focuses on skills required across organisational boundaries contrasting from traditional approaches. [ CITATION Rob18 \l 17417 ] In 2002, 360-degree feedback system were used by 90% of Fortune 500 business for either evaluation of employees or development. About one-third of U.S. businesses use feedback from subordinates, colleagues and supervisors to provide a performance viewpoint. Certain organizations in India such as State Bank of India, Bajaj auto and Titan Industries use this sort of systems.[CITATION Cho14 \l 17417 ] Regardless of what assessment tool is used, it is crystal clear that each performance evaluation method has its own strength and weakness. Similar to the 360-degree feedback system, this system also has its many advantages and disadvantages. ADVANTAGES 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK SYSTEM Firstly, one of the advantages of 360-degree feedback system is it increase the productivity of employees’ performance and reliability of their performance assessment. One of the roles of 360-degree feedback system is to gather the information of employees’ performance in order to improve their performance. The purpose of performance appraisal is chiefly to discover how much an employee has succeeded in achieving the target assigned to him or her by the organization. The result from the feedback system help to identify the employees’ strengths or weaknesses that she or he can build upon the job . An evaluation that is positive do enhance motivation to the candidate to perform work better in future. [CITATION Cho171 \l 17417 ] It is normal thing occur in every organization that employees need to know their work evaluation progress in order for them to improve their work done successfully hence can motivate them to 4

do better. When there is good or an excellent appraisal among employees they will be praised, being known or even promoted for goods this can also increase the numbers of other employees to ensure themselves improve in terms of work done as well as can create positive competitive among colleagues. Just only some of participants who have the thoughts that they have improved themselves resulted by 360-degree feedback or it had made a major effect on their performance. [CITATION Mic04 \l 17417 ] From this, shows that 360-degree feedback is ultimately can cause the improvement of workforce among employees and caused them to have the feeling of selfreflection of their job improvement.

Next, helps to enhance discussable method in an organization is also one of the upside of this feedback system. Many subordinates, employers or managers have difficulties of giving negative feedback of employees in a workplace but with the existence of 360-degree feedback system everything of unable to discuss being discussable due to the feedback system provided is easier and non-threatening. Those working with the employee, along with the supervisor are generally provide a more comprehensive picture of an employee’s behaviour or performance especially when the supervisor does not have the opportunity to oversee all areas of an employee’s performance. [ CITATION Hos16 \l 17417 ] The reason why the existence of this system could ease a lot to the organization because it is use methodology of questionnaires that can identify various perspectives of employees’ behaviours individually against the list of competencies. From the idea stated by the book of Performance Management with the title of 360-Degree Feedback A typical questionnaire may cover aspects of performance such as leadership, teamwork, communication, organizational skills, decisiveness, drive and adaptability’ by this means that questionnaires do cover different various type of aspects that can help those top management to get the information easily without any terms of anonymous or threatening might occur. One of the study found that users of the 360-degree feedback process were positive about the tool's value reporting that 75 per cent of respondent organisations judge it to be successful. Of managers who had experienced the 360-degree feedback process, 92 per cent found it helpful because it is a more effective form of performance appraisal than the traditional top-down mode. [CITATION Alm \l 17417 ] From this shows that 360-degree feedback system really helps the organization which it can inscribe some of the lacks that hinder the effectiveness


of the top-down approach to performance appraisal hence, it can lessen the problem of getting negative feedback. Moreover, one this system advantages is it can enhance the employees’ spirits when they are being given feedback from peers or colleagues. The reviews from peers are very important to employees since they are one of the parties that they work and spend time most with. Other than that, in some other ways peers can also give right assessment to the employees. This method can helps to find out the real employees’ ability of the cooperation he has built with others, his cares and attention on how he can or cannot work with the peers either he is friendly enough at the workplace or he is unfriendly one. [CITATION Cho171 \l 17417 ] By this system it can be fairly good to evaluate the employees and how they can cooperate with others in their workplace. When raters is among peers giving excellent evaluation, the employees can have the feeling of they can really be reliable in terms of working together. Providing managers with knowledge about how direct colleagues, superiors and consumers perceive them will receive as much truthful input as possible as an individual self-perception. [ CITATION Hos16 \l 17417 ] This feedback system also is very necessary to an employees in order for him or her get the honest feedback for to apply the legitimacy of self-concept or opinion on self. Last but not least, unbiased and more straightforward of performance evaluation also can be advantages of this feedback system. One of the main benefits or pros of 360-degree feedback system is unbiased happen and more straightforward system can save the organization hence, enhance good culture of the organization. The methodology of 360-degree review might be found by employees as more comprehensive and unbiased or impartial than the old traditional reviews. They are more likely to see the value on this type of evaluation when they consider this process opposed to be evaluated by an individual supervisor who may only have limited knowledge of what they do. [CITATION DIA06 \l 17417 ] Every company want the best system to analyse and evaluate well in order for them to get better management. This is because it is company’s responsibility to make sure the organization system works well since it involve loads of parties work in one roof to create one strong cooperation towards each other. The business or the company that use this approach should make sure it is efficient, unbiased and goal-oriented. Like a complete loop, 360-feedback encourage and help the managers or executives to get better picture of anything that they are having in their workplace. As the methodology has gained 6

traction among workforce growth managers over the past of 10 to 15 years, may also act as a feedback mechanism for them to include evidence on how well they respond. [ CITATION Hos16 \l 17417 ] As stated in the above explanation it can clearly shows that, with this evaluation degree system can create unbiased among all parties in an organization hence, without this system the threats such as bias culture will happen hence, could break good culture in the organization itself. DISADVANTAGES 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK SYSTEM First and foremost, one of the drawbacks of 360-degree feedback system is people do not give frank, fair, partial or honest feedback due to internal politics that happen inside the organizations. This are most likely to occur especially if it influence in terms of the pay increment and promotions of someone that are close with them. Such program might receive withstand and sabotage by the subordinates as many might seize this as an opportunity to take their revenge [ CITATION Hos16 \l 17417 ]. In a broader view, to enhance their own possibility of gain promotion, peers will purposely assess a manager lower than he should be [CITATION DrS12 \l 17417 ]. This case can take place due this system practice anonymous on the feedback given so peers are free to create a tale story about their other employees. However, it need to be alert that these circumstances can show signs of a toxic company culture. The flipside of people being too cruel and inhuman is people give double-dealing feedback as they feel want to be nicer by provide gratifying feedback towards the subordinates. For instance, it is hard to be truthful particularly when dealing the feedback in a small team since everyone’s friends with each other. Agreement can be reached with subordinates to offer high ratings in exchange for high ratings in situations of upward feedback, implicit or even explicit, and such manipulation is barely given when feedback is provided purely for developmental purposes. In a simple word, the feedback collected might not be perfectly accurate [ CITATION Hos16 \l 17417 ]. Next, implementing 360-degree feedback systems in the organization also takes a lot of time to be conducted since it is more specific and detailed[CITATION Cho14 \l 17417 ]. Hence, the organizations is suggested to consider and understand the requirement of time and waiting hot to trot for the outcomes. Furthermore, this system is mentioned that it will take a longer time compared to other assessment. The process of conducting this appraisal takes a lengthy time and the step should not be skip or ignore since it will bring negative impacts towards the overall 7

outcomes. [CITATION Ece16 \l 17417 ]. Identify the objectives, decide who will be the raters, determine method of collecting the data, reviewing appraisal and many more is the steps that need to be followed. Besides, widespread adoption of 360-degree feedback system will taking too much time hence cause a survey fatigue towards all the appraiser involve since they not only provide feedback to one person but several. They need to fill out countless questionnaires for their managers, their peers and their subordinates. When this happened, the results of the feedback systems will fewer in it validity ratings and inaccurate [CITATION Alm \l 17417 ] Even though 360-degree system has many upside, but this system also has its downside. It can trigger tensions, frustration and resentment among the employees when the exchange feedback gets too prolonged [CITATION Cho171 \l 17417 ]. The outcomes of 360-degree feedback revealed that there have been a numerous of responses acquired containing eagerness to polish up, trauma and pessimism. [CITATION Ece16 \l 17417 ]. An unavoidable problem that linked with this feedback ratings is it not always be constructive and may even be quite negative. Several managers become defensive when confronted with negative feedback about their results which demotivates them and turn out to bring detrimental implications for the organisation. It emphasizes that this system increases manager’s stakes so the process puts pressure on the selfconcept of the employee. [CITATION Alm \l 17417 ]. Next, peers, subordinates and even customers can be biased by fill out the form according to their own preferences and favour. This will lead to disappointment since employee believe that everyone is ganging up against him. Think of how workers experience anxiety if assessments are negative [ CITATION DrS12 \l 17417 ]. Employees’ perceptions and reactions are affected by internal and external locus of control. Employees view the results of feedback more positive and ready to boost up on their performance when they have high internal locus of control. The contrast is valid for external locus of control [CITATION Ece16 \l 17417 ]. RECOMMENDATION First and foremost, ensure follow-up negative feedback with training, coaching and encouragement initiatives [CITATION DrS12 \l 17417 ]. Giving feedback to recommend improvements, without involve training or assistance will lead to distress and demotivation on the part of receiver of the feedback.[ CITATION Hos16 \l 17417 ] Every person must have their own style to respond towards feedback they acquired. A prime issue is that numerous hesitant 8

what to do with the feedback they get. One approach to sharing feedback can be one-on-one with trained professional who can explain and clarify the outcomes and also cope with the emotional reactions of individuals to disturbing information. People may benefit more from training and other tools after communicate feedback. In order to improve the requisite skills, it is great to give employees with mentoring, coaching, or changes in their work environment [ CITATION Sco \l 17417 ]. Next, to maximize the effectiveness of this feedback system, raters should be select appropriately[ CITATION Hos16 \l 17417 ]. Choosing raters on the employee's behalf rather than allowing them the right to decide by their own can overcome the most part of the downside of 360-degree feedback technique. It is crucial to certify the subordinates being rated are in frequent communication and interconnection with the raters as accurate performance reviews can be obtained. Despite of involving huge number of appraisers, the organization also can choose small relevant groups of raters. Managers and each employee might be essential to complete multiple evaluations. As time extremely valuable, number of assessments and staff need to be taken into consideration[ CITATION Hos16 \l 17417 ]. Raters should be offer a chance to discover variety attitudes and behaviours of the employees being rated. For instance, raters should have skilled to precisely look on and interpret the major feature of the ratee's performance besides raters also have to recognize the need to enhance the effectiveness of the behaviour that is being evaluated [CITATION Alm \l 17417 ] Furthermore, good communicating is very essential for this 360-degree feedback. Often times, there is pressure points of issues on which involve difficulties in the fields of interpersonal relationship, cooperation or teamwork, communication or engagement towards each other and type of management style. [CITATION DrS12 \l 17417 ] This degree feedback also have threats which is communication of an organization, it supposedly need to be communicated clearly in order to avoid from any potential cause of misunderstanding or feeling of betrayal hence, also can clarify clearly of company’s confidentiality issues. Communication in a proper way at the beginning can caused employees to get work comfortably and pre-prepared at the outset. When employees have comfort vibe with their work and being prepared of, the good culture in an organization will occur easily. When t...

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